On September 26, 2009, when bad weather hit Metro Manila, the water, on the street next to SM City Manila,entered said mall.
After a Flood
On this page:
* Precautions When Returning to Your Home
* Cleanup
* Immunizations
* Swiftly Flowing Water
* Chemical Hazards
Precautions When Returning to Your Home
Electrical power and natural gas or propane tanks should be shut off to avoid fire, electrocution, or explosions. Try to return to your home during the daytime so that you do not have to use any lights. Use battery-powered flashlights and lanterns, rather than candles, gas lanterns, or torches. If you smell gas or suspect a leak, turn off the main gas valve, open all windows, and leave the house immediately. Notify the gas company or the police or fire departments or State Fire Marshal's office, and do not turn on the lights or do anything that could cause a spark. Do not return to the house until you are told it is safe to do so.
Your electrical system may also be damaged. If you see frayed wiring or sparks, or if there is an odor of something burning but no visible fire, you should immediately shut off the electrical system at the circuit breaker.
Avoid any downed power lines, particularly those in water. Avoid wading in standing water, which also may contain glass or metal fragments.
You should consult your utility company about using electrical equipment, including power generators. Be aware that it is against the law and a violation of electrical codes to connect generators to your home's electrical circuits without the approved, automatic-interrupt devices. If a generator is on line when electrical service is restored, it can become a major fire hazard. In addition, the improper connection of a generator to your home's electrical circuits may endanger line workers helping to restore power in your area. All electrical equipment and appliances must be completely dry before returning them to service. It is advisable to have a certified electrician check these items if there is any question. Also, remember not to operate any gas-powered equipment indoors. (See also Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.)
For more information, see How to Protect Yourself and Others from Electrical Hazards Following a Natural Disaster and Reentering Your Flooded Home.
Walls, hard-surfaced floors, and many other household surfaces should be cleaned with soap and water and disinfected with a solution of 1 cup of bleach to five gallons of water. Be particularly careful to thoroughly disinfect surfaces that may come in contact with food, such as counter tops, pantry shelves, refrigerators, etc. Areas where small children play should also be carefully cleaned. Wash all linens and clothing in hot water, or dry clean them. For items that cannot be washed or dry cleaned, such as mattresses and upholstered furniture, air dry them in the sun and then spray them thoroughly with a disinfectant. Steam clean all carpeting. If there has been a backflow of sewage into the house, wear rubber boots and waterproof gloves during cleanup. Remove and discard contaminated household materials that cannot be disinfected, such as wallcoverings, cloth, rugs, and drywall. (See also Cleanup of Flood Water)
See also Mold After a Disaster.
Outbreaks of communicable diseases after floods are unusual. However, the rates of diseases that were present before a flood may increase because of decreased sanitation or overcrowding among displaced persons. Increases in infectious diseases that were not present in the community before the flood are not usually a problem. If you receive a puncture wound or a wound contaminated with feces, soil, or saliva, have a doctor or health department determine whether a tetanus booster is necessary based on individual records.
Specific recommendations for vaccinations should be made on a case-by-case basis, or as determined by local and state health departments.
Swiftly Flowing Water
If you enter swiftly flowing water, you risk drowning -- regardless of your ability to swim. Swiftly moving shallow water can be deadly, and even shallow standing water can be dangerous for small children. Cars or other vehicles do not provide adequate protection from flood waters. Cars can be swept away or may break down in moving water.
Chemical Hazards
Use extreme caution when returning to your area after a flood. Be aware of potential chemical hazards you may encounter during flood recovery. Flood waters may have buried or moved hazardous chemical containers of solvents or other industrial chemicals from their normal storage places.
If any propane tanks (whether 20-lb. tanks from a gas grill or household propane tanks) are discovered, do not attempt to move them yourself. These represent a very real danger of fire or explosion, and if any are found, police or fire departments should be contacted immediately.
Car batteries, even those in flood water, may still contain an electrical charge and should be removed with extreme caution by using insulated gloves. Avoid coming in contact with any acid that may have spilled from a damaged car battery.
For more information about possible dangers posed by chemical leaks and spills, see the Chemical Emergencies page.
After a Hurricane or Flood_ Cleanup of Flood Water
When returning to your home after a hurricane or flood, be aware that flood water may contain sewage. Protect yourself and your family by following these steps:
Inside the Home
* Keep children and pets out of the affected area until cleanup has been completed.
* Wear rubber boots, rubber gloves, and goggles during cleanup of affected area.
* Remove and discard items that cannot be washed and disinfected (such as, mattresses, carpeting, carpet padding, rugs, upholstered furniture, cosmetics, stuffed animals, baby toys, pillows, foam-rubber items, books, wall coverings, and most paper products).
* Remove and discard drywall and insulation that has been contaminated with sewage or flood waters.
* Thoroughly clean all hard surfaces (such as flooring, concrete, molding, wood and metal furniture, countertops, appliances, sinks, and other plumbing fixtures) with hot water and laundry or dish detergent.
* Help the drying process by using fans, air conditioning units, and dehumidifiers.
* After completing the cleanup, wash your hands with soap and warm water. Use water that has been boiled for 1 minute (allow the water to cool before washing your hands).
o Or you may use water that has been disinfected for personal hygiene use (solution of ? teaspoon [~0.75 milliliters] of household bleach per 1 gallon of water). Let it stand for 30 minutes. If the water is cloudy, use a solution of ¼ teaspoon (~1.5 milliliters) of household bleach per 1 gallon of water.
* Wash all clothes worn during the cleanup in hot water and detergent. These clothes should be washed separately from uncontaminated clothes and linens.
* Wash clothes contaminated with flood or sewage water in hot water and detergent. It is recommended that a laundromat be used for washing large quantities of clothes and linens until your onsite waste-water system has been professionally inspected and serviced.
* Seek immediate medical attention if you become injured or ill.
See also Reentering Your Flooded Home, Mold After a Disaster, and Cleaning and Sanitizing With Bleach After an Emergency.
Outside the Home
* Keep children and pets out of the affected area until cleanup has been completed.
* Wear rubber boots, rubber gloves, and goggles during cleanup of affected area.
* Have your onsite waste-water system professionally inspected and serviced if you suspect damage.
* Wash all clothes worn during the cleanup in hot water and detergent. These clothes should be washed separately from uncontaminated clothes and linens.
* After completing the cleanup, wash your hands with soap and warm water. Use water that has been boiled for 1 minute (allow the water to cool before washing your hands).
o Or you may use water that has been disinfected for personal hygiene use (solution of ? teaspoon [~0.75 milliliters] of household bleach per 1 gallon of water). Let it stand for 30 minutes. If the water is cloudy, use solution of ¼ teaspoon (~1.5 milliliters) of household bleach per 1 gallon of water.
* Seek immediate medical attention if you become injured or ill.
The information in this fact sheet is general in nature and is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional advice. For more information, please contact your local, state, or tribal health department.
* Page last reviewed July 2, 2008
Children's and Infants' Tylenol Oral Suspension Products - Recall
Audience: Consumers and Healthcare professionals
[Posted 09/25/2009] McNeil Consumer Healthcare and FDA notified consumers of a nationwide recall
of certain Tylenol products as a precautionary measure because of potential manufacturing problems. The company initiated a recall of certain oral suspension products distributed between March 2008 and May 2008 due to the potential of bacteria in raw materials used to manufacture the finished product. There are no illnesses reported by patients using this product. The full list of recalled product lots can be accessed on the company’s website at http://www.tylenolprofessional.com/assets/TYLENOL_Letter_091809.pdf. McNeil is advising parents and caregivers who have administered affected product to their child or infant and have concerns to contact their healthcare providers. Parents and caregivers can find the lot numbers on the bottom of the box containing the product and also on the sticker that surrounds the product bottle.
[09/25/2009 - News Release - FDA]
ci lincoln ca us web site re flood
Flash Flood Safety in a Car
Apr 30th, 2008 | By Keli Tarp | Category: That Weather Show
Download the .mp3 file (Run time: 1:41 min)
Flashflood rescues are dangerous for everyone, not just for the vehicle's occupants. Turn around and go the other way!
Flashflood rescues are dangerous for everyone, not just for the vehicle's occupants. Turn around and go the other way!
It’s raining. Your windshield wipers give you a faint glimpse of the road ahead. You approach a section of the road covered with water. It doesn’t appear to be very deep. The truck in front of you makes it through. What should you do, drive through the water or turn around?
Last week, we talked about flash flood preparation for people in low lying areas. Today, we’ll discuss what to do if you are driving and there’s water covering the road.
Remember, a flash flood is not something that takes a long time to develop. This is an event that happens quickly.
Did you realize that more than half of all people killed in floods are those in vehicles? They make the poor decision to drive down the flooded road either because the vehicle in front of them makes it or because they think the water doesn’t look too deep.
NEVER drive into water covering the road. You don't know how deep it is, or if the road is washed out. Photo by Patsy Lynch/FEMA
NEVER drive into water covering the road. You don't know how deep it is, or if the road is washed out. Photo by Patsy Lynch/FEMA
It only takes 18 inches of water to lift your car or SUV. Once your vehicle becomes buoyant; the water will easily push it sideways. Most vehicles will then tend to roll over, trapping those inside and washing them downstream.
If you are driving and the road has water over it, you need to remember this simple saying: “Turn Around – Don’t Drown”. Never drive on a road with water covering it and never drive around barriers blocking a flooded road or it just may cost you your life.
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INFED Drug Safety Labeling Change August 2009. ...
www.fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch/SafetyInformation/ucm181990.htm - 27k - 2009-09-15 - Cached
INFeD (iron dextran) 50 mg elemental iron/mL injection
INFeD (iron dextran) 50 mg elemental iron/mL injection
Drug Safety Labeling Change August 2009. ...
Early Communication about an Ongoing Safety Review of Deferasirox (marketed as Exjade)
This information reflects FDA’s current analysis of available data concerning these drugs. Posting this information does not mean that FDA has concluded there is a causal relationship between the drug products and the emerging safety issue. Nor does it mean that FDA is advising health care professionals to discontinue prescribing these products. FDA is considering, but has not reached a conclusion about whether this information warrants any regulatory action. FDA intends to update this document when additional information or analyses become available.
FDA is reviewing adverse event information for Exjade from a database that tracks all patients who are prescribed Exjade and a company-sponsored global safety database. This information suggests there may be a greater risk for adverse events such as kidney failure, gastrointestinal hemorrhage (potentially fatal bleeding) and deaths in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) compared to patients without these conditions. Many of these patients are over age 60 and the adverse events are problems that are not uncommon in people with MDS. The number of deaths and serious adverse events seem to be fewer in younger patients with other chronic anemias such as ß Thalassemia and Sickle Cell disease.
In reviewing the reports of adverse events and deaths, FDA has found several factors that make it difficult for the Agency to draw conclusions without further analysis. These factors include the patients' advanced age, the seriousness of their disease, other medical disorders they may have and their need for blood transfusions.
Exjade has known adverse drug events, some of which have been fatal. These events include kidney and liver failure -- particularly in patients who have other conditions that would make them more susceptible to kidney or liver problems -- and gastrointestinal ulcers and/or hemorrhage.
FDA has not determined whether or not patients with MDS or older patients treated with Exjade are at greater risk for adverse events or death compared to patients of a similar age or diagnosis who were not treated with Exjade, or compared to patients who are younger who have other chronic anemias and have been treated with Exjade.
Patients who are taking Exjade and have questions about their treatment should talk with their healthcare professional.
Exjade is an iron chelating agent that is approved for use in the treatment of patients two years of age and older who have chronic anemia and iron overload as a result of receiving blood transfusions as part of their therapy.
MDS is a collection of disorders in which the bone marrow does not function normally and the body does not make enough normal blood cells (this can result in anemia). Patients with MDS and other chronic anemias may need many blood transfusions to treat the anemia. Receiving multiple blood transfusions can cause "iron overload" in patients (too much iron in the body). Iron overload, can damage the heart, liver. and other organs in the body.
FDA is working with Novartis, the company that manufactures Exjade, regarding potential revisions to the prescribing information to warn healthcare professionals about the possible risks of using Exjade in certain patients and to ensure that the benefits of Exjade outweigh the potential risks, particularly in older patients and patients with MDS.
This early communication is in keeping with FDA’s commitment to inform the public about ongoing safety reviews of drugs. The Agency will communicate its final conclusions when the analysis of these and other data are complete.
The FDA urges both healthcare professionals and patients to report side effects from the use of Exjade to the FDA's MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program either online, by regular mail, or by fax, using the contact information at the bottom of this page.
Related Information
* Deferasirox (marketed as Exjade) Information
U.S. Food and Drug Administration Medwatch
U.S. Marshals Seize Skin Sanitizer, Protectant Products Made by Clarcon Biological Chemical Laboratory Inc
FDA acts to prevent use of Utah company’s contaminated skin products
U.S. Marshals, at the request of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, have seized all skin sanitizers and skin protectants, including ingredients and components, at Clarcon Biological Chemistry Laboratory’s Roy, Utah facility. The FDA is also warning consumers not to use any Clarcon products because they contain harmful bacteria and are promoted as antimicrobial agents that claim to treat open wounds, damaged skin, and protect against various infectious diseases. No cases have been reported to the FDA.
Clarcon voluntarily recalled the affected products, marketed under several different brand names, in June 2009, following an FDA inspection that revealed high levels of potentially disease-causing bacteria in the products.
The inspection also uncovered serious deviations from the FDA’s Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations, including poor practices that permitted the contamination. The FDA’s seizure of these products, along with their ingredients and any in-process or bulk materials, occurred after Clarcon did not agree to promptly destroy them. The FDA is protecting the public by preventing these products from entering the marketplace.
“The FDA is committed to taking enforcement action against firms that do not manufacture drugs in accordance with our current good manufacturing practice requirements,” said Deborah M. Autor, director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Office of Compliance. “We will remain vigilant in our efforts to protect consumers from defective products.”
Clarcon produced and distributed over 800,000 bottles of these products in multiple regions of the country since 2007. Consumers should not use any Clarcon products and should dispose of them in their household trash.
Analyses of several samples of the topical antimicrobial skin sanitizer and skin protectant products revealed high levels of various bacteria. Some of these bacteria can cause opportunistic infections of the skin and underlying tissues. Such infections may need medical or surgical attention and may result in permanent damage. Examples of products that should be discarded are:
Citrushield Lotion
Dermasentials DermaBarrier
Dermassentials by Clarcon Antimicrobial Hand Sanitizer
Iron Fist Barrier Hand Treatment
Skin Shield Restaurant
Skin Shield Industrial
Skin Shield Beauty Salon Lotion
Total Skin Care Beauty
Total Skin Care Work
Health care professionals and consumers may report serious adverse events or product quality problems with the use of this product to the FDA's MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program either online, or by regular mail, fax, or phone.
--Regular Mail: use postage-paid FDA form 3500 and mail to MedWatch, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852-9787
--Fax: 800-FDA-0178
--Phone: 800-FDA-1088
For more information:
Consumers Warned Not to Use Clarcon Skin Products
Page Last Updated: 08/01/2009
If asked to evacuate, do so immediately.
Make sure that every person in your family has the same contact person (friend or family member) in case you should become separated during the evacuation.
Listen to a battery-operated radio for evacuation instructions.
Follow recommended evacuation routes.
Leave early to avoid being trapped by flooded roadways.
What to Do
Create a family disaster plan, including a family disaster supplies kit.
Plan an escape route and be aware of which roads near your home flood easily. Plan ahead where the best place to go would be. A shelter? A friend's home?
Educate family members about emergency procedures. Make sure everyone, including children, know where electric fuse boxes, water service mains, and natural gas mains are and how to turn them off if necessary.
Plan for your pets. Since pets aren't allowed in shelters due to health regulations, make sure you have a plan to keep your pets safe.
Ask an out-of-state friend or family member to be your contact should family members get separated during an evacuation. Make sure everyone in your family has contact numbers.
Check your sump pump. Keep it clean and test it regularly.
Be prepared to evacuate.
Listen to a battery-powered radio for the latest storm and flooding information.
Move valuables to higher locations.
Move hazardous materials such as paint, oil, pesticides, and cleaning supplies to higher locations.
Fill bathtubs, sinks, and jugs with clean water in case water becomes contaminated.
Bring outdoor items indoors.
If so advised by local authorities, turn off all utilities at the main switch. Close the main gas valve.
If in a car...
Do not attempt to drive through a flooded area. Cars may easily be swept away in just two feet of moving water. Turn the car around and find a safer route.
If your car stalls, abandon it immediately and climb to higher ground. Do not risk your life trying to move a stalled vehicle.
If indoors...
AFTER A FLOOD: Flood Dangers Do Not End When the Water Begins to Recede!
Return home only when advised and stay out of building if flood waters remain around the building.
When entering buildings where flood waters have receded:
Wear sturdy shoes and use only battery-powered lanterns or flashlights.
Examine walls, floors, doors, and windows to make sure the building is not in danger of collapsing.
Take pictures of the damage (both to the house and destroyed personal items) for insurance claims.
Watch-out for animals, especially poisonous snakes, who might have entered your house with the flood waters.
Look for fire hazards such as broken or leaking gas lines, flooded electrical circuits, or submerged furnaces.
Throw away food that has come in contact with flood waters (including canned goods).
Pump-out flooded basements gradually (1/3rd the water per day is a general recommendation) to avoid structural damage.
Sources: Federal Emergency Management Agency and the North Dakota State University Extension Service
Stayed tuned to a battery operated radio or television to get the latest emergency information.
Keep your pre-assembled family disaster supplies kit close at hand.
Evacuate your home if asked to do so.
If outdoors...
Climb to high ground and stay there.
Stay clear of flood waters. Do not try to walk through as just 6 inches of moving water can knock you off of your feet.
Reprinted from GOLDEN STATE FLOODLIGHT, California Floodplain Management Newsletter,
Volume 2, No. 4, November 1987.
Clean Up
Processing Your Claim
Well Before the Flood -- INSURE!
Loses due to flooding are not covered under most homeowners insurance policies, but
homes and their contents can be protected through the National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP) if your community is a participant in the program. Flood insurance
is available in participating communities on almost any enclosed building- including homes,
condominiums, manufactured homes on foundations, businesses and farms. The contents
of insurable buildings, including rental units, are also insurable.
Compile and maintain a room-by-room inventory of the insured contents- including,
when possible, receipts or proofs of purchase (especially for major appliances) noting the
manufacturer's name, serial number, model number, price, date and place of purchase.
Immediately Before the Flood -- PREPARE!
If, and ONLY if time permits, turn off all utilities at the main power switch and
close the main gas valve if evacuation appears necessary. Do not touch any electrical
equipment unless it is in a dry area and you are standing on a piece of dry wood while
wearing rubber gloves and rubber-soled boots or shoes. Move valuable papers, furs,
jewelry, clothing, and other contents to upper floors or higher elevations. Fill bathtubs,
sinks and jugs with clean water in case regular supplies are contaminated. These
containers can be sanitized first by rinsing with bleach. Board up windows or protect them
with storm shutters or tape to prevent flying glass. Bring outdoor possessions inside the
house or tie them down securely- this includes lawn furniture, garbage cans, tools, signs,
and other moveable objects that might be swept away or hurled about.
When the Flood Comes -- EVACUATE!
Since floodwaters can rise very rapidly, be prepared to evacuate before the water level
reaches your property. Keep battery-powered radios tuned to a local station, and
follow all emergency instructions. If you are caught in the house by suddenly rising waters,
move to an upper floor if possible or to the roof if necessary. Take warm clothing, a
flashlight and portable radio with you. Then wait for help- don't try to swim to safety.
Rescue teams will be looking for you.
When outside the house, remember floods are deceptive. Try to avoid flooded areas
and don't attempt to walk through floodwaters that are more than knee deep.
If it is safe to evacuate by car, stock the car with nonperishable foods (like canned
goods), a plastic container of water, blankets, first aid kit, flashlights, dry clothing and any
special medications needed by members of your family or group. Keep the gas tank at
least half full since gasoline pumps will not be working if the electricity has been cut off.
Do not drive where water is over the road -- parts of the road may already be washed
out. If your car stalls in the flooded area, abandon it as soon as possible. Floodwaters
can rise rapidly and sweep a car (and its occupants) away. Many deaths have resulted
from attempts to move stalled vehicles.
After the Flood -- CLEAN UP!
If your home, apartment or business has suffered flood damage, immediately call the
agent or broker who handles your flood insurance policy; the agent will submit a Notice of
Loss Form to the National Flood Insurance Program. An adjuster will be assigned to
inspect your property as soon as possible. Be sure to take pictures of the damage
done to your building and its contents, before you start to clean up.
Check buildings for structural damage prior to entering -- make sure they are not
in danger of collapsing. Turn off any outside gas lines at the meter or tank if you
didn't have time to before the flood and let the building air for several minutes to remove
foul odors or escaping gas. Upon entering the building, do not use open flame as a source
of light since gas may still be trapped inside - a nonmetallic, fully sealed flashlight is ideal.
Watch for electrical shorts or live wires before making certain that the main power
switch is turned off. Do not turn on any lights or appliances until an electrician has
checked the system for short circuits. Cover broken windows and holes in the roof or
walls to prevent further weather damage. The expense of these temporary repairs is
usually covered under your flood insurance policy (subject to the policy deductible). It is
important, therefore, to save receipts.
Proceed with immediate cleanup measures to prevent any health hazards. Perishable
items which pose a health problem should be listed and photographed before discarding.
Throw out fresh food and previously opened medicines that have come in contact
with floodwaters. Until the public water system is declared safe, water should be boiled
vigorously for ten minutes before it is used for drinking or food preparation. The flat taste
can be removed by pouring the water from one container to another by adding a pinch of
salt. Another method of disinfecting drinking water is to mix 1/2 teaspoon of liquid
commercial laundry bleach with 2 - 1/2 gallons of water- let stand for five minutes before
using. If no other source is available, water may be obtained by draining a hot water tank
or my melting ice cubes.
Refrigerators, stoves and other hard goods should be hosed off and kept for the
adjuster's inspection. A good deodorizer when cleaning major kitchen appliances is to add
one teaspoon of baking soda to a quart of water. Any partially damaged items should be
dried and aired- the adjuster will make recommendations as to their repair or disposal.
Take all wooden furniture outdoors but keep it out of direct sunlight to prevent
warping -- a garage or carport is a good place for drying. Remove drawers and other
moving parts as soon as possible, but do not pry open swollen drawers from the front -
remove the backing and push the drawers out.
Shovel out mud while it is still moist to give walls and floors a chance to dry. Once
plastered walls have dried, brush off loose dirt. Wash with mild soap solution and rinse with
clean water; always start at the bottom and work up - ceilings are done last! Special
attention should be paid to cleaning out heating and plumbing systems.
Mildew can be removed from dry wood with a solution of 4 to 6 tablespoons of
trisodium phosphate (TSP), 1 cup liquid chlorine bleach, and 1 gallon of water. Clean
metal at once then wipe with a cloth. A light coat of oil will prevent iron from rusting.
Scour all utensils, and if necessary, use fine steel wool on unpolished surfaces. Aluminum
may be brightened by scrubbing with a solution of vinegar, cream of tartar, and hot water.
Quickly separate all laundry items to avoid running colors. Clothing and household
fabrics should be allowed to dry slowly, away from direct heat, before brushing off loose
dirt. If you cannot get to a professional cleaner, rinse the items in lukewarm water to
remove lodged soil; then wash with mild detergent; rinse and dry in sunlight.
Flooded basements should be drained and cleaned as soon as possible. However,
structural damage can occur by pumping out the water too quickly. After the floodwaters
around your property have subsided, begin draining the basement in stages, about 1/3 of the
water volume each day.
What to Do In Case of a Flood Event
What do I need to know about floods?
Floods are the most common and widespread of all natural hazards. Some floods develop over a period of days, but flash floods can result in raging waters in just a few minutes. Be aware of flood hazards, especially if you live in a low-lying area, near water or downstream from a dam.
What to do before a flood?
* Know the terms used to describe flooding:
o FLOOD WATCH - Flooding is possible. Stay tuned to NOAA radio or commercial radio or television for additional information.
o FLASH FLOOD WATCH - Flash flooding is possible. Move to higher ground. A flash flood could occur without any warning. Listen to NOAA radio or commercial radio or television for additional information.
o FLOOD WARNING - Flooding is occurring or will occur soon. If advised to evacuate, do so immediately.
o FLASH FLOOD WARNING - A flash flood is occurring. Seek higher ground on foot immediately.
o URBAN AND SMALL STREAM ADVISORY - Flooding of small streams, streets and low-lying areas is occurring.
* Learn the elevation level of your property. This will help you know how your property will be affected when flood levels are forecasted.
* Purchase a NOAA weather radio with battery backup and a tone-alert feature which automatically alerts you when a Watch or Warning is issued.
* Be prepared to evacuate.
o Plan a place to meet your family in case you are separated from one another in a disaster and cannot return home. Choose an out-of-state contact for everyone to call to say they are okay.
o Determine how you would care for family members who may live elsewhere but might need your help in a flood. Determine any special needs your neighbors might have.
o Assemble a disaster supplies kit. Include a battery-operated radio, flashlights and extra batteries, first aid supplies, sleeping supplies and clothing.
o Know how to shut off electricity, gas and water at main switches and valves.
o Consider purchasing flood insurance. Flood losses are not covered under homeowners' insurance policies.
o Consider options for flood proofing your home.
o Make a record of your personal property.
What to do during heavy rains?
* Be aware of flash floods. If there is any possibility of a flash flood occurring, move immediately to higher ground.
* Listen to radio or television stations for local information.
* Be aware of streams, drainage channels and areas known to flood suddenly.
* Secure your home. If you have time, bring outdoor garden equipment and lawn furniture inside or tie it down. Move essential items to the upper floors of your house.
* If instructed, turn off utilities at the main switches or valves.
* Fill your car with fuel.
* Sterilize the bathtub, then fill the bathtub with water in case water becomes contaminated or services are cut off.
* Stay away from flood waters. They could be contaminated.
* Do now walk through moving water. Six inches of moving water can knock you off your feet. If you must walk in a flooded area, walk where the water is not moving. Use a stick to check the firmness of the ground in front of you.
* Do not drive into flooded areas. If flood waters rise around your car, abandon the car and move to higher ground, if you can do so safely. You and your vehicle can be quickly swept away as flood waters rise.
What to do after a flood?
* Stay away from flood waters. The water may be contaminated by oil, gasoline or raw sewage. The water may also be electrically charged from underground or downed power lines.
* Stay away from moving water. Moving water only six inches deep can sweep you off your feet.
* Be aware of areas where flood waters have receded. Roads may have weakened and could collapse under the weight of a car.
* Stay away from downed power lines and report them to the power company.
* Stay away from disaster areas unless authorities ask for volunteers.
* Continue listening to a battery-powered radio for information about where to get assistance for housing, clothing and food.
* Consider your family's health and safety needs. Wash your hands frequently with soap and clean water if you come in contact with flood waters. Throw away food that has come in contact with flood waters. Listen for news reports to learn whether the community's water supply is safe to drink.
* Contact your insurance agent.
Presented by:
City-Parish of Lafayette, Office of Emergency Preparedness,
Lafayette, Louisiana
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Advice on drying wet documents
The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
What should I do with wet records?
Many record materials will respond well to simple air drying as long as minor physical distortion is acceptable. Small quantities may be spread out on top of clean blotting material (paper toweling, etc.) in a cool dry location with plenty of air circulation.
When records are very wet, teams line clean, dry boxes with thin plastic bags before filling to keep the boxes dry.
As long as materials are not too densely packed and active drying conditions are maintained, mold growth should be mitigated. While high heat and harsh sunlight will dry records quickly, they may permanently damage record materials and should be avoided.
Quantities too large to handle within the first 48 hours should be frozen either for defrosting and air drying at a later date, or for referral to a commercial drying vendor or preservation professional.
For response and recovery guidelines see:
* Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Response and Recovery Salvage Instructions
* A Primer on Disaster Preparedness, Management and Response: Paper-Based Materials
* Salvage Operations for Water Damaged Collections by Betty Walsh, Conservator Provincial Archives of British Columbia
Some record materials will dry more satisfactorily than others; and metal, plate glass, some photographs and furniture may be exceptions to freezing. Questions about the treatment of particularly valuable wet records should be referred to a preservation professional immediately.
For a referral, see:
* American Institute for Conservation's (AIC) Guidelines for Selecting a Conservator
Page URL: http://www.archives.gov/preservation/holdings-maintenance/wet-records.html
The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 • Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272
How to deal with wet documents
If your documents, books or photographs are wet following an accident or flood, immediate action needs to be taken to prevent mould growth and physical distortion of the paper. Although flood damage to some items may be irreversible, following the steps below can give your collections a good chance of survival. Most small or medium-sized private home collections can be easily and cheaply treated by air-drying. In the event of water damage to larger or valuable collections, or if in doubt about the best course of action, consider contacting a trained library and archives conservator for advice.
Mould growth
Immediately remove wet items from flooded or damp places, as mould will begin to grow within 2 to 3 days. Mould spores flourish in warm, damp, stagnant conditions, and in the dark, so make sure the items are moved to a suitable environment before starting the drying process. First place blotting material, such as unprinted newsprint paper, paper towels, rags, etc., underneath the drying documents to absorb excess moisture. Circulating air will dry most materials and fans can safely be used as long as the airflow is directed away from the documents. See the table below for guidance on air-drying.
Paper distortion
Paper-based collections will immediately begin to show signs of physical distortion, which makes the paper extremely fragile and easily torn or damaged. As no drying method can completely restore a collection, some cockling should be expected.
Wet book diagram
The following handling precautions should always be observed:
Wet Books:
Do not open wet volumes or close those that have fallen open
Do not separate covers from text blocks
Handle one item at a time
Do not press water out of wet books
Unbound Documents:
Keep all documents in order
Do not blot surfaces of documents that have water-soluble inks
Photographic Material:
Do not allow wet photographic materials to dry in contact with one another
Do not touch the emulsion (print) side of photographic materials
Seek assistance from photographic conservators for further salvage and recovery advice
Material How to air-dry
Saturated Books
Stand on head on absorbent paper with covers open slightly; place absorbent paper between text block and covers; change absorbent paper as soon as it becomes wet and turn books alternately to rest on head and tail each time the paper is changed.
Partially Wet Books Interleave absorbent paper every 20 pages with interleaving extending beyond the head (or tail) and text block; lay book flat; change interleaving when wet.
Damp Books Stand on tail fanned open in a current of air; when almost dry lay book flat and place absorbent paper between covers and text block; reshape if possible; place light weight (covered in clean paper to prevent marking) on top until completely dry.
Bound Coated Papers/ Glossy Magazines Interleave between each page with waxed paper; damp books should be stood on their heads and fanned open; fan through pages frequently to prevent sticking.
Unbound Coated Papers Every sheet of coated paper should be separated from each other before drying; spread documents on table or floor and change absorbent paper beneath as it becomes wet.
Saturated Documents Spread documents on table or floor and change absorbent paper beneath as it becomes wet.
Damp Documents Flatten by placing between two sheets of absorbent paper and applying even pressure with weights until dry.
Photographic Prints Remove from frame or mat; place on absorbent paper with face up and change paper when wet; if print appears to be stuck to glass do not remove and dry intact with the glass side down.
Photographic Negatives (roll or strip) Dry emulsion side up on absorbent paper (change when wet) or hang carefully on a line with plastic clips.
Getting in touch
* Office of Public Sector Information
* Your Archives
* Directgov
The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey,
Document Drying - Restoration And Protection For Your Wet Documents
Most legal documents these days are computer-generated. However, there are still a good number of businesses around the world today that greatly rely on paper documents. And the loss of important files has serious implications on such companies and the commercial documents they maintain.
How about your personal papers and book collections? Can you afford losing them? Much like these companies, you also lose a piece of yourself when you found all your legal papers, such as your marriage contract and certificate of birth, all soaked up in flood water.
While you may feel so unlucky for residing in a flood-prone area, you are still fortunate because you can now find document drying services around you. Whether you are a record manager who's having problems on recovering wet documents, or a private individual who wants to save your much-needed records and legal papers, there are companies out there to assure you 100% document recovery if you act immediately.
So what will kind of restoration will a document drying company do to your wet papers? It will prevent your photographic papers from drying and sticking on each other and it will freeze dry your legal papers to avoid further damage. In short, it will stabilize your documents and make them highly reusable.
Document Drying Services
The service you need largely depends on the document you want to save and the extent of water damage. Here are some of the document drying services you will find in the industry and the processes involved in recovering and preserving such materials:
* Wet Documents, Wet Blueprints, Wet Maps Drying Services:
* Vacuum freeze-drying
* Surface grime, mold and soot removal
* Deodorizing (to do away with smoke odor)
* Re-jacketing (applicable for files, books and binders)
* Microfilming or scanning damaged documents
* Relabeling
* Indexing of damaged records
* Wet Book Drying Services:
* Vacuum freeze-drying
* Cryogenic freeze-drying (for vellum and leather-bound books)
* Surface grime, mold and soot removal
* Text block trim (if necessary)
* Deodorizing (to do away with smoke odor)
* Rebinding (meets the LBI preservation standards)
* Wet Photographic Prints and Negatives Drying Services:
* Surface grime, mold and soot removal
* Relabeling and re-housing
* Re-jacketing (applicable for files, books and binders)
* Drying and processing undeveloped film
* Wet Microfilm/ Microfiche/ X-ray film/ Aperture Cards drying services:
* Surface grime, mold and soot removal
* Complete drying
* Relabeling and re-housing
* Roll film re-spooling
* Back file conversion
* Separating adhered x-ray films
* Wet Magnetic Diskettes and Disk Drives drying Services:
* Surface grime, mold and soot removal
* Drying
* Uploading data to tape or copying it to a new disk
* Wet Audio/Video Tape drying services:
* Disassembly and Cleaning of Components
* Vacuum-drying
* Re-spooling
* Duplication (if necessary)
Some companies may include additional methods or processes to preserve and protect your damaged records. However, please be reminded that there are still bad apples out there who will give you less than what you pay for. So it really pays to ask first before employing the document drying services of any company.
So the next time a flood rages through your office or home, you know what to do. Take your files immediately to a document drying service. Remember: document drying is cheaper than replacing your legal papers and business records.
Still Hope For Wet Documents, Photos, Computer Disks or Tapes
Release Date: August 8, 2002
Release Number: 1425-62
San Antonio, TX -- Your invaluable business papers, journals, photographs, documents and computer disks can sometimes be saved even after prolonged submersion in murky waters such as the Texas floods of 2002.
The Division of Emergency Management, Texas Department of Public Safety (DEM) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) offer recommendations from the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) and the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for recovery of water-damaged belongings.
"Water-soaked papers and records should be isolated from other materials as soon as possible, because they will affect unsoiled goods," said State Coordinating Officer Duke Mazurek. "Documents, books and photographs may be extremely fragile when wet and care should be taken when handling them," he cautioned.
Valuable papers such as books, photographs, and stamp collections can be restored, but it may take a great deal of effort. They can be rinsed and frozen, in a frost?free freezer or commercial meat locker, until you have time to work on them. "Mold and mildew are the enemy, so time is of the essence," said Steve Drake, government information analyst for the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. "The best culture for mold and mildew is high humidity and high temperatures. It's most important to lower the humidity and temperature as quickly as possible." Drake recommends renting a refrigerated truck from a truck leasing agency if the volume and importance of documents to be preserved dictates and individual resouces allow it.
A slightly less effective alternative to freezing is to place paper in a sealed container, such as a plastic bag, with moth crystals.
Dry papers quickly once you begin to thaw or unseal them. A blow dryer works well. Don't try to force paper products apart--just keep drying them. You may want to photocopy valuable papers and records soon because substances in the floodwater may make them deteriorate.
Photographs and negatives that have gotten wet and stuck together should never be pulled apart. Soak them in clean water until they separate on their own. Rinse them in more clean water. Do not touch the wet surface. Allow them to dry on a clean, smooth surface, or handle them gently, and hang them on indoor lines with paper clips or clothespins.
Freezing can be trickier for older photos and shouldn't be tried with those more than 50 years old. Electronic restoration is the most promising option for these. Newer photos that have stuck together in piles also can be temporarily stored in a bucket of cold, clean water to minimize damage until you have time to work with them. Photos, paper and books that are still wet have not yet been attacked by mildew. Mildew doesn't grow on wet material; it grows on damp material.
If a computer disk or tape has valuable information, rinse it in clear water and put it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Later, you can take it to a professional drying center and have the data transferred to a good disk or tape. Many companies that specialize in restoring computers and computer records after a disaster are members of the Disaster Recovery Institute. To find a member company near you, call toll-free, 888-374-7845.
Books. If a book is obviously wet and still closed, keep it closed to avoid more damage. Let it drain, and then freeze it. When beginning the drying process, follow the steps below:
1. Place books on end with the leaves separated.
2. When they are partially dry, pile and press books to keep pages from crumpling.
3. Alternate between drying and pressing until books are thoroughly dry to help prevent mildew. Use a fan to hasten drying.
4. If books and papers are very damp sprinkle cornstarch or talcum powder between leaves to absorb moisture. Leave powder for several hours then brush it off.
5. When books are nearly dry, apply low heat with an electric iron. Separate pages to prevent musty odors. This is tedious, so save the process for valuable books.
6. When books are thoroughly dry, close them and use C-clamps or weights to help them retain their shape.
Because the information given is general, FEMA, AIC and the Texas State Library strongly recommend that professional conservators be consulted regarding the appropriate method of treatment for historic objects. "It is extremely important to retard mold and mildew growth quickly either by sealing damaged items in plastic, airtight bags or with refrigeration," Drake said.
