Thursday, July 28, 2011

On July 28, 2011, I experienced lax security at two entrances to Robinsons Place Ermita, Manila. The first security lapse I experienced was at what was identified as the Sta. Monica entrance. Nobody at said entrance: inspected my luggage, used a
metal detector to scan said luggage; used a bomb sniffing dog to smell said luggage. The second time that I experienced lax security on July 28, 2011 at an entrance to said building was when I entered said building through the street entrance to
the Robinsons Department store.Nobody at said entrance: inspected my luggage, used a metal detector to scan said luggage; used a bomb sniffing dog to smell said luggage. At both times on July 28, 2011 when I entered said building, the luggage I used was
large enough to contain grenades.

On July 18, 2011, when I went to the Jollibee restaurant at Robinsons Place Ermita, Manila, the employee who attended to me didn't have a health certificate attached to the clothing he/she was wearing.I have a receipt issued to me by an employee
of said store. The cashier who attended to me was identified as "Mae".

Evidence vs. Robinsons postal station at Robinsons Place Ermita, Manila. I have evidence that, on May 26, 2011, I mailed, at the Ermita post office in Manila, a letter addressed to the said Robinsons postal station. Said letter was designated as
registered letter No. 5-26-5. Based on the registry return receipt for said letter, said letter was received on 27-May-2011. Up to July 28, 2011, said addressee has not provided me with a reply to said letter.

Press Release/27 July 2011

The Department of Health (DOH), represented by Assistant Secretary Paulyn Jean Rosell-Ubial, today launched four books and a website in an effort to boost its health advocacy activities to reduce the impact of disasters and empower every Filipino in reducing risks and reducing risks and casualties.

The materials consist of the DOH Health Emergency Management Staff’s Pocket Emergency Tool, Safe Hospital Assessment Tool,
and Surveillance in Post Extreme Emergencies and Disasters (SPEED) Operations Manual for Managers.
With support from the World Health Organization, the series of books can be effectively used as reference materials by health
professionals and implementers. The book “Beyond Data” is a compilation of experiences and lessons learned from the hospitals’
point of view on how they were able to survive, address and sustain medical needs services of its client and patients.

“These are timely materials that are worth sharing to the public to raise their awareness and to enhance their knowledge so that
communities may understand its essential role in health emergencies and disasters,” Ubial explained.

The new emergency books are all part of the DOH commitment to ensure Universal Health Care. Initiatives such as Surveillance in
Post Extreme Emergencies and Disasters (SPEED) and Hospitals Safe from Disasters are important interventions that can secure health
service delivery even when disaster strikes.

On the same occasion, the Health Emergency Management Staff officially launched its web portal that will be available to the public
starting today. This website contains information from all the regions with special features on emergency preparedness, management
and response. Latest health advisories are also provided with access to information needed by the public related to emergency.

On the same occasion, the Health Emergency Management Staff officially launched its web portal that will be available to the public
starting today. This website contains information from all the regions with special features on emergency preparedness, management
and response. Latest health advisories are also provided with access to information needed by the public related to emergency.

WHO Country Representative Dr Soe Nyunt-U further affirmed that disaster preparedness in the health sector is a crucial development
agenda and efforts towards this end are key areas for collaboration. Being the co-lead of the Department of Health, the WHO recognizes
the importance of this advocacy to increase awareness of the public.

As the Department of Health doubles its efforts to achieve Universal Health Care, it has recognized the importance of mainstreaming
health emergency management programs which are vital in securing the gains we have achieved so far. Documentation of how these programs
evolved in response to the emerging needs is an essential component of learning how to further improve them. Similarly, putting
guidelines into writing is essential as it facilitates standard practice across field implementers during emergencies.

“Let us all work towards achieving Universal Health Care (Kalusugan Pangkalahatan) and focus our efforts on shifting our response from
disaster preparedness to disaster risk reduction,” Ubial concluded.

The Use of “Tuko” To Cure AIDS Or Asthma
14 July 2011

The folkloric practice of using geckos (or “tuko”) as cure for AIDS and asthma persists to this day and is of serious concern to the
Department of Health (DOH). There is no basis that this practice cures ailments like AIDS or brings relief from symptoms of asthma.

Thus, we do not recommend it as cure for any ailment.

The use of geckos as cure, which is unproven and have no scientific basis, could be dangerous because patients might not seek the
proper treatment for their diseases like asthma which could become more serious and later require hospitalization and other more
complicated as well as more expensive treatment. Further, this is likely to aggravate their overall health and put them at greater risk.

For diseases like asthma, there are now very effective treatments that are easily available and at affordable prices that can
provide relief from asthma. With regular treatment, asthmatics can successfully control asthmatic symptoms and live a comfortable, healthy life.

web sites with free, useful info:
workawesome web site

Leptospirosis Risk in Outdoor Activities
Google News web site

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image of registry return receipt of letter addressed to Makati councilor J. J. Binay

image of registry return receipt of letter addressed to Makati councilor J. J. Binay