Last Modified: Wednesday, 13-Aug-2003 13:51:47
* Remove mud or debris before drying. Rinse closed books in a bucket with cold running water. Carefully blot (do not rub) mud with a sponge.
* Very wet volumes—freeze and then thaw and air dry in small groups, or contact a disaster recovery vendor to inquire about vacuum freeze drying.
* Small quantities of damp and slightly wet volumes--air dry.
* When air drying,
o Air dry in a well-ventilated, low humidity area (RH less than 60%, if possible).
o Fan the volume open and stand upright on volume's drier end. (Placing absorbent paper –paper towels, unprinted newsprint, or blotting paper-- beneath the volume will help absorb wetness that may be present on the drier end of the book.)
o Interleave text every 20 or so pages with dry paper. Replace interleaving papers as they become wet. (Please note: Avoid excessive interleaving, as this can cause distortion to the volume's binding)
o When book is nearly dry, place under weight to prevent warping.
o Immediately contact a book conservator for more detailed information on salvaging vellum or other rare bindings.
Documents and Records
Large quantities of very wet documents should be frozen. Contact a disaster recovery vendor to inquire about vacuum freeze drying, or thaw small quantities of documents and air dry.
* Air drying is suitable for small quantities of damp and slight wet documents.
* When air drying;
o Remove any colored enclosures or folders that may bleed.
o Spread documents out on flat surfaces protected by absorbent paper such as unprinted newsprint, paper towels, or blotting paper. Replace the absorbent paper when it becomes wet.
o Coated (glossy) sheets must be individually separated to prevent sticking. Uncoated papers can be dried in small stacks of about 25 sheets.
o Use polyester film (Mylar, Mellinex) to separate wet sheets of paper. Press the sheet of polyester on top of a stack of wet papers, and gently lift up the paper with the polyester film.
Photographic Prints
* If stuck together or dirty, submerge in a tray or bucket of cold water. (Maximum of 72 hours for black and white, 48 hours for color.)
* When air drying;
o Spread prints out on flat surfaces protected by unprinted newsprint, paper towels, or blotting paper. Print should lay emulsion (image) side up. If the prints have borders, they may hang from a clothesline.
o When nearly dry, place prints under light weight to reduce curling.
Photographic Negatives / Slides / Films
* If stuck together or dirty, submerge in a tray or bucket of cold water. (Maximum of 72 hours for black and white, 48 hours for color.)
* Air dry on flat surfaces protected by unprinted newsprint, paper towels, or blotting paper. Negatives should be placed emulsion (image) side up, or hang from clothesline.
* Remove slides from mounts, rinse, air dry and re-mount.
Ceramic, Glass, and Stone
* Do not wash if the surface is fragile. Watch for cracking, peeling, or lifting off of surfaces. Immediately contact an objects conservator if this occurs.
* If object does not appear to be fragile and is in good condition, rinse in fresh, clean tap water to remove dirt, salts, and debris.
* Pat dry with soft cloth or paper toweling. Do NOT rub.
* Cover lightly with clean cloth sheets or paper towels and allow to slowly air dry in a protected, ventilated area.
Organics (Leather, Wood, Bone, Ivory, Basketry)
* Pat dry with paper towels. Do NOT rub surface to remove dirt or mold.
* Cover lightly with cloth sheets or paper towels and place in a suitably sized partly covered box, allowing for some air circulation. Fill leather bags and baskets with dry paper to help them maintain their shape.
* Allow to air dry very slowly in this container. Try to keep the relative humidity in the drying space below 65%.
* Watch for mold growth, warping, splitting, or insect attack. Immediately contact an objects conservator if this begins to occur.
* Pat dry with paper towels.
* Allow to air dry uncovered in a well-ventilated, low humidity area (RH below 55%, if possible).
* Watch for corrosion:
* Copper and/or bronze: powdery, light green spots on the surface
* Iron: red colored sweat spots
* If these conditions occur, immediately contact an objects conservator.
Broken Objects (Ceramic, Glass and Stone, Leather, Wood, Bone, Ivory, Basketry, Metals)
* Save all fragments, large and small.
* After drying (as specified above), wrap all fragments individually in white tissue paper. This prevents the fragments from rubbing against one another and causing further damage.
* Replace any filling paper with fresh paper.
* Place all wrapped fragments flat on the bottom of a box. Pad large fragments with bubble wrap or paper.
* Contact an objects conservator for assessment and possible repair.
* Remove painting from the wall. If the wall is wet to the touch, place de-humidifiers in room to remove excess moisture. Place fans in the room to keep air circulating. If there is no electricity, open windows to create some air flow.
* If the canvas reverse is wet to the touch, absorb as much moisture as possible from canvas reverse by gently blotting any clean, dry, absorbent paper or material (e.g., paper towels, blotting paper) against canvas reverse. Lift painting as much as needed, but do not put face down. Allow absorbent material to rest against canvas reverse for several minutes. Repeat as often as necessary until moisture stops being absorbed from canvas.
* Air dry paintings face up, placing blocks under stretchers to allow air to circulate behind the canvas. Two inch thick pieces of an inert foam, such as Ethafoam, are especially useful, but 2 x 4's will work.) Paintings can also be leaned against a table or chair to allow free air flow around the painting. This technique, however, places paintings in an insecure state and care must be taken in the placement of vulnerable items (away from constant foot traffic).
* For more information, contact a paintings conservator.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Article Video
Water damage refers to the losses incurred by a person which are caused by water. It can be as small as a water spot that comes from leaks in your faucet or water pipes or it can be caused by flash floods which would be catastrophic and devastating. Whatever the cause might be, water damage left unattended or unsolved might be detrimental to a person’s health and can cause deterioration and damage to property.
In such cases, your books and important documents might get damaged because it is made up of paper which is very fragile and can absorb water quickly. Paper is very sensitive that it can even get damaged even without direct exposure to water. A paper damaged by water might begin to distort, its writings will possibly fade and the pages might stick together. Paper damage caused by water can manifest itself in non-physical ways. In order to check and gauge the level of damage, lightly touch your documents. If majority of its parts are wet or moist, it is a definite sign of water damage. Your documents and books can even be damaged without direct contact with the soured of water, because increased exposure to humidity can also damage it as well.
In water damage, prompt action is needed in order to salvage your belongings. If your documents are damaged and the response lag time is very long, you might need to entail the services of an expert in order to restore your documents to its previous state. This is a very tedious and expensive process. So when water damage happens, keep in mind that time is of the essence if you want to do it yourself and at your home’s convenience. Read along and learn the different ways of drying wet books and documents easily and effectively.
Cleaning your wet books and documents
* If your documents are damaged by clean water
Clean water is not dangerous and can be from sink overflows or water pipe leaks. If you have documents damaged by clean water, remove the books from the water with care; remember that since these are damaged with water, these documents can be very fragile. Refrain from opening and closing the books to minimize the damage. Books which are bound by parchment, leather and vellum have the tendency to disfigure and deteriorate faster so you might want to save those books first.
* If your documents are damaged by contaminated or dirty water
Contaminated water is also known as dirt water, sources of which can be sea water and water from the sewage. This type of water can be a breeding ground for microorganisms and bacteria which can pose serious threats to a person’s health. For your documents damaged by contaminated water, it might be a bit trickier to solve compared to documents which are damaged by clean water. The first step is to gently remove the documents from the water. If you have disposable plastic gloves, then use it to avoid any form of contamination and to minimize direct contact with the dirty water. After this, you must rinse the wet books in cold, running water. If there are dirt and mud in the documents, gently use a sponge to spray these away. Do not utilize the sponge to remove the debris directly, because it will bring more damage.
Drying your wet books and documents
The next step to salvage your water damaged documents is to dry them and keep it away from any water source that might contribute to the damage. Drying your books and documents will also prevent the occurrence of molds, which can be very harmful to people with respiratory problems. Remember that molds and other bacteria only need 24 to 48 hours to cultivate, so fast response is needed to counter this potential problem.
Of course, different drying and salvaging methods need to be applied in different cases. In applying the right drying method, you need to consider some things before choosing the applicable one. These would include: assessing the type of document which has been damaged, determining the type of water which damaged the document and the importance and value of the document.
You must also be able to evaluate and categorize the items in terms of its priority levels. As an example, you might want to put high priority for documents which are high in value and irreplaceable like birth certificates, marriage licenses, property titles and the like. You can place second priority on important books and pictures and lastly, on other replaceable books and items.
* Air Drying
The common method of drying is to let the wet items dry naturally or by air drying. You can also use a dehumidifier as another drying method. This equipment will surely increase the drying speed and lessen the time needed for your documents to dry. The air drying method can be used for books which have strong binding. Open the book gently and find the driest edge and put the weight there. Make sure that you turn the book upside-down every few hours to enable it to dry evenly. You can also use fans to make the drying process faster.
* Freezing
In cases of water damage, freezing your wet books and documents is another way of saving it. Freezing can help stop the ink from spreading which would help restore the document better, making it readable even after the drying process. This method can be used when you need the document to be salvaged and restored at the fastest time possible. To do this the proper way, seal your documents or books in a zip lock bag and put it in the freezer. It will be better to use a frost-free freezer since it is equipped with a fan which can make the drying process faster. The process of freezing will stop the water damage from increasing and prevent the deterioration of your documents.
* Using Absorbent Materials
This is a method which can be utilized after you’ve used other drying methods like air drying or freezing. You can also opt to use this method if the document in question is in an unstable and fragile condition. To do this, insert a white absorbent paper for every 10-15 pages of the damaged book. Do not add too many absorbent papers at once because it can damage the book’s binding. If the book is fully wet, you can do the interleaving by sections. Wait for an hour, and then replace the absorbent paper with a new absorbent paper. You need to place the book with the absorbent papers in a flat surface to minimize deformation. As a tip, glossy paper is hard to separate when wet, so be careful in separating them to minimize the damage.
* Making Use of Pressure to Dry your Water Damaged Documents
As a last step, you can apply pressure to your dried documents and books. If the document is still not dry, then do not apply pressure to it because it will damage it even more. It might cause the pages to stick together which will make it harder to separate and dry. You can employ this technique to books which are no longer wet, but are still cool to touch. To do this method properly, close the book and put it in a solid flat surface, then apply weight to it slowly. Make sure that you are not damaging the spine or the book binding when you are pressing weight into it.
In drying your water damaged books and documents, keep in mind that the original quality of the book will not be fully restored. The dried books will be more or less 20% thicker due to the permanent swelling of the fibers.
Minimizing the musty odor from water damaged documents
After the drying process, you might notice that the documents and books will be restored but it gives off a musty odor. In order to minimize this, you can place your water damaged books in a dry place for a few days. If this option fails, you can put your damaged documents in an open box and place an open box of baking soda. The baking soda will absorb the odor and remove the mustiness. Make sure that the baking soda is not in direct contact with the books. Also, watch out for the growth of molds since you will be keeping the books in a box for quite some time.
Utilizing the help of drying or restoration professionals
If you have exercised every method and technique possible in order to dry out your books and documents and still have not reached your end goal, then maybe it is time to seek the help of professional drying professionals. These restoration professionals have special equipment and techniques for drying out specific documents and books. Most of the restoration companies would offer the following: vacuum freeze drying, cryogenic freeze drying specifically used for books bound by leather and vellum, wet blueprint drying services and many more. These restoration companies can also help you rebind your books.
So the next time that your important documents or favorite books will be damaged by water, do not panic. Just remember all the tips mentioned above, use it
and you will be able to successfully restore your damaged documents in no time at all.
The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
What should I do with wet records?
Many record materials will respond well to simple air drying as long as minor physical distortion is acceptable. Small quantities may be spread out on top of clean blotting material (paper toweling, etc.) in a cool dry location with plenty of air circulation.
When records are very wet, teams line clean, dry boxes with thin plastic bags before filling to keep the boxes dry.
As long as materials are not too densely packed and active drying conditions are maintained, mold growth should be mitigated. While high heat and harsh sunlight will dry records quickly, they may permanently damage record materials and should be avoided.
Quantities too large to handle within the first 48 hours should be frozen either for defrosting and air drying at a later date, or for referral to a commercial drying vendor or preservation professional.
For response and recovery guidelines see:
* Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Response and Recovery Salvage Instructions
* A Primer on Disaster Preparedness, Management and Response: Paper-Based Materials
* Salvage Operations for Water Damaged Collections by Betty Walsh, Conservator Provincial Archives of British Columbia
Some record materials will dry more satisfactorily than others; and metal, plate glass, some photographs and furniture may be exceptions to freezing. Questions about the treatment of particularly valuable wet records should be referred to a preservation professional immediately.
For a referral, see:
* American Institute for Conservation's (AIC) Guidelines for Selecting a Conservator
Page URL: http://www.archives.gov/preservation/holdings-maintenance/wet-records.html
The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 • Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272
How to deal with wet documents
If your documents, books or photographs are wet following an accident or flood, immediate action needs to be taken to prevent mould growth and physical distortion of the paper. Although flood damage to some items may be irreversible, following the steps below can give your collections a good chance of survival. Most small or medium-sized private home collections can be easily and cheaply treated by air-drying. In the event of water damage to larger or valuable collections, or if in doubt about the best course of action, consider contacting a trained library and archives conservator for advice.
Mould growth
Immediately remove wet items from flooded or damp places, as mould will begin to grow within 2 to 3 days. Mould spores flourish in warm, damp, stagnant conditions, and in the dark, so make sure the items are moved to a suitable environment before starting the drying process. First place blotting material, such as unprinted newsprint paper, paper towels, rags, etc., underneath the drying documents to absorb excess moisture. Circulating air will dry most materials and fans can safely be used as long as the airflow is directed away from the documents. See the table below for guidance on air-drying.
Paper distortion
Paper-based collections will immediately begin to show signs of physical distortion, which makes the paper extremely fragile and easily torn or damaged. As no drying method can completely restore a collection, some cockling should be expected.
Wet book diagram
The following handling precautions should always be observed:
Wet Books:
Do not open wet volumes or close those that have fallen open
Do not separate covers from text blocks
Handle one item at a time
Do not press water out of wet books
Unbound Documents:
Keep all documents in order
Do not blot surfaces of documents that have water-soluble inks
Photographic Material:
Do not allow wet photographic materials to dry in contact with one another
Do not touch the emulsion (print) side of photographic materials
Seek assistance from photographic conservators for further salvage and recovery advice
Material How to air-dry
Saturated Books
Stand on head on absorbent paper with covers open slightly; place absorbent paper between text block and covers; change absorbent paper as soon as it becomes wet and turn books alternately to rest on head and tail each time the paper is changed.
Partially Wet Books Interleave absorbent paper every 20 pages with interleaving extending beyond the head (or tail) and text block; lay book flat; change interleaving when wet.
Damp Books Stand on tail fanned open in a current of air; when almost dry lay book flat and place absorbent paper between covers and text block; reshape if possible; place light weight (covered in clean paper to prevent marking) on top until completely dry.
Bound Coated Papers/ Glossy Magazines Interleave between each page with waxed paper; damp books should be stood on their heads and fanned open; fan through pages frequently to prevent sticking.
Unbound Coated Papers Every sheet of coated paper should be separated from each other before drying; spread documents on table or floor and change absorbent paper beneath as it becomes wet.
Saturated Documents Spread documents on table or floor and change absorbent paper beneath as it becomes wet.
Damp Documents Flatten by placing between two sheets of absorbent paper and applying even pressure with weights until dry.
Photographic Prints Remove from frame or mat; place on absorbent paper with face up and change paper when wet; if print appears to be stuck to glass do not remove and dry intact with the glass side down.
Photographic Negatives (roll or strip) Dry emulsion side up on absorbent paper (change when wet) or hang carefully on a line with plastic clips.
Getting in touch
* Office of Public Sector Information
* Your Archives
* Directgov
The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey,
Document Drying - Restoration And Protection For Your Wet Documents
Most legal documents these days are computer-generated. However, there are still a good number of businesses around the world today that greatly rely on paper documents. And the loss of important files has serious implications on such companies and the commercial documents they maintain.
How about your personal papers and book collections? Can you afford losing them? Much like these companies, you also lose a piece of yourself when you found all your legal papers, such as your marriage contract and certificate of birth, all soaked up in flood water.
While you may feel so unlucky for residing in a flood-prone area, you are still fortunate because you can now find document drying services around you. Whether you are a record manager who's having problems on recovering wet documents, or a private individual who wants to save your much-needed records and legal papers, there are companies out there to assure you 100% document recovery if you act immediately.
So what will kind of restoration will a document drying company do to your wet papers? It will prevent your photographic papers from drying and sticking on each other and it will freeze dry your legal papers to avoid further damage. In short, it will stabilize your documents and make them highly reusable.
Document Drying Services
The service you need largely depends on the document you want to save and the extent of water damage. Here are some of the document drying services you will find in the industry and the processes involved in recovering and preserving such materials:
* Wet Documents, Wet Blueprints, Wet Maps Drying Services:
* Vacuum freeze-drying
* Surface grime, mold and soot removal
* Deodorizing (to do away with smoke odor)
* Re-jacketing (applicable for files, books and binders)
* Microfilming or scanning damaged documents
* Relabeling
* Indexing of damaged records
* Wet Book Drying Services:
* Vacuum freeze-drying
* Cryogenic freeze-drying (for vellum and leather-bound books)
* Surface grime, mold and soot removal
* Text block trim (if necessary)
* Deodorizing (to do away with smoke odor)
* Rebinding (meets the LBI preservation standards)
* Wet Photographic Prints and Negatives Drying Services:
* Surface grime, mold and soot removal
* Relabeling and re-housing
* Re-jacketing (applicable for files, books and binders)
* Drying and processing undeveloped film
* Wet Microfilm/ Microfiche/ X-ray film/ Aperture Cards drying services:
* Surface grime, mold and soot removal
* Complete drying
* Relabeling and re-housing
* Roll film re-spooling
* Back file conversion
* Separating adhered x-ray films
* Wet Magnetic Diskettes and Disk Drives drying Services:
* Surface grime, mold and soot removal
* Drying
* Uploading data to tape or copying it to a new disk
* Wet Audio/Video Tape drying services:
* Disassembly and Cleaning of Components
* Vacuum-drying
* Re-spooling
* Duplication (if necessary)
Some companies may include additional methods or processes to preserve and protect your damaged records. However, please be reminded that there are still bad apples out there who will give you less than what you pay for. So it really pays to ask first before employing the document drying services of any company.
So the next time a flood rages through your office or home, you know what to do. Take your files immediately to a document drying service. Remember: document drying is cheaper than replacing your legal papers and business records.
Still Hope For Wet Documents, Photos, Computer Disks or Tapes
Release Date: August 8, 2002
Release Number: 1425-62
San Antonio, TX -- Your invaluable business papers, journals, photographs, documents and computer disks can sometimes be saved even after prolonged submersion in murky waters such as the Texas floods of 2002.
The Division of Emergency Management, Texas Department of Public Safety (DEM) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) offer recommendations from the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) and the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for recovery of water-damaged belongings.
"Water-soaked papers and records should be isolated from other materials as soon as possible, because they will affect unsoiled goods," said State Coordinating Officer Duke Mazurek. "Documents, books and photographs may be extremely fragile when wet and care should be taken when handling them," he cautioned.
Valuable papers such as books, photographs, and stamp collections can be restored, but it may take a great deal of effort. They can be rinsed and frozen, in a frost?free freezer or commercial meat locker, until you have time to work on them. "Mold and mildew are the enemy, so time is of the essence," said Steve Drake, government information analyst for the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. "The best culture for mold and mildew is high humidity and high temperatures. It's most important to lower the humidity and temperature as quickly as possible." Drake recommends renting a refrigerated truck from a truck leasing agency if the volume and importance of documents to be preserved dictates and individual resouces allow it.
A slightly less effective alternative to freezing is to place paper in a sealed container, such as a plastic bag, with moth crystals.
Dry papers quickly once you begin to thaw or unseal them. A blow dryer works well. Don't try to force paper products apart--just keep drying them. You may want to photocopy valuable papers and records soon because substances in the floodwater may make them deteriorate.
Photographs and negatives that have gotten wet and stuck together should never be pulled apart. Soak them in clean water until they separate on their own. Rinse them in more clean water. Do not touch the wet surface. Allow them to dry on a clean, smooth surface, or handle them gently, and hang them on indoor lines with paper clips or clothespins.
Freezing can be trickier for older photos and shouldn't be tried with those more than 50 years old. Electronic restoration is the most promising option for these. Newer photos that have stuck together in piles also can be temporarily stored in a bucket of cold, clean water to minimize damage until you have time to work with them. Photos, paper and books that are still wet have not yet been attacked by mildew. Mildew doesn't grow on wet material; it grows on damp material.
If a computer disk or tape has valuable information, rinse it in clear water and put it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Later, you can take it to a professional drying center and have the data transferred to a good disk or tape. Many companies that specialize in restoring computers and computer records after a disaster are members of the Disaster Recovery Institute. To find a member company near you, call toll-free, 888-374-7845.
Books. If a book is obviously wet and still closed, keep it closed to avoid more damage. Let it drain, and then freeze it. When beginning the drying process, follow the steps below:
1. Place books on end with the leaves separated.
2. When they are partially dry, pile and press books to keep pages from crumpling.
3. Alternate between drying and pressing until books are thoroughly dry to help prevent mildew. Use a fan to hasten drying.
4. If books and papers are very damp sprinkle cornstarch or talcum powder between leaves to absorb moisture. Leave powder for several hours then brush it off.
5. When books are nearly dry, apply low heat with an electric iron. Separate pages to prevent musty odors. This is tedious, so save the process for valuable books.
6. When books are thoroughly dry, close them and use C-clamps or weights to help them retain their shape.
Because the information given is general, FEMA, AIC and the Texas State Library strongly recommend that professional conservators be consulted regarding the appropriate method of treatment for historic objects. "It is extremely important to retard mold and mildew growth quickly either by sealing damaged items in plastic, airtight bags or with refrigeration," Drake said.
Last Modified: Wednesday, 13-Aug-2003 13:51:47
* Remove mud or debris before drying. Rinse closed books in a bucket with cold running water. Carefully blot (do not rub) mud with a sponge.
* Very wet volumes—freeze and then thaw and air dry in small groups, or contact a disaster recovery vendor to inquire about vacuum freeze drying.
* Small quantities of damp and slightly wet volumes--air dry.
* When air drying,
o Air dry in a well-ventilated, low humidity area (RH less than 60%, if possible).
o Fan the volume open and stand upright on volume's drier end. (Placing absorbent paper –paper towels, unprinted newsprint, or blotting paper-- beneath the volume will help absorb wetness that may be present on the drier end of the book.)
o Interleave text every 20 or so pages with dry paper. Replace interleaving papers as they become wet. (Please note: Avoid excessive interleaving, as this can cause distortion to the volume's binding)
o When book is nearly dry, place under weight to prevent warping.
o Immediately contact a book conservator for more detailed information on salvaging vellum or other rare bindings.
Documents and Records
Large quantities of very wet documents should be frozen. Contact a disaster recovery vendor to inquire about vacuum freeze drying, or thaw small quantities of documents and air dry.
* Air drying is suitable for small quantities of damp and slight wet documents.
* When air drying;
o Remove any colored enclosures or folders that may bleed.
o Spread documents out on flat surfaces protected by absorbent paper such as unprinted newsprint, paper towels, or blotting paper. Replace the absorbent paper when it becomes wet.
o Coated (glossy) sheets must be individually separated to prevent sticking. Uncoated papers can be dried in small stacks of about 25 sheets.
o Use polyester film (Mylar, Mellinex) to separate wet sheets of paper. Press the sheet of polyester on top of a stack of wet papers, and gently lift up the paper with the polyester film.
Photographic Prints
* If stuck together or dirty, submerge in a tray or bucket of cold water. (Maximum of 72 hours for black and white, 48 hours for color.)
* When air drying;
o Spread prints out on flat surfaces protected by unprinted newsprint, paper towels, or blotting paper. Print should lay emulsion (image) side up. If the prints have borders, they may hang from a clothesline.
o When nearly dry, place prints under light weight to reduce curling.
Photographic Negatives / Slides / Films
* If stuck together or dirty, submerge in a tray or bucket of cold water. (Maximum of 72 hours for black and white, 48 hours for color.)
* Air dry on flat surfaces protected by unprinted newsprint, paper towels, or blotting paper. Negatives should be placed emulsion (image) side up, or hang from clothesline.
* Remove slides from mounts, rinse, air dry and re-mount.
Ceramic, Glass, and Stone
* Do not wash if the surface is fragile. Watch for cracking, peeling, or lifting off of surfaces. Immediately contact an objects conservator if this occurs.
* If object does not appear to be fragile and is in good condition, rinse in fresh, clean tap water to remove dirt, salts, and debris.
* Pat dry with soft cloth or paper toweling. Do NOT rub.
* Cover lightly with clean cloth sheets or paper towels and allow to slowly air dry in a protected, ventilated area.
Organics (Leather, Wood, Bone, Ivory, Basketry)
* Pat dry with paper towels. Do NOT rub surface to remove dirt or mold.
* Cover lightly with cloth sheets or paper towels and place in a suitably sized partly covered box, allowing for some air circulation. Fill leather bags and baskets with dry paper to help them maintain their shape.
* Allow to air dry very slowly in this container. Try to keep the relative humidity in the drying space below 65%.
* Watch for mold growth, warping, splitting, or insect attack. Immediately contact an objects conservator if this begins to occur.
* Pat dry with paper towels.
* Allow to air dry uncovered in a well-ventilated, low humidity area (RH below 55%, if possible).
* Watch for corrosion:
* Copper and/or bronze: powdery, light green spots on the surface
* Iron: red colored sweat spots
* If these conditions occur, immediately contact an objects conservator.
Broken Objects (Ceramic, Glass and Stone, Leather, Wood, Bone, Ivory, Basketry, Metals)
* Save all fragments, large and small.
* After drying (as specified above), wrap all fragments individually in white tissue paper. This prevents the fragments from rubbing against one another and causing further damage.
* Replace any filling paper with fresh paper.
* Place all wrapped fragments flat on the bottom of a box. Pad large fragments with bubble wrap or paper.
* Contact an objects conservator for assessment and possible repair.
* Remove painting from the wall. If the wall is wet to the touch, place de-humidifiers in room to remove excess moisture. Place fans in the room to keep air circulating. If there is no electricity, open windows to create some air flow.
* If the canvas reverse is wet to the touch, absorb as much moisture as possible from canvas reverse by gently blotting any clean, dry, absorbent paper or material (e.g., paper towels, blotting paper) against canvas reverse. Lift painting as much as needed, but do not put face down. Allow absorbent material to rest against canvas reverse for several minutes. Repeat as often as necessary until moisture stops being absorbed from canvas.
* Air dry paintings face up, placing blocks under stretchers to allow air to circulate behind the canvas. Two inch thick pieces of an inert foam, such as Ethafoam, are especially useful, but 2 x 4's will work.) Paintings can also be leaned against a table or chair to allow free air flow around the painting. This technique, however, places paintings in an insecure state and care must be taken in the placement of vulnerable items (away from constant foot traffic).
* For more information, contact a paintings conservator.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Article Video
Water damage refers to the losses incurred by a person which are caused by water. It can be as small as a water spot that comes from leaks in your faucet or water pipes or it can be caused by flash floods which would be catastrophic and devastating. Whatever the cause might be, water damage left unattended or unsolved might be detrimental to a person’s health and can cause deterioration and damage to property.
In such cases, your books and important documents might get damaged because it is made up of paper which is very fragile and can absorb water quickly. Paper is very sensitive that it can even get damaged even without direct exposure to water. A paper damaged by water might begin to distort, its writings will possibly fade and the pages might stick together. Paper damage caused by water can manifest itself in non-physical ways. In order to check and gauge the level of damage, lightly touch your documents. If majority of its parts are wet or moist, it is a definite sign of water damage. Your documents and books can even be damaged without direct contact with the soured of water, because increased exposure to humidity can also damage it as well.
In water damage, prompt action is needed in order to salvage your belongings. If your documents are damaged and the response lag time is very long, you might need to entail the services of an expert in order to restore your documents to its previous state. This is a very tedious and expensive process. So when water damage happens, keep in mind that time is of the essence if you want to do it yourself and at your home’s convenience. Read along and learn the different ways of drying wet books and documents easily and effectively.
Cleaning your wet books and documents
* If your documents are damaged by clean water
Clean water is not dangerous and can be from sink overflows or water pipe leaks. If you have documents damaged by clean water, remove the books from the water with care; remember that since these are damaged with water, these documents can be very fragile. Refrain from opening and closing the books to minimize the damage. Books which are bound by parchment, leather and vellum have the tendency to disfigure and deteriorate faster so you might want to save those books first.
* If your documents are damaged by contaminated or dirty water
Contaminated water is also known as dirt water, sources of which can be sea water and water from the sewage. This type of water can be a breeding ground for microorganisms and bacteria which can pose serious threats to a person’s health. For your documents damaged by contaminated water, it might be a bit trickier to solve compared to documents which are damaged by clean water. The first step is to gently remove the documents from the water. If you have disposable plastic gloves, then use it to avoid any form of contamination and to minimize direct contact with the dirty water. After this, you must rinse the wet books in cold, running water. If there are dirt and mud in the documents, gently use a sponge to spray these away. Do not utilize the sponge to remove the debris directly, because it will bring more damage.
Drying your wet books and documents
The next step to salvage your water damaged documents is to dry them and keep it away from any water source that might contribute to the damage. Drying your books and documents will also prevent the occurrence of molds, which can be very harmful to people with respiratory problems. Remember that molds and other bacteria only need 24 to 48 hours to cultivate, so fast response is needed to counter this potential problem.
Of course, different drying and salvaging methods need to be applied in different cases. In applying the right drying method, you need to consider some things before choosing the applicable one. These would include: assessing the type of document which has been damaged, determining the type of water which damaged the document and the importance and value of the document.
You must also be able to evaluate and categorize the items in terms of its priority levels. As an example, you might want to put high priority for documents which are high in value and irreplaceable like birth certificates, marriage licenses, property titles and the like. You can place second priority on important books and pictures and lastly, on other replaceable books and items.
* Air Drying
The common method of drying is to let the wet items dry naturally or by air drying. You can also use a dehumidifier as another drying method. This equipment will surely increase the drying speed and lessen the time needed for your documents to dry. The air drying method can be used for books which have strong binding. Open the book gently and find the driest edge and put the weight there. Make sure that you turn the book upside-down every few hours to enable it to dry evenly. You can also use fans to make the drying process faster.
* Freezing
In cases of water damage, freezing your wet books and documents is another way of saving it. Freezing can help stop the ink from spreading which would help restore the document better, making it readable even after the drying process. This method can be used when you need the document to be salvaged and restored at the fastest time possible. To do this the proper way, seal your documents or books in a zip lock bag and put it in the freezer. It will be better to use a frost-free freezer since it is equipped with a fan which can make the drying process faster. The process of freezing will stop the water damage from increasing and prevent the deterioration of your documents.
* Using Absorbent Materials
This is a method which can be utilized after you’ve used other drying methods like air drying or freezing. You can also opt to use this method if the document in question is in an unstable and fragile condition. To do this, insert a white absorbent paper for every 10-15 pages of the damaged book. Do not add too many absorbent papers at once because it can damage the book’s binding. If the book is fully wet, you can do the interleaving by sections. Wait for an hour, and then replace the absorbent paper with a new absorbent paper. You need to place the book with the absorbent papers in a flat surface to minimize deformation. As a tip, glossy paper is hard to separate when wet, so be careful in separating them to minimize the damage.
* Making Use of Pressure to Dry your Water Damaged Documents
As a last step, you can apply pressure to your dried documents and books. If the document is still not dry, then do not apply pressure to it because it will damage it even more. It might cause the pages to stick together which will make it harder to separate and dry. You can employ this technique to books which are no longer wet, but are still cool to touch. To do this method properly, close the book and put it in a solid flat surface, then apply weight to it slowly. Make sure that you are not damaging the spine or the book binding when you are pressing weight into it.
In drying your water damaged books and documents, keep in mind that the original quality of the book will not be fully restored. The dried books will be more or less 20% thicker due to the permanent swelling of the fibers.
Minimizing the musty odor from water damaged documents
After the drying process, you might notice that the documents and books will be restored but it gives off a musty odor. In order to minimize this, you can place your water damaged books in a dry place for a few days. If this option fails, you can put your damaged documents in an open box and place an open box of baking soda. The baking soda will absorb the odor and remove the mustiness. Make sure that the baking soda is not in direct contact with the books. Also, watch out for the growth of molds since you will be keeping the books in a box for quite some time.
Utilizing the help of drying or restoration professionals
If you have exercised every method and technique possible in order to dry out your books and documents and still have not reached your end goal, then maybe it is time to seek the help of professional drying professionals. These restoration professionals have special equipment and techniques for drying out specific documents and books. Most of the restoration companies would offer the following: vacuum freeze drying, cryogenic freeze drying specifically used for books bound by leather and vellum, wet blueprint drying services and many more. These restoration companies can also help you rebind your books.
So the next time that your important documents or favorite books will be damaged by water, do not panic. Just remember all the tips mentioned above, use it
and you will be able to successfully restore your damaged documents in no time at all.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
‘CPSC 2.0’ Launches Product Safety Agency into Social Media Consumers to Be Informed of Important Safety Issues Faster and More Frequently
Advsory vs. the following brands of luggage: Samsonite, Delsey, Pac-Safe, Echolac, Eagle Creek.
I saw Samsonite brand of soft luggage and Pac-Safe brand of soft luggage which was purchased locally and despite being hardly used and lightly used, the fabric on which the zipper was attached to the luggage, started to separate from said luggage. The said Samsonite luggage was purchased from the Travel Club store at SM Megamall, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila.
customer advisory vs. Robinsons Supermarket at Otis, Manila.
Details from: mis3624@yahoo.com
Customer advisory vs. "Rissa M. Mananquil" regarding the following claims which were published on page G-4 of the Wednesday September 23, 2009 issue of the Philippine Star newspaper:
"You and your husband will go crazy over MJ46 Center . . . It's got great products at great prices . . ." What, if any, proof, does said Mananquil have that said store has got great products at great prices? If said store does not have great products at great prices, will said Mananquil compensate customers? What, if any, is said store's policy on return or exchange?
Customer advisory re "Lucy Torres Gomez" regarding the following claims which were published on page G-4 of the Wednesday September 23, 2009 issue of the Philippine Star newspaper: "Dr. Sylvia Huang . . . prescription creams and lotions for the face are very good." What, if any, are the bases of said Gomez claims regarding said creams and lotions?
The following is not an endorsement but simply a statement.
Recently, I saw a Patriot brand of hard case luggage without any zipper. So zipper problems won't occur.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207
September 22, 2009
Release #09-346 CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908
‘CPSC 2.0’ Launches Product Safety Agency into Social Media
Consumers to Be Informed of Important Safety Issues Faster and More Frequently
WASHINGTON, D.C. - In keeping with its commitment to protect the lives of children and families, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is launching “CPSC 2.0,” a comprehensive social networking initiative that will make lifesaving and other safety information more accessible to consumers. Utilizing a variety of technologies and social media sites, CPSC will rapidly expand its reach to millions of consumers.
“Through social media, CPSC can directly reach millions of the moms, dads and others who need our safety information the most,” said CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum.
Today’s launch coincides with CPSC’s Furniture and TV Tip-over Education Campaign. By educating parents and caregivers about the dangers of unstable furniture through dramatic video, blogging and podcasting, CPSC hopes to raise the public’s awareness of tip-over dangers in the home.
Future CPSC 2.0 content will address other safety issues in and around the home in engaging, consumer-friendly ways.
Chairman Tenenbaum added, “Safety can often be achieved through education, and we plan to use every available technology to keep Americans informed.”
Consumers can find CPSC on its “OnSafety” blog, which has messages, articles, videos, podcasts and other information. The site also has a ‘Recall Widget’ tool that anyone can easily add to their Web site. CPSC will also have an official presence on a YouTube channel, a Twitter page, and a FlickR page.
CPSC Urges Parents to Inspect and Secure TVs, Furniture, and Appliances to Prevent Tip-Over Deaths and Injuries
September 22, 2009
Release #09-345 CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908
The Tipping Point: CPSC Urges Parents to Inspect and Secure TVs, Furniture, and Appliances to Prevent Tip-Over Deaths and Injuries
WASHINGTON, D.C. - For young children, the home is a playground, and while many parents childproof to ensure that their home is a safe place, some may not be aware that unsecured TVs, furniture and appliances are hidden hazards lurking in every room. Today, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is urging parents once again to take simple, low-cost steps to prevent deaths and injuries associated with furniture, TV, and appliance tip-overs.
CPSC staff estimates that in 2006, 16,300 children 5 years old and younger were treated in emergency rooms because of injuries associated with TV, furniture, and appliance tip-overs, and between 2000 and 2006, CPSC staff received reports (pdf) of 134 tip-over related deaths. Additionally, CPSC staff is aware of at least 30 media reports of tip-over deaths since January 2007 involving this same age group.
“Many parents are unaware of the deadly danger of this hidden hazard. I urge parents to include securing TVs, furniture, and appliances in their childproofing efforts,” said CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum. “Taking a few moments now can prevent a tip-over tragedy later.”
“You may think your home is safe, but everyday things like a television can hurt your child. I was right there and it happened,” said Sylvia Santiago, of West Haven, Connecticut who lost her two-year old daughter in 2008.
Typically, injuries and deaths occur when children climb onto, fall against, or pull themselves up on television stands, shelves, bookcases, dressers, desks, chests, and appliances. In some cases, televisions placed on top of furniture tip over and cause a child to suffer traumatic and sometimes fatal injuries. “The most devastating injuries that we see resulting from furniture tipping on children are injuries to the brain and when a child is trapped under a heavy piece of furniture and suffocates,” said Gary Smith, MD, DrPH, Director of the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.
Recent revisions to the voluntary safety standards for clothes storage units provide for the inclusion of warning labels and additional hardware to secure the furniture to the floor or wall. To help prevent tip-over hazards, CPSC offers the following safety tips:
* Furniture should be stable on its own. For added security, anchor chests or dressers, TV stands, bookcases and entertainment units to the floor or attach them to a wall.
* Place TVs on a sturdy, low-rise base. Avoid flimsy shelves.
* Push the TV as far back as possible.
* Place electrical cords out of a child’s reach, and teach kids not to play with them.
* Keep remote controls and other attractive items off the TV stand so kids won’t be tempted to grab for them and risk knocking the TV over.
* Make sure free-standing ranges and stoves are installed with anti-tip brackets.
movie iconConsumers can also view a video clip (transcript) about this recall. This is in "streaming video" format. Watch the video on CPSC’s Blog site and on YouTube.
Download CPSC's new safety alert (pdf) and the Neighborhood Safety Network Tip Over Dangers Poster (pdf). Tip Over Dangers
OnSafety Official Blog Site of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
OnSafety is Official Blog Site of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Here you'll find the latest safety information as well as important messages that will keep you and your family safe.
About OnSafety
By Administrator on September 22, 2009
About CPSC
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from thousands of types of consumer products under the agency’s jurisdiction. The CPSC is committed to protecting consumers and families from products that pose a fire, electrical, chemical, or mechanical hazard or can injure children. The CPSC’s work to ensure the safety of consumer products – such as toys, cribs, power tools, cigarette lighters, and household chemicals – contributed significantly to the 30 percent decline in the rate of deaths and injuries associated with consumer products over the past 30 years.
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Official blogs of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) are provided to serve as a forum for advancing the Commission’s safety message and improving communications with the general public, businesses, State/Local/Foreign government entities, and other Federal agencies. Our blogs will discuss product safety issues, recall announcements, and important ongoing agency activities. This blog policy is subject to amendment or modification at any time to ensure the continued use of our blogs is consistent with their intended purpose as a limited forum.
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Any references to commercial entities, products, services, or other nongovernmental organizations or individuals that are included in a blog are provided solely for the information of individuals using the blog. These references are not intended to reflect the opinion of CPSC, the United States Government (Government), or its officers or employees concerning the significance, priority, or importance to be given the referenced entity, product, service, or organization. Such references are not an official or personal endorsement of any product, person, or service, and may not be quoted or reproduced for the purpose of stating or implying CPSC or Government endorsement or approval of any product, person, or service.
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The Office of Information and Public Affairs manages this blog as a portal for information from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. However, information posted on this blog is not official policy of CPSC and will in no way grant anyone any rights, privileges, or standing on any matter. Please e-mail us at feedback@cpsc.gov if you have further questions regarding this policy.
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U.S. FDA Enforcement Report for September 23, 2009
September 23, 2009
U.S. FDA New and Generic Drug Approvals
New and Generic Drug Approvals
September 22, 2009
* Accuretic (hydrochlorothiazide and quinapril hydrochloride) Tablets, Pfizer Inc., Labeling Revision
* AndroGel (testosterone) Gel, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Labeling Revision
* Pre-Pen (benzyl penicilloyl-polylysine) Injection, AllerQuest LLC, Manufacturing Change or Addition
* Sumatriptan Succinate Injection, APP Pharmaceuticals, LLC, Approval
* Testim (testosterone) Gel, Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Labeling Revision
* Valturna (aliskiren and valsartan) Tablets, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp., Approval
I saw Samsonite brand of soft luggage and Pac-Safe brand of soft luggage which was purchased locally and despite being hardly used and lightly used, the fabric on which the zipper was attached to the luggage, started to separate from said luggage. The said Samsonite luggage was purchased from the Travel Club store at SM Megamall, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila.
customer advisory vs. Robinsons Supermarket at Otis, Manila.
Details from: mis3624@yahoo.com
Customer advisory vs. "Rissa M. Mananquil" regarding the following claims which were published on page G-4 of the Wednesday September 23, 2009 issue of the Philippine Star newspaper:
"You and your husband will go crazy over MJ46 Center . . . It's got great products at great prices . . ." What, if any, proof, does said Mananquil have that said store has got great products at great prices? If said store does not have great products at great prices, will said Mananquil compensate customers? What, if any, is said store's policy on return or exchange?
Customer advisory re "Lucy Torres Gomez" regarding the following claims which were published on page G-4 of the Wednesday September 23, 2009 issue of the Philippine Star newspaper: "Dr. Sylvia Huang . . . prescription creams and lotions for the face are very good." What, if any, are the bases of said Gomez claims regarding said creams and lotions?
The following is not an endorsement but simply a statement.
Recently, I saw a Patriot brand of hard case luggage without any zipper. So zipper problems won't occur.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207
September 22, 2009
Release #09-346 CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908
‘CPSC 2.0’ Launches Product Safety Agency into Social Media
Consumers to Be Informed of Important Safety Issues Faster and More Frequently
WASHINGTON, D.C. - In keeping with its commitment to protect the lives of children and families, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is launching “CPSC 2.0,” a comprehensive social networking initiative that will make lifesaving and other safety information more accessible to consumers. Utilizing a variety of technologies and social media sites, CPSC will rapidly expand its reach to millions of consumers.
“Through social media, CPSC can directly reach millions of the moms, dads and others who need our safety information the most,” said CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum.
Today’s launch coincides with CPSC’s Furniture and TV Tip-over Education Campaign. By educating parents and caregivers about the dangers of unstable furniture through dramatic video, blogging and podcasting, CPSC hopes to raise the public’s awareness of tip-over dangers in the home.
Future CPSC 2.0 content will address other safety issues in and around the home in engaging, consumer-friendly ways.
Chairman Tenenbaum added, “Safety can often be achieved through education, and we plan to use every available technology to keep Americans informed.”
Consumers can find CPSC on its “OnSafety” blog, which has messages, articles, videos, podcasts and other information. The site also has a ‘Recall Widget’ tool that anyone can easily add to their Web site. CPSC will also have an official presence on a YouTube channel, a Twitter page, and a FlickR page.
CPSC Urges Parents to Inspect and Secure TVs, Furniture, and Appliances to Prevent Tip-Over Deaths and Injuries
September 22, 2009
Release #09-345 CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908
The Tipping Point: CPSC Urges Parents to Inspect and Secure TVs, Furniture, and Appliances to Prevent Tip-Over Deaths and Injuries
WASHINGTON, D.C. - For young children, the home is a playground, and while many parents childproof to ensure that their home is a safe place, some may not be aware that unsecured TVs, furniture and appliances are hidden hazards lurking in every room. Today, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is urging parents once again to take simple, low-cost steps to prevent deaths and injuries associated with furniture, TV, and appliance tip-overs.
CPSC staff estimates that in 2006, 16,300 children 5 years old and younger were treated in emergency rooms because of injuries associated with TV, furniture, and appliance tip-overs, and between 2000 and 2006, CPSC staff received reports (pdf) of 134 tip-over related deaths. Additionally, CPSC staff is aware of at least 30 media reports of tip-over deaths since January 2007 involving this same age group.
“Many parents are unaware of the deadly danger of this hidden hazard. I urge parents to include securing TVs, furniture, and appliances in their childproofing efforts,” said CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum. “Taking a few moments now can prevent a tip-over tragedy later.”
“You may think your home is safe, but everyday things like a television can hurt your child. I was right there and it happened,” said Sylvia Santiago, of West Haven, Connecticut who lost her two-year old daughter in 2008.
Typically, injuries and deaths occur when children climb onto, fall against, or pull themselves up on television stands, shelves, bookcases, dressers, desks, chests, and appliances. In some cases, televisions placed on top of furniture tip over and cause a child to suffer traumatic and sometimes fatal injuries. “The most devastating injuries that we see resulting from furniture tipping on children are injuries to the brain and when a child is trapped under a heavy piece of furniture and suffocates,” said Gary Smith, MD, DrPH, Director of the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.
Recent revisions to the voluntary safety standards for clothes storage units provide for the inclusion of warning labels and additional hardware to secure the furniture to the floor or wall. To help prevent tip-over hazards, CPSC offers the following safety tips:
* Furniture should be stable on its own. For added security, anchor chests or dressers, TV stands, bookcases and entertainment units to the floor or attach them to a wall.
* Place TVs on a sturdy, low-rise base. Avoid flimsy shelves.
* Push the TV as far back as possible.
* Place electrical cords out of a child’s reach, and teach kids not to play with them.
* Keep remote controls and other attractive items off the TV stand so kids won’t be tempted to grab for them and risk knocking the TV over.
* Make sure free-standing ranges and stoves are installed with anti-tip brackets.
movie iconConsumers can also view a video clip (transcript) about this recall. This is in "streaming video" format. Watch the video on CPSC’s Blog site and on YouTube.
Download CPSC's new safety alert (pdf) and the Neighborhood Safety Network Tip Over Dangers Poster (pdf). Tip Over Dangers
OnSafety Official Blog Site of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
OnSafety is Official Blog Site of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Here you'll find the latest safety information as well as important messages that will keep you and your family safe.
About OnSafety
By Administrator on September 22, 2009
About CPSC
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from thousands of types of consumer products under the agency’s jurisdiction. The CPSC is committed to protecting consumers and families from products that pose a fire, electrical, chemical, or mechanical hazard or can injure children. The CPSC’s work to ensure the safety of consumer products – such as toys, cribs, power tools, cigarette lighters, and household chemicals – contributed significantly to the 30 percent decline in the rate of deaths and injuries associated with consumer products over the past 30 years.
CPSC Blog Policy
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Official blogs of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) are provided to serve as a forum for advancing the Commission’s safety message and improving communications with the general public, businesses, State/Local/Foreign government entities, and other Federal agencies. Our blogs will discuss product safety issues, recall announcements, and important ongoing agency activities. This blog policy is subject to amendment or modification at any time to ensure the continued use of our blogs is consistent with their intended purpose as a limited forum.
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The Office of Information and Public Affairs manages this blog as a portal for information from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. However, information posted on this blog is not official policy of CPSC and will in no way grant anyone any rights, privileges, or standing on any matter. Please e-mail us at feedback@cpsc.gov if you have further questions regarding this policy.
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U.S. FDA Enforcement Report for September 23, 2009
September 23, 2009
U.S. FDA New and Generic Drug Approvals
New and Generic Drug Approvals
September 22, 2009
* Accuretic (hydrochlorothiazide and quinapril hydrochloride) Tablets, Pfizer Inc., Labeling Revision
* AndroGel (testosterone) Gel, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Labeling Revision
* Pre-Pen (benzyl penicilloyl-polylysine) Injection, AllerQuest LLC, Manufacturing Change or Addition
* Sumatriptan Succinate Injection, APP Pharmaceuticals, LLC, Approval
* Testim (testosterone) Gel, Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Labeling Revision
* Valturna (aliskiren and valsartan) Tablets, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp., Approval
Monday, September 21, 2009
U.S. FDA Warning Letters
DOH ignored DTI indorsement
re Power Nut store?
The DTI wrote a letter addressed to Director Irma L. Asuncion, Department of Health (DOH), San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, Manila.
The source of said letter was identified as "Jaime Lazaro L. Olmos Director-In-Charge Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection Department of
Trade and Industry. Said letter was dated 19 August 2009. Said letter contains the following words:"respectfully referred to Director Irma L. Asuncion,
Department of Health . . .for appropriate action, the attached self explanatory letter of M. Silva . . . regarding customer advisory re . . . Power Nut
store specifically for the lists of all the ingredients and visible understandable consume before/best before dates of the said products.
Up to September 21, 2009,said DOH has not provided me with said lists of all said ingredients. . . ."
Customer advisory re Jollibee Shell Magallanes, South Super Hi-Way, Magallanes, Makati City.
On September 20, 2009, I was at said restaurant and I saw an employee of said restaurant cleaning the floor of said restaurant while customers were eating.
So the dust particles from the floor stirred up by said cleaning could land on the food customers were eating. Official receipt No. 06223 dated
09-20-2009 was issued to me.
Customer advisory re ChowKing restaurant at Malate, Manila, near Malate Church. On September 20, 2009, I saw a live moving fly on one of the dining tables at said restaurant. The presence of a live moving insect fly on a dining table of a restaurant is an indication of an unsanitary
Customer advisory re Wendy's restaurant at Ermita, near the Ermita church. On September 21, 2009,
an employee at said restaurant didn't follow the first come first service policy when dealing with a customer. Details available at mis3624@yahoo.com.
customer advisory re columnist Ching M. Alano and ShopWise store
The following appeared under said Alano's name on page J-1 of the September 20, 2009 issue of the Philippine Star newspaper: "the freshest produce". Said words referred to ShopWise store at Commonwealth, Quezon City. What, if any, is the basis for said claim by said Alano?
FDA's Electronic Reading Room _ Warning Letters
A & B Welding Supply Company Inc.
A & D Healthcare
A & H Farms
A & L Laboratories
A Field of Dreams
A. Friscia Seafoods Inc
A La Carte Foods, Inc.
A. N. Deringer
A N T Imaging Center
A Perfect Food Company, LLC
A Spicy World Company
A. Tarantino and Sons, Inc.
A Taste of the Delta, Inc.
A to Z Sandwich Company
AA Dairy
A&A Services
Aadirondack Medical Center - Lake Placid
Aap Implantate AG
A.B. Cole Dairy Farm
Abacherli Dairy
Abadir Associates
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Laboratories, Inc.
Abbott Laboratories Inc.
Abbott Vascular, Inc.
ABC Compounding Company, Inc.
ABCO Laboratories Inc.
Abe's Cajun Boudin Inc.
Abkit Inc.
ABL - Antibiotics Do Brasil
Able Laboratories Inc.
Abraxis Bioscience, Inc.
ABS Seafood Company
Absolute Fire Protection Company Inc.
Absolute Packaging Inc
Absolutely Fresh Seafood Company
Acacia Engineered Products LLC
Acadiana Fishermen's Co-Op
Accent Health Care
Access Financial Market
Access Genetics
Access Point Medical LLC
AccuMed Inc.
Accumed, Inc.
Accumed Inc.
Accupac Inc.
Accurate Set Inc.
Accutech Orthodontic Laboratory
ACI Medical Inc.
ACIPCO Health Services
Acker, Dennis L.
Acker, Randy J.
Ackerman Foods
Acme Food Sales Inc.
Acoma Medical Imaging Inc.
Acoma X-Ray Industry Co. Ltd.
Acon Laboratories Inc.
ACS Dobfar
Actavis Totowa, LLC
Actavis Totowa LLC
Actelion Pharmaceuticals US, Inc.
Acting Welding Supply Inc.
Action Industrial Distributor
Activa Brand Products
Activa Brand Products, Inc.
Acuderm Inc
Ada Veterinary Clinic, Inc.
ADAC Laboratories
Adams County Memorial Hospital
Adams, Mark M.D.
Addison Gilbert Hospital
Adelglass Jeffrey M. M.D.
Adelines Inc.
Adelines Wholesale, Inc.
ADI Corporation
Adirondack Home Care Inc.
Adirondack Purification Co. Inc.
Adkinson N. Franklin Jr. M.D.
ADM Division Headquarters
Admiral Fish company Inc.
Adroit Medical Systems Inc.
Advance Radiological Center
Advanced Athletic Nutrition
Advanced Bionics Corporation
Advanced Composite Technologies Inc.
Advanced Health CAre
Advanced Health Care
Advanced Health Care Services
Advanced Home Oxygen and Medical Supplies Incorporated
Advanced Imaging Research, Inc
Advanced Marketing Services International Inc.
Advanced Medical Imaging
Advanced Medical Imaging Center
Advanced Medical Imaging of Oswego County
Advanced Medical Systems, Inc.
Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc
Advanced Orthopaedics of South Florida
Advanced Pharmaceutical Inc.
Advanced Pharmaceutical Research, Inc.
Advanced Professional Imaging Medical Group
Advanced Radiation Measurements Inc
Advanced Reproductive Laboratory
Advanced Respiratory Care
Advanced Restoration Technologies Inc.
Advanced Scientific Nutrition
Advanced Sports Nutrition
Advanced Sterilization Products
Advanced Surgical Associates Medical Office Inc.
Advanced Tissue Sciences Inc.
Advanced Vision Research
Advantage Medical Electronics
Advantage Nutraceuticals, LLC
Advantage Products
Adven Medical Inc.
Adventist Health Walla Walla General Hospital
Advertising Unlimited Inc.
Aerosol & Liquid Packaging, Inc.
Aerosol Science Laboratories Inc.
Aerospace Machine
Aerscher Diagnostics Inc.
Affordable Supplements
AFP Imaging Corporation
African Home Supply
AGA Gas Co.
AGA Gas Inc.
AGA Gas Incorporated
Age Less Products Inc.
Ageless Cure, LLC
Ageless Herbs
Agile Radiological Technologies, Inc.
Agliano & Son Fish Co.
Ag-Mark Inc.
Agrexco (U.S.A.) Ltd
Agricorp Inc.
Agri-Marine Exports Ltd
Agri-Mark Farmers Co-op, Inc.
Agri-Nutrition Group
Agroaltos, S.A.
Aguirre Imaging Newark
Ahsley Valley Medical Center
Aidance Skincare & Topical Solutions, LLC
Ainger Farm
Air Care Inc.
Air Products & Chemicals Inc.
Air Products and Chemicals Inc.
Air Tran
Air Tran Airways
Aircraft Service International Group
Airgas Inc.
Airgas Norpac
Airport Group International Inc.
Airsep Corporation
AirTran Airways
Airway Clearing Tools
Airway Management, Inc.
Airway Outpatient Center
AJ Slenders Dairy
AJB Ranch
AJD Laboratories - Ulmer Pharmacal
AJP Scientific, Inc.
Akers Laboratories Inc.
Akesis Pharmaceutical Inc.
Akorn, Incorporated
Akorn Incorporated
Aksys, Ltd
Aktina Medical Physics Corp.
Alanric Food Distributors Inc.
Alaris Medical Systems
Alaska Bounty Seafood & Smokery
Alaska Commercial Company
Alaska Fresh Seafoods Inc.
Alaska Garden and Pet Supply Inc.
Alaska Live Crab Company
Alaska Sausage & Seafood Company, Inc.
Alaskan Smoked Salmon International
Alaven Pharmaceutical LLC
ALBA Bioscience (formerly Diagnostics Scotland), SNBTS
Albano, Brenda
Albany Edison Oxygen Co. Inc.
Albany Edison Oxygen Company Inc.
Albany Memorial Hospital
Albany Welding Supply Co. Inc.
Albemarle Hospital
Albermarle Hospital
Albert Azevedo Dairy
Albert J. Bender Farm
Albert Lea Medical Center
Albuquerque International Airport
Alcon, Inc.
Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
Alcon Laboratories Inc.
Alder Springs Smoked Salmon Inc.
Alegent Health Milands community Hospital
Alejandro Romandia Toyos
Alerchek, Inc.
Alerchek Inc.
Alero Corporation
Alex Seafood Company, Inc.
Alex Seafood Company Inc.
Alexander Community Hospital
Alexandre Blake J.
Alfa International Seafood, Inc. & Gamma Seafood Corporation
Alfa Medical Equipment Inc.
Alfa Scientific Designs Inc.
Alfred Louie Inc.
Alfresco Pasta
Aliachem A.S.
Alick's Home Medical Equipment Inc.
AliMed Corporation
Aliotte Bakery Cafe Inc.
ALK-Abello, Inc.
ALK-Abello Inc.
All American Feed & Tractor
All American Medical Services Inc.
All American Pharmaceuticals
All Brazilian Import & Export Inc.
All Care Medical Group, Inc.
All Care USA Medical Specialties
All Florida Diagnostic Center
All Florida Oxygen Services Inc.
All Island Saimin
All Medicare Home Aids Inc.
All Medicus Co. Ltd
All Natural Pain Relief, Inc.
All Sea's Seafood of Florida, Inc.
All Womens Center for Mammography
Allavoix Smoked Seafood Company Ltd
Allcare Medical
Allegiance Corporation
Allegiance Healthcare Corp.
Alleman Seafood
Allen & Dale Van Nurden Farm
Allen, Mark S., M.D.
Allen Robertson & Company, Inc.
Allera Health Products, Inc.
Allerair Industries
Allergan, Inc.
Allergan Inc.
Allergologisk Laboratorium A/S
Allergy Laboratories Inc.
Allergy Laboratories of Ohio, Inc.
Allergy Laboratories of Ohio Inc.
Allermed Laboratories Inc.
Allez Spine, LLC
Allgaier Instrumente GmbH
Alliance Dairies
Alliance Medical Corporation
Alliance Medical, Inc.
Alliance Primary Care
Alliance Security Products, Inc.
Allied Health Association
Allied Health Care Services Inc.
Allied Healthcare Products Inc.
Allied Industriel Gases LLC
Allied Laboratories Ltd.
Allied Medical Associates
Allina Corporation
Allina Medical Clinic Administration
Allina Medical Clinic-Eagan
Allina Medical Group
Allinace Rubber Products
Allison Breast Center at Monument Radiology
Allograft Resources of Wisconsin Inc.
Allosource, Inc.
Allou Personal Care Corporation
Allscripts Healthcare Solutions
Allscripts Inc.
Ally K. Enterprise Corporation
Almacen De Dulce Corporation
Almil Nutritional Products, Inc.
Almo Erzeugnisse Erzeugnisse Erwin Busch GmbH
Aloe Man Inc.
Aloha Juice Company
Aloma Winter Park Medical Ctr.
Alpha Compressed Gases
Alpha Earth Inc.
Alpha Imaging Inc.
Alpha Industries, Inc
Alpha Omega Manufacturing, Inc.
Alpha Pro Tech
Alpha Therapeutic Corporation
Alpha Tron Inc.
Alphagen Laboratories Inc.
Alphamed Inc.
Alpine Oral Care, LLC
Alra Laboratories Inc.
Al-Refai Nuts Gallery
Alta Bates Medical Center
Alta District Hospital
Altair Corporation
Altamira Ltd.
Alternative Baking Co. Inc.
Alternative Health & Herb Remedies
Alternative Health & Herbs Remedies
Alternative Health Approaches
Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation Blood Bank
Altron Inc.
Alva Jade Enterprises, Inc.
Alva-Amco Pharmacal Co. Inc.
Alveolus, Inc.
Alves Family Dairy
Alvieira Dairy
Alvin Souza Dairy
Alwyn Company Inc.
AMA Therapeutics, Inc.
Amanda Animal Hospital
Amato, Robert J., D.O.
Amazon Coffee & Tea Co Inc
Amazonic Herbals Inc.
Ambassador Meat Distributors Inc
Ambco Electronics
Ambi Pharmaceuticals
Ambix Laboratories Inc.
Ambu Incorporation
Ambulatory Equipment Services
Ambulatory Radiology Services
Amedica Corporation
Amelia Springs Water Inc.
America cheritable Fund Inc.
America West Airlines, Inc.
Americair East Bay
Americaloe, Inc.
American Access & Mobility Inc.
American Agco Corporation
American Air Gases
American Airlines
American Airlines Inc.
American Analytical Chemistry Laboratories, Ltd.
American Association of Acupuncture and Bio-Energetic Medicine
American Bantex Corporation
American Bio Medica Corporation
American Biogenetic Sciences Inc.
American Blending and Filling
American Blood Resources Association
American Bodybuilding
American Classic Voyages Co.
American Dental Technologies, Inc.
American Dent-All Inc.
American Diagnostica, Inc.
American Eagle
American Eagle Airlines, Inc.
American Eagle Airlines Inc.
American Electronic Assembly
American Fruit & Produce Corporation
American Fruit Distributors, Inc.
American Health Foundation
American Histolabs, Inc.
American Home Health Care Company
American Home Medical
American Home Products Inc.
American Hormones, Inc.
American International Industries
American I.V. Products, Inc.
American Mammographics, Inc.
American Mammographics Inc
American Medical Devices, Inc.
American Medical Laboratories Incorporated
American Medical Specialties, Inc.
American Medical Supply Inc.
American Medical Systems
American Mobile Medical Surgical Group Inc
American Mussel Harvesters, Inc.
American Nutraceuticals Company
American Nutrition, Inc
American Optisurgical Inc
American Pharmaceutical Partners, Inc.
American Pharmaceutical Partners Inc.
American Plasma Inc.
American Radiology Services
American Radiology Services Inc. at Essex
American Red Cross Transplantation Services
American Smoked Fish Co.
American Soy Products Inc.
American Spice Company, Inc.
American Sports Nutrition
American Stevedoring Inc.
American Sunlight, Inc.
American Supplement Technologies
American Thermal Instrument Inc.
American Ultraviolet Co.
Americare Biologicals Inc.
America's Best Nutrition
America's Soup Company, Inc.
Americell-labs.com VMG Global Inc
Amerifit Brands, Inc
Ameri-Pac Inc.
Ameripec Inc.
AmeriPure Oyster Companies
Ameripure Processing Company, Inc.
Amerisource Corporation
Amerisource Health Services Corp.
AmeriTek Inc.
Ameritek Inc.
AmeriWater, Inc.
AmeriWater Inc.
Amersham Healthcare Inc.
Amersham Holdings
Amery Regional Medical Center
Ametek, Inc.
AMF Support Surfaces, Inc.
Amgen, Inc.
Amgen Inc.
Amherst Radiology
Amico Laboratories, Inc.
Amide Pharmaceutical Inc.
Amon Orchards
Amplifon S.P.A.
AMR Corp./American Airlines, Inc.
Amrep Inc.
Amrex-Zetron, Inc.
Amrita Aromatherapy, Inc
Amros the Second, Inc.
Amros the Second Inc.
Amsino Medical USA
Amsterdam, Daniel, Ph.D.
Amstutz, Harlan C., M.D.
Amting Dairy Farm
Amuchina International Inc.
Amy Foods, Inc.
Amyron Enterprises Pty Ltd.
AM2 PAT, Inc
Anabolic Inc.
Anabolic Laboratories
Anabolic Resources LLC
Anaheim Memorial Hospital
Anam Electronics Co. Ltd.
Anamax Corporation
Ancar Import Corporation
Andersen Dairy
Andersen Pharmaceuticals
Andersen Products Inc.
Anderson C. Joseph M.D.
Andre Oran Leger, Inc. Chez Francois Seafood
Andrew Jergens Co.
Andrew's & Walsh X-Ray
Andrews David W. M.D.
Andy's Peninsula Fish Market
Angel Medical Center
Angelines's Seafood Inc
Anglo American Limited
Ani Safety & Supply Inc.
Anika Therapeutics, Inc.
Animal Clinic
Animal Dermatology Laboratories
Animal Magnetism Inc
Animal Medical Center Inc.
Animal Medical Centers P. C.
Animal Repellants Inc. (ARI)
Animas Corporation
ANIP Acquisition Company
Annie Rose, Inc.
Ansell International
Ansell Perry de Mexico SA de CV
Anson County Hospital
Anspach Effort Inc.
Antelope Valley Healthcare District
Anthony Dinitto
Anthony Home Health Care Inc.
Anthony's Fish Grotto, Inc.
Anti Aging Solutions Inc.
Antique Mall Limited
Antique Mall Ltd.
Antiseptica USA
Antonio Azevedo Dairy
Antonio's Bakery Inc.
A.P. Bell Fish Company
A.P. Bell Fish Company, Inc.
AP Diagnostic Imaging, Inc.
APC Medical Ltd.
Apheresis Technologies Inc.
Aplicare Inc.
Apollo Export Warehouse, Inc.
Apotex Inc.
Apotheca Inc
Apothecary Products Inc.
Appalachina Medical Equipment Co. Inc.
Appetizers And, Inc.
Apple Medical Company
Apple Medical Corporation
Appleton Medical Center
Applied Digital Solutions, Inc.
Applied Imaging Corporation
Applied Laboratories, Inc.
Applied Medical Technology Inc.
Applied Water Engineering, Inc.
Applied X-Ray Technologies Inc.
Applied X-ray Technologies Inc.
Approved Gas Masks
Apptec Laboratory Services, Inc.
Apria Healthcare Group Inc.
Apria Healthcare Inc.
Apria Healthcare Incorporated
Aprile Farms Inc.
APS (USA) Ltd.
Aqel, Raed, M.D.
Aqua Farms Crawfish Inc.
Aqua Micron LLC
Aquaharvest Seafood, LLC
Aquamar Fisheries, Inc.
Aquarium Products
Aquavit Inc.
Aqueous Biomedical, Inc.
Aquidneck Lobster Company
Arbie Mineral Feed Company Inc.
Arcadia Pharmacy Inc.
Arcadia Valley Hospital
Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Arctic Pacific Fisheries Inc.
Areias & Meneses Diary
Areias& Meneses Dairy
Arenal Michael
Argus Analytical Inc.
Arise & Shine
Arizona Dairy Company, LLP
Arizona Institue of Medicine & Surgery
Arizona Natural Resources
ARJO, Ltd.
Arjo Med. AB Ltd.
Arkray Factory, Inc.
Arlington Hospital
Armand's Seafood
Arnold Rothlin Dairy
Aromatic Reseacrh & Technology, LLC
Aromatic Research & Technology LLC
Arrow International, Inc.
Arrow International Inc.
Arrow Seafood, Inc.
Arrowsmith, Peter N., M.D.
Arroyo Dairy
Artesia General Hospital
ArthroCare Corporation
Art's Trading Company
Arzol Chemical Company
Asahi Medical Company, Ltd.
Ascher Health Care Center
ASCO Eastern Medical Supply
Aseptico Inc.
Asfora, Wilson T. M.D.
Ashland Drug
Ashland Farms LLC
Ashland Hopital Corporation
Ashley Medical Center
Ashley Valley Medical Center
Asia Optical Co. Inc.
Asian American Trading Co., Inc.
ASK Foods, Inc
Asociation de Productores de Leche Camuy-Quebradillas
A-Solutions, Inc.
Aspen Dairy
Aspen Medical Clinic
Aspen Medical Group
Aspen Valley Hospital
Assistive Technology, Inc.
Associated Healthcare Systems Inc.
Associated Hospital Services Inc.
Associates in Diagnostic Imaging-Mobile
Associates of Cape Cod Inc.
AST Sport Science World Headquarters
AST Sports Science
Astan Inc.
Astoria Medical Group
Astra USA
AstraZeneca AB
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Astro Instrumentation LLC
At Last Gourmet Foods
A.T. Radiology
Atalanta Corporation
Atchafalaya Crawfish Processors, Inc.
Atchafalaya Crawfish Processors Inc.
Atchison Hospital
Atco Seafood Products Inc.
ATF Fitness Products, Inc.
Athens Limestone Hospital
Atlanta Oriental Food Wholesale
Atlanta Oriental Food Wholesale Co.
Atlantic Cape Fisheries, Inc.
Atlantic Cape Fisheries Inc.
Atlantic Coast Seafood Inc.
Atlantic General Hospital
Atlantic Littleneck Clam Farm
Atlantic Medical Center
Atlantic Seafood, Inc.
Atlantic Southeast Airlines
Atlantic Southeast Airlines d/b/a ASA
Atlantic Steamers Supply Company
Atlas Medical Inc.
Atlas Operations Inc.
A.T.O. Dairy
Atos Medical AB
Atrium Innovation Limited
Attica Veterinary Associates, P.C.
Aubrey Organics Inc.
Aubrey/Pilot Point Professional Products
Auburn University
Audio-Visual Specialist
Augie's Inc.
Augusta Helath Care Inc. / d.b.a. Care Home Medical
Aultman Health Foundation
Aunt Kitty's Foods, Inc.
Aunt Lizzie's Cheese Straws, Inc
Aurora Health Care Corporation
Aurora Health Care Inc.
Aurora Imaging Technology, Inc.
Aurora Medical Group
Aurora Medical Group -- Fond du Lac
Austrade Inc.
Austrialian Surgical Design and Manufacturing Pty Ltd
Automated Voice System Inc.
Automatic Liquid Packaging, Inc.
Auxi Health Inc.
Avanti Foods Corporation
Avax Technologies, Inc.
Aventis Behring, L.L.C.
Aventis Behring L.L.C.
Aventis Bio-Sciences
Aventis Bio-Services
Aventis Bio-Services, Inc.
Aventis Bio-Services Inc
Aventis Pasteur Inc.
Aventis Pasteur SA
Aventura Diagnostic Center
Avera Gregory Healthcare Center
Avicenna Laser Technology Inc
AvidCare Corporation
Aviralex Int.
Avlon Industries
AvoCo International LLC
Avole, Inc.
Avon Hill Farms Inc.
Avon Seafood
A-Vox Systems, Inc.
A.W. Curtis Pharmaceuticals Inc.
AX Save, S.A. de C.V.
Axium Healthcare Pharmacy
Axon Instruments Inc.
Ayla's Hair Skin and Fine Fragrances
Ayoula Dublin
Ayundantes Inc.
Ayurvedic Concepts Ltd.
Aztech Group Inc.
AZ-TX Medical Services Inc.
A1 Discount Vitamins
A-1 Sandwich Wholesale Co.
B & B Fisheries Inc.
B & B Pharmaceuticals Inc.
B & B Systems
B & C Calves/Livestock
B & E Seafood Co. Inc.
B & G Seafood, Inc.
B & G Seed Company
B & J Seafood L.L.C.
B & M Fish Co. LLC
B & M Fish Company, Ltd.
B. Braun Medical, Inc.
B. Braun Medical Inc
B. Braun Medical Inc.
B. Braun Medical Ltd.
B. Braun/McGaw Inc.
Bachem California, Inc
Back To Nature Inc.
Badia Spices, Inc.
Bagel King Bakery, Inc.
Bahama Star limited Inc.
Bailey's Basin Seafood, Inc.
Bailey's Basin Seafood Inc.
Baked Fresh Daily
Baker Hughes Inteq
Baker Leroy & Pat
Baker's Breakfast Cookie, Inc.
Baker's Pharmacy
Bakery Trading Company
Baldor Specialty Foods Inc.
Bales Scientific Inc.
Ballas Imaging Center
Ballert Orthopedic of Chicago
Balsiger Greiner Rohweder Dairy, LLP
Baltimore City Health Department
Baltimore City, Transportation Maintenance Division
Baltimore Fish & Oyster Inc.
Baltimore Imaging Centers
Bama Sea Products
Banco de Sangre Humacao Inc.
Banff Inc.
Banner Mountain Sprouts
Banner Pharmacaps, Inc.
Banner Pharmacaps Inc.
Baptist Health Center - Centerpoint
Baptist Health System
Baptist Imaging Center
Baptist Medical Center
Baptist Medical Plaza at Coral Gables
Baptist Memorial Hospital - Huntingdon
Baptist Regional Medical Center
Baptist St. Anthony's Hospital
Baptist Women's Pavilion Hospital
Bar Harbor Lobster Company
Bar VP Dairy
Baranof Fisheries Ltd
Barbland Farms, Inc.
Bar-B-R Farm
Barclay Seafoods & Meat Corporation
Bard Robert L. M.D.
Bardstown Mill, Inc.
Barker's Dairy
Barlean's Organic Oils LLC
Barnacle Seafod, Inc.
Barnes Health Care Services
Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital
Barney's Weir Cove Bakery
Barr Animal Foods
Barr John D. M.D.
Barranquitas Ultrasound & Mammography Center
Barreca's Inc.
Barrie House Coffee Co. Inc.
Barrow Medical Center
Bartels Inc.
Bartholomew, Bradley J., M.D.
Bartush-Schnitzius Foods Co.
Barwick Crab Company
Barwicks Ocean Fresh Crab Company
Basha Diagnostics, P.C.
Basha Diagnostics P.C.
Basic American Medical Products Inc.
Basic Organics Inc.
Basic Research, LLC
Basik Swift & Determined
Basque American Dairy
Bass & Boney, Inc.
Bass Harbor Seafood
Bass Medical Inc
Bassett Healthcare
Bateman Food Distributors
Bates Jersey Corporation
Baton Rouge Clinic AMC
Batshaw Mark L. M.D.
Battery Marketing Associates [dba] Sunn Battery Company
Baudin's Sausage Kitchen Inc
Bauer Medical Inc.
Baugher Enterprise, Inc.
Baumer Ltda.
Bausch & Lomb
Bausch & Lomb Incorporated
Bausch and Lomb Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Baxa Corporation
Baxter Health Care
Baxter Healthcare
Baxter Healthcare Corp
Baxter Healthcare Corp.
Baxter Healthcare Corp. Inc.
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Bay Area Compliance Laboratory Corporation
Bay Area MRI and Diagnostic Center
Bay Island Fish Company
Bay State Chowda Company
Bay State Medical Inc.
Bay Valley Foods, LLC
Baya Home Care Inc.
Bayard-Prete Candy Co. Inc.
Bayer Corporation
Bayer Corporation Consumer Care Division
Bayer Corporation [USA]
Bayer Health Care LLC
Bayer HealthCare - Bayer Schering Pharma AG
Bayer HealthCare LLC
Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Baylor-Richardson Medical Center
Bayou Blend, Inc.
Bayou City Fish Co, Inc.
Bayou Cook Food Corporation
Bayou Land Seafood
Bayou Land Seafood, LLC
Bayou State Wholesale Seafood, Inc.
Bayou Vista Dairy
Bayshore Community Hospital
Bayside Shellfish
Baytank Houston Inc.
Bazaar Of India
BCA Internaional Inc.
BCS Farms
B&D Medical
BDI Pharmaceuticals
Beach Smoke House
Beam of Light Technologies, Inc.
Bear Creek Country Kitchens, LLC
Bear Creek MRI and Diagnostic Center
Bear Creek Veterinary Services
Bear, Harry D., M.D., Ph.D.
Bearden Sandwich Co., Inc.
Bearson Diary
Beaufort Jasper Comprehensive Health
Beaumont Products, Inc.
Beauty and the Beach
Beauty Supply
Beaver Dam Community Hospital
Beavers Dairy Farm
Beck Farms, LP
Beck Network, Inc.
Becker Frederick K.
Becker Kenneth B. Sr.
Beckett Diagnostic Center, LLC
Becnel's Meat & Seafood Market
Becton Dickingson and Company
Becton Dickinson & Company
Becton Dickinson & Company 5/11/09
Becton Dickinson Microbiology Systems
Beef Northwest Feeders, LLC
Beefcake Nutrition
Beehive Botanicals, Inc.
Beekman Foods Inc
Before and After Cosmetic LLC
Behavioral Therapeutics, LLC.
Behring Diagnostics Inc.
Beiersdorf-Jobst Inc.
Belford Seafood Co-Op
Bella Cucina Artful Food, Inc.
Bella Vista Hospital Blood Bank
Belle River Seafood
Bellevue Mammography Satellite
Bellevue Pharmacy Solution
Belleza Integral C.A.
Bellknap Livestock Auction
Bell-More Laboratories, Inc.
Bell's Fishery, Inc.
Belmont Community Hospital
Belmont, Sandra
Belmont, Sandra, M.D.
Beloit Memorial Hospital
Belvin Seafood Corporation
Ben J. Weaver
Ben Mendonca & Family
Ben Venue Laboratories, Inc.
Benchmark Medical, Inc.
Bennett Industries, Incorporated
Bennett Medical Services
Benny's Seafood
Bentec Medical, Inc.
Benton Discount Pharmacy
Benton Seafood, Inc.
Beranbaum Khilnani Neistadt Jacobs Hertz & Sherman MDs P.C.
Berchtold GmbH
Bergen Institute of Medicine
Bergen Open MRI and Diagnostics
Bergenline X-Ray Daignostic Center Corp.
Berger Hospital
Berger Mitchel S. M.D.
Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Berkeley Ralph M.D.
Berkline, LLC
Berkshire Valley Holsteins
Berlex Laboratories, Inc.
Berlex Laboratories Inc.
Bernafon-Maico Inc.
Bernard A. te Velde Sr. Dairy #2
Berne Hi Way Hatchery, Inc.
Bernhard's Bakery, Inc.
Berwald Dairy
Bescon Co., Ltd.
Bessemer Carraway dba Alabama OB/GYN
Bessinger Pickle Company, Inc.
Best Choice Trading Corporation
Best Fish Company, LLC
Best Fish Company LLC d.b.a. Crab Fresh
Best Formulations
Best on Earth Products
Best Vascular Inc
Best Veterinary Solutions, Inc.
BestLife International, Inc.
Beta Biomedical Services, Inc.
Beta Dermaceuticals Inc.
Betco Corporation Ltd.
Bethesda Hospital
Bethurum Research and Development
Bettencourt Dairies
Better Bodies
Better Bodz
Better Than Formula, Inc.
Better Way Kids
Betterthanair, LLC
Beutler Ernest M.D.
Beverly Hills Diagnostic Breast Center
Beverly Hills Diagnostic Imaging
Beverly Hills Prostetics Orthotics, Inc.
Bezzerides Co.
B.F. Ascher & Company, Inc.
B-G Lobster & Shrimp Corporation
B-G Lobster and Shrimp Corp.
Bi-County Community Hospital
Bier Steven J. M.D. and DiBlasio Mario L. M.D.
Big Bay De Noc Fisheries, Inc
Big Island Seafood LLC
Big River Seafood, Inc.
Big Shy Farms
Big Stone Bay Fishery, Inc.
Bigmar-Bioren SA
Bilchik, Anton J., M.D., Ph.D.
Bill Forrest Seafood Co.
Bill Gray Medical Corporation
Bill Lawson Livestock
Billy's Sandwiches Inc.
Bimeda Animal Health Inc.
Bimeda MTC Animal Health Inc.
Bindley Western Industries, Inc.
Binson's Hospital Supplies Inc.
Bio Compression Systems
Bio Magnetics International LLC
Bio Pharm Inc.
BioCentric Laboratories Inc.
Biocoating srl
BioDevelopment Associates, LLC
BioEclectic Research
Bio-Engineered Supplements & Nutrition, Inc.
Bioesl Packing Company, Inc.
Bioflex Inc
BioForm Medical, Inc.
Biogen Inc.
Biogenetics Food Corporation
BioGenex Laboratories
Bio-Germ Protection, LLC
BioHarmonics Research and Consulting
BioHorizons Implant Systems, Inc.
Biokwitech Inc.
Biolase Technology, Inc.
Bio-Laser Response Corp.
Biolife Bioproducts Ltd
Bio-Life International
BioLife Plasma Services, L.P.
Biolmagene, Inc.
Biolog, Inc.
Biological and Environmental Control Laboratories, Inc.
Biological Research Solutions Inc.
Biological Technologies International Inc.
Biologics Laboratories
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.
Biomat USA, Inc.
Biomatrix Incorporated
Biomax Formulations
Biomed Devices Corporation (AKA: Medlens Innovations, Inc.)
Biomedical Implant Technology, Inc.
Biomedicare, Inc.
BioMedix Vascular Solutions, Inc.
BioMerieux, Inc.
Biomet Inc.
Biomet Limited
Biomet Merck Limited
Bionaturals International Inc.
Bioniche Pharma Group Limited
Bionike Inc.
Bio-Pharm Inc.
Biopool International Inc.
Biopsys Medical Incorporation
Biora AB
Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.
Bioray Inc.
BioReliance Corporation
Biorem s.r.l.
Bio-Research Inc.
BioSafe America Corporation
Biosafe Laboratories
Bioscan, Inc.
Bio-Science Research Institute Inc.
BioScience Technologies, Inc.
Biosera Inc.
Biosil Limited
Bioster a.s.
Biosyn Inc.
Biotech Corporation
Biotecx Laboratories, Inc.
Bioteque America, Inc.
Biotest AG
Biotherapies Inc.
Biotivia America
Biotronik, Inc.
Biotronix 2000 Inc.
Biovail Pharmaceuticals Inc.
BioWhittaker Inc.
Biowhittaker Inc.
BioZeal LLC dba ChildLife Essentials
Biozone Laboratories
Bircher Farm
Bird Life Design
Bird's Hill Pharmacy
Birmingham OB/GYN
Bishop, Clark M.D.
Bivona Medical Technologies
BJ Packers Inc.
B.L. Mitchell, Inc.
Black Henna Ink, Inc.
Black River Produce Earth Brothers Ltd.
Black Tiger Co. Inc.
Blackburn Brothers, Inc.
Blackjack Ridge Dairy
Blackstone Medical Inc.
Bladen County Hospital
Blaine's Research Laboratories
Blake Street Manufacturing, LLC
Blanchard Valley Regional Health Center
Blanchard Valley Regional Health Center Findlay
Blanchard Valley Regional Health Center-Bluffton
Blanchard's Seafood Inc.
Blanc's Enterprises Inc.
Blankers, Glen
Blessing Inc. (DBA Blessing Seafood)
Blind Industries and Services of Maryland
Blond, Scott, D.V.M
Blood Bank of the Redwoods
Blood Center of New Jersey
Blood Net USA, Inc.
Bloodline Inc.
Bloomington Hospital
Blue & White Food Products Corp.
Blue Fin International Inc.
Blue Heron Bakery, Inc.
Blue Light Inc.
Blue Pacific Seafood, Inc. (DBA Shrimp Works, aka Water Works)
Blue Ribbon Meats Inc
Blue Ridge Farms Inc.
Blue Ridge Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Blue Sea Import Corporation
Blue Star Fish Company
Blue Star Shrimp Company (dba Blue Star Seafood Inc.)
Blue Stuff, Inc.
Blue Water Shrimp Company Inc.
Bluff City Medical Technologies Inc.
B.N.S Uni, Inc.
Bo Wah Enterprises, Inc.
Boardwalk Inc.
Bob & Rodney Nierman Farm
Bobarosa's Gourmet Inc
Bobbery Enterprises Inc.
Bobby Chez, Inc.
Bobby Collins Seafood
Bob's Seafood Inc.
BOC Group Inc.
BOCA Grande Fishery
Boca Pharmacal Inc.
Boca Radiology Associates
Bodee LLC
Bodin Foods, Inc.
Bodin's, Inc.
Body Best Inc.
Body Fitness Products Inc.
Body Systems Technology Inc.
Body Vibes
Bodysaver, LLC
Boehringer Ingelheim Corporation
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Boehringer Ingelheim Roxane Inc.
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc.
Boehringer Mannheim Corp.
Boersma #2 Dairy
Bogojavlensky Sergei M.D.
Bold Coast Smokehouse
Boles Livestock
Bolivar General Hospital
Bollinger Quick Repair, Inc.
Bollinger Shipyard Inc.
Bolsa Medical Group
Boman, William
Bombay Dairy
Bombay Duck Company Ltd
Bombay Elevator, Inc.
Bon Secours Health System Incorporated
Bon Secours/Cottage Health Services Diagnostic Center
Bonamar Corporation
Bonita Community Health Center
Bonita's Pizza, Inc.
Boor Crest Farm
Borawski, Lawrence A.
Borda Dairy Farms
Borden Foods Corporation
Borenstein Caterers, Inc.
Borgess at Woodbridge Hills
Borgess- Pipp Health Center
Borinquen Biscuit Co.
Borkholder Farms
Bornstein Seafoods, Inc.
Borschow Hospital & Medical Supplies, Inc.
Boschma Dairy
Boscobel Area Health Care
Bosman Dairy
Boss Innovation & Marketing, Inc.
Boston Electtrodomestici S.r.l.
Boston Home Infusion Inc.
Boston Lobster Company Inc.
Boston Medical Center
Boston Salads & Provisions Co., Inc.
Boston Scientific Cardiovascular
Boston Scientific Corporation
Boston SeaFarms, Inc.
Boston Seafood Wholesale LLC
Bostonian Fishery Inc.
Bothwell Regional Health Center
Bottasso Dairy
Boulder Natural Labs, LLC
Bounty Seafood
Bourbon County Hospital
Bourget Health Services, Inc
Bowerman, Freddie J. & Letitia
Bowers, James H. Jr., M.D.
Bowie Memorial Hospital
Box Canyon Dairy
Boyd Industries Inc.
Boyd-Bluford Inc.
Bozenkill Dairy Farm
Brabant Farm
Bradford, Michael, MD
Bradley Healthcare Center Inc.
Bradley Pacific Aviation, Inc.
Bradley Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Brady's Angus Farm
Brandon Regional Hospital
Branitz, Bruce, MD
Brann Farms
Brar, Saroj M.D.
Brave Coast, Inc.
Brazos River Harbor Navigation District
Breakwater Seafoods
Breast Cancer Detection Center of Alaska
Breast Cancer Detection Center #3
Breast Care Center Sedro-Woolley
Breast Center
Breast Center of Northern Solano
Breast Center of Texoma
Breast Clinic Wichita Kansas
Breast Diagnostic Center
Breast Imaging at Mercy Medical Center
Breath of Life
Breathe Easy Medical Equipment
Breathe More Easily Online
Breathing Easy Inc
Breckenridge Pharmaceutical Inc.
Brede, Inc.
Breger Vision
Brenham Clinic
Brent Rus Farm
Brewer David H.
Brewer, George J. M.D.
Bridgeport & Port Jefferson Steamboat Co.
Bridges, R. McIntyre, M.D.
Bridgewater Goddard Park Medical Associates Inc.
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Brigham City Community Hospital
Brigham Radiology Group
Bristol Myers Barceloneta Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Bristol-Myers Squibb Manufacturing Company
Bristol-Myers Squibb PRI
Brit Mart
British Airways
British Express
Broad Run Cheese House
BroadVision Nutrition
Brocato's Food
Brodstone Memorial Nuckolls County Hospital
Bromenn Healthcare
Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center
Brookddale Hospital Medical Center
Brookhurst Mill
Brooklyn Medical Group P.C.
Brooks Lawrence C. DVM
Brosan Inc. dba Simex Internation
Brotherhood Farms
Brown Bag Lunch Co., Inc.
Brown Bag Sandwiches, Inc.
Brown, Candace S., Pharm.D, FNP
Brown Cattle Company
Brown, John M.D.
Brown Laboratory
Browne Kevin
Browne Trading Company
Brown's Livestock
Brownwood Acres Foods, Inc.
Bruce Branitz, M.D.
Brumbaugh Farms
Brumfield Enterprises Inc.
Brun Laboratories Inc.
Brunner Healthcare Inc.
Brunner Professional Services
Bruno's of Duluth, Inc.
Bryan Enterprises
Bryan Medical Group Inc.
Bryce Clinical Laboratories Inc.
Brymill Corporation
BSD Medical Corporation
BTI Filtration
Bubba's Crab Factory Inc.
Buchman Alan L. M.D.
Buckeye Egg Farm L.P.
Buckeye Feed Mills, Inc.
Buckhead Beef
Buckley Brothers Inc.
Buena Suerte Veterinary Services LLC
Buena Vista Diary
Buffalo Equine & Large Animal Clinic, LLP
Buffalo Welding Supply Co. Inc.
Bui Family Crab Company
Bui Family Seafood Company
Bukowski, Ronald M, MD
Bulloch Memorial Hospital
Bunge Corporation
Bunker Hill Cheese Company Inc.
Bunnel, Inc
Buns Master Bakery, Inc.
Burke/Neutech Medical Systems Inc.
Burlington Imaging & Breast Center PA
Burma, Gerald M., M.D.
Burnham Laboratories, Inc.
Business Express Airlines
Busker Diary
Buss, Merle R.
Butte Produce Company
BWild Inc.
By-Acres Farm
Byerly Hospital
Byma, Benjamin
Byrne Medical, inc.
Byron Medical
B-Zhars Salon
C & C Holsteins
C & E GP Specialists
C & G Marketing and Manufacturing
C & J Seafood and Crab Co. Inc.
C & J Seafood and Crab Company Inc.
C & J Seafood Inc.
C & K Manufacturing & Sales Co., LLC
C & M Hilt Dairy
C & M Oxyfill, LLC
C & R Vanderham Dairy
C Bar D Cattle Company
C Change Surgical, LLC
C. G. Van Vliet Dairy
C. Kenneth Imports Co Inc
C.A. Griffith & Co.
Cabados, Rick
Cabot Industries LLC
Cabral Antonio M.
Cacade Medical Center
Cache Commodities, Inc.
Cadell Dry Dock & Ship Repair Inc.
Cadio Design Pty. Ltd.
Cafeteria Adelita
Caguas Bakery
Caito Fisheries, Inc.
Cajun Gold Catfish Processors, Inc.
Cal Chris Holsteins
Calabash Imaging Center
Calamari Fisheries Inc.
Calco Bean Sprouts Inc.
Calco of Seattle Inc.
Calco Sprouts, Inc.
Caldwell, Stephen H., M.D.
Caleb Haley Co., Inc.
Caleb Laboratories Inc.
Caledonian Springs, Inc.
Calftech Corporation
Calhoun County Navigation District
Calhoun Liberty Hospital
Calhoun Treatment Center Inc.
California Breastcare Centers - Mobile
California Co-Packers LLC
California Day-Fresh Foods Inc.
California Natural Products
California Shellfish Company, Inc.
California Sun Care Inc.
Callahan Dairy
Cal-Maine Foods, Inc.
Cal-Test Diagnostics Inc.
Calvin Scott & Company Inc.
Calypte Biomedical Corporation
Cambrex Profarmaco Milano Srl
Cambridge Biotech Corporation
Cambridge House
Cambridge Medical Center
Cambridge Public Health Alliance-Somerville Hospital
Cameron Community Hospital
Cameron Regional Medical Center
Cameron-Miller, Inc.
Camino Medical Group
Camnitz Leonard D.O.
Campbell County Memorial Hospital
Campbell Soup Supply Co. LLC
Campus Coach Inc.
Camtrade Enterprises, Inc.
Camtronics LTD., Medical Systems
Can Tho Animal Fishery Products
Canada Food Outlet, Inc.
Canadian American Transportation Systems
Canadian Discount Drugs
Canadian Valley Pharmacy Inc.
Canal Radiology Associates, P.C.
Canam Medsource Ltd
CanaRx Services, Inc.
Canby Community Health Srvices
Cancer Detection Center
Cancer Therapeutics, Inc.
Candela Corporation
Cangene Corporation
Canix Sterilizer
Cannon Fish Company
Canton Veterinary Clinic
Can-x Products
Can-X Products, Inc.
Canyon Crest Dairy
Cape Atlantic Medical Inc.
Cape Cod Radiology Associates Inc.
Cape Drugs
Cape May Foods Inc
Cape Medical Supply, Inc.
Cape Qaulity Bluefin Inc.
Capellon Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Capital Candy Co., Inc.
Capital Fleet, Inc.
Capital Foods, Inc.
Capital Medical Center
Capitan's Select Seafood, Inc.
Capitol Cake Co.
Capitol Imaging Group
Capt. Vince Inc.
Captain Bob's Seafood
Captain Henry Seafood Inc.
Captain Jackie's Seafood, Inc.
Caputo, Leonard J., M.D.
Capweld Inc.
Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Ltd
Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories Ltd.
Carbon County Cattle Co.
Cardiac Assist, Inc
Cardiac Science Corporation
Cardiac Science, Inc.
Cardinal Enterprises, Inc.
Cardinal Health, Inc.
Cardinal Health 414 LLC
Cardinal Laboratories
Cardinal Medical Specialties Inc
Cardio Display Corporation
Cardio Vascular Dynamics Inc.
CardioCommand, Inc.
Cardiomedics Inc.
CardioTech International
Cardoza Joe V. III
Cardoza Mark A.
Care Products Inc
Care Rehab and Orthopaedic Products, Inc.
Care Tech Industries, Inc.
CareFore Medical Incorporated
Carematrix, Inc.
Caremore Medical Management
Carenet Medical Group
Cares Built, Inc.
Cargill Flavor Systems Puerto Rico Inc.
Cargill, Inc.
Carib Import & Export, Inc.
Carib Supply of St. Croix, Inc.
Cariba International
Caribbean Cold Storage, Inc
Caribbean Imaging & Radiation Treatment Center
Caribbean Ventures Inc.
Caribe Food Corporation
Carilion Health Systems
Carl & Don Frazier, Inc.
Carl L. Diller Dairy Farm
Carl Simon Farm
Carl Zeiss Inc.
Carl Zeiss Jena Gmbh
Carlinville Area Hospital
Carlos C. Lourenco Dairy
Carlos Lourenco Dairy
Carlos Seafood Incorporated
Carl's Commercial Gases
Carl's Medical Home Care Inc.
Carl's Seafood
Carl's Seafood, Inc.
Carlsbad Technology, Inc
Carlson, Steven L., D.V.M.
Carmel's Seafood
Carmo Dairy
Carnegie Science Center
Carneys Drug
Caro Nicholas C. M.D.
Caroca Pharmaceutical Laboratories Ltd.
Carolina Georgia Blood Center
Carolina Imaging Center
Carolina Liquid Chemisties Corporation
Carolina Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center
Carolina Seafood Ventures, LLC
Carolinas Anson Healthcare Inc.
Carolinas Hospital System - Kingstree
Carpal Kinetics, LLC
Carper Frank
Carribean Conch, Inc.
Carrington Laboratories, Inc
Carrington Laboratories Inc.
Carroll, Tommy D.
Carrollton Farmers Exchange
Carters Milk Factory
Carter-Wallace Inc.
Carthage General Hospital
Carvalho Antonio D.
CASA Lab, Inc.
CASA Lab, Inc-Walking Bird International, Inc.
Cascade Dairy
Cascadia Manufacturing, Inc.
Case Vlot Cattle
Case Western Reserve University
Caserio Gourmet, Inc.
Casio Products
Casix in USA
Cass Clay Creamery Inc.
Cassandra LLC
Cassidy Inc.
Cassidy's Seafood Inc.
Castleton Family Physicians
Catahoula Crawfish Inc.
Catalent Pharma Solutions
Catalina Fish Company
Catalysis Corporation
Catalytica Inc.
Catawba Radiological Associates, Inc.
Catch Incorporated
Catfish Wholesale Inc.
Cathay Foods, Inc.
Catholic Health Partners
Catso Corp.
Cattlemyth Veterinary Service, LLC
Caviar Royale, Inc.
Cayenne Company, Onc.
C.B. Fresh Potato Products
CBC Research, Inc.
CBCDC-Johnston Memorial Hospital
C&C Home Care Inc.
CCL Custom Manufaturing Inc.
CC's Catering
CCS Medical
C.E. Foods, Inc.
Cedar Arch Dairy
Cedar Arch-North
Cedar County Memorial Hospital
Cedar's Mediterranean Foods Inc.
Celgene Corporation
Cell Marque Corporation
Cell Point, LLC
Cell Quest, Inc.
Celletech Ltd.
Celltech Manufacturing Inc.
Cellular Wellness Foundation
Cellulte Reduction of New York
Celsion Corporation
Celsus Laboratories, Inc.
Cemac Foods Corporation
Centeon Pharma GmbH
Center for Comprehensive Medicine
Center for Corrective Eye Surgery
Center for Fertility and Gynecology
Center for Health and Human Services Inc.
Center for Spinal Disorders
Center Laboratories Inc.
Center One Radiology Associates Ltd.
Center Oriental Food
Centerburg Mill and General Store Inc
Centerburg Mill and General Store Inc.
Centinela Medical Center of Fox Hills
Centocor Inc.
CentraCare Clinic
Central Admixture Pharmacy Sevices Inc.
Central American Produce
Central Boeki California, Ltd
Central Boeki USA Ltd
Central Brooklyn Medical Group, P.C.
Central Connecticut COOP Farmer's Association
Central Connecticut Cooperative Farmers Association
Central Diagnostic Imaging
Central Diagnostic Imaging Network
Central Florida Calf Farms, Inc.
Central Florida Eye Institute
Central Grocers Co-op Inc.
Central Imaging of Arlington
Central Indiana Regional Blood Center
Central Jersey Blood Center
Central Medical Clinic
Central Minnesota Diagnostic Inc.
Central Minnesota Diagnostic Inc. -Mobile
Central Missouri Agri-Service LLC
Central Ohio Farmers Cooperative Inc.
Central Peninsula General Hospital - Kenai Clinic
Central Seafood Company Inc
Central Texas Regional Blood & Tissue Center
Central Triad Imaging Center
Central Valley Large Animal
Central Washington Hospital
Centre Manufacturing Inc.
Centrix Pharmaceutical Inc.
Centura Health Avista Hospital
Centura Health-Summit Medical Center
Century City Hospital
Century Foods International Inc.
CEPH International Corporation
Cephalon, Inc.
CeraMed Dental L.L.C.
CeramOptec Inc.
Ceres Terminals Inc.
Cerner Corporation
Cerro La Marquesa Inc.
Certified Grocers Midwest Inc.
Certified Natural Laboratories, Inc.
Certified Processing Corp.
Cetified Safety Manufacturing Inc.
Cezayirli, R. Cem, M.D.
CFG S.A. Microelectronic
CFH Laboratories LP
CGI International LLC
C&H Chemical Inc.
C&H Classic Smoked Fish
Chaganti, Surendra, M.D.
Chain Reactions Inc.
Chalgren Enterprises, Inc.
Cha-Liz Farm LLC
Chalmette Medical Centers
Chambermaid Products, Inc.
Chambers, Edward M.D.
Champaign Landmark Inc.
Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital Medical Center
Champlin Medical Center
Chan Ta Seafood
Chancey-Folsom Inc.
Chancy Oxygen Service Inc.
Chang Tuh Foods
Changzhou SPL Company, Ltd ( a/k/a "Kaipu")
Chapman Ranch
Chappel, Christopher, MD
Charles A. Cannon, Jr. Memorial Hospital
Charles L. Earsing Dairy Farm
Charles Polo & Co.
Charles River Endosafe Inc.
Charlie Seafood, Inc.
Charlton Methodist Hopital
Chase Medical, Inc.
Chaslee Dairy
Chattanooga Diagnostic Imaging
Chattanooga Group Inc.
Chattem, Inc.
Chattem Inc.
Chau Sprouting Company
Chavez Greman M.D. and Bermudez Gamalier M.D.
Cheatham, John P., M.D.
Chediak, Juan, M.D.
Chef's Creations Inc.
Chelationcare Centers USA LLC
Chelsea Catering
Chembio Diagnostic Systems Inc.
Chembio Diagnostics Systems Inc.
Cheminova America Corporation
Cheminova American Corporation
Chemline Products Inc.
Chemrich Holdings Inc.
Chemrite Industries Inc.
ChemSource Corporation
Chem-Tech Ltd.
Chenango Memorial Hospital
Cherokee Baptist Medical Center
Cherokee Indian Hospital
Cherokee Naturals, Inc
Cherry Lands Best
Cherry Point Seafood Company, Inc.
Cherry Republic
Cherry Rx
Chesapeake General Hospital
Cheshire Pharmaceutical Systems
Chester Labs Inc.
Chesterfield Dairy
Chestertown Animal Hospital
Chestnut Directs
Chestnut Ridge Family Health Center
Chet's Custom Foods Inc.
Cheyenne Community Drug Abuse Treatment Council
Cheyenne Dairy No. 2
Chez Bon Incorporated
Chez Francois Seafood
Chi Global Foods System, Inc.
Chi Machine International
Chi Thanh Trading Co.
Chianti Cheese Co.
Chicago Beef Company
Chicken of the Sea International
Chickering, Arthur H III
Chien Ti Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Childersburg Medical - Surgical Center
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite
Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters
Chilean Fish Corporation
Chilemex Inc.
China Farm Inc.
China farm Incorporated
China Farms
China Noodle Factory
Chinese Bean Sprout Company
Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility
Chinook Medical Gear, Inc.
Chios Bakery, Inc.
ChiRhoClin, Inc.
Chiron Corporation
Chisholm Thelma L. M.D.
Chiu Technical Corp.
Chiu-Chou Lee CHB
Chiyoda Sushi New York Inc
Chloe Foods Corp
Chocolate Cottage, Inc.
Choi Stephen
Chongqing Bashan Instrument Factory
Chosen Valley Veterinary Clinic
Choutchourrou Dairy
Chowchilla District Memorial Hospital
Choyang Medical Co., Ltd
Chozyn, LLC
Chris & Tracey Elbe Dairy Farm
Chris DeJong Dairy
Chris' Seafood
Christ Hospital
Christian Brothers
Christian Hospital- Northeast Division
Christopher & Tracy Elbe Dairy
Christopher's Catering Art Corp. dba Catering Art
Christus Coushatta Health Care Center
Christus St. Patrick Hoospital
Christus St. Patrick Hospital IRB
Chronimed Inc.
CHS, Incorporated
CHS International Research Ltd.
CHS Nutrition
C.H.S. Radiology of Marion
Chu Minh Tofu, Inc.
Chukar Cherry Company
Chun Cheng USA Inc.
Chunco Foods Inc.
Chung Farming
Chung Wah Co.
Chung's Products, LP
Chunias, Nick & Margaret
Churchill Veterinary Supply Company, Inc.
Chuter, Timothy A.M., M.D.
CIBA Vision Corporation
Ciba-Geigy Corporation
CIDEC Corporation
Cincinnati Sub-Zero Products
Ciocca Dairy
Circle of Health, Inc, www.ayurveda-herbs.com
Circle T Dairy
Circon ACMI
Circular Enterprises, LLC
Cirrus Air Technologies LLC
Cirugia Peruana S.A.C.
Citarella Fish Company
Citi Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Citra Mina Seafood Corporation
City of Florence Parks & Recreation
City Smoked Fish Co.
City Smoked Fish Company
City Wide Solutions, Inc.
Civic Center Pharmacy
Clarity, Inc.
Clark Research and Development, Inc.
Clarkdale Fruit Farms Inc.
Clarks Cove Fish Co.
Clark's Marina & Seafood
Clarus Medical Systems Inc.
Clasen Quality Coatings, Inc.
Classic Care Products Inc.
Classic Catering & Commissary Corp.
Classic Charter, Inc.
Classic Delight Inc.
Classic Medical, Inc.
Clay-Park Laboratories Inc.
Clayton Fulcher Seafood Company
Clayton Veterinary Consultants Ltd.
Clean Aircraft
Clean Pack and Quality Dental Products
Clearly Canadian Beverage Corporation
Clearview Dairy, LLC
Clearwater Colon Hydrotherapy
Clem's Seafood & Specialities, Inc.
Cleveland Clinic Health System - Chagrin Valley
Cleveland Community Hospital
Cleveland Medical Devices, Inc.
Cleveland Tubing Inc
Clifton Springs Hospital and Clinic
Clifton-Fine Hospital
ClinCon Research Incorporated
Clinic for Women of Central Mississippi P.A.
Clinica Medica General - East L.A.
Clinica Medica General - Huntington Park
Clinica Medica San Miguel
Clinical Diagnostic Solutions
Clinical Diagnostices Inc.
Clinical Laser Systems, Inc.
Clinical Pharmacies, Inc.
Clinical Pharmacology Associates
Clinical Science Laboratories Inc.
CliniComp International Inc.
Clinipad Corporation
Clonmel Healthcare Ltd.
Cloquet Community Memorial Hospital
Closure Medical Corporation
Club Fitness
Clyde Brunner Farm
Cnossen Dairy
Coast Institutional Review Board
Coastal Seafood
Coastal State Catering Inc.
COATS Aloe International Inc.
Coberg, Inc.
Coca-Cola Company (The)
Cochlear Americas
Cochlear Bone Anchored Solutions AB
Cocoon Nutrition
Coco's Seafood & Fish Company
Codan Medical APS
Code Flier Technology Co. Ltd.
Codonics, Inc.
Codorniz Dairy
Cody, Kendall S.
Cody Laboratories, Inc
Cody Laboratories, Inc.
Coelho Dairy
CoffeeConnexion Company
Coffey County Hospital
Cohen, Daniel, M.D.
Cohen, Richard M.D.
Cohn Cal K. M.D.
Cold Springs Fish & Supply Co.
Coldwater Fish Farms
Colema Boards of California
Colgate Palmolive Company
Colgate-Pamolive Company
coLigne AG
College Pharmacy
Collier County Produce Inc.
Collins Brothers Chowder Co.
Collins Fish & Seafood Inc.
Collins, Tyrone J., M.D.
Colloidal Products Inc.
Colloids for Life, LLC
Coloma Frozen Foods
Colon Hygiene Services
Colon Therapeutics
Coloplast Corporation
Color Change Corporation
Colorado Plains Medical Center
Colt, Inc.
Columbia Basin Hospital
Columbia Brunswick Hospital
Columbia Four Rivers Medical Center
Columbia Hospital
Columbia Lake Cumberland
Columbia Lea Regional Medical Center
Columbia Mammography Center
Columbia Medical Center West
Columbia Palmyra Medical Center
Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
Columbia Regional Hospital
Columbia Regional Medical Center L..L.C.
Columbia/San Jose Breast Care Center
Columbia-St. Mary Hospital
Columbus Chemical Industries Inc.
Columbus Fish and Seafood, LLC
Columbus Medical Equipment
Columbus Prescription Pharmacy
Colusa Regional Medical Center
ComCore 21 Corporation
Comercial San Carlos
Comercializadors Albino S.A. de C.V.
Comet Crawfish Technology, Inc.
Command Medical Products
Command Medical Products Inc.
Community Blood Bank of Erie
Community Blood Bank of the Lancaster County Medical Society
Community Blood Center of Greater Kansas City
Community Blood Council of New Jersey Inc.
Community General Hospital
Community Hospital & Rehabilitation Center of Los Gatos
Community Hospital - South
Community Medical Equipment Corp.
Community Memorial Hospital
Community Radiology Associates
Community Radiology Inc.
Community Radiology of Haddonfield P.A.
Community Radiology of Virginia Inc.
Community Radiology, P.A.
Community Surgical Supply
Compex S.A.
Complete Care, Inc.
Complete Home Care Equipment Inc.
Compound Inc.
Comprehensive Breast Care Center
Comprehensive Medical Imaging - Bakersfield
Computerized Radiation Scanners, Inc.
ComputeRx/Broncho-Dose, Ltd.
Computron Display Systems, Inc.
Comtrad Industries Incorporated
ConAgra Corporation
ConAgra Frozen Foods, Inc.
ConAgra Inc.
Concalves Manuel
Concept Chemicals Inc.
Concept Health LLC (Gentell Inc.)
Concept Laboratories, Inc.
Concho Dairy Consulting
Con-Cise Lens Company
Concord Laboratories, Inc
Congressional Seafood Co.
Conklin Company, Inc.
Conklin Enterprises, Inc.
Con-Med Corporation
ConMed Corporation
Connaught Laboratories Inc.
Connaught Laboratories Limited
ConnexMD, Inc.
Consolidated Chemical, Inc.
Consolidated Farms Inc.
Consolidated Machine Corporation
Consolidated Nutrition L.C.
Constantine, Neil T Ph.D
Constantine, Niel T., Ph.D.
Consulting Radiologists Ltd.
Consumer Care Products Inc.
Consumer Product Testing Company
Contact Manufacturing Inc.
Conte Inc.
Conte Luna Foods
Conte's Pasta Co.
Conti, Ralph M., M.D.
Continental Airlines
Continental Caviar
Continental Grain Company
Continental Laboratories Inc.
Continental Manufacturing Chemists Inc.
Continental Micronesia - c/o Continental Airlines Inc.
Continental Transcargo
Contour Fabricators of florida Inc.
Contract Manufacturing Inc.
Contract Medical Manufacturing
Control Solutions Inc.
Control System Internation Inc.
Control-X Medical Inc.
Convacare Inc.
Convacare Services Inc.
Cook County North shore Hospital
Cook's Seafood Company
Cooksey James R.
Cookworks Inc.
Cooley Dickinson Hospital, BB
Coolidge Dairy Farm
Cooper County Memorial Hospital
Cooper Foster Family Practice
Cooper Green Hospital
Cooper Health System
CoPharma Inc.
Copley Feed & Supply
Coppell Diagnostic Imaging Center
Coral Blood Services
Coral Blood Services, Inc.
Coral Calcium Factor
Coram Healthcare
Corces, Arturo, M.D.
Cordis Corporation
Core Products Int'L Inc
Corepharma LLC
Corin USA
Cornell University - College of Veterinary Medicine
Cornerstone Dairy
Cornerstone Medical Inc.
Cornerstone Therapeutics, Inc.
Corondelet St. Mary's Hospital
Corporacion Los Hermanos, Inc. (DBA Panaderia America)
Corporate Aircraft Inc.
Cortland Health Center
Cortland Memorial Hospital
Cosmetic Concepts Inc.
Cosmetic Corporation of America
Cosmetic Specialty Labs Inc.
Cossack Caviar Inc.
Costa View Farms
Costarella Seafoods Inc.
Cote, Charles J., MD
Cotliar Ronald W. M.D.
Cottage Hospital
Cottonwood Cattle Company
Cottonwood Springs Dairy
Coulee Region Organic Produce Pool
Coulston Foundation
Coulter Corporation
Coulter Imaging LLC
Country Fresh Products Inc.
Country Home Bakery & Deli Inc.
Country Maid, Inc.
Country Morning Farms
Country Ovens, Ltd.
Country Side Dairy
Countryline Co-Op Inc.
County Distributors Inc.
Countyline Dairy
Countyline Dairy #2
Couto John G.
Coutts, Richard M.D.
Cowell's Animal Health & Livestock Supply
Cox Hugh
Cox Seafood Tarpon Springs Inc.
Coyote Found Candles
CPC - Brown Clinic
C.R. Bard, Inc.
CR Brown Enterprises, Inc.
C.R. Canfield Co., Inc.
Crab Connection of Chauvin Inc.
Crabs, LLC
Cracker Seafood Inc.
Cracovia Company LLC
Craftmatic Organization, Inc.
Craig & Hamilton Meat Co.
Craig General Hospital
Craig Hessenius Farm
Craigador Corporation
Crawfish Enterprises Inc.
C.R.D. Group, Inc.
Creating Health Institute
Creative Clinical Concepts, Inc.
Creative Host Services Inc.
Creative Medical Corporation
Creative Medical Designs Inc.
Creighton Family Healthcare-South
Creinin, Mitchell D., M.D.
Crescent Towing Co.
CrestLab Inc.
Crestview Calf Ranch
Criado, Frank J. M.D.
Cristofanilli, Massimo M.D.
Critical Disposables Inc.
Critical Therapeutics, Inc.
Crittenton Hospital Medical Center
Crocker Industrial Resources Sdn. Bhd.
Croda Inc.
Croley, Thomas L., M.D.
Croma Vision Medical Systems Incorporated
Crown Laboratories, Inc.
Crown Mountain Natural Water, Inc.
CRS Medical Diagnostics, Inc.
Crumbaker Pork LLC
Crumland Farm
CryoGen Inc.
Cryogenic Medical Gases
CryoLife Inc.
Cryolife, Inc.
Crystal Care International Inc
Crystal Care International Incorporated
Crystal Laboratory, Inc.
Crystal Medical Technology
Crystal Mountain Inc.
Crystal Reflections International, Inc.
Crystal, Ronald G., M.D.
CSX Transportation
CSX Transportation Incorporated
CT Concerns, Inc. dba Ocean Harvest
CT Imaging Inc.
Cuba Tropical Inc.
Cucina Fresca Inc.
Cuisine Solutions, Inc.
Culinary Innovations LLC
Culinary Masters Corporation
Culpepper Plastic Corporation
Culture Technology Inc.
Cumberland Diagnostic & Treatment Center
Cumberland Pasta Company Inc.
Cumberland Swan, Inc.
Cummins Howard S. Ph.D.
CuraScript SD
Curative Health Services Inc.
Curran Beansprout Co. Inc.
Curry General Hospital
Curtell's Specialty Breads, Inc.
Curtin Dairy LP
Curt's Kitchen Creations
Cush Industries Inc
Cushing Memorial Hospital
Custom Assemblies, Inc.
Custom Care Pharmacy
Custom Compounding Centers
Custom Cuts Company
Custom Feed Services Corporation
Custom Industrial Analysis Laboratories, Inc.
Custom Label Advance Nutrition
Custom Manufacturing Corporation
Custom Pack, Inc.
Custom Pack Inc.
Custom Plastics Inc.
Custom Seafood Services, Inc.
Custom Ultrasonics, Inc.
Customs Scripts Pharmacy
Cut Heal Animal Care Products, Inc.
Cut Right Seafood, Inc.
Cyberonics, Inc.
Cyberonics Inc.
Cyclotron Center of NE Florida
Cypress Bioscience Inc.
Cypress Pharmaceutical Inc.
Cytodyne LLC
Cytogen Corporation
Cytosol Laboratories, Inc.
Cytosol Laboratories Inc.
D & C Fish Inc.
D & D Catering Inc.
D & D Hawkins
D & E Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
D & T Foods Co. Inc.
D and M Dairy
D M L Venture Enterprises
Da Rosa and Son Dairy
Daavlin Distribution Company
Dabruzzi's Italian Foods, Inc.
Dabur Oncology PLC
Dade Behring AG
Dade Behring Inc.
Dade Behring Incorporated
Dade South Fruits & Vegetables
Dae Han Tofu Company
Daebok Restaurant
Daesun Industries Co. Ltd.
Daiei Trading
Daiei Trading Co., Inc
Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.
Dailey William H. Esq.
Dairy Production Services
Dairy Veterinary Services
Dairy Veterinary Services, P.A.
Dairyland Farm, LLC
Dairyland Milk Company
Dairymen's Division Land O'Lakes Dairy Foods
Dakota Clinic Ltd.
Dakotah International, Inc.
Dale Dental, Inc.
Daley Farms, LLP
Dalian Zhonglin Marine Food Co. Ltd.
Dallas County Hospital District
Dallas Southwest Medical Center
Dallmann Farms, Inc.
D'Ambrosia, Robert D. M.D.
D'Amico & Patners, Inc.
Dan Dee Dairy, LLC
Dan VanGrouw Dairy
DANA Diabecare USA LLC
Danatech Medical Systems Inc.
DanChem Technologies, Inc.
Dandy Day Corporation
Danhill Dairy
Daniel Chapter One Inc
Daniel Freeman Marina Hospital
Daniel Freeman Outpatient Imaging
Danlee Medical Products, Inc.
Danmar Product, Inc.
Danmar Product Inc.
Danos & Curole Marine Contractors Inc.
Danplex A/S
Dant Corporation
Danville Elks Blood Bank Inc.
Danville Regional Medical Center
Dark Hollow Foods
Darling International, Inc.
Darrell Kong Bean Sprout and Noodle Manufacturing
Dartmouth Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Das Gupta Tapas M.D. Ph.D
Dash Medical Gloves SDN BHD
DaSilva Joe
Datascope Corporation
Datrend Systems Inc.
Datz Frederick M.D.
Dauphin Island Parkway Seafood Inc.
Dave handrigan Seafoods
David C. Hoffman, D.D.S.
David Solomon Co. Inc.
David TeVelde Dairy
David Vander Schaaf Dairy
Davie County Hospital
Davis Dairy Farm
Davis Hospital & Medical Center (Outpatient Services)
Davis Hospital and Medical Center
Davis Kenneth M.D.
Davis, Robert
Davis Schottlander and Davis, Ltd
Davis, Thomas P, M.D.
DavisMade, Inc.
Davol, Inc.
Dayton Merril M.D.
Dayton Water Systems
DBA Get Huge
DBA Zacharias Holsteins
D.B.I. America Corp
D.C. Leal & Sons Dairy
DC Oriental Wholesaler
DCI Biologicals Inc.
De Boer Dairy
De Boer Willem F.
De Bruin Farm
De Groot Dairy, L.L.C.
De Kleiman Olga Z. DRA.
De La Pedraja Radiology Associates P.A.
De Vries Dairy
Dean & DeLuca
Dean Health System Inc.
Dean, Judy C., M.D.
DeBos Dairy
Decatur Utilities - Water System
DeCoster Feeds
Dee Creek Farm
Deep Blue Seafood
Defelice Marina and Seafood
Defiance Clinic Inc.
Defiance Hospital Inc.
Defibtech, LLC
Degraff Memorial Hospital
Degrave, Dale and Peggy
DeJager Dariy South
DeJong Dairy
Dekalb Farmers Market
Del Mar Seafood Inc
Del Monte Foods, Inc.
Del Monte Fresh Produce Inc.
Del Oro Dairy
Del Rey Enterprises Inc.
DeLand & Noell Corp
Deland & Noell Corp.
Delaware River and Bay Authority
Deli Inc.
Deli To Go, Inc.
Delicias de Espana, Inc.
Delicious Food Products Co.
Delicious Foods Co.
Del-Immune V
Delongar Foods Inc.
DeLonghi S.p.A.
DeLonghi S.p.A
Delray Medical Center
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Delta Air Lines Inc.
Delta Airlines
Delta Airlines, Inc
Delta Airlines Inc.
Delta Catfish Prodcuts Inc.
Delta Catfish Products Inc.
Delta Connection ComAir
Delta County Memorial Hospital
Delta Dailyfood Texas Inc.
Delta Imports, Inc.
Delta Medical Center
Delta Pharma, Inc.
Delta Regional Medical Center
Delta Synthetic Co., Ltd
Deltex Pharmaceuticals Inc
DeLuca James M.D.
Demetriades Demetrios M.D. Ph.D.
Deneen & Company
Dennis Paper and Food Service
Dennis Welding Supply, Inc.
Dental Glenn
Dental Manufacturing S.P.A.
Dental Resources, Inc.
Dentek-Lasersystems Produktions Ges.m.b.H.
Dentomed Incorporated
Denton Hospital Inc.
Dentronix Inc.
Dentsply International, Inc.
Dentsply International Inc.
Denver Health Medical Center
Denver International Airport
Denver Tofu Company
Denver Tofu Company, Inc.
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Department of Transportation
Dept of Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons
DePuy Motech
DeQueen Regional Medical Center
De-Rene Dairy
Derma Genesis Inc.
Dermal Tone Inc.
DermaRite Industries
Dermaron Corp.
Derma-Tek Industries Inc.
Dermatology Surgery and Laser Center
DeRoyal Clientifica de Central America S.A.
DeRoyal Industries, Inc.
Desai, Virendra M., MD
Desert Advanced Imaging Center
Desert Gourmet Inc.
Desert Rose Farms
Desertland Dairy
Designs for Vision Inc
DeSimas and Bairos Dairy
Desoto Memorial Hospital
Desporte and Sons Seafood Inc.
Devereaux, John D.
Devine Farms, LLC
Devinney, Denise DO
Devries Family Farm LLC
Dexcel Pharma Technologies Ltd
Dexter Dairy
Dextrum Laboratories Inc
Dey Laboratories
DFW International Airport
Diabetes Control and Care Technology Inc.
Diabetes Tea
Diagnostic Clinic of Longview, P.A.
Diagnostic Health Center of Texas, L.P.
Diagnostic Imaging
Diagnostic Imaging - Mercy Medical Plaza
Diagnostic Imaging Associates
Diagnostic Imaging Center of Wilshire
Diagnostic Imaging, Inc.
Diagnostic Imaging of Clifton, P.A.
Diagnostic Medical Group of Southern California
Diagnostic Medical Imaging Associates
Diagnostic Solutions Inc.
Diagnostic Specialties Inc.
Diagnostic X-Ray & Imaging Inc
Diagnostica Stago Inc.
Diagnotic X-ray and Imaging
Dialysis Dimensions Inc.
Dialysis Services, Inc.
Diamedix Corporation
Diametrics Medical Inc.
Diamond Animal Health Inc.
Diamond H Dairy
Diamond Pacific
Diamond S Dairy
Diamond State Port Corporation
Diamond Tanning
Diapro, Inc. (dba Diapro USA Inc)
Diapulse Corp. of America
Diasol Inc.
Diasonics Ultrasound Inc.
Diasorin s.r.l.
Dickenson County Medical Center
Dickerson Lois Ph.D.
Diehl Inc.
Diethrich, Edward B., M.D.
Diffuplast SRL
Digibotics Inc.
Digicare Biomedical Technology, Inc.
Digicare Biomedical Technology Inc.
DiGiorgio Corp.
Digisonics Inc.
Digital Diagnostics Inc.
Digitcare Corporation
Dihoma Chemical and Manufacturing Inc.
Dilenttante Chocolates Inc.
Dillman, Robert O., M.D.
DiMare Seafoods Co. Inc.
Dimarsa International LLC
Dimmit County Hospital
Dineen, Martin M.D.
Diniz Tony F.
Dioceses of Lafayette Catholic Schools
Diomed Inc.
Diomedics, Inc.
Diopsys, Inc.
DIP Seafood Mudbugs
Direct Access Diagnostics
Direct Dispensing, Inc.
Direct Dispensing Inc.
Dirksen, Dennis
Discount Prescriptions from Canada, Inc.
Discovery Experimental & Development Inc.
Discovery House Inc.
Disetronic Medical Systems AG
Disetronic Medical Systems Inc.
Dispensing Solutions Inc.
Diversified Healthcare Services
Diversified Manufacturing Corporation
Divine Savior Healthcare
Dixie Health Inc.
Dixon Feeds, Inc.
Dixon Fisheries, Inc.
Dixon Samuel Jr.
DJ Tuna Express
D&K Farm
D.L. Mathews & Co. Inc.
DMC Health Centers - East Jefferson
DMD Corporation
DMI Enterprises Inc.
DMS Imaging, Inc.
DMS Imaging Inc.
D.O. Weaver and Company
Doansco Welding Supplies Inc.
Docheff Dairy
Doctor's Clinic Imaging Center
Doctor's Community Hospital
Doctors Graves Sanford Cox Aycock & Counce P.C.
Doctor's Hospital - Tidwell
Doctors Hospital Springfield
Doctors Park Network
Doctor's Radiology Services
Doerle Food Services Inc.
DOFI Communications
Doheny Eye and Tissue Transplant Bank
Dole Packaged Foods Company
Dolly Vinsant Memorial Hospital
Dolphin Best Friends
Domel Laboratories
Domestic Cheese Company, Inc.
Domina, Gary
Dominguez Augustino R.
Dominguez Family Enterprises, Inc.
Dominican Products
Dominican Santa Cruz Hospital
Dominion Biologicals Limited
Don Milos Corporation
Don Tomas Foods Inc.
Don Tray Industries, Ltd
Donald Chin Supply Company
Donald Johnson Seafood, Inc.
Donald Pope Veal Farm
Dong Hae Mul San Inc.
Dong Ling Sprouts and Produce Co.
Dongkuk Techco Rubber Ind. Sdn Bhd
Dongkuk Techco Rubber Industries Sdn. Bhd.
Donley Farms Inc.
Donnivale Farm
Doo Rae Trading Corporation
Doody Farms, LLC
Doon Elevator Company
Dorado Health, Inc.
Dore, David D., M.D.
Dorfner Scott M. D.O.
Doris Kupferle Breast Center
Dornier Medtech America, Inc.
Dorr Lawrence D. M.D.
Dorset Milling
Dos Amigos Distributors, Inc.
Doshi Diagnostic Imaging Services, P.C.
Dotolo Research Corporation
Dotson Charles PhD.
Double D Seafood Company LLC
Double J Livestock
Double O Farms
Douglas Bennett Farm
Douglas County Hospital
Douglas Laboratories Div. Of HVL Inc.
Dow Chemical Company
Dow Chemical USA
Down to Earth Sprout Farm
Downeast Pasta
Downey Regional Medical Center IRC
DP Manufacture Corporation
Dr. A. C. Daniels Inc.
Dr. K Medical Imaging Center
Dr. Lee Co. Ltd.
Dr. Mann Pharma
Dr. Pepper/Seven Up Inc.
Dr. Steven K. Sue, D.D.S., M.S., Inc.
Dr. Stjernholm Alvin & Stroupe William J.
DRA Imaging P.C.
Drager Medizintechnik GmbH
Dragon Waves Frozen Food Factory Co., Ltd.
Draper Valley Farms Inc.
Drawdy's Crab Company, Inc.
Dreamland, Inc.
DreamWest Innovations, LLC
Drew Medical, Inc
Drew Scientific Co. Limited
Driftwood Management, LLC
Drogueria Central
Drs. Foster and Smith, Inc.
Drug Distributors Inc.
Drug Free Enterprises
Drugs Are Us, Inc.
Drummond Medical Group
DRX Pharmaceutical Consultants Inc.
Dry Lake Diary
DS Waters of America, LP
DSC Laboratories
D.S.C. Products, Inc.
Du Yee Care Inc.
Duane Oxendale
Duck Delivery Produce, Inc.
Duckworth Robert
Duescher Hilltop Jerseys
Duesch?r Hilltop Jerseys
Duke University
Duke's Transport
Dulaney David M.D.
Dularge Seafood Processing
Dulces de Aqui
Dulles International Airport
Duluth Clinic, Ltd.
Dumex Medical
Dunedin Fish Company
Duo-Dent Dental Implant Systems L.L.C.
Dupaco, Inc.
DuPont DeNemours and Company
DuPont Pharmaceutical Co. In.c
Duramed Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Duramed Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Duramed Pharmceuticals Inc.
Duro-Med Industries
DUSA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Dutch Farms
Dutch Ophthalmic USA
Dutra Farms Inc.
Dux Industries Inc.
D.W. McMillan Hospital
Dymatize Nutrition
Dyn Air Services Inc.
Dyna Dental Engineering B.V.
Dynair Services Inc.
DynaMedics Corporation
Dynamic Systems Inc.
Dyna-Moo Dairy, LLC
Dynek Technologies Incorporated
E & M Corp
E. A. Hawse Health Center
E. Excel International Inc.
E. Franco & Co.
E.A. Conway Medical Center
E.A. Sween Company
Eagle Diagnostics, Inc.
Eagle Distributors Inc.
Eagle Family Food Inc.
Eagle Livestock Inc
Eagle Milling Company Inc.
Eagle Parts and Products
Eagle River Memorial Hospital
Eagle Spice & Extract Co. Inc.
Eaker Dairy
Earl B. Olson Feed Mill
Earlham College
Early Detection Project Mobile Van Number 2
Earp's Wholesale Seafood
Ear-Tech of Puerto Rico
Earth & Plant, Inc.
Earth Care
Eary, Janet, M.D.
EAS, Inc.
EAS Inc.
East Coast Meat & Seafood
East Georgia Regional Medical Center
East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital
East Memphis Imaging Center, L.L.C.
East Ocean Seafoods Inc.
East Palestine Family Medical Clinic Inc.
East San Antonio Images
East Texas Medical Center
East Texas Medical Center - Quitman
East Texas Medical Center- Carthage
East Texas Medical Center-Clarksville
East Texas Medical Center-Pittsburg
East Texas Radiological Consultants
Eastern Carolina Internal Medicine, P.A.
Eastern Carolina Internal Medicine P.A.
Eastern Home Care & Oxygen Co.
Eastern Home Care and Oxygen
Eastern Medical Equipment Distributors, Inc.
Eastern Medical Services Inc.
Eastern New Mexico Medical Center
Eastern Oklahoma Medical Center
Eastern Oxygen & Medical Equipment Inc.
Eastern Plumas District Hospital
Eastern Seafood Company Inc.
Eastern Treats Inc.
Eastland Seafod, Inc.
Eastman Chemical Company
Eastmoreland Hospital
Easton Hospital
Eastport Feeds Inc.
Eastside Ophthalmology P.C.
Eastview Veterinary Clinic P.C.
Easy Way International Inc.
Eaton Rapids Medical Center
EBS Enterprises L.L.C.
Echeverria Dairy
Eckerd Corporation
Eckerd Drug Co
Ecommerce Transactions, LLC
Ecstacy Melrose
Ed Medical Inc.
Edan Naturals, LLC
E.D.E. International Inc.
Edelweiss farms Inc.
Eden Foods, Inc.
Edgar Martin Dairy
Edge Biologicals Inc
Edge Biologicals Inc.
Edgewood Farms
Edina Family Physicians
Edison Chouest Offshore
Edmond Medical Center
Edrich Farms Inc.
Edward H. White Hospital
Edward W. McCready Memorial Hospital
Edwards Life Sciences, LLC
Efficas, Inc.
E-Fish Network Corporation
Efoora, Inc.
Egidio M. or Maria Almeida Dairy
Egourmet, Inc.
EHG Medical Group of Texas P.A.
EHP Products Inc.
Ehrlich, Randall V., M.D.
E.I. DuPont DeNemours and Company
Eidam Diagnostics Corporation
Eight In One Pet Products, Inc
Ekone Oyster Company
El Monte Dairy
El Proyecto Del Barrio Inc.
El Reglano Seafood Corporation
El Visto Dairy #2
Elan Corporation plc
Elanco Animal Health
Elanra.com, Inc.
Elcat Company
Elder Grove Dairy Farm
ElderTech Solutions, LLC
Eldon Biologicals A/S
ElectraMold Inc.
Electric Beach
Electric Beach Limited
Electric Mobility Corp.
Electric Mobility Corporation
Electrical Medical Systems Incorporated
Electro Catheter Corp.
Electro Medical, Inc.
Electro Surgical Instrument Company
Electro Therapeutic Devices, Inc.
Electrode Store Inc.
Electrologic of America, Inc.
Electronic Data Systems
Electronic Support Services Inc.
Electronic Waveform Laboratories Incorporated
Electropharmacology Inc.
Eles, Gustav, M.D.
Elge, Inc.
Eli Lilly
Eli Lilly & Company
Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A.
Eliseu and Theresa Cunha Dairy
Elite Distributing Co. Inc. dba Edco
Elite International Corporation
Elite Spice Incorporated
Elk Valley Professional Affiliates
Elkhart General Hospital Blood Donor Center
Elliott's Produce Company Inc.
Ellis Brothers Pecans, Inc.
Ellis Hospital
Ellsworth Air Force Base
Ellsworth Farm
Elmira Seafood
Elmont Open MRI
Elmore Community Hospital
E-Lyte Incorporated
E.M. Adams Co., Inc.
EM Industries Inc.
EM Innovations, Inc
E.M. Parker
EM Probe Inc.
E-Med Future, Inc.
E-Med Innovations Inc
Emergency Disaster Systems
Emergency Filtration Prodcuts Incorporated
Emergency Medical Products, Inc.
Emergent Innovations, LLC.
Emerson Seafood, Inc.
Emily's Seafood
Emory Vision Correction Center
Empi Inc.
Empire Home Medical Inc.
Empire Managed Care Inc.
Empire Medical Building Associates of Rockaway Inc.
Empire Seafood, Inc.
Empowering Technologies Inc.
Empresas Avicolas Colsus Inc.
Empresas Y-nuina Inc.
Emtech Laboratories, Inc.
En Garde Healthe Products Inc.
Encino-Tarzana Regional Medical Center Encino Hospital
Encore, Inc.
Encore Medical, L.P.
Encore Medical, LP
Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc.
ENDO Surgical Concepts Inc.
Endomed, Inc.
Endotec Incorporated
Endsley Dairy Farm, LLC
Endurance Products Company, Inc.
Engelberg, Jerry, M.D.
Engelhard, Peter A., D.O.
Engler Engineering Corporation
Enhansulin.com Corporation
Enka Products Company, Inc.
Enneking Medical Inc.
Enstrom Candies Inc
Entrees Inc.
Entringer Bakeries Inc.
Enviropak LLC
Envita Natural Medical Centers of America
Enzon Inc.
Enzon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Enzymatic Therapy Inc.
Enzyme Development Corporation
Enzymology Research Center, Inc.
Eon Labs, Inc.
Eon Labs Manufacturing Inc.
EP MedSystems
EP Medsystems
EPIC Medical Equipment Services Inc.
Epicenter Dairy
Epitope Inc.
Eppley, Barry L., M.D.
Eqinox Botanicals
Equine Serum Products Inc
Equinox Oil Company
Equirace Health & Speed Products
Eqyss International Inc.
ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH
Errol's Cajun Foods, Inc.
ESB Enterprises L.L.C.
ESBA Laboratories, Inc.
ESC Medical Systems Ltd.
Eschete's Seafood Inc.
eScreen Inc.
Esh Foods LLC
ESKA Implants GmbH & Co
Esolyte, Inc.
Essential Pharmacy Compounding
Essex Institutional Review Board
Essex Institutional Review Board Inc.
Estee Lauder Companies Inc.
Esteves Dairy
Estill Medical Technologies, Inc.
Ethex Corp
Ethicon Inc.
Ethox Corporation
ETMC - Crockett [FXA: Houston Co. Hospital]
Ettinger Bruce M.D.
Euclid Systems Corporation
Eudaemonic Corporation
Eureka Marine Products Co.
Eureka Springs Hospital
Eureka Springs Hospital 5/6/09
Euro Foods USA, Inc.
Euro-American Brands LLC
Europa Bakery
European Medical Contract Manufacturing B.V.
European Solutions
Euro-USA Trading Co., Inc.
Eury, Edward J., Jr.
Euthenics International Inc.
Evanston Regional Hospital
Evenflo Company Inc.
Evercrete International
Everett & Son Seafood
Everett Clinic
Everett Fisheries, Inc.
Everett MRI and Diagnostic Center
Everglades Fish Company L.L.C.
Everglo-Natural Veterinary Services, Inc.
Evergrade Healthcare Products SDN. BHD
Evergreen Acres
Evergreen Fruit & Produce Company
Evergreen Mills Inc.
Evermed Corporation
Everything Spelt Company, Inc.
Evolve Inc.
EXACT Sciences Corporation
Excel Dairy, LLC
Excellium Pharmaceutical Inc.
Exclusive Fresh Inc.
Executive Health Medical Group
Exergen Corporation
Exmoor Plastics
Expanded Vision
Export Inc.
Exportadora P.M.T., S.A.
Express Diagnostics Int'l., Inc
Extended Care Air Therapy Systems, Inc.
Extendicare Inc.
Extreme Labs
Eye and Tissue Bank and Research Foundation Inc.
Eye Centers of Florida
E-Z Quit Inc.
E-Z-EM Inc.
F & C Borba Dairy
F. H. G. Corporation
F. Vericat Cadesas
Faaborg Rehab Technic ApS
Fabrica de Flanes Acevedo
Fabulous Fish Co.
FaceMaster of Beverly Hills, Inc.
Fair Oaks Hospital Medical Plaza
Fair Oaks Imaging Center
Fair Scones, Inc.
Fairbanks Memorial Hopital
Fairfield Farm Kitchens Inc.
Fairfield Medical Center
Fairfield Medical Center Diagnostic Health Services
Fairmont Dairy LLC
Fairmont Farm Inc.
Fairmont General Hospital
Fairmount Hospital
Fairview Health Systems
Fairview Hospital
Fairview University Medical Center
Faith Regional Health Services-East Campus-Mobile
Faler Feed Store Inc.
Fall Prevention Technologies
Fallon Clinic
Falloncrest Farms
Falls Chemical Products Inc.
Falls Medical Group S.C.
Family Guidance Center Inc.
Family Health Center-Eagle River
Family Healthcare Network-Portville
Family Healthcare Supply Inc.
Family Medical Center
Family Medical Center IRB
Family Medical Services
Family Medical Supply Co.
Family Practice Physicians P.C.
Family Respiratory and Medical Supply Corp.
Fan Shaing Electronics Co. Ltd.
Fanny D. Jman (aka) F-L Trading
Fantasia Fresh Juice Company
Fantis Foods Inc.
Far Ocean Sea Products Pte., Ltd.
Far West Marine
Faria Dairy
Faria Dairy #1 Inc.
Faria Farms Inc.
Faria Frank
Farmacia La Salud Inc.
Farmers Coop Association
Farmers Coop Elevator Company
Farmers Livestock Market of Glasgow
Farmers Market of Bolivar, Missouri, Inc.
Farmers Mill & Elevator Company
Farmers Seafood Company, Inc.
Farmers Union Coop Business Association
Farmland Industries
Farmo Corporation
Farmsoy Company
Farnam Companies, Inc.
Farouk Systems, Inc.
Fauquier Hospital Inc.
F.A.V. International Corp.
Favco Inc.
FAVPEP LLC. dba Queenmar LLC.
Fay Wong Tofu Co.
Fay's Foods, Inc.
F.B. Indian Ridge Dairy
FCH Enterprises Inc.
FDC Ltd.
F.E. Warren AFB
Federacion Asociaciones Pecuarias
Feed Rite Inc. dba Zip Feed Mills
Feel Good For Life, Inc.
Feenstra, John
Feign, Michael, D.O.
Feins, Neil R., M.D.
Feldman, Mark H., D.P.M.
Feldman Mark H. D.P.M.
Feletto Food Products Inc.
Felicia Foods LLC
Felix Custom Smoking
Fem Health
Fenster, Paul M.D.
Ferason Cattle Co.
Ferndale Laboratories, Inc.
Ferndale Laboratories Inc.
Ferno-Washington, Inc
Ferntrade Corporation
Ferolito Vultaggio & Sons Inc.
Ferraris Medical Inc.
Ferraris Medical Ltd.
Ferris Manufacturing Corp.
Ferris Manufacturing Corporation
Ferro Corporation
F.F. Thompson Healthcare Systems Inc.
ffrench Pocket Airway, Inc.
FHC - Moore Regional Hospital- Mobile
Field Controls, LLC
Field Roast Grain Company
Figaretti's Manufacturing and Distributing
Figgie, Mark P., M.D.
Figorifico Coppel
Filo Corporation
Fine, M.D., I. Howard
Finesses Fine Foods Inc.
Finkbonner Shellfish
Finlayson Ag Center
Finnigan Corporation
Fir Crest Hauling
First & Sullivan Radiology Center
First Check Diagnostics, LLC
First Community Care Inc.
First Lafayette Holding Company
First Priority, Inc.
First Priority Inc.
First Quality Hygenics, Inc.
First Season, Inc
First Season Inc.
Firsthealth Family Care Center
Fischer Imaging Corporation
Fischer Industries, Inc.
Fischer's Mills Inc.
Fish And More
Fish Brother's Company
Fish Brothers Company
Fish Busterz L.L.C
Fish Express Inc.
Fish Hawk Fisheries Inc.
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, Inc.
Fisher and Thompson
Fisheries Research Laboratory- SIU-C
Fisherman's Choice Seafood
Fisherman's Cooperative, Inc.
Fisherman's Hospital
Fishers Foods Inc.
Fisher's Homestyle Salads
Fishland Market Ltd.
Fitness First U.S.A.
Fitura, LLC
Fitzgerald's Inc.
Fitzgibbon Hospital
Fitzsimmons Surgical Supply Inc.
Flagship Durable medical Equipment
Flan Lila's Incorporated
Flanagan Brothers Inc.
Flathead Fish and Seafood Company
Flaum Appetizing, Inc.
Flavonoid Sciences
Fleming Companies Inc.
Flexmedics Corporation
Flieshman's Seafood Handling Inc.
Flora, Inc.
Florida Blood Services Inc.
Florida Crab Company
Florida Fisheries Enterprises, Inc.
Florida Medical Center Hospital
Florida Peanut Distributors
Florida Smoked Fish Co.
Florida State Distributors
Flotec, Inc.
Flowers Baking Company of Thomasville, Inc.
Floyd Poche Enterprises, Inc.
Flura Corporation
Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women
Flying Food Group Inc.
Flying H Dairy
Fobi, Mathias Al, M.D.
Focal Pointe Women
Focus Imaging Group Inc.
Folsum Metal Products, Inc. dba FRONTIER DEVICES
Fong Hsiang Enterprise Co. Pte. Ltd.
Foo Yuan Food Products Co., Inc
Food Concepts, Inc.
Food For Life Baking Company, Inc.
Food Joy Fresh Seafood, Inc.
Food Processors of New Mexico
Food Source Inc.
Food With Care Inc.
Foods C'Est Bon, Limited
Foods Galore Inc
Foods Galore Inc.
Ford, Blair, M.D.
Foredom Electric Co.
Foremost Seafood
Forest Grove Diary
Forest Laboratories, Inc.
Forest Laboratories Inc.
Forever Young Products, Inc.
Formaggio Italian Cheese Specialists, Inc.
Formar Import & Export Inc.
Formulation Technology Inc.
Fort Collins Mammography Center
Fort Dodge Animal Health
Fort Massac Fish Market
Fort McPherson Army Health Clinic
Fort Worth Imaging Center
Fortune of Seven Corners
Foster and Gallagher Inc.
Foster Farms of California
Foster Poultry Farms
Four Brothers Dairy, Incorporated
Four R Enterprise, Inc.
Four Star Dairy
Fourchon Seafood Inc.
Fourth & Pomeroy Associates Inc.
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Fox Med-Equip Services Inc.
Foxcare Center-Outpatient Testing
Frad 35, Inc
Fradama S.A.
Franciscan Medicenter
Francisco Hernandez, M.D.
Franco Fish Products, Inc.
Frank & Liduina Barcellos Dairy
Frank Chaves & Sons Dairy
Frank J. Gomes Dairy
Frank Konyn Dairy
Frank L. Harter & Sons, Inc.
Frank R. Garcia & Sons Dairy
Franklin County Respiratory Rentals Inc.
Franklin Hospital Medical Center
Frank's Fish, Inc.
Frank's Pharmacy and Home Care
Frantz Design, Inc
Franz Lucas & Bernstein M.D. P.A.
Fred M. Cox, Jr. Farm
Fred Schakel Dairy #2
Freedom Fresh, Inc.
Freedom Plus Corporation
Freed's Pharmacy Inc.
Freeport Health Network IRB
French Delices, Inc.
French Meadow Bakery, Inc.
Frenchy's Seafood Company
Frenette, Gary, M.D., Ph.D.
Fresenius Hemotechnology Inc.
Fresenius Medical Care
Fresenius Medical Care North America
Fresh America Corporation
Fresh Creative Foods
Fresh Fish Co. Inc.
Fresh Fish, Inc.
Fresh Fish Management Inc.
Fresh Island Fish Company Inc.
Fresh Island Seafood Hub
Fresh Juice Company
Fresh Juice Works, Inc.
Fresh Made Incorporated
Fresh Products Northwest LLC
Fresh Samantha Inc.
Fresinius Medical Care North America
Freskito International Inc.
Fresno Farming LLC
Friday Canning Factory
Fridley Medical Center
Friendship Valley, LLC
Frigorifico Don Luis
Frigorifico Perez Hermanos
Frimed Medizintechnik GmbH
Friske Orchards
Fri-Tex Dairy Inc.
FRM Chemical, Inc.
Frog Island Seafood, Inc.
frscoMar Seafood Inc.
Fruetel Mammography Inc.
Fruit Fillings Inc.
Frutas Tropicales Inc.
Frye Health Systems, Inc.
Fuji Food Products Inc
Fuji System Corp
Fujian Sky Food Company
Fujiya Sushi Concepts, Inc.
Fukumaru Seafood Company
Full Circle Dairy, LLC
FulLife Natural Options, Inc.
Fullmer Cattle Company New Mexico LLC
Fulton Seafood, Inc.
Fulton Seafood Inc
Fung Li Fisheries Guam Inc.
Furness Medical Inc.
Furst McNess Company
Fusion Brands International SRL
Future Health Concepts Inc.
FUZE Beverages, LLC
F.W. Renner & Sons, Inc.
FX Wolrdwide Corporation
G & G Dairy
G & G Medical and Oxygen
G & H Dairy #1, LLC
G & W Laboratories, Inc.
G & W Laboratories Inc.
G. Dundas Company Inc
G. H. Davis & Sons
G. J. TeVelde Ranch
G Products Inc.
Gadsden Treatment Center Inc.
Gainesville Seafood
Galaxy Medical Inc
Galderma Laboratories, Inc
Galens Garden
Galesburg Institutional Review Board
Galley Food Services Inc.
Galloway Safety and Supply
Galveston Medical Supplies Inc.
Galveston Shrimp & Fish Company, Inc.
Galveston Wharves
Gambardella Wholesale Fish Dealers, Inc.
Gambino's Bakeries Inc.
Gambro Dasco S.p.a.
Gambro Dasco S.p.A. Bloodline Division
GAMBRO Healthcare Inc.
Gambro Renal Products S.A. de C.V.
Gamma Biologicals Incorporated
Ganeden Biotech Inc.
Ganes Chemicals Inc.
Gangi Seafood Inc.
Gano Excel U.S.A. Inc.
GAR Laboratories
Garavanta (Canada) Ltd.
Garaventa [Canada] Ltd.
Garber Ice Cream Company
Garbo Lobster Co. Inc.
Garcia Brothers Dairy
Garden & Valley Seafood Inc.
Garden of Life, Inc.
Gardiziola, Gregory, D.O.
Garland, Paul E., M.D.
Garland Welding Supply Co. Inc.
Gary Watson Dairy
Gas House Inc.
Gas Tech Inc.
Gate Gourmet, Inc.
Gate House Farms
Gategourmet International
Gateway Blood Association
Gateway Trade Center Inc.
GATX Terminals Corporation
Gaunitz Hair Sciences, LLC
Gaven Medical
Gaymar Industries, Inc.
G&B Electronic Designs Limited
G.D. Mathews and Sons Corporation dba Mathews Salad House Food Products
G.D. Searle & Co.
G.DiLullo & Sons
GE Healthcare Integrated IT Solution
GE Healthcare Technologies
GE Healthcare/General Electric Company
GE Infrastructure, Water & Process Technologies
GE Medical Systems
GE Medical Systems Inc. SA
Gebauer Company
Geffen, David I., O.D.
Geisinger Medical Center
Gel Spice Company Inc.
Gelco Diagnostices Inc.
Gelco International S.A.
Gel-Med International
Gemini Food Corporation
Gemini Pharmaceuticals Inc.
GemKen Enterprises
Gempro International Inc.
Gemtronics Inc
Genant Harry M.D.
Genaros Seafood, Inc.
Gendron Inc.
Gene Logic, Inc.
Genentech Inc.
General Atomics
General Electric Company
General Electric Company-Medical System
General Electric, Inc.
General Electric Medical System
General Hospital Corporation
General Medical Company
General Mills, Inc.
General Therapeutics Corporation
Generation's Black Salve
Generic Sal Inc.
Genesee Memorial Hospital
Genesis Juice Cooperative
Genesis Laboratory Inc.
Genesis Nutrition
Genesis Pharmaceutical Inc.
Genesist Inc.
Genetic Evolutionary Nutrition
Genetic Testing Institute, Incorporated
Genetics Institute
Geneva Laboratories Incorporated
Gensia Sicor Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Gentell Inc.
Gentere, Inc.
GenTrac, Inc
genX International Inc.
Genzyme Corporation
Georg Leibinger
George, Barry S., M.D.
George M. Takushi M.D. Inc.
George S. Rogers DBA Marty's Italian Bakery
George Washington University Hospital
George Weston Bakeries, Inc.
George's Fish and Seafood
Georgeson Dairy
Georgetown Seafood Co., Inc.
Georgetown Veterinary Clinic
Georgetwon University Medical Center at Ballston
Georgia Biomedical, Inc.
Georigia Turkey Farms Inc.
Gerald Thompson Farm
Gerbauer Company
Gerben Leyendekker Dairy
Gerber Products
Geriatric Products Inc.
German American Technologies
Germiphene Corporation
Geromatrix Nutraceutical Corporation
Gessell Feed Mill Inc.
Getinge America
Getinge/Castle, Inc.
GF Health Products, Inc.
G.H. Leidenheimer Baking, Ltd.
G.H. Medical Inc.
Giant Gun Electrical Optical Co.
Giant Repacking Center
Gibbs Quest Dairies
Gideon 300 Club The
Gifford Memorial Hospital
Gilbert X-Ray Company
Giliana & Huziran
Gilmore Fish Smokehouse
Gilster-Mary Lee Corporation
Ginesis Natural Products Inc.
Ginsberg's Institutional Foods Inc.
Giovanni's Aloha Foods, LLC
Giovanni's Appetizing Food Products Inc.
Gish Biomedical Inc.
Gist-Brocades B.V.
G&J Dairy
G.L. Food Wholesale Inc
Glaxo Wellcome Inc.
Glaxo Wellcome S.p.A.
GlaxoSmithKline Biologics S.A.
Glebe Apothecary
Glen Willow Orchards
Glencoe Venterinary Clinic, P.A.
Glendale Adventist Medical Center
Glendale Family Health Center
Glenmark Generics Inc.
Glenn Foods, Inc.
Glenn's Wholesale Sandwiches
Glenwood LLC
Glick, Jonathan J.
Glickman Marc M.D.
Global Biotechnologies, Inc.
Global Esthetics
Global Healing Center
Global Internet Alliance
Global Laser Vision
Global Manufacturing & Engineering, LLC
Global Marketing Enterprises Inc.
Global Pharmaceutical Corporation
Global Protection Corp.
Global Vision Products Inc
Globalemed, LLC
Gloucester Fish Co., Inc.
Gloucester Refrigerated Warehouse
Gloucester Seafood Display Auction
Gloucester Seafood, Inc.
Glovesworld Industries Inc.
Glustitch Incorporated
GlycoMeds, LLC
GMD Airline Services
GMI European Food Distributors Inc.
GMP Manufacturing, Inc.
GMR Products Inc
G.N.Y. Filet Fish Co., Inc.
Gogerty Stark Marriott, Inc.
GOJO Industries Inc
Gold Coast Produce
Gold Eagle Cooperative
Goldberg Consulting LLC
Goldberg, David
Golden Fields EnterprisesInc.
Golden Fleece Products, Inc.
Golden International Import Export Corporation
Golden Link, Inc.
Golden Luck Inc.
Golden Neo-Life Diamite International Inc.
Golden Pacific International Inc.
Golden Plains Community Hospital
Golden Tanning Inc.
Golden Valley Health Centers
Golden View LP
Golden West Dairy
Goldline Laboratories
Goldstein Ronald F. M.D.
Golub Corporation
Golzar Nasim, MD
Gomes Dairy
Goncalves Manuel
Gonsalves, Brian
Gonzalez Dairy, LLC
Gonzalez, Evangeline G., M.D.
Gonzalez Santana Saravia
Good Cali Trading Inc.
Good, Cheryl
Good Flow Juice Company
Good For You America
Good Samaritan Health Systems
Good Samaritan Hospital
Good Shepherd Sprout Farm
Goodrich Famrs LLP
Goosefoot Acres, Inc.
Gordon Enterprises Inc.
Gordon, Mark, M.D.
Gordon, Stephen W., MD
Gorman, John F., M.D.
Gorzeman Diary Idaho
GotSupplements.com, LLC
Gottlieb, Michael S., M.D.
Gourmail Inc.
Gourm-E-Co Imports
Gourmet Award Foods SE
Gourmet Bakery Shoppes Incorporated
Gourmet Express Marketing, Inc.
Gourmet Foods, Inc.
Gourmet Foods International
Gourmet Kitchen, Inc.
Gouveia Daniel D.
Goya Foods, Inc.
Goya Foods of Florida
Grace Hill Neighborhood Health Center
Grace Hospital
Graduate Hospital Imaging Center
Grafor Manufacturing Inc.
Graham & Rollings Incorporated
Graham Regional Medical Center
Gramercy Radiology Group P.C.
Grand Strand Regional Medical Center
Grand View Hospital
Grandma Morrison's
Grandview Dairy LLC
Grandview Pharmacy Inc.
Grant Regional Health Center
Granules India Limited
Grapevine Imaging and Pain Management Center
Graphic Controls Corporation
Grassland Veterinary Service
Gray & Cook P.S.C.
Great & Best Co., Inc.
Great American Products, Inc
Great Atlantic Trading
Great Earth Companies
Great Garlic Foods Inc.
Great Lakes College of Clinical Medicine IRB
Great Midwest Seafood Co.
Great Plains Food Company
Great Plains Regional Medical Center
Great Plains Seafood Inc.
Great River Food
Great Southern Shrimp Company
Greater Miami Caterers Inc.
Greatest Herbs on Earth
Greeley Elevator Company
Greeley Medical Clinic
Greem Meadow Farm
Green Acre Farm
Green Acres Dairy, L.L.C.
Green Gold Wholesale Produce, Inc.
Green Gold Wholesale Produce Inc.
Green Mountain Smoked Salmon
Green Shack Direct
Green Spring Water Company
Green Turtle Cannery
Greenbrier Respiratory Care Services Inc.
Greenco Industries Inc.
Greenhalgh, David G., M.D.
Greenland, Inc.
Green's Fresh Fruit Salad Corporation (dba Salad Chef)
Greensward Nurseries
Greenvalley, LLC
Greenville Livestock Inc.
Greenville Loop Seafood
Greenwell Farms
Greenwood County Hospital
Greenwood Imaging Center, P.A.
Greer Laboratories
Greer Laboratories, Inc.
Greer Laboratories Inc.
Gregg Jeffers Farm
Gretchen of Schwartz
Gretchen of Scwartz
Gretna Drug Company Inc.
Greyhound Bus Lines Inc.
Greyhound Lines, Inc.
Greyhound Lines Inc.
Greyhound Lines Incorporated
Griffin Daniel C.
Griffin Hospital
Griffin Radiology Cherry Hill
Griffith Micro Science Ltd.
Griffon Marketing
Grimm Scientific Industries
Grimmer Enterprises
Grimm's Stone Crab Inc.
Grinalat Foods Corporation
Grindstone Neck of Maine, LLC
Groeneweg Dairy
Groomer's Seafood of San Antonio
Gros Bayou Fish Company Inc.
Gross, Thomas P., MD
Ground Handling Inc. / Westchester County Airport
Ground Services Corporation
Group Health Cooperative-Eastside Hospital
Grove River Mills Inc.
Growing Business
Grubbs, Gerald L., M.D.
Gruber, Michael M.D.
G&S Instrument Company
GSCM Ventures Inc.
G.T. Laboratories
G.T. Surgical (PVT) Ltd.
Guam Bakery
Guam International Airport Authority
Guam's Bakery, Inc.
Guangdong Pharmaceutical Factory
Guangzhou Yue Xiu Enterprise/Danby Products, Inc.
Guaranteed Total Vending
Guardian Drug Company, Inc.
Guebert Donald H.
Guidant Corporation
Guilin Hospital of Sino-western Medicine
Guilin Pharmaceutical Corporation, Limited
Gulf City Seafoods, Inc.
Gulf City Seafoods Inc.
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center
Gulf Coast Blenders
Gulf Coast Crab International Co., Ltd.
Gulf Coast Dockside Inc.
Gulf Coast Seafood Inc.
Gulf Food Products Co. Inc.
Gulf Go-Fers Incorporated
Gulf Harbor Trading Inc.
Gulf Marine & Industrial Supplies, Inc.
Gulf Medical Services
Gulf Seafood of Key West Inc.
Gulf Shrimp Fuel Inc.
Gulf Tex Seafood
Gulla, Jennifer
Gulmag International
Gumbo Brothers Inc.
Gunderesen Lutheran Medical Center
Gung Ho Corporation
Gunnison Valley Hospital
Guthrie Clinic Steuben
Guthrie Medical Group
Guy & O'Neill Inc.
Gynecare Inc.
Gynetics Medical Products NV
GyNova LLC
Gyrus ENT, LLC
H & H Farms
H & H Products Company
H & I Dairy
H & K Inc. dba Palama Supermarket
H & L World Wide Inc.
H & L Worldwide Inc.
H & M Seafood
H & N Fish Company
H & W Farms
H. B. Gordon manufacturing Co. Inc.
H J Harkins Co Inc.
Haag & Sons Seafood
Haelan Products
Haemachem Inc.
Haemacure Corporation
Haemonetics Corporation
Haemoscope Corporation
Haemotronic S.p.a
Hagen's Fish Market
Hagler, Donald J., M.D.
Hai Soon Leong Sdn Bhd
Haidylena for Advanced Medical Industries
Haifa Smoked Fish, Inc.
Hain Celestial Group, Inc.
Haines Farms
Haines, Peggy
Hako-Med Electromedicine, Incorporated
Halcon Bakers Inc.
Hale Wai Oia, LLC
Haley's Comet Seafood Corp.
Halifax Regional Hospital
Halinco Skin Care Products Inc.
Hall & Hall Farm
Hall-Buck Mariine Services
Hallmark Sales Corporation
Halo Supply Company
Hal's Compounding Pharmacy, Inc
Halsey Drug Co Inc.
Halstead Springs, Inc.
Halter Feed & Grain, Inc.
Halton, Jacqueline M., M.D.
Ham Produce and Seafood, Inc.
Hamilton Medical AG
Hamilton Medical Center
Hamlin, Charles M.D.
Hamlin Valley Farms, Inc.
Hammer Corporation
Hammer Inc.
Hammer Medical Supply
Hammill Manufacturing Company
Hampton, Burt
Hamrick's LLC
Hand, Steve, M
Handy Pantry Distributors
Hanke Farms
Hanmi, Inc.
Hanmi Inc.
Hanmi Incorporated
Hanna Bruce Ph.D.
Hanna Charles M.D.
Hanover Foods
Hanover Foods Corporation
Hans Kissle Co., Inc.
Hansen Beverage Company
Hanson Seafood, Inc.
Happy Tofu Inc.
Happy Valley Food Inc.
Harbor Docks Inc.
Harbor Hospital Center
Hardaway, Robert M. III, M.D.
Hardie Farms, Inc.
Hardin Memorial Hospital
Hardy Diagnostic
Hardy Wilson Memorial Hospital
Harford Memorial Hospital
Hargenrader Farms
Haribo of America Inc.
Haringa Dairy
Haring's Pride Catfish
Harold Brouwer Dairy
Harold Food Company
Harper Hospital DMC University Laboratories
Harrier Incorporated
Harris, Barbara A
Harris Dairies
Harris Livestock
Harris Methodist Fort Worth
Harris Methodist Northwest
Harry Flyod Livestock, Inc.
Harry O. Hahn Seafood
Hart Dairy II
Hartong, Dennis D.
Hartville Elevator Company Inc.
Hartz Mountain Corporation
Harvard Drug Group
Harvard Scientific Corp.
Harvest Time Seafood, Inc
Harvey Baskin Livestock
Harvey Kliebert Plant
Hassman, David R., M.D.
Hatcher, Michael A.
Hato Potrero Farm, Inc
Hato Rey Community Hospital
Hato Rey X-Ray Office
Hawaii Pacific X-ray Corporation
Hawaiian Sun Products, Inc.
Hawk Valley Diary Inc.
Hawk Vending Services, Incorporated
Hawkeye Breeder's Services Inc.
Hawkins, Inc.
Hazenberg Dairy
Hazleton General Hospital
H.B. Williams, Inc.
HBX, Inc.
HCA The Healthcare Company
HDC Corporation
Healing Edge Science
Health Advantage Inc.
Health Authority LLC
Health Awareness Medical Center
Health Care Manufacturing, Inc.
Health Care Respiratory Inc.
Health Care Solutions Inc.
Health Center for Better Living, Inc.
Health Connection Ltd.
Health Corporation
Health Dimensions, Inc.
Health Directions, Inc.
Health Facilities Inc.
Health First
Health Food Emporium
Health Freedom Nutrition, LLC
Health MarketPlace.com
Health Notification Service
Health Plus Medical Group
Health Science Center Brooklyn Kings County
Health Science Laboratories and Services Inc.
Health Services Incorporated
Health Sites, Inc.
Health Thru Nutrition Inc.
Healthcare Authority of the City of Demopolis
Healthcare Inc.
Healthcare Partners Medical Group
HealthEast Outer Banks Medical Center Mammography
Healthline Medical Products Inc
Health-n-Home Inc.
HealthPartners Inc.
HealthSouth Diagnostic Center
Healthsouth Diagnostic Center of Fayetteville
Healthsouth Diagnostic Center of Frederick
Healthsouth Diagnostic Center of Front Range
Healthsouth Diagnostic Center of Plano
HealthSouth Doctors Hospital
HealthStar Physicians P.C.
Healthway Home Products, Inc
Healthwest Mineral
Healthworks 2000
Healthy Choice Naturals
Healthy Christian Living
Healthy Days, Inc.
Healthy Origins
Healthy World Distributing
Healthy World Distributing, LLC
Hearing Aid Express
Hearn-Kirkwood Incorporated
Heart Foods Company Inc.
Heart of the Ozarks Medical Equipment
Heartland Products, Inc.
Heartland Repack Services LLC
Heartland Tanning Supplies
Heartsine Technologies, LTD
Heba Laboratories, LLC
Hebron International, Inc.
Hector Stechnij Dairy
HEE Corporation
Heel Inc.
Heimann Systems Corporation
Heinig, Robert E., M.D.
Heinz North America Divisional Headquarters
Helget Gas Products Inc.
Helio Medical Supplies, Inc.
Helmos Food Products
Helmut Zeph Medizintechnik Gmbh
HemaCare Corporation
Hemet Valley MedicalCenter
HemoSense Corporation
HemoSense, Inc.
Hendersonville Gynecology & Obstetrics
Hendrick Medical Center
Henh Wong Fresh Product
Henley HealthCare Inc.
Henley Healthcare Inc.
Hen-Lin Dairy
Henrico Doctor's Hospital IRB
Henriksen Fisheries, Inc.
Henry, Gary
Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital
Henry Michael J.
Heraeus Kulzer, Inc.
Herb Time
Herbal Fields Supplements
Herbal Hope, Inc.
Herbal House
Herbal Junction
Herbal Pop Enterprises Inc.
Herbal Remedies
Herbal Remedies USA, LLC
Herbal Remission
Herbarium Inc.
Herbin Tonics LLC
Herbs for cancer
Herb's Seafood, Inc.
Herbs Unlimited
Hereford Regional Medical Center
Heritage Dairy
Heritage Institute
Heritage Products International
Heritage Store Inc.
Hermatronix Inc.
Herold's Salads Inc.
Herolds Salads, Inc.
Heron Bay Seafood
Herron, Jerry M., M.D.
Heska Corporation
Hess & Clark Inc.
Hewlett Packard Company
HG Early - Snyder Family Farm LLC
HGC Imports Inc.
HGM Medical Laser
H&H Feed & Grain, Inc.
Hi Point Industries, LLC
Hialeah Hospital
Hiawatha Milling Company
Hickey Foods Inc.
Hidden Valley Dairy
Hidden Valley Mills
High Desert Dairy
High Point Regional Health System
Higher Power
Higher Power, Inc
Higher Power, Inc.
Higher Power Nutrition
Highland Laboratories, Inc.
Highline Community Hospital
Hi-Health Supermart Corp.
Hijazi, Saad, M.D.
Hilby Robert
Hill County Memorial Hospital
Hill Dermaceuticals, Inc.
Hill, James A., M.D.
Hillandale Farms of Florida Inc.
Hillcrest Bakery Inc.
Hillcrest Dairy, LLC
Hillestad International Inc.
Hill-Rom Air-Shields
Hill-Rom, Inc.
Hill-Rom Inc.
Hillsborough Family Medical Center
Hillsdale Community Health Center
Hillside Hospital
Hillson Nut Company Inc.
Hilmes Robert F.
Hilo Fish Company, Inc.
Hilton Becker, MD
Hilton Head Medical Center
Hilton Head Medical Center and Clinics
Himmelspach, William W.
Hing Hong Trading Corporation Inc.
Hinsdale Farms, Ltd.
Hinsdale Hospital Bllod Bank
Hiroshi's Enterprises, Inc.
Hirzel Canning Company
His Catch Value Added
Hispamer Distributors, Inc.
Hitachi Ltd. Instrument Division
Hitachi Medical Systems America, Inc.
Hitchcock Feed Service
Hi-Tech Air Shipping Inc.
Hi-Tech Pharmacal Co. Inc.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals
Hi-Vast International Co. Ltd.
Hiyi Export Company
H.J. Baker & Bro., Inc.
H.J. Heinz Company
HK Canning, Inc.
HK Surgical Inc.
H.L. Bouton Co. Inc.
HMS Crown, Inc
H&N Foods International, Inc.
HNK, Inc.
HNS International, Inc.
Ho Ho Beansprouts Inc.
Ho Kong Bean Sprout Co. Inc.
Hoa Ying Trading Corporation
Hobart Laboratories, Inc.
Hobbs Pharmacy
Hobe Laboratories Inc.
Hocking Valley Community Hospital
Hoffman-La Roche Inc
Hoffmann Orchards Incorporated
Hoffmann-LaRoche Inc.
Hohmann, Elizabeth L., M.D.
Holder, Walter D., M.D.
Holiday Seafood, Inc.
Holiday Wholesale, Inc.
Hollandia Farms Inc.
Holles Laboratories Inc.
Hollings Mammography Center III
Hollister Inc.
Holman Veterinary Clinic
Holmes By-Products Company, Inc.
Hologic Inc.
Holox Ltd.
Holston Gases Inc.
Holub, Richard, MD
Holy Cross Hospital
Holy Cross Hospital IRB
Holy Cross Medical Center
Holy Cross Medical Group
Holzer Medical Center
Home Acres Farm
Home Care Equipment Inc.
Home Care Medical Equipment Inc.
Home Care Supply Holdings
Home Care Supply LLC
Home Health Care Inc. / d.b.a. Commonwealth Home Health Care Inc.
Home Health Care Plus
Home Health Care Services Incorporated
Home Health Clinical Services
Home Health Medical Equipment Inc.
Home Health Pavilion, Inc
Home Health Products Inc.
Home Healthcare Technologies Inc.
Home Oxygen and Medical Equipment Inc.
Home Shopping Services, Inc.
Home Sushi Bar
Home Therapy Equipment Inc.
Homecare Concepts Inc.
Homedics Inc.
HoMedics, Incorporated
Homen Dairy Farms, LP
HomeoPet Llc.
HomeReach, Inc.
Honey Smoked Fish Company LLC
Honeywell, Inc.
Hong's Merchandising Group
Honolulu Fish & Seafood Corporation
Hon-Tech Foundation for Medical Technology
Hontech Foundation for Medical Technology
Hontex Enterprises Inc. d.b.a.
Hood River Juice Co., Inc.
Hoogendam Dairy
Hoots Memorial Hospital
Hoover Feed Service, Inc.
Hoover, John
Hope African Food Line and Seafood Supply
Horizon Cruises LLC
Horizon Dairy
Horizon Medical Products Inc.
Hormone Shop LLC
Horn's Feed Mill, Inc.
Horst's Seafood Co., Inc.
Hospira Inc
Hospital District #1 - Crawford County
Hospital Dr. Susoni
Hospital Hermanos Melendez / Dept. de Radiologia Digital
Hospital Municipal de San Juan
Hospital The
Hostoffer, Robert W. DO
Houchin Blood Services
Houma Industries Inc.
House of Smoke Inc.
Housecall Medical Resource Inc.
Houston Medical Center
Howard Community Hospital
Howard County General Hospital
Howard Instruments Inc. 5/12/09
Howe, James G., M.D.
Howe, James G., MD
HQ, Inc.
HR Beal & Sons
H.S. Seafood Inc.
Hsueh, Eddy C., M.D.
Hsueh, Willa A., M.D.
Hubbard Regional Hospital
Hubert H. Humphrey Comp Health Center
Hubert H. Humphrey Comprehensive Health Center
Huckaby Pharmacal, Inc.
Hudson, David
Hudson Foods Inc.
Hudson Medical Center-Medical Imaging
Hudson Transit Lines Inc.
Huebner Farm
Hue's Seafood Inc.
Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital
Hugh Chatman Memorial Hospital
Hugh Cox Livestock
Hugs Inc. dba: Gourmet Foods Inc.
Hull Street Diagnostic Center
Hull Veterinary Clinic, PC
Huls AkG Werk Witten Plant
Human Investigation Committee of Houston, Texas
HumaScan Inc.
Humboldt General Hospital
Hummermeier Farm
Hung Chong Lung, Inc.
Hunt & Behrens Inc.
Hunter Haven Farms
Hunterdon Medical Center
Huntington Beach Sunset Inc.
Huntington Internal Medicine Group
Huntsville Hospital
Huntsville Hospital Institutional Review Committee
Hurlbut, Mark
Hurricane Seafood, Inc.
Hurt W. Glenn
Husain, Mustafa M, M.D.
Hyalogic, LLC
Hybrite Chemical Company
Hydro Med Sciences Inc.
Hydrokinetic Contact Lens Laboratory
Hydropure Systems Inc
Hyline Orchards
Hyperbaric Technologies Inc.
Hyperbaric Technologies Inc. (HyperTec)
Hyperbaric Technologies Incorporated
Hyperion Inc.
Hyperion Medical Inc.
Hyson USA Inc
IBA Molecular, Inc
I.C.C Cosmos Company, Ltd.
Ice Cold Staorage
Iceland Health, Inc
ICH Group, LLC dba Sushi Chef
Icicle Seafoods, Inc.
Icicle Seafoods Inc.
ICN Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Icon Interventional Systems, Inc.
Icon Laboratories
ICS Medical Corporation
Idacrest Farms, Inc.
Ideal Fish & Seafood Co., Inc.
Ideal Optics, Inc.
IDEC Corporation
IDEC Pharmaceutical Corporation
IDev Technologies, Inc.
Idev Technologies, Inc.
Idexx Veterinary Services Inc.
Idyl Wild Farms Inc.
IFC International
I-Flow Corporation
Iftner Jacob
iHerb Ltd
IIT Research Institute
Ike's Fish Company
IL Primo Foods Ltd.
Illini Feeds, Inc.
Imaex Trading Company Inc.
Image Analysis, Inc.
Image Engineering Corporation
Imaginative Optics
Imaging Associates, Inc.
Imaging Center of Orlando
Imaging Center-Baton Rouge Radiology Group
Imaging Centers of Anaheim / Tan Tran M.D. Inc.
Imaging Diagnostic Systems, Inc
Imaging Sciences International Inc.
Imagyn Medical Inc.
Imation Inc.
Imatron Incorporated
IMI of Miami
Imlers Poultry
Immco Diagnostics Inc.
ImmuCell Corporation
Immucor, Inc.
Immunex Corporation
Immunity Today, LLC
ImmunoGenetics Inc.
ImmunoGenetics IRB
Immuno-Mycologies, Inc.
Immuno-Rx Incorporated
Immuno-U.S. Inc.
IMP Foods, Inc.
Imperial Chef's Food, Inc.
Imperial Drug & Spice Corp
Imperial Food Services, Inc.
Imperial Seafood Inc.
Imperial Trading Company, Inc.
Implant Integration Systems LLC
Impro Products Inc.
IMTIX - SangStat
In Flight Duty Free Shop Inc.
In Vivo Metric Systems Corporation
INCELL Corporation, LLC
Inceptio Medical Technologies, L.C.
Incredible Products Inc.
IND Diagnostic, Inc.
Indian Groceries & Spices
Indian Valley Meats Inc.
Indiana Lions Eye Bank Inc.
Inditherm Medical
Individual Monitoring Systems, Inc.
Individual Monitoring Systems Inc.
Indumar Seafood Corporation
Industria Lechera de Puerto Rico
Industrial Safety Supply Co. Inc.
InfraServ GmbH &Co.
Inhalation Inc.
Injex-Equidyne Systems, Inc.
Inland Imaging, LLC at Medical Center
Inland Imaging, LLC Scared Heart
Inland Orient Trading
Inland Seafood
Inland Seafood Corporation of America
Inland Vending Expand O Systems, LLC
Inlet Fisheries Inc.
InnoMed Technologies, Inc. and RespCare, Inc.
Innomedica Inc.
Innosan S.r.L.
Innovations for Access, Inc., dba HemoBand Inc.
Innovative Health Products
Innovative Health Services Inc.
Innovative Healthcare Devices Inc.
Innovative Neurotronic, Inc.
Innovative Products Unlimited, Inc.
Innovative Spinal Technologies, Inc.
Inova Diagnostics Inc.
Inoveon Corporation
Inovo Inc.
Inpesmar I S.A.
Inpromar Seafood, Inc.
Insight Optical Manufacturing Co.
Institute for Healthy Aging
Institute for Human Gene Therapy
Institute for Radiological Image Sciences Inc.
Institute of Integrative Health
Instrumed (Pvt) Ltd.
Integra Chemical Company
Integral Fish Foods Inc.
Integrated Health Services
Integrity Pharmaceutical Corporation
Intelligent Nutrients, Inc.
IntelSource Group Inc dba Electro Medical Technologies LLC
Intercoastal Medical Group
InterExpress Corporation
Interim Penn Memorial Hospital
Interior Alaska Fish Processor
Interland Seafood Inc.
Intermax Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Intermountain Farmers Association
Intermountain Health Care (IHC) Inc.
International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
International Biologicals, Inc.
International Biologicals Inc.
International Bio-Oxidative Medicaine Foundation Inc.
International Biophysics Corporation
International BioResources, LLC
International BioResources LLC
International Brachytherapy Inc
International Brachytherapy s.a.
International Cargo Brokers Inc.
International Desserts and Delicacies
International Diagnostic & Medical Supply Corporation
International Fine Foods
International Gourmet Food
International Groceries, LLC
International Imaging Electronics Inc.
International Marine Products, Inc.
International Matex Tank Terminal
International Medical Electronics LTD.
International Medical Idustries, Inc.
International Medical Inc.
International Medication Systems Limited
International Nutrition, Inc.
International Pharmaceutical Corporation
International Science & Technology, L.P.
International Seaworld, Inc.
International Sterilization Laboratory Corporation
International Tanning Equipment
International Technidyne Corporation
International Technology Concepts Inc.
International Terminal Operating Co.
International Total Services Inc.
International Wholesalers Corporation
Internationale Medico Scientifica s.r.l.
Internazionale Medico Scientifica s.r.l.
Internet Birthcontrol.com Inc.
Inter-Os Technologies, Inc.
Interpore Cross International
Interstate Baking Corp.
Interstate Blood Bank
Interstate Blood Bank Inc.
Interstate Brands Corporation
Interstate Marine Terminal
Intersurgical Limited
Interwest Home Medical Inc.
Interwest Medical Equipment Dist. Inc.
IntraCel Corporation
InTrust Plus Home Medical Equipment
Intuitive Surgical Incorporated
Invacare Corporation
Inverness Corp.
Invigorate International
Iopharm Laboratories Inc.
IOPI Northwest Company, LLC
Iowa Veterinary Supply Company
Ipswich Shellfish Co., Inc.
Irasan Complex
Iredell Memorial Hospital / Women's Breast Health Center
Iredell Memorial Hospitals Healthcare Systems
Iren Corporation
IRIS Medical Instruments Inc.
Iron County General Hospital
Irotec Laboratories Ltd.
Irvine Medical Center
Irvine Regional Hospital & Medical Center
Irvine Scientific Inc.
Irving Women's Imaging Center
Irwin Marvin S.
Irwin Memorial Blood Centers
Irwin Naturals
iScreen, LLC
Ise Newberry, Inc.
Island Kinetics Inc
Island Medical Center
Island Supplements
Isner Jeffrey M. M.D.
IsoComforter Inc
Isolyser Company
Iso-Tex Diagnostics, Inc.
Isotron Ireland, Ltd.
I.S.P. Company Inc.
ISP Technologies Inc.
ISS Research
I.T. Foods Industries Co., LTD.
Italfoods, Inc.
Italian Baked Rite of New York City Inc.
ITV Direct, Inc.
ITW Dymon
I.V. Flush, LLC
IV Systems
Ivax Laboratories
IVAX Pharmaceuticals Inc.
IVD Research, Inc.
IVF Michigan P.C.
Ivipa Corporate Inc.
Ivor Shaw/Pennine Healthcare Ltd.
Ivy Laboratories Inc.
J & A Business, Inc.-Johnny & Alan's Sandwiches
J & B Products, Ltd.
J & C Enterprises Inc.
J & D Star Dairy
J & D Wilson & Sons Dairy
J & J Dairy
J & J Millcreek Farm, Inc.
J & J Seafood, Inc.
J & J SnackFoods Corporation
J & J snackfoods Corporation
J & K Cattle Company
J & L Dairy
J & M Dairy
J & M Fisheries, Inc.
J & R Feed Services, Inc.
J & S Dairy Farm Inc.
J & S Distribution and Trading, Inc.
J & T Dairy
J and L Dairy
J. B. Harris Inc.
J. Bernard Seafood Processing Inc.
J D Heiskell & Co
J. J. Stevinson Corporation
J. Kenneth Fussell
J Navigator, Inc.
J. Sardinas Inc.
J. Strickland & Company
J Troost Dairy
J. W. Reyneveld Dairy Farm Inc.
Jack Davis & Associates Inc.
Jack Packaging Inc.
Jack Verbree Dairies
Jackson Clinic North
Jackson County Hospital
Jackson Healthcare for Women, Professional Association
Jackson-Madison County General Hospital
Jacobs Ranch L.L.C.
Jacobson Resonance Enterprises Inc.
Jacobus L. & John De Groot, Partner
Jacobus Pharmaceutical Co. Inc.
Jacoby Michael R.K. M.D.
Jake Slegers Jr. Dairy
Jamaica Hospital Medical Center
Jame Fine Chemicals Inc.
James Alexander Corporation
James Broderick Dairy Farm
James Hook & Co., LLC
James McCanna
James S. Lipiec
James Schairer Farms, Inc.
James Styron Fish Company
Jamestown Regional Medical Center
Janice's Kitchen
Janssen Pharmaceutica, Inc.
Japan Food Corporation
Japanese Food Express, Inc.
Jarrett Fertility Group, LLC
Jasper Foods Inc.
Jay Vander Tuig Dairy
Jaye, Cheryl Jones, M.D.
Jazmon Technologies Incorporated
J.B. Timmermann Farms Limited
JB5, Inc.
JCJ Dairy
JC's Fish and BBQ, Inc.
JD Medical Services Inc.
J.D. Mello Dairy
JDV International
Jean Yves Inc.
Jeannette District Memorial Hospital
Jean's Greens
Jeby Enterprises
Jefferson General Hospital
Jefferson Hospital
Jefferson Milling Company
Jeffrey Steinberg MD Inc., d/b/a The Fertility Institutes
Jeffrey's Seafood
Jeff's Gourmet Pies, Inc.
Jellico Community Hospital
Jem Tech Inc.
Jenkins and Woolf
Jenkins Community Hospital
Jennette Brothers, Inc.
Jennie-O Turkey Store
Jennifer Le Seafood
Jen-On Herbal Science International Inc
Jensen & Pilegard
Jensen Dairy
Jensen Tuna, Inc.
Jeppi Nut company Inc.
Jeremiah's Fine Foods, Inc.
Jericho Cider Mill Inc.
Jerome Stevens Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Jerome Stevens Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Jersey City Medical Center
Jersey Lynne Farms, Inc.
Jerusalem Manufacturing Nature Foods & Wholesalers, Inc.
Jer-Vic Inc., dba Foy's Pigeon Supplies
Jesse's Bakery, Inc.
Jessie's Ilwaco Fish Co, Inc.
Jewish Hospital System Inc.-MOBILE
J-F Medical Systems Intl. Inc.
JFC International Inc.
J.G. Van Holten & Sons Inc.
JHS Natural products
Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co. LTD.
Jiangyan Medical Products Factory
Jieyang Rex Foods Co., Ltd
Jim Bootsma Jr. (Dairy)
Jimmie Jones Sooner Airgas Inc.
Jimyko Inc. dba Jameco Company
J-Lloyd Medical Inc.
J.M. Dairy Corporation
J.MC. Ltd./Racconto
JMS Products Inc.
JOAMCA Chemical Products, Inc.
Joe Andrade Family Dairy
Joe C. Lourenco and Sons Dairy
Joe Gorzeman Dairy #2
Joe Lopes Dairy
Joe M. Simoes Family Dairy
Joe Monani Fish Co. Inc.
Joe Sozinho Dairy
Joe V. Diniz Dairy
Joe's Cajun Seafood
Joharra Dairy Farms
John A. Haugen Associates, P.A.
John and Maria Nunes Dairy
John B. Sanfilippo & Son Inc.
John, David E
John Davis Company
John Deere Family Healthplan
John Della and Sons Dairy
John Dykstra Dairy
John L. Hertle Dairy
John Lourenco Dairy
John M. Bridges Farm
John M. Mellott Farm
John Mellott Farm
John Nagle Company
John Potter Farm, LLC
John Sjoding AB
John Visser Dairy
John W. Stone Oil Distributors, L.L.C.
Johnny's Seafood Company, Inc.
Johns Hopkins Breast Imaging
Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health Care Systems
Johnson & Johnson
Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development, LLC
Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development, L.L.C.
Johnson Carol
Johnson Dairy
Johnson Donald E. M.D.
Johnson Donald R. M.D.
Johnson Matthey Inc.
Johnson, Miers, M.D.
Johnson 's Catering
Johnson, Steve
Johnson T.L. M.D.
Jolin Inc. [T/A Sam Sung Soy Food]
Jomara Seafood, Inc.
Jomara Seafood Inc.
Jonal Bakery LTD
Jonal Dairy
Jones, Alison M
Jones Brothers Dairy LLC
Jones Clinic Physician Network L.L.C.
Jones Memorial Hospital
Jones, Spencer B. M.D.
Jones, Thomas M.D.
Jongsma William J.
Jordan & Prieto P.A.
Jordan-Reses Home Healthcare
Joseph A. Houck Farm
Josephson's Smokehouse & Dock
Jovina M. Matos
Jowdy Industries, Inc
Jowdy Industries Inc.
Joy Processed Food, Inc.
J.R. Simplot Company
J-Rob Farms, Inc.
J-Tel, Inc dba Buxton Foods
Jug Creek Fish Company
Juice Company, LLC
Juice Harvest Inc.
Juices Enterprises Inc.
Jumbo Foods
Jumpin Jack Seafood, Incorporated
Just Fabulous Pastries, Inc.
Juweid Malik M.D.
JVJ Dairy, Inc.
Jy-Ro Farm
J1 Hafi Zainal Arifin 128 B-C
K & D Produce, Inc.
K & T Oriental Imports
Ka Nin Lee d.b.a. Soyfoods of America
Kabco, Inc.
Kabobs, Inc.
KaCo American Company
Kaelbel Wholesale Inc.
Kagan, Richard J., M.D.
Kaha Import
Kahuku Hospital
Kaiser Farms Inc.
Kaiser FDN Health Plan Colorado
Kaiser Foundation Hospital-Panorama City
Kaiser Foundation Hosptials
Kaiser Foundation Research Institute
Kaiser Larry R. M.D.
Kaiser Permanente
Kaiser Permanente - Durham
Kaiser Permanente - Mountain View
Kaiser Permanente Hayward Medical Center
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center-Vallejo
Kaiser Permanente Medical Group
Kaiser Permanente Medical Offices
Kaiser Permanente Medical Offices - Antioch
Kaiser Permanente-East
Kaiser Permanete-East
KaiserAir Inc.
Kaizen Inc
Kaken Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
Kalchem International, Inc.
Kalmbach Feeds, Inc.
Kam Lam Trading Inc.
Kamco Seafood Inc.
Kamiya Biomedical Company
Kanox Inc.
Kaplan & Zubrin
Karina Manufacturing Inc.
Kasbergen Cornell
Katamaran Corporation
Katies Seafood
Katros Groves/Citrus Direct
Katzen, Barry M.D.
Ka'u Ice and Fishing Supply
Kawasumi Laboratories Inc.
Kaweah Delta District Hospital
Kaweah Delta Health Care District IRC
Kay Dee Feed Co. Inc.
Kayline Inc.
Kaytrad Commodities, Ltd.
Kazu Hayashida Dir. State Dept. of Transportation
KBD, Inc.
K.C. Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
KCC Enterprises
Keeler's Medical Supply, Inc.
Kee's Company
Kegelmaster 2000 Ltd.
Kegler's Vending Service
Keil Laboratories Inc.
Keil Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Keitsen Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Kell West Regional Hospital
Keller Medical Specialties Products, Inc.
Kelley's Katch Caviar
Kelly Joe
Kemp Cattle
Kenai Custom Seafoods
Kenbourne International, Inc.
Kennedy Memorial Hospitals-VMC
Kenny Pittman Seafood Company
Kenosha Hospital & Medical Center
Ken's Meat and Deli
Kensington Hospital
Kent Feeds, Inc.
Kent Mammography Center
Kentuckiana X-Ray Associates
Kephart Farms
KeraCure, Inc.
Kern Medical Center
Kern Valley Healthcare District
Kershaw County Medical Center
Kettle Cuisine, Inc.
Kettle Edge Dairy
Kevin Sharpe Farm
Kewanee Hospital Association
Key of Destiny
Keystone Food Products Inc
KGB Media Inc.
Kham Seafood
Kham Seafood Company
Khouri, George G., M.D., PA
Khoury, Michael MD
Kibun Foods (U.S.A.) Inc.
Kickapoo Orchard, Inc
Kids Company Ltd Yugengaisha Kids
Kiel Laboratories, Inc.
Kiel Laboratories Inc.
Kilgore Veterinary Associates, Inc.
Kilpatrick, Frank
Kim, Hyun S. (Kevin), M.D.
Kim Yeongcheol M.D.
Kimball Foods, Inc.
Kimball Medical Center
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Kime's Cider Mill
Kim's Bean Sprouts
Kincaid Coach Lines, Inc.
Kincaid Coach Lines Inc.
Kinetic Concepts Inc.
King and Prince Seafood Corporation
King Drew Medical Center
King Orchards
King Oyster Farms
King Pharmaceuticals Inc
Kingfisher Regional Hospital
Kingman Regional Medical Center
Kingmar Seafood Corporation
King's Daughter's Health Park at Cedar Knoll
King's Daughters Hospital
King's Fish Market, Inc.
Kings Highway Center
King's Oriental Foods Company
Kingsridge Medical Imaging
Kingston Diagnostic Center
Kingston Hospital
Kingston-Miami Trading Company
Kinston Radiological Associates
Kinton, Inc.
Kinzie, Wesley, M.D.
Kioschos, Hans C., M.D.
Kipshize Nicholas M.D. Ph.D.
Kirkland Custom Seafoods
Kirklin Clinic
Kirson Medical Equipment Inc.
Kislinger Mark M.D.
Kittery Lobster Co., Inc.
Kittitas Valley Community Hospital
Klaire Laboratoreis, Inc.
Klein, Kevin W., M.D.
Klever Holstein Farms Ltd.
Klickitat Valley Hospital
Kling, Mitchel A., M.D.
KLS Electronics
Klutts, Walter J.
Klutts Walter J.
Knapp's Greenwood Farm
Kneibert Clinic Medical Group
Knevelbaard Dairies
KNL Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd.
Knoll Patient Supply Inc.
Knoll Pharmaceutical Co.
Knoll Pharmaceutical Company
Knott Wholesale Foods
Knott's Berry Farm
Knox Gynecological Specialist Inc.
Knox Hirons
Koch Industries Inc.
Koch Ingleside Terminal
Koch Poultry Company Inc.
Kodiak Smoking and Processing
Koepsel's Farm Market
Koetsier Dairy
Kofkoff Egg Farms, LLC
Kofkoff Egg Farms LLC
Kohler Mix Specialties of Minnesota, LLC
Koike Seafood, Inc.
Koike Seafood Inc
Koley's Home Care Inc.
Kollef, Marin H., MD
Kona Seafood Inc.
Kooiker Calves
Koolhass Dairy
Kopp Elliot J. M.D.
Koppes, Thomas P
Korean Farms Inc.
Kos Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Kosma-Kare Canada Inc.
Kowalke Family Sprouts
KPC Medical Management Inc.
Kraft Foods North America, Inc.
Kral X-Ray, Inc
Kram Fish Company
Kramer Laboratories Inc.
Kremer Laser Eye Center
Krieger Medical, Inc.
Krienke Brothers Inc.
Krienke Lee L.
Kroes Tom L.
Krohn Clinic
Krumpe, Peter, M.D.
KSM, Inc.
Kubus Inc.
Kuckenbaker Mike A.
Kunshan Chemical and Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
KV Pharmaceutical Co
KV Pharmaceutical Company
K&W Trading, Inc.
K&W Trading Inc.
Kwok-Cheng Enterprises Inc.
Kyphone Incorporated
KZ Dairy
L & L Foods, Inc.
L & L Oil Company and Gas Services Inc.
L & L Oxygen and Medical Equipment
L & M Cattle Co.
L & M Medical Inc.
L & W Group Inc.
L. Neil Jones Food Company dba Northwest Packing Company
La Coruna Foods, inc.
LA Dorada Coral Gables, Inc.
LA Fish Company
La Hacienda Fruit
La Hacienda Tortilleria Inc
LA Hearne Company
La Madeleine Gourmet Foods, Inc.
L.A. Metropolitan Medical Center
La Rosa Logistics Inc
La Sabrosita Candy
La Vaquita Cheese Corp.
La Vencedora Products, Inc.
Labanon Cheese Co.
Laboratoire Atlas Inc.
Laboratoires Prodimed
Laboratory Corporation of America
Laborde Diagnostics at South College
Laborde Diagnostics- South College
LaBore Seafood Ltd.
Labrada Bodybuilding Nutrition Inc.
Labrador & Son Food Products
Labtician Ophthalmics
Lacey Harmer Company
LAC/Olive View Medical Center
Lactroport USA
Ladex, LCC
LadyBug Sprout Farm
Laerdel Medical AS
Lafayette Fine Foods Inc
LaFond Fisheries
L.A.G. Sales Company
Lagler Dairy
LaHaye Leon M.D.
Lahey Beverly
Lahey Clinic
Lake Charles Memorial Hospital
Lake Country Veterinary Service, P.A.
Lake Cumberland Medical Associates
Lake Erie Medical and Surgical, Inc.
Lake Imaging Center
Lake Success Imaging
Lake Sun Company
Lakeland Medical Associates
Lakeland Regional Medical Center
Lakes Region General Hospital
Lakeshore Clinic Totem Lake
Lakeshore Respiratory Therapy Care Services S.C.
Lakeview Dairy Farms
Lakeview Farms
Lakeview Farms, Inc.
Lakewood Regional Medical Center
Lam, Fred M.D.
Lamar Seafood Corporation
Lamb Farms, Inc.
Lamberson's Home Care Inc.
Lambert Farms, Inc.
Lancaster Colony
Lancer Medical Services Inc.
Lanco Med Homecare Inc.
Land O'Lakes
Land O'Lakes Farmland Feed, LLC
Land O'Lakes Farmland Feed LLC
Landauer Hospital Supplies Inc.
Landolt Dairy
Landshire of Florida, Inc.
Lane Labs USA Inc.
Lang Dental Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Langers Juice Co.
Lanners, Rogers
Lannett Company, Inc.
Lannett Company Inc.
Lansdale Medical Group P.C.
Laomerica Seafood, Inc.
Laomerica Seafood Inc.
L'Aprina Inc.
LAR Manufacturing, LLC
Lares Research
Larry L. Miles Syrup Farm
Larry Peterson Dairy
Larry's Smokehouse Inc.
Larsen's Bakery, Inc.
Larson Medical Products, Inc.
Larson's Dairy Inc.
Las Americas Blood bank
Las Americas Laboratory & Blood Bank, Inc.
Las Botanas
Laser Center of W. Florida Inc.
Laser Labs
Laser Peripherals Inc.
Laser Systems International Inc.
Laser Therapeutics, Inc.
Lasermed, Inc.
LaserSight Technologies Inc.
Laughery Melvin
Laureano Gerardo Flores
Laurel Diagnostic Imaging
Lauren's Seafood Inc.
Lavoptik Co. Inc.
Lawrence, E Clinton MD
Lawsons Farm
Lazarus Dermatologic Products
LBJ Tropical Medical Center
LCDG Enterprise
L'Ceiba Distributors
LDS Dairy Operations
Le Gourmet Lorrain, Inc.
Le Patissier
Lead Interpreting Physician
Lead Mammography Radiologist
Leader Co. Inc.
LeBeouf Brothers Towing Company Inc.
LeBlanc's Cajun Boudin & Food Company Inc.
Lee Laboratories, Inc.
Lee Medical International, Inc.
Lee Memorial Health System
Lee Memorial Hospital Blood Band
Lee N. Spears & Sons Seafood
Lee Pharmaceuticals
Lee Pharmacy, Inc.
Lee Richard J.
Lee's Gas Supplies Incorporated
Lee's Oriental Food Processors
LeFin L.L.C.
Legacy Dairy Farms LP
Legacy Pharmaceuticals International
Legacy Systems Inc.
Legal Gear
Lehigh Valley Technologies Inc.
Lehman Foods Inc.
Lein, David A., MD
Leiner Health Products Inc.
Leiner Health Products, LLC
Leisegang Medical Inc.
Lelanau Fruit Company
LeMaitre, George W.
Lemon-X Corporation
Lemske Cheese & Packaging Co. Inc.
Lena's Cajun Seafood Dishes Inc.
Lenco's Products
Lenox Hill Hospital
Lentz, Meredith R., M.D.
Leo Dickson & Sons, Inc.
Leonard Shrimp Products Incorporated
Leone Russell F.
Leong-Kuba Sea Products, Inc.
Leo's Gourmet Smoked Fish
Leprino Foods
Les Laboratories Blanchard
Les Trois Petits Conchons
Lett Us One Corporation
Levenson Jeffrey R. M.D.
Levin CGR Mobil Mammogram
Levitronix LLC
Levittown Fish Market
Lewin Agency Inc.
Lew-Lin Farms
Lex, Inc.
Lexicor Medical Technology, Inc.
Lexington International, LLC
Lextron Texas LLP
LGS Technologies, LP
LI Jet Center
Lian Hwa Foods (U.S.A), Inc.
Liberty Dairy LLC
Liberty Gold Fruit Co. Inc.
Liberty Gold Fruit Company, Inc.
Liberty Pharmaceuticals
Liberty-Dayton Hospital Inc
Licking Memorial Women's Health
Lien Hoa Food Corporation
Life Enchancement Products, Inc.
Life Enhancement Products, Inc.
Life Extension Center, Inc.
Life Pulse LLC
LifeCare Technologies, Inc.
LifeCell Corporation
Lifecore Biomedical, Inc.
LifeGas, Ltd.
LifeGuard Health LLC
Lifeguard Inc.
LifeLine Energetics, Inc.
Lifeplus Inc.
LifeScan, Inc.
Lifesigns Inc.
LifeSource Blood Services
LifeSouth Community Blood Centers
LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, Inc.
LifeSouth Community Blood Service
Lifesoy, Inc.
Lifespan Inc.
Lifestream Medical Corporation
Lifestyle GP Company, LLC
LifeStyle Hearing Inc.
Life-Tech, Inc
Lifeway Foods, Inc.
Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Light Force Therapy, Inc.
LightMed Corporation
LightWorks LLC
Likelisa Enterprises Co. Ltd. & Lei-Fond Laser Industrial Co. Ltd.
Liken Home Medical Inc.
Liko, Inc.
Lilly's Gastronomia Italiana, Inc.
Lima Brothers Dairy
Limate Corporation
Limberg Michael B. M.D.
Lime Creek Ag Services Inc.
Lincare, Inc.
Lincare Inc.
Lincare Incorporated
Lincoln County Medical Center
Lincoln County Memorial Hospital
Lincoln Hospital Medical Center
Lincoln Land Livestock Co., Inc.
Lincoln Medical Supply
Linden Beverage Co. Inc.
Linden, David, M.D.
Linden Municipal Hospital
Linder Quann Medical Group
Lindsay Farms
Lini Inc.
Links Pharmaceutical
Linma International (USA), Inc.
Linvatec Corporation
Linvingston David H. M.D.
Linweld Inc.
Linzer, Dov M.D.
Lipari Food Products, Inc
Lisanby, Sarah H., M.D.
Litron Laboratories, Ltd
Little Falls Hospital
Little River Fish House Inc
Little Rock Diagnostic Clinic
Littleton Adventist Hospital
Liu's Bean Sprouts
Liuzzi Microbiology Laboratory Inc.
Livestock Dealer
Living Foods Inc.
Living Streams Mission, Inc
Livington Memorial Hospital
L-J Farms, Inc.
LKC Technologies Inc.
Llano Memorial Healthcare System
Lloyd Nash Livestock
LM Sandler & Sons
LNK International Inc.
Lnzro Pizza Empire Inc.
Lobob Laboratories Inc.
Loborde Diagnostics
Lobster Pound The, Incorporated
Local Repack
Lodi Veterinary Hospital, S.C.
Loek Van Warmerdam Dairy
Log Haven Dairy
Logan Hospital & Medical Center
LOKKI Lasers Medicaux S.A.
Lombardi's Seafood Inc.
Lonely Ranch Dairy
Long Island Diagnostic Imaging
Long Island Fish Exchange
Long Island Jewish Radiology Private Practice
Long Island Radiology Associates P. C.
Long March Pharmaceuticals
Longhenry Farms
Long's Peak Dairy
Lordex Inc
Loring Labs Inc.
LORS Medical Corporation
Lorton's Fresh Squeezed Juices
Lost Mountain Tissue Bank
Lost Trail Dairy, LLC
Lotte International Trading, Inc.
Louis C. Mathews Seafood
Louise G. Wallace Hospital-Breech Medical Center
Louisiana Dock Company
Louisiana Fine Foods, Inc.
Louisiana Proteins DBA Riegel By-Products
Louisiana Royal Seafood Inc.
Louisiana Seafood Company
Louisiana State University Medical Center IRB
Louisiana Substance Abuse Clinic Inc.
Louisville APL Diagnostics, Inc.
Louisville APL Diagnostics Inc.
Louisville Regional Airport Authority
Lourdes Medical Center
Lourenco Dairy #2
Lourenco Steve
Love and Quiches, Ltd.
Love Homecare
Lovelace Health Systems Inc.
Lovelace Institutional Review Board
Lowe Sylvia
Lowell Products Development
Lower Umpqua Hospital
Lowery Specialty Foods Company
Lowlyn Pharmacies, Inc.
Lowry Ophthalmology
Lowther, Janet
Loy, Mike
Loyola Dairy
L.P. Wholesale Seafood, Ltd.
L.P. Wholesale Seafood Ltd.
LPG USA Incorporated
LR Plast A/S
LSG Lufthansa - Sky Chefs
LSG Lufthansa Service/Sky Chefs
LSG Sky Chef Inc.
LSG Sky Chef Incorporated
LSG Sky Chefs
LSG Sky Chefs Inc.
LSG/Sky Chefs Inc.
LSI International Inc.
LSU Earl K. Long Medical Center
Lu-Ar Dairy
Lubar Seafood Corp
Lubar Seafood Corp.
Lubar Seafood Corporation
Lubbock Radiology Associates
Lubec Packing Company
Lucas Wharf, Inc.
Luce Reed A.
Lucky International Trading Inc.
Lucky Tours
Lucust Hill Farm
Lucy's Ravoli Kitchen, Inc.
Ludwig Medical, Inc
Luen Hing Sprouts Inc.
Luitpold Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Lukare Medical Co. Inc.
Lulu's Dessert Factory
Lumax Handling Corporation
Lumberton Radiological Associates
Lumen Food Corporation
Lumenis, Inc.
Luminex Corporation
Lumisys Inc.
Lunar Corporation
Luneau S.A.
Lupin Limited
Lusamerica Foods Inc.
LushLife Gardens
Luskin-Hawk, M.D., Roberta L
Luther L. Smith & Son Inc.
Lutheran Medical Center
Luv'n Care LTD.
Luxar Corporation
L.V. Stabler Hospital
Ly, David S.
Lydall, Inc.
Lyle's Seafoods
Lyles's Seafoods
Lynchburg Respiratory Care Inc.
Lyne Laboratories, Inc.
Lynn Marvin J.
Lynn Medical Instrument Company
Lynn's Seafood
Lyrek Farms
M & I Seafoofd Manufacturing Inc.
M & M Barcelos Dairy
M & N Food Products, Inc.
M & P Dairy
M & Q Plastic Products
M & S Acquisition
M Blesy Dairy
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
M G Acquistion LLC
M. Kane's Fish Market Inc.
M. Slavin & Sons, Ltd.
M. Slavin & Sons 4/9/09
M. Zukerman and Co. Inc.
Mabel's Taste of Home, Inc.
Macan Engineering and Manufacturing Company Inc.
Macclesfield Works
Macek Anne L. M.D.
Machado Wilton Corporation
Mackie International, Inc.
MacKnight Smoked Food Inc.
MacKnight Smoked Foods, Inc.
MacKnight Smoked Foods Inc.
MacKnight Smoked Foods Incorporated
Macro Seafood, Inc.
Madden's Pharmacy
Madeira Beach Seafood Inc
Madera Calf Ranch
Madespa S.A.
Madison Medical Affiliates Inc.
Madison Radiology
Madison Seafood Incorporated
Maehr, Jeffrey, M.D.
Magan Medical Clinic, Inc.
Magic Milk Dairy, Inc.
Magnet of Palm Beach, LTD
Magnetherapy Incorporated
Magnetic Resonance of New Jersey
Magnificent Medical Equipment, Inc. (dba Tony Riso Company)
Magnu Vu
Mahoi Janet C.
Mahoning Valley Imaging at Healthridge Medical Center
Maida Jerry W. M.D.
Maine Oxy-Acetylene Supply Co.
Maini Dr. Baltej
Mainline Technology, Inc
Majestic International Spice
Major Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Makevale Limited
MAK-SYSTEM S.A. International Group
Malaysian Institite for Nuclear Technology Research
Mallinckrodt Inc.
Mallinckrodt Inc., dba Covidien
Mallinckrodt Inc. Pharmaceuticals Group
Mama Lavash, Inc.
Mammography & Ultrasound Specialists
Mammography Imaging Center Inc.
Mammoth Cave Dairy Auction, Inc.
Manan Medical Products Inc.
Manatee Foods Inc DBA Manatee Sprout Company
Manatee Respiratory Services
Manchester Veterinary Clinic & Supply P.C.
Mandalay Trading Corporation
Mandarin Soy Sauce, Inc.
Mangan Brothers Inc.
Manhattan Physician's Group PC
Manilaq Health Center
Manjean Holsteins
Manna Pro Corporation
Manno Pro Corporation
Mann's Fish Market
Manns Harbor Fisheries
Mantecados Ltd./Payco Foods Inc.
Manuel Enterprises Inc.
Manuel Jorge and Son Dairy
Manuel Lima Dairy
Maple Dairy
Mar, Timothy P., M.D.
Marathon Cheese Corp.
Marcel and Henri Select Meats Inc
Marcelina's Mexican Food, Inc.
Marcelino Amaral and Sons Dairy
Marcum, John W., M.D.
Margandale Farms
Margaret Mary Community Hospital
Maria Medeiros Dairy
Marian Community Hospital
Marianna Inc.
Marian's Kitchen
Maria's Fresh Seafood Market, L.L.C.
Maria's Gourmet Pasta Products, Inc.
Maricopa Medical Center
Marin Breast Health Center
Marina Medical Instruments Inc.
Marina Seafoods
Marina Seafoods, Inc.
Marine Equipment Management Corp.
Marine Harvest
Marine Polymer Technologies, Inc.
Marines USA, Inc.
Mario M. Simoes Dairy #2
Marion Health Care Hospital
Marion Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co.
Marjon Specialty Food, Inc
Marjon Specialty Foods
Mark A. Frankle, M.D.
Mark A. Mighell, M.D.
Mark II Enterprises
Mark Nolt Farm d/b/a Nature's Sunlight Farm
Mark V. Porter d.b.a. MVP Livestock, Inc.
Market Basket, Inc.
Marks Brothers Pickle Company Inc.
Mar-Lees Seafood, Inc.
Marlen Manufacturing & Development Co.
Marlen Manufacturing and Development Co.
Marlen Martin Farm
Marlette Community Hospital
Marpesca Miami Corporation
Marquardt Victor
Marquet GmbH & Co KG
Marquez Dairy LLC
Marquez, Raul A., M.D.
Marshall Ezra M. M.D.
Marshall Medical Center North
Marshall Regional Medical Center
Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center
Marstrade USA, Inc.
Martec Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Martex Farms S.E.
Martin D. Yoder Livestock
Martin, Gene A.
Martin Robert Z.
Martin Terminal Inc.
Martins Antonio L.
Martin's Dairy
Martin-Vue Farms
Marukai Corporation
Marutama Company Inc.
Maruwa Skokai Guam Inc.
Mary Chiles Hospital
Mary Greeley Medical Center
Mary Immaculate Hospital
Maryland Ellen Maryland Crab Meat Company, Inc.
Maryland Food Bank
Maryland General Hospital / Mobile Mammography Unit
Maryland Port Administration
Maryland Wholesale Seafood Market
Mary's Malasadas, Inc.
Masami Cattle Ranch Inc.
Mason General Hospital
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Port Authority
Massachusetts Public Health Biologic Laboratories
Massena Memorial Hospital
Mastek Inc.
Master Industries, LLC
Masterfoods USA
Mastex Industries, LLC
Material Resources LLC
Materile Reprocessing Inc.
Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.
Mathis Ranch, LLC dba Texas Legend Ranch
Mathys Medical Ltd.
Matrix Biokinetics Inc.
Matrix Electromedical Incorporated
Matrixx Initiatives, Inc. AKA Zicam LLC
Matsushita Microwave Oven Corporation of America
Matthews, Dana C., M.D.
Mattos Brothers Dairy
Maui Medical Group
Maui Medical Group Inc.
Maunesha River Dairy
Mavidon Medical Products
Maxim's Import Corporation
Maximum Human Performance
Maxplus International Inc.
Maxum Diagnostic Center
May Ao Foods Company
May Food Supply, Inc.
Mayco Fish Company, Ltd.
Mayer's Brothers Apple Products Inc.
Mayes, Randall J.
Mayflower Natural Foods
Mayne Pharma Pty., Ltd.
Mayne Pharma (USA), Inc.
Mayne Pharma (USA) Inc.
Mayo Dairy
Mayor Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc.
Maypro Industries Inc.
M.B. Seafood Company, Inc.
Mc 3x
MCAA Land & Cattle LLC
McAbee Medical Inc.
McAdam Health Enterprises
McAllen Miller International Airport
McAnally Enterprises LLC
McArthur Farms Inc.
McArthur Livestock
McBride Dairy Farm
McCann's Seafood
McCormick Distilling Co.
MCD International LLC
McDougald Larry Ph.D.
McFarling Foods Inc.
McKechnie Plastic Components
McKennan Hospital
Mckinley Incorporated
McKinley Medical LLLP
McKinnon, Blair
McLaren Regional Medical Center Institutional Review Board
McLeod Regional Medical Center
MCMI Food Company
McNeil Consumer Products Co.
McNichol's Dead and Crippled Livestock
McPhail, Richard
McPherson Hospital
MCR American Phamaceuticals Inc.
MCT Medical Products
Mc6 Cattle Feeders Inc.
MD Anderson Cancer Center
MD International Inc.
MD Labs/Human Development Technologies
M.E. Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Meadow Gold Dairies Hawaii
Meadow Wood Animal Clinic
Meadowbrook Dairy
Meadowview Regional Medical Center
Mechanical Servants Inc.
Mecklenburg Breast Screening Program MCHD
Mecklenburg Farm Inc
Med Center One - Streetsboro
Med Cross Imaging Center
Med Prep Consulting, Inc.
Medart Seafood
Medbrook Medical Center
Medco Instruments Inc.
Medco Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Med-Corp/Med-Care Inc.
Medefil, Inc.
Medefil Inc.
Medelle Corporation
MedEnclosure, L.L.C.
Medenet Inc. d.b.a. Advantage Care
Medeva Pharma Ltd
Medford Veterinary Clinic
Medgyn Products
MedGyn Products Inc.
Media Power, Inc.
Medic Home Health Care
Medica Corporation
Medical & Clinical Consortium Inc
Medical Accessories, Inc.
Medical Accessories Inc
Medical Action Industries
Medical Appliance Company Ltd.
Medical Arts Clinic
Medical Associates Health Center
Medical Associates of Gallipolis Inc.
Medical Cables, Inc.
Medical Center at Lancaster
Medical Center Home Health Care Services Inc.
Medical Center of Mesquite The
Medical Center of Southwest Louisiana
Medical College Of Pennsylvania Hospital
Medical Components Inc.
Medical Concepts Development
Medical Department Store
Medical Developmental Research Inc.
Medical Develpment Research Inc.
Medical Device Consulting
Medical Device Resource Corporation
Medical Device Services, Inc.
Medical Device Technologies, Inc.
Medical Diagnostic Center (Southside)
Medical Diagnostic Imaging
Medical Energy, Inc.
Medical Equipment Company Incorporated
Medical Equipment Designs Inc.
Medical Group Imaging Center of Glendale
Medical Homecare Services Inc.
Medical Imaging Center
Medical Imaging Center of Southern California
Medical Imaging Services for Women
Medical Industrial Equipment Ltd.
Medical Industries America, Inc.
Medical Information Technology Inc.
Medical Instruments Technology, Inc.
Medical Marketing & Management L.L.C.
Medical Measurements, Inc.
Medical Packaging Technologies Inc.
Medical Park Imaging
Medical Park Pharmacy
Medical Research Industries Inc.
Medical Science Products, Inc.
Medical Services of America Inc.
Medical Solutions International, Inc.
Medical Technology Solutions Inc.
Medical Wire & Equipment Co. (Bath) Ltd.
Medical Wire & Equipment Co (Bath), Ltd
Medi-Care Orthopedic & Hospital Equipment
Medicate Home Care Equipment
Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation
Medico Labs, Inc.
Medico Medical Equipment & Supplies Inc
MediCom a.s.
MediComp Inc.
Medicomp Inc
MediCor Corporation
Medigloves Inc.
Medi-ject Corporation
Medi-Man Rehabilitation Products Inc.
MedImmune, Inc.
MedImmune Vaccines, Inc.
Medina General Hospital
Medina Landmark Inc.
Medion Diagnostic AG
Medi-Rents & Sales
Medi-rents and Sales Inc.
Medi-Royale Pastex Inc
Medisol Laboratories Inc.
Medi-Stat, Inc.
Medisurg Research & Management Corporation
Meditrend, Inc
Medix Pharmaceuticals Americas Inc.
MedLean Inc.
Medley Tomatoes, Inc.
Medline Industries, Inc.
Med-Mart Pulmonary Services
MedNet Services Inc.
MedPACS Displays, Inc.
Med-Pharmex Inc.
Medpointe Healthcare, Inc.
Med-Pro Inc.
Medron, Inc.
MedRx, Inc.
Med-Scan - Flint
Medsep Corporation
Medserv Corporation
Med-South Inc.
Med-South Pharmacy Inc.
MedTec Inc
Medtronic Emergency Response System
Medtronic, Inc.
Medtronic Inc.
Medtronic Incorporated
Medtronic Physio-Control
Medtronic Puerto Rico Operations Company
Medtronic Vascular
Medweb Inc.
MedX Corporation
MedX96 Inc.
Meech, Todd R.
Meek's Seafood, Inc.
Mega Pro International
Mei Mee Srpouting Inc.
Meiko Food Company
Melaleuca Inc.
Melanocorp, Inc.
Mellinger Arthur
Mellott Chris M.
Melvin Simoes Dairy #3
Memorial Atrium Imaging
Memorial Blood Centers
Memorial Community Hospital
Memorial Health System
Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center
Memorial Hospital
Memorial Hospital at Gulfport
Memorial Hospital Inc
Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County
Memorial Imaging San Pablo
Memorial Medical Center
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Mendocino Coast District Hospital
Mendoza Food Products, Inc.
Menicon USA Inc.
Meninno Brothers Inc.
Mennen Medical Ltd.
Mental Processes Inc.
Mentholatum Co. Inc.
Mentor Corporation
Menu Foods, Inc.
Meragenesis Health Products
Merazon Health Products, Inc.
Mercer Livestock Auction Inc.
Mercer Processing, Inc.
Mercerville Radiology Associates P.A.
Merchants Distributors, Inc.
Merck & Co., Inc.
Merck & Co. Inc.
Merck & Company, Inc.
Merck & Company Inc.
Merck Manufacturing Division
Mercury Medical
Mercy Community Hospital
Mercy Diagnostics
Mercy Health System of Kansas, Inc.
Mercy Hospital Blood Bank
Mercy Medical Center
Mercy Medical Center - Sioux City
Mercy Mount Clemens Corporation
Meredith-Warner Animal Clinic
Merge Technologies, Inc.
Merial Limited
Meridian Bio-medical Inc.
Meridian Bioscience Inc.
Meridian Industries Inc.
Meridian Lifeforce, Inc
Meridian Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Merits Health Products Co., Ltd.
Merix Pharmaceutical Corporation
Merlin Labs, Inc.
Mermentau Rice, Inc.
Merrimac Smoked Fish Inc.
Mers Inc. d.b.a. Economy Boat Store
Mersco Medical Inc.
Mese Hsin Tung Yang Foods, Inc.
Mesquite Diagnostics
Metabolic Nutrition, Inc.
Metabolic Nutrition Inc.
Metagenics, Inc.
Metcalf Crab Company
Methodist Healthcare-Mckenzie Hospital
Methodist Hospital Breast Center
Methodist Hospital Germantown
Methodist Hospital of Fayette
Metro Imaging
Metro-Health Southwest Plaza
Metrolina Women's Breast Center
Metropolitan Hospital
Metropolitan Hospital Center
Metrotech Medical, Inc.
Metuchen Analytical Inc.
Mexican Village Wholesale Foods, Inc
Meyer Farm
Meyers Lester
M.F. Gomes and Sons Dairy
MFA Inc.
MG Industries
Mgs Soapopular
MI Drilling Fluids
M&I Seafood Manufacturers, Inc.
Miami Aircraft Support
Miami River Lobster and Stone Crab
Miami Terminal Cold Storage, LLC
Miavana Wholesale Company
Miavana Wholesale Company, Inc.
Micelle Laboratories LLC
Micelle Products Inc
Michael Foods Company, Inc.
Michael Hoover Dairy Farm
Michael Mumbulo
Michael S. Miller, D.O.
Michel Cordon Bleu Inc.
Michele's Original
Michigan Community Blood Center
Michigan Instruments, Inc.
Michigan Trading Post
Michiganan Farms Ltd.
Micro Mega S.A.
Micro Worldwide Trading
Microbiologics Inc.
Microcurrent Research Incorporated
Microline Inc.
Micromedics Inc.
Micro-Precision Instruments Ltd.
MicroSurgical Technologies, Inc.
Microvena Corporation
Micrylium Laboratories
Mid American Chemical Corp.
Mid Hudson Medical Group
Mid Pacific Seafoods Inc.
Mid-Atlantic Diagnostics
Mid-Columbia Medical Center
Middle East Bakery, Inc.
Middle Georgia Medical Supply
Mid-Florida Bakeries, LLC
Midical Diagnostic Center
Midland Bull Test Ranch
Midland Pharmaceutical LLC
Mid-South PCM Group P.C.
Midstate Medical Inc.
Midstate Veterinary Services PLLC
Midway Airlines
Midway Airlines Corp.
Midwest Health Center
Midwest Health Partners P.C.
Midwest Heart Foundation
Midwest Medical Holdings, LLC
Midwest Medical Inc.
Midwest Seafood, Inc.
Midwestern Electronics Inc.
Mikart Inc
Mikart Inc.
Mike Frings Cattle Company
Mike's Quality Meats
Mike's Seafood
Mikes Seafood
Milan General Hospital
Milbank Mills Inc
Milex Products Inc.
Milfico Foods, Inc.
Milford Seafood Corporation
Milford-Whitinsville Regional Hospital
Milk Flow Dairy
Milk Source, LLC
Milky Way Dairy
Mill Creek Family Practice Clinic
Millenium Medical Systems Inc.
Millennium Biotechnology, Inc.
Millennium Dental Technologies Inc.
Millennium Dental Technologies Incorporated
Millennium Diagnostic Imaging
Millennium Diagnostic Services
Millennium Health LLC
Miller, Andrew J.
Miller, Archibald S., M.D.
Miller II, Damon P., M.D.
Miller's Bakery, inc.
Miller's Homecare Services
Million Air Monterey
Million Food Corporation
Millner Trading Company, Inc.
Mills Welding Supply Inc.
Mills-Peninsula Hospital
Millstone Agri Distributors
Milner Rushing Discount Drugs
Mincing Trading Corporation
Mind's Eye Juice Company
Miner's Colfax Medical Center
Ming Hong International, Inc.
Mingo Pike Radiology
Minister Farmers Cooperative Exchange Inc.
Minneapolis Medical Arts Clinic
Minneapolis Radiology Associates, Ltd.
Minnesota Extrusion Inc
Minnesota Valley Health Center
Minntech Corporation
Minntech Corporation d.b.a. Renal Systems
Minor and James Medical PLLC
Miracle Fish, Inc.
Miracle Marketing Distributors
Mirada Dairy
Mirage Spas and Tanning Salon
Miramar Industries Limited
Miranda Livestock
Miriam Santisteban Wysocki, M.D., Inc.
Miskin Barry M.D.
Misonix, Inc.
Missa Bay Inc.
Mission Bay Memorial Hospital/Institutional Review Board
Mission Mountain Food Enterprise Center
Mission Pharmacal Co. Inc.
Mission Primary Care Clinic
Mississippi Blood Services, Inc.
Mississippi Food Service, Inc.
Mississippi Seafood Exchange, Inc.
Mississippi Valley Canteen
Missouri Babtist Medical Center
Missouri Baptist Medical Center
Missouri Baptist Medical Center-Mobile
Misty Meadow Farms
Mitchell Farms
Miter Inc.
Mitsui Foods Inc.
Mixillofacial Surgery Center
MJM International Corporation
MK Medical
Mlsna Dairy Supply, Inc.
MN DAK Dairy
MNC Pharmaceuticals Group, Inc
Moberly Regional Medical Center
Mobile Breast Care Services
Mobile Health Outreach
Mobile Mammography Service
Mobile Med + Care Inc.
Mobil-Teria Catering Company Inc.
Moctec Enterprises Inc.
Moda Company, LLC
Modern Products
Modern Products, Inc.
Modesto Fish Company
Modesto Imaging Center Inc.
Mofel's Food International Corporation
Mogen Circumcision Instruments Ltd.
Mohawk Valley Homecare Inc.
Moisan Dairy
Molded Products Company
Mon Chong Loong Trading Corporation
Monarch Seafoods Inc.
Monongahela Valley Hospital Inc.
Monserrat Pharmaceuticals Inc
Montag Thomas W. M.D.
Montana Merchandising Inc.
Montana Mountain Smoked Inc.
Montclair Baptist Medical Center
Montco Precision Machines, Inc.
Montefiore Imaging Center
Monterey Fish Co., Inc.
Monterey Fish Comapny Inc.
Monterey Peninsula Airport District
Montfort Jones Memorial Hospital
Montgomery Medical Equipment
Moon Glow Dairy
Moore Oxygen Supply Inc.
Moossa Abdool R. M.D.
Moran Rowen & Dorsey Inc. - Breast Imaging Center
Morcher GmbH
Morehead Memorial Hospital
Moreland Dale L.
Moreno Valley Dairy
Morey's Seafood International, LLC
Morgan Foods
Morgan Mill Trout Farm
Morgan, Steven J., MD
Morico Foods, Inc.
Morico Foods Inc.
Morlock Thomas
Moroni Feed Company
Morrell Farm
Morris Erde Inc.
Morris Levin and Son
Morris Smoked Fish Company
Morris Veterinary Center, PSC
Morristown-Hamblen Hospital
Mortar & Pestle Pharmacy Inc.
Mortillaro Lobster Company, LLC
Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Morven Partner L.P.
Morven Partners, LP
Morwell Corporation
Moses, Jeffrey
Moses Lake Clinic
Moses Ludington Hospital
Moshin Surgical Industries/JMB Industries
Moshirfar, Majid, M.D.
Moss Tubes Inc.
Mostel, Edward, M.D.
MotherSOY(R), Inc.
Moules Ernie M.
Mount Auburn Hospital
Mount Vernon Medical Group
Mountain Pride
Mountain Products Inc.
Mountain Valley Fish & Oyster Inc.
Mountain View Farm
Mountain View Hospital
Mountain West Medical Inc.
Mountainside Hospital
Moyer & Son Inc.
M&P Fine Foods Inc.
MPM Farms
MPPI Physicians
MPTF Toluca Lake Health Center
MPW Industrial Services, Inc.
Mr. Dee's Seafood 'N' Things, Inc.
Mr. Fish Seafood
Mr. Robert's Seafoods
Mr. Seafood Distributors
MRI Institute of Maryland
MRL Inc.
Mrs. Galbaud Francois Rose
Mrs. Grissom's Salads, Inc.
M.R.S. Marketing
Mrs. Seibold's Bakery, Inc.
Mrs. Wheat's Fabulous Foods, Inc.
Mrs. Williams Country Kitchen Inc.
MS Foods Inc.
MSN Imaging Center
Mt. Clemens General Hospital
Mt. San Rafael Hospital
Mueller Planetarium
Mueller Sports Medicine Inc.
Mulingtapang, Reynaldo F. MD
Mullet, Ivan
Multi-Clean Incorporated
Multidata Systems International Corp.
Multidata Systems International Corporation
Multi-Diagnostic Services Inc.
Multimedia Medical Systems
Murex Diagnostics Inc.
Murfreesboro Pharmaceutical Nursing Supply
Muro Pharmaceutical Inc.
Murphy Oil USA Inc.
Murray Avenue Apothecary
Murray, Robert Mitchell M.D.
Murray Shore Pharmacy
Murrock Farms
Murvest, Inc.
Muscle Lane, Inc.
Mutual Fish Company
Mutual Pharmaceutical Co Inc.
Muvezi Inc.
Myer James
Myron L. Company
N & S Market Inc.
N. Parascandolo & Sons, Inc.
N TECH Instrument Repair, Inc.
N. V. N. Inc.
Nabi Biopharmaceuticals
Nace James S.
Nagasako Fish Ltd.
NAHC of Wyoming
Nancy's Homemade Fudge
Nandau Seafood Company
Nanogen Point-of-Care Diagnostic Division
Nantong International Medical Material Co. Ltd.
Nantucket Cottage Hospital
Napoleon Deli, Inc.
Nardi, Claudia
Nash Farms Inc.
Nash Finch Company
Nasiff Associates, Inc.
Nasoya Foods Inc.
Nassau County Medical Center
Nassau Health Care Corporation Mammography Center
Nassmith Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Natchez Animal Supply Company
National Biochemicals Corp.
National Biological Corporation
National Coach Works Incorporated
National Fisheries
National Fisheries Inc.
National Foods Corporation
National Genetics Institute
National Gypsum Company
National Healthcare Manufacturing Corp.
National Home Products Ltd.
National Honey, Inc., dba National Commodities, Co
National Pharmpak Services
National Railroad Passenger Corp.
National Service Industries Inc.
National Testing Laboratories Inc.
National Welding Supply Company Inc.
National Welding Supply Inc.
Nations Healthcare Inc.
Native American Shellfish Company
Native Remedies, LLC
Natren, Inc.
Natren Inc.
Natura Mediterranea
Natural Balance, Inc.
Natural Biology, Inc.
Natural Bodylines Inc.
Natural Choice Company Inc.
Natural Environmental Solutions
Natural Health Consultants
Natural Ovens of Manitowoc Inc
Natural Revelations Inc.
Natural Source, Inc.
Natural Technology, Inc.
NatureMost of New England
Natureplex, LLC
Nature's Acres
Nature's Best Inc.
Nature's Cathedral Inc.
Nature's Choice Aloe Products
Nature's Dairy
Natures Hand
Nature's Health Supply
Nature's Sunshine Products
Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc.
Nature's Sunshine Products Inc
Nature's Vision Inc.
Nature's Way
Nature's Way Products, Inc.
Naturopathic Labs International Inc.
Naturopathic Physician
Natwel Supply Corporation
Nauta, Haring J.W., MD
Navajo Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Naviera Coffee Mills
NCH Corporation
NDT Pharm Management, LLC
NE Medical Center Outreach Health Services-Mobile
Necco, Inc.
Needle & Infusion Technologies Inc.
Needmore Dairy Farm
Neil Laboratories, Inc.
Neil Laboratories Inc.
Neil laboratories Inc.
Neil Zwart Dairy
Neillsville Memorial Medical Center, Inc.
Neilsen Seafood
Nejatheim, Masood M.D.
Nelson and Sons Inc.
Nelson Crab, Inc.
Nelson, Douglas Jr.
Nelson Laboratories, Inc.
Nelsons Premix Service, Inc.
NeoChild LLC
Neogen Corporation
Neoteric Cosmetics, Inc.
Neoterik Health Technologies
Neotropix, Inc.
Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corp
Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Neptune Manufacturing, Inc.
Neptune Sandwiches
Neptune Smoked Fish Company LLC
Nesbitt, Lori A., Pharm. D., M.B.A.
Nestle S.A.
Nestle USA
Nestle/Friskies PetCare Company
Net Unique Inc.
Netuno Trading Group, Inc.
Netuno USA, Inc.
Neukon Groves, Inc.
Neuro Kinetics, Inc.
NeuroControl Corp.
Neuro-Fitness, L.L.C.
NeuroResearch, Inc
NeuroScience, Inc.
Neurotone Systems, Inc
Neverland Farms
New Day Fisheries, Inc.
New Decade Laboratories Inc.
New England Compounding Center
New England Lobster Company Inc.
New England Smoked Seafood
New Era Canning Co.
New Hampshire Fisheries, Inc.
New Horizons Dairy LLC
New Horizons Diagnostics Corporation
New Japan International Inc.
New Milk Inc.
New Moon Noodle Co.
New Orleans Fish House
New Pacific Inc.
New Sun, Inc.
New Vision Co-op
New Wave Seafood, Inc.
New West Fisheries Inc.
New Wilmington Slaughterhouse
New York Bagelry
New York Community Hospital
New York Diagnostic Medical Services Inc.
New York Eye & Ear Infirmary
New York Marine Terminals
New York Medical Group P.C.
New York Shipyard Corp.
New York's Bean Sprout Inc.
New You Labs
Newhouse Dairy Processing LLC
Newman Foods, Inc
Newman Foods Inc
Newman Gulf Medical Supplies Inc.
Newman Inc., (dba Medi-Stat)
Newman, John H., DVM
Newman's Fish Company
Newman's Own Organics
Newport Community Hospital
Newport Fish Company
Newport Hospital and Clinic
Newport Medical Instruments, Inc.
Newport Seafoods Inc.
Newton Laboratories, Inc.
Nexera Medical
Nexstar Pharmaceuticals Inc.
NHS Clarkson West Medical Center
Niagara Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Nich Marketers Inc.
Nicholas Pharmacy Inc.
Nichols, Trent. M.D.
Nichols, Trent M.D.
Nick & Katie's Inc.
Nickle, William F.
Nicolet Biomedical Inc.
Nico's Seafood & Products Corp.
Nidek Medical Products Inc
Niitikaya USA Inc.
Nikkiso Co. Ltd.
Nikolaus Straub Chirurgische Instrumente
Nina Ltd. Of Trenton
Nine, Inc.
Nino's Enterprises, Inc.
Ninth St. Management Inc. (Trades as Superior Pasta Co Inc.)
Nippon Rikagakuyakuhin Co. Ltd.
Nipro Diabetes Systems, Inc.
Nipro Medical Corporation
Nishimaru Inc
Nissho Corporation
Nitro Pak Preparedness
Noah Weg & Associates
Noah's Ark Animal Hospital
Nobel Biocare AB
Nochole Medical Equipment & Supply
Nocona General Hospital
Nodine's Smokehouse, Inc.
NOG Inc.
Nolan Livestock
Nomura Tofu Co. Inc.
Nonna's Real Italiana Cuccine
Nonu Inc.
Noon Hour Food Products Inc.
Nor-Cal Seafood, Inc.
Nordam Smith Welding Supplies
Norfolk Medical
Norfolk Medical Products, Inc.
Norland Corporation
Norland Medical Systems Inc.
Norman Seafood Inc
Normed Medizin-Technik GmbH
Norm-E-Lane, Inc.
Norquest Seafoods, Inc.
Norris M. Strauss Inc. dba NMS Publishing
Norso Biomagnetics Inc.
North Adams Regional Hospital
North American Caviar Company
North American Herb & Spice
North American Medical Corporation
North American Medical Products Inc.
North American Purchase & Trade
North American Science Associates, Inc.
North American Science Associates (NAmSA)
North American Vaccine Inc.
North Atlantic Imaging Systems Inc.
North Baldwin Hospital
North Cascade Family Physicians
North Coast Fisheries, Inc.
North Coast Medical Inc.
North Coast Seafoods
North Colorado Medical Center
North Country Dairy Supply, Inc.
North Fork Radiology P.C.
North Georgia Medical Center
North Hills Hospital Subsidiary, L.P., Inc.
North Hills Medical Center
North landing Corporation
North, Lloyd
North Medical Family Physicians, P.C.
North Point Dairy
North Shore University Hospital at Syosset
North Texas IRB
North Valley Veterinary Clinic, Inc.
NorthBya Healthcare
Northeast Bronx Radiology & Mammography
Northeast General Pharmaceutical Factory
Northeast Georgia Medical Center Inc.
Northeast Radiology
Northeastern Regional Hospital
Northern Beef Products
Northern Fish Products Inc.
Northern Implants L.L.C.
Northern Ohio Imaging Center
Northern X-Ray Company
Northland Radiology - Seven Mile
Northland Soy Products Inc.
Northridge Diagnostic Center
Northridge Hospital Medical Center
Northside - Alpharetta Imaging
Northside Medical Center
Northside Medical Center - Beeghly Medical Park
Northside Radiology
Northwest Airlines
Northwest Airlines, Inc.
Northwest Airlines Inc.
Northwest Airlines Incorporated
Northwest Home Care Inc.
Northwest Hospital Center
Northwest Medical Physics Equipment, Inc.
Northwest Order Buyers, Inc.
Northwest Tofu, Inc.
Norton Sound Health Corporation
Norton Suburban Hospital
Nortrade Medical Inc.
Nose Breathe
Nostrum Laboratories Inc
Nothe Atlantic Traders Ltd
Nothern Lights Smokeries
Nottenkamper, Joe
Nova Computers dba Nova Tech Gadgets
Nova Medical Corporation
Nova Medical Systems
Nova Southeastern University
Novamed Ltd.
Novartis AG
Novartis Animal Health Services AG
Novartis Nutrition Corp.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics
Novasonics Inc.
Nova-Tech Inc.
Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Novis PR dba Kramer-Novis
Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Novocol Pharmaceutical of Canada Inc.
Now Natural Foods, Inc.
Nozin LLC
NSK America Corporation
N.T.T. Seafood Inc.
Nu Weigh
Nubenco Enterprises Inc.
Nucare Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Nuclear Cardio Systems, Inc.
Nuclear Medicine of Central Florida Inc.
Nucletron Corporation
Nucura Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Nu-Day Snacks, Inc.
Nu-Day Snacks Inc.
Nulaid Foods Inc.
Number One Fish Market Inc.
Numed Inc.
Nunes Family Dairy, LLC
Nuovo Pasta Productions, Ltd.
Nurse Assist, Inc.
Nutra Med, Inc.
Nutraceutical International Corporation
Nutraceutical Labs, Inc.
Nutralife Laboratories
NutraMax Products Inc.
Nutricell, Inc.
Nutrigen Vitamins and Supplements
Nutrisoy International Inc.
Nutriteam, Inc.
Nutrition Dynamics Inc.
Nutrition Medical
Nutrition 2000
Nutritional Concepts Inc.
Nutritional Counselors of America
Nutritional Source Inc.
Nutronix International
Nu-Wave Health Products Inc
NVE Inc.
Nycomed Amersham Imaging Americas
N64 Neutraceutica
O & L Dairy #2
O. H. Kruse Grain & Milling
Oak Grove Pork Farm Inc.
Oak Lawn Institutional Review Board
Oak Ridge Medical Clinical P.C.
Oak Rubber Inc.
Oak Tree Farm Dairy, Inc.
Oakland Imaging Diagnostic Center
Oakland View Farms
Oaklawn Hospital
Oakview Dairy
Oasis Dairy
OASIS Medical, Inc.
OB GYN Physicians Group of Memphis
Oberlander Baking Co.
OBGYN Associates Inc.
OBGYN Associates of the Southern Tier
OB/GYN Group/Imaging
O'Bier Seafood Inc.
Obsidian Medical Technology Inc.
Obstbaum Orchards
Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates P.A.
Obstetrics & Gynecology Providers Inc.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Associates P.A.
Obstetrics and Gynecology of Atlanta, P.C.
Occidental Chemical Corporation
Ocean Beauty Seafoods, Inc.
Ocean Beauty Seafoods Inc.
Ocean Choice Seafood Company
Ocean Deep, LLC
Ocean Fishery Trading
Ocean Five Incorporated
Ocean Fresh Seafood, Inc.
Ocean Fresh Seafood Inc.
Ocean Pride Seafood
Ocean Queen USA, Inc.
Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc.
Ocean State Lobster LLC
Ocean to Ocean Seafood Sales LLC
Ocean World Inc.
Ocho Rios Miami Inc.
Ochsner Clinic Foundation
Ochsner Clinical Foundation
Ochsner Foundation
Oconee Medical Inc.
Oconee Memorial Hospital
Ocracoke Crab Company
Octapharma USA, Inc.
Oculus Optikgerate GmbH
Ocuserv Instruments Inc.
Odland Mark M.D.
Odyssey Medical Inc.
O.E. Meyer & Sons
Office of Constantine M. Voyagis
Offutt Air Force Base
Ogden Aviation Services
Ogden Regional Medical Center
O'Hearn Irish Dairy
Ohio Medical Corporation
Ohio Medical Instrument Co. Inc.
Ohlone Smoke Company
Oil Patch Fuel & Supply Inc.
Okanogan Douglas District Hospital
Oklahoma Blood Institute
Oklahoma Blood Institute Institutional Review Board
Okuhara Foods, Inc.
Ola Olsen Eftf. A/S
Olan Laboratories Inc.
Olay LLC.
Old Carolina Farms
Old Dominion Peanut Company Inc.
Old Hickory Medicine Company, Inc.
Oldco Inc. [dba Quibell Spring Water Beverages]
Ole' Mexican Foods, Inc.
Olga G. Marcus Cosmetics Inc.
Oliveira Dairy
Oliver Dwight O.
Olympian Labs
Olympic Medical Corporation
Olympus Optical Company Ltd.
Omak Clinic
Omega Inc.
Omega Laboratories Inc.
Omega Medical Imaging Inc.
Omega Supply
Omega Tech Labs., LLC
Omicron Quimica S.A.
Omiderm Ltd.
Omni Nutraceuticals, Inc.
Omnicare, Inc.
OmniCorder Technologies Inc.
Omnii Products of Palm Beach, Inc.
OmniSonics Medical Technologies Inc.
OMRIX biopharmaceuticals, Ltd.
Omron Healthcare
Omron Healthcare, Inc.
ONBO Electronics Company Ltd
Oncology Tech, LLP
One Life USA
One Way International, Inc.
Online Superstone
Ontonagon Memorial Hospital
Open MRI of Englewood Cliffs
Open MRI of Inland Valley
Ophthalmic International
Ophthalmic Technologies, Inc.
Opportunity Dairy
Optech Inc
Optech Systems Corporation
Optical Instrument Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Optical Polymer Research Inc
Optima Worldwide Ltd.
Opti-Magician Technology Co. Inc.
Optimal Wellness Center
Opti-Med Controlled Release Labs, Inc.
Optimum Nutrition
Optimum Nutrition, Inc.
Option Care
Option Care Home Medical Equipment
Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.
Optoelectronics Technology Co. Ltd.
Oraceutical, LLC
OraLabs Inc.
Oraltronics Vertriebs GmbH
Orange Bang Inc.
Orange Bean Sprouts
Orange Belt Stages dba: Orange Belt Adventures
Orange Diagnostic and Mammography Center
Orange Donuts
Orange Imaging Medical Group
Oratec Interventions, Incorporated
Oratec Interventions Incorporated
Orca Bay Foods Inc.
Orchard's Harvest
ORCHEM Corporation
Oreck Corporation
Oregon Gourmet Crab Inc.
Oregon Ocean Seafoods
Oregon Rail Holdings LLC
Organic Pastures Dairy Company
Organico Institute Corporation
Organizaciion Agricultores Bo. Espino
Organon Inc.
Organon Teknika BV
Organon USA Inc.
Oriental Food Marketing Inc.
Oriental Foods Inc.
Oriental Wholesale Foods Inc.
Orion Life Systems Inc.
Orleans Poverty Hill Farm
Oro Blanco, Inc.
Ortek AG
Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Americas
Ortho Development Corporation
Ortho Diagnostic Systems Inc.
Ortho Technology, Inc.
Ortho-Cycle Company Inc.
Orthofix Inc.
Ortho-Graphics Inc.
Orthohelix Surgical Designs, Inc
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc.
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals
Orthometrix, Inc.
Ortho-Tain Incorporation
Orthoton BV
Ortonville Area Health Services
O'Ryan Industries, Inc.
Osamu Corporation
Osborne Medical Inc.
Osceola Medical Center
Osceola Regional Medical Center
O'Shaughnessy, Charles D, M.D.
Osher Robert H. M.D.
Osman's Pies
Osprey Seafood Co. Inc.
Osprey Seafood of California, Inc.
OSSTEM Implant Co., Ltd.
OST Medical, Inc.
Osteomed, LP
Osteopathic Medical Center
Osterkamp Dairy
Ostroumova, Olga D.
OSU Corporation
Othello Community Hospital
Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital Inc.
Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center
Our Lady of Mercy Medical Center
Our Lady of the Lake Assumption
Our Lady of the Lake Hospital, Inc.
Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center Blood Bank
Outerbanks Seafood Co. Inc.
Outpatient Surgery Center for Sight IRB
Outsourcing Services Group
Ovation Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Overlake Foods Corporation
Overland Medical Center
Overland Park Regional Medical Center
Owens, Earl
Oxarc Incorporated
Oxy Plus Inc.
Oxygen & Respiratory Therapy Inc.
Oxygen Therapy Institute
Oxy-Health Corporation
Oxy-Health corporation
Oxy-Stat Inc. Home Health Care
Ozark Country Foods Inc.
P & L Schouten Dairy
P East Trading Corporation
P Flats Sprout Farm
Pace Tech, Inc.
Pace Tech Inc.
Pacey, Jason
Pacheco Mark L.
Pacific American Fish Co. Inc.
Pacific American Fish Company Inc.
Pacific Blue Seafood Company
Pacific Coast Breast Center
Pacific Coast Medical Services
Pacific Coast Tissue Bank
Pacific Communities Hospital
Pacific Consolidated Industries LLC
Pacific Export & Import Co. Inc.
Pacific Harvest Products Inc.
Pacific Hi-Tak, Inc.
Pacific International Seafood, LLC
Pacific Network, Inc.
Pacific Northwest Best Fish Company
Pacific Ocean Producers, Inc.
Pacific Ocean Seafood
Pacific Pre-Cut Produce, Inc.
Pacific Presicion
Pacific Rim Ice & Fish Packing Services Inc.
Pacific Rim Seafood
Pacific Seafood
Pacific Seafood Group
Pacific Seafood Group - Inland Quick Freeze
Pacific Seafood Group - Washington Crab Producers, Inc.
Pacific Seafood Products, Inc.
Pacific University - College of Optometry
Pacifica Pharmacy
Packers Provision Group
Packers Provisions Co. of PR
Paddock LaboratoriesInc.
Padeco Inc.
Padgett William B.
Pagano's Inc.
Pahrump Diary
Pain Clinics Australia Pty Ltd
Pajunk GmbH
Pal Do World
PAL Laboratories Inc.
Palace Foods, Inc.
Palace Pharmacy
Palm Bay Community Hospital
Palm Beach Blood Bank Incorporated
Palm Beach Respiratory Service Inc.
Palmer Farms
Palmer Farms Inc.
Palmetto Food Packaging, LLC
Palmyra Medical Centers
Pal-Nel Farms
Palo Pinto General Hospital
Palo Verde Hopital
Pan American Grain Mfg. Co. Inc.
Pan Probe Biotech Inc.
Panacea Products, LLC
Panatrex, Inc.
Panbio, Inc.
Panini Ventures, LLC
Panorama Compounding Pharmacy
Panorama Diagnostic & Imaging
Papas Dairy, LLC
Par Deus, Inc.
Par Pharmaceutical Inc.
Par 5 Dairy
Paradigm Medical Industries Inc.
Paradise Farm Corporation
Paradise Products Corporation
Paragon Healthcare Corporatioin
Paragon Implant Company
Paramount Surgimed Ltd.
Pardee Outpatient Radiology Center-Mobile
Parent, J. Rex, M.D.
Pari Respiratory Equipment Inc.
Park Nicollet Health Systems
Park Nicollet Medical Center
Parker & Sons, LLC
Parker Foods, LLC
Parker, Norva R
Parkridge Medical Center, Inc.
Parkway Hospital Inc.
Parmalat USA
Parmalat/Farmland Dairies
Parnell Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Parreiro-Pinheiro & Sons Dairy
Parrish & Heimbecker Limited
Particle Size Technology Inc.
Pascal Company, Inc.
Pasco Imaging & Open MRI Center
Paskewitz, Barry J.
Paskewitz Cattle Company
Pasta Italiana Inc.
Pasteur Merieux Serums et Vaccins
Patient Advocacy Council, Inc.
Patient First Corporation
Patricia L. Scheifly Breast Health Center
Patriot Foods, LLC
Patriot Foods LLC
Patterson Technology Center, Inc.
Patterson, William M., M.D.
Paul Meserve Distributor
Paul Ramer Construction
Paul Rothermel Livestock
Paul's Fruit Market, Inc.
Paul's Lobster Co.
Paulson, Daniel M., MD
Pavich Family Farms
Paynesville Area Health Care System
Payson Fruit Growers, Inc.
PDI Distribution Plus, Inc./Skandia Foods
PDK Labs Inc.
PDRX Pharmaceuticals Inc.
PDS Manufacturing, Inc.
Peace Harbor Hospital
Peachtree City Gynecology Center
Peak Performance Foods, LLC
Pear Garden Produce
Peche de Puerto Rico Inc.
Peco Foods Inc
Peco Foods Inc.
Pecos Pharmaceutical Inc.
Pediatric Services of America
Pediatric Services of America, Inc.
Pediatric Services of America Inc
Pediatric Services of America Inc.
Pedinol Pharmacal Inc
Pedinol Pharmacal Inc.
Pedreiro Arthur M.
Peekay International Inc
PEL Associates Inc.
Pelican Packers, Inc.
Pelican Point Seafood Inc.
Pemco Inc.
Penaf Corporation
Pendelton Flour Mills, LLC
Peninsula Diagnostic Center
Peninsula Health Care
Peninsula Laboratories Inc.
Peninsula Seafood of San Bruno Inc
Penn Herb Co Ltd.
Penner Manufacturing, Inc.
Pennington Greens
Pennsville Radiology
Peoples Pharmacy, Inc.
Pepin Heights Orchard, Inc.
Pereira Dairy
Pereira Joe P.
Perelandra, LTD
Perez Francisco
Perez Ident Peppers
Perez y Compania de Puerto Rico Inc.
Perfect Seafood Inc.
Perfect Sprouts
Perfect Tans and Spa
Perfecto Products Manufacturing Inc.
Performance Brand Flucinex
Performance Health Inc.
Performance Modalities Inc
Performance Nutrition Inc.
Perich, Larry M
Perkin Elmer Instuments
Perkins County Health Services
Perkins Electronics Company
Perma Pure Inc.
Permobil AB
Perpective International
Perrigo Co.
Perris Medical Imaging Center Inc.
Perry Baromedical Corporation
Perry Coal and Feed Company
Perry Dewey Farm
Person & Covey
Perstrop Specialty Chemicals AB
Per-Tech, Inc.
Pescaderia Atlantica
Pescaderia Atlantica, Inc.
Pesquera Torres de Paine S.A.
Pet Kiss Inc.
Pet Magic, Inc.
Pete Nunes & Son Dairies
Pete Soule & Sons
Pete Vander Poel Dairy
Peter Schiff Enterprises
Peters, Anthony
Peters, Thomas, M.D.
Petersburg Medical Center
Petersen's Medical Center Pharmacy Inc.
Petmed Express
PetMed Express, Inc.
Petrie Farms
Petrissans Dairy
Petro Chemicals
Petrossian Inc.
Petruzzi, Brian
Pezzolo Seafood
PF Laboratories Inc.
PFAB LP - Pharmafab
Pfizer Inc.
Pharma Fab
Pharma Pac LLC
Pharmaceutical Corporation of America
Pharmaceutical Development Center
Pharmaceutical Distribution Systems
Pharmaceutical Formulations, Inc.
Pharmaceutical Laboratories and Consultants, Inc.
Pharmaceutical Utilization Management Program VA Inc.
Pharmachem Laboratories, Inc.
Pharmacia & Upjohn
Pharmacia & Upjohn AB
Pharmacia & Upjohn Co.
Pharmacia & Upjohn Hillerod A/S
Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.
Pharmacia Corporation
Pharmacia Hepar Inc.
Pharmacy Associates Inc.
Pharmacy Associates Incorporated
Pharmacy Care Plus LC
Pharmacy Compounding Specialties
Pharmacy Corporation of America
Pharmacy Creations
Pharmacy Forces Inc.
PharmaKinetics Laboratories Inc.
Pharmakon Laboratories Inc.
Pharmakon Labs, Inc.
Pharmalucence, Inc.
PharmaScience Laboratories, LLC
PharmaScience Laboratories LLC
Pharmatech Inc.
PharMEDium Services, LLC
Pharmpak, Inc.
Phazx Systems Inc.
Phelps County Regional Medical Center
Philippine Food Distributor
Philips Lifeline, Inc.
Philips Lighting B.V.
Philips Medical Systems
Philips Medical Systems, Inc
Philips Medical Systems Region North America
Philips Medizin Systeme Gmbh
Phillip & Vincent Banks Dairy Farm
Phillips Cattle Company
Phillips Gulf Corporation
Phillips Medical Systems No.Amerca
Phillips Pharmatech Labs Inc.
Phillips, Robert A., M.D.
Phoenix Bean Products
Phoenix Bean Products Inc.
Phoenix Cosmetics Laboratories Inc.
Phoenix Enterprises, L.L.C.
Phoenix Medical Products
Phoenix Scientific Inc.
Photon Data Inc.
Physician Engineered Products Inc.
Physician's Choice Inc.
Physician's Choice Medical LLC.
Physicians Clinic Inc.
Physicians East-Greenville Obstetrics and Gynecology
Physicians Total Care, Inc.
Physicians Total Care Inc
Piazza, Michael R., M.D.
Picante Dried Pepper Corporation
Picker International Inc.
PIE Medical International, Inc.
Piedmont Dairy
Piedmont Health Care
Piedmont Healthcare
Piedmont Hospital, Inc.
Pier Fish Company
Pier 7 Inc.
Pierpont Seafood
Pierre Fabre Inc.
Pike County Memorial Hospital
Pilgrim's Pride Corporation
Pimentel & Sons Dairy
Pimpy's Water Delivery
Pine Bluff Imaging Center
Pine Hill Trailways
Pine Ridge Reservation Comprehensive Health Center
Pine View Dairy
Pinecrest Jersey Farm
Pinehurst Women's Clinic, P.A.
Piney Woods Emu Farm
Pinol Finmekanik A/S
Pinson's Fitness Products
Pioneer Express Respiratory Care Inc.
Pioneer International
Pioneer Live Shrimp Inc.
Pioneer Medical Group, Inc - Long Beach
Pipestone Grain Company
Pires Frank L. jr.
PK Ultrasound
Placeres & Sons Seafood Inc.
Plant Cures Incorporated
Plantation Medical Imaging
PlasmaCare, Inc.
Plastic Solutions Inc.
Plastics Management Corporation
Plastodent Inc.
Plaza-Wilson DME Inc.
PLC Medical Systems Inc.
Pleasant View Farms, Inc.
Plitt Company
Pliva Croatia Ltd
Plum Creek Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Plus Orthopedics
PM Ag Products Inc.
PML Microbiologicals, Inc.
PMT Coporation
Pneumex, Incorporated
P.&O. Cold Logistics
Pointe Scientific Inc
Polar International
Polar Seafood Corporation
Poli Industria Chimica S.p.A.
Pollman's Bake Shop
Poly Implants Protheses Sa
Poly Packaging Systems, Inc.
Polychrome Medical, Inc
PolyCil Health Inc
Polymer Technologies Systems, Inc.
Polynesian Natural Health Products LLC
Pomeroy, Ed M.
Ponce University Hospital
Ponderosa Dairy
Ponugoti, Nagarjuna R., M.D.
Pope Dairy Enterprises
Poplar Tans
Porfirio's Italian Food Inc.
Port Authority of Guam
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
Port Bolivar Fisheries, Inc.
Port Everglades
Port Isabel-San Benito Navigation District
Port of Beaumont Navigation District
Port of Brownsville Navigation
Port of Brownsville Navigation District
Port of Corpus Christi Authority
Port of Ponce
Port of Stockton Ore Dock 2-13
Port Royal Medical Center
Portage Prairie Pastured Poultry
Porter Hospital
Portland Sandwich Company
Portland Shellfish Company, Inc.
Porton International PLC
Ports Seafood, Inc.
Poseidon Enterprises, Inc.
Poseidon Seafood, Inc.
Posey Crab Company
Positron Corporation
Possis Medical Inc.
Potty MD, LLC
Power Medical Interventions Incorporation
Power Products, Inc.-Splintek
Power Source Distributors Inc.
Power Technology Incorporated
Powertron Medical Devices Inc.
Practical Health
Pragmatic Materials, Inc.
Prairie Cajun Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Prairie Veterinary Associates
Prather Welding Supply Inc.
Praxair Distribution Inc.
Praxair Inc.
Praxair Incorporated
Pray's Farmers Market
PRB Pharmaceuticals
Precise Biomedical Inc.
Precise Medical Imaging
Precision Medical Inc.
Precision Biometrics, Inc.
Precision Converters, Inc.
Precision Dynamics Corporation
Precision Ear Mold Laboratories Inc.
Precision Herbs, L.L.C.
Precision Piece Parts, Inc.
Preferred Freezer Services, Inc.
Premier Dairy Service LLC
Premier Direct Inc.
Premier Home Medical Inc.
Premier Laser Systems Inc.
Premier Medical
Premier Medical Group
Premier Nutrition
Premium Fresh Juice and Food Company, Inc.
Premium Nutritional Products, Inc.
PrePark Systems, Inc.
Presby Corp.
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Presbyterian Hospital of Greenville
Presbyterian Hospital of Kaufman
Presbyterian Hospital of Winnsboro
Prescott Imaging Center
Prescript Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Prescription Oxygen Services
Presentation Medical Center-Mobile
Presidents Specialty Health Care
Presidents Specialty Healthcare
Prestage Farms Inc.
Prestige Packaging Inc.
Presutti Laboratories, Inc.
Price, David
Price's Power International Inc.
Pride and Power, Inc.
Pride of Main Street Dairy LLC
Pride of the South Catfish, Inc.
Prima Pharm Inc.
PrimaPharm Inc
PrimaPharm Inc.
Primary Care Plus
Primary Care Solutions, Inc.
Prime Deli Corporation
Prime Dental Manufacturing, Inc.
Prime Enterprises, Inc
Prime Nutrition
Prime Veal Feed, Ltd.
PrimeCare Medical Group
Primus Sterilizer Co. Inc.
Prince, Barney G.
Princess Brandy Co., Inc.
Princess Lifestyles
Priority One Nutritional Supplements, Inc.
Prismic Light International, aka Sandent Co.
Prizm Medical Inc.
Pro Chemicals Inc.
Pro Star International, Inc.
Pro Trainers Choice Company, Inc.
Pro*Act Specialties
Procare Home Health Care Services Inc.
Procesadora Campofresco Inc.
Processors, Inc.
Procidence Hospital Breast Health & Education Center
Procter & Gamble
Procter and Gamble
Prodesse, Inc
Prodesse, Inc.
Producers Feed Company
Producers Livestock Association
Production Laboratories, Inc.
Productos Kikuet Inc.
Products Carousel Inc.
Professional Aircraft Services
Professional Compounding Centers of America, Inc.
Professional Dental Technologies Inc. (Pro-Dentec)
Professional Distribution Systems Inc.
Professional Hair Institute, Inc.
Professional Health Imaging P.C.
Professional Hospital Supply Inc.
Professional Medical Equipment Services
Professional Pad Printing Supply
Professional Specialties Company
Professionals for Womens Health
Progeny, Inc.
Progessive Health Nutraceuticals, Inc.
Progressive Chemical Research Ltd.
Progressive Dairy #1
Progressive Emu Inc.
Progressive Medical Services
Prolab Nutrition
Propharma Inc.
Prosec Security Systems Inc.
Prospect Enterprise, Inc.
Prospect Enterprises, Inc.
Prosser Memorial Hospital
ProSun Tanning Industries Inc
ProSun Tanning Industries Incorporated/dba Hapro
Pro-Tect Medical Products Inc.
Protherics, Inc.
Provenant Medical Center At Summit
Providence Dairy
Providence Holy Cross Medical Center
Providence Home services
Providence Medical Center
Providence Medical Center Farmington Hills
Providence Milwaukie Hospital
Proviron Fine Chemicals NV
Prowers Medical Center
Prpctor & Gamble
Prucka Engineering Inc.
P-Ryton Corporation
PSP Dental Company LTD.
P.T. Saptindo Surgica
Pueblo Mammography Center
Puerto Rico Ports Authority
Puget Sound Baking Company, LLC
Pujol &Valancy, Inc.
Pulini, Inc.
Pulmonetic Systems Inc
Pulmoniare Service, Inc.
Pulse Biomedical, Inc.
Pulsecast Ineractive Corp
Purac America, Inc.
Puratos Corporation
PuraVida Health Inc.
Purdue Frederick Company
Purdue Pharma Inc.
Purdue Pharma L.P.
Pure De-Lite Products, Inc.
Pure Health Solutions Inc.
Pure Home Air
Pure Prescriptions.com
Pure Water Solutions Inc.
Purepac Pharmaceutical Co.
Purepac Pharmaceutical Company
Purest Colloids, Inc.
PureTek Corporation
Puretone Ltd.
Purina Mills Inc
Purington, Timothy W.
Puronyx, Inc.
Putnam Diagnostic Imaging Center
PWA Industries SDN BHD
Pyng Medical Corporation
Pyramid Biological Corporation
Pyrenees Dairy
Q-Based Solutions
Qiagen GmbH
Qingdao Haier Microwave Production Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Jiulong Biopharmaceuticals Co. Ltd.
Qingdao Kangda No. 2 Cold Storage Plant
QTM Inc.
Quake Kare, Inc.
Quaker Oats Company
Qualigen Inc.
Qualis, Inc.
Qualitest Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Qualitest Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Quality Aspirators, Inc.
Quality Crab Company, Inc.
Quality Formulation Laboratories, Inc.
Quality Formulations Inc.
Quality Fresh Fish Express
Quality Fruits Products Corp.
Quality Liquid Feeds
Quality Meats & Seafood, Inc.
Quality Plus Products, Inc.
Quality Poultry & Seafood
Quality Seafood
Quality Seafood Company, Inc.
Quandt's Foodservice Distributors, Inc.
Quantimetrix Corporation
Quantum Inc
Quantum Skincare, Inc.
Queen of Peace Hospital
Queen of the Valley Hospital
Queens Open MRI
Quest IV Health Products Inc.
Quest Medical Inc.
Quick-Fill Mobile Oxygen, Inc.
Quick-Livick Incorporated
Quik Tan Inc.
Quinault Tribal Enterprises
Quinones, Manuel J., MD
Quintana Hermanos Inc.
R & G Medical and Development Corporation
R & L Farms
R & Z Ventures dba Kennesaw Fruit & Juice
R. El Delgado Inc.
R P Gomes, Inc.
Raad, Marwan
Raad Marwan
Rabin Jill M. M.D.
Rabun County Memorial Hospital
Race Street Foods, Inc.
Racom Products Inc.
Radcliff/Economy Marine Service, Inc.
Radia Industry Co. Ltd.
Radiation Products Design, Inc.
Radio Therapeutics Corporation
Radiological Associates of Sacramento - Fort Sutter
Radiological Associates of Sacramento, Inc. - Roseville
Radiological Associates of Sacramento Medical Group, Inc.
Radiological Services
Radiological Services of Miami
Radiology & Imagaing Inc.
Radiology Associates Inc. P.S.
Radiology Clinic of Loredo
Radiology Clinics of Laredo
Radiology Diagnostic Center
Radiology Diagnostic Centers-Frederick
Radiology Imaging Associates
Radiometer America, Inc.
Radiometer Medical Aps
Radionics Inc.
Rai, Ansaar T., M.D.
Railviews Limited
Rain Forest Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Rainbow Acresa
Rainbow Springs LLC, dba Star Prairie Trout Farm
Rainbow Sprouts
Rainier Sprouts
Raleigh Breast Center
Ram Precision Industries, Inc.
Ramco Laboratories, Inc.
Ramona Farms
Ramona's Mexican Food Products, Inc.
Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited
Ranbaxy Laboratories, Ltd., Dewas, India
Ranbaxy Laboratories, Ltd., Paonta Sahib, India
Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Rancho Provimi
Rand Robert W. Ph.D. M.D.
Randolph Packing Company
Ranieri Fine Food Corporation
Ransom Memorial Hospital
Raper Steven E. M.D.
Raphah Inc.
Rapid Recovery Health Services Inc.
Rapini Inc. dba Pari-Pai Ko
Rapoport, Alan, M.D.
Rapp's Dairy
Ratana Kenny M.D.
Ratcliff, David C, M.D.
Ravelco Inc.
Ray/Col Inc.
Raye's Inc.
Rayong Fish Sauce Industry Co., Ltd.
Raytel Medical Imaging
RC Mor / All Med
RCS Home Medical Equipment Inc.
RDS Enterprises Inc.
Real Health Laboratories
Reality Health Research, Inc.
RealPure Beverage Group, LLC
ReBuilder Medical Technologies, Inc.
Rebuilder Medical Technology, Inc
Red Arrow Dairy, LLC
Red Ball Medical Supply Inc.
Red Bank Mills Inc.
Red Barn Fish Company
Red Creek Farms
Red Oak Industrial Gas Inc.
Red River Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Red River Seafood & Deli
Redeemer Nazareth Medical Supply Company
Redfield Feed Service
Redi Oxygen and Medical Supplies
Reds Seafood Inc.
Redux Beverages, LLC
RedZone Global
Reed's Compounding Pharmacy
Reed's Market and Salad Center
Reel Food Service, Inc.
Reel Food Service Inc.
Refflex Technologies, Inc.
Refined Sugars Inc.
Refrescos Lugo
Refrescos Yaguez, Inc.
Refreshqueria Jerry
Refresqueria Victoria
Regal Medical Services Ltd.
Regaltex International Inc.
Regco Corporation, Inc.
ReGen Biologics
Regency Medical Research, Ltd
Reger Veterinary Clinic
Regional Diagnostic Imaging Center
Regional Medical Rental & Sales
Regional Radiology LLC
Regional West Medical Center
Regional West Medical Center-Mobile
Regions Hospital
Rehoboth Mckinley Christian Hospital
Reichel Foods, LLC
Reid's Bus Service
Reilly Brothers Seafood, Inc
Reinauer Transportation Co.
Reinauer Transportation Svcs.
Reisman, Mark, M.D.
Rejuvenu International, Ltd.
Reliance Bottle Gas Co. Inc.
Reliant World Products, Inc.
Reliv International, Inc.
Reliv International Inc.
Rel's Foods Inc.
Rema Foods Incorporated
Remel Inc.
Remington Medical Inc
Remund Dairy Inc.
Renewal Research
Renolith Resources Guam Company
Replidyne, Inc.
Reproductive Medicine & Fertility Center of Southern Colorado LLC
Reproductive Medicine Associates of Michigan
Republic Drug Company
Requeson Cruz-Pitre
Research Foundation for Microbial Diseases of Osaka
Reser's Fine Foods, Inc.
Reserve Marine Terminals
Resolveswineflu.com USA
Resonance Technology, Inc.
Resource Materials LLC
Respa Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Respi Care Group of Puerto Rico
Respicare Home Respiratory and Medical
Respiratory Care Associates Inc.
Respiratory Health Care Specialist Inc.
Respiratory Home Care of Virginia Inc.
Respiratory Science Industries Inc.
Respiratory Services Inc.
Respironics California Inc.
Restorative Health Services, Inc.
Restorative Products, Inc.
Retro-Tech, LLC
Revival Animal Health, Inc.
Reyncrest Farms, Inc.
Reynolds Health Center
Reynolds Industries Inc.
Reynolds, John C.
Reynolds Metal Sherwin Plant
Reynolds, Newton J.
Rezai, Ali R, M.D
Reznik Instrument Inc.
RFB Latex Limited
R-Garden, Inc.
RGI Medical Manufacturing, Inc.
R.H. Cosmetics Corp
Rhea Medical Center
RHG & Company, Inc., dba Vital Nutrients
Rhodia Inc.
Rhody Dairy
Rhone-Poulenc Inc.
Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Pharmaceuticals Inc.
R.H.V. Inc.
Rhytec, Inc.
Rice Field Corporation
Riceland Crawfish Inc.
Rich Lou Farm
Rich Nature Nutraceutical Laboratories, Inc
Rich Nature Nutraceutical Laboratories Inc
Rich Products Corporation
Richard E. Ringel, M.D.
Richard Hayes Cattle Company
Richard Ienst Dairy
Richards, Douglas L.
Richards, Jon M., M.D., Ph.D.
Richardson Labs. Inc.
Richardson Labs Inc.
RichMark International Corporation
Rickland Farms, LLC
Rick's Gulf Tex Seafood, Inc.
Ricky A. Ellis
Ridge Medical Products LLC
Ridgecrest Dairy, LLC
Ridgeview Medical Center
Ridley, Inc.
Riemer MediTech GmbH
Rietdyk's Milling Company
Rifton Aviation Services
Rigoberto Rimenez
Rio Grande Products Inc.
Rio Vista Veterinary Hospital
Ritch, Robert M.D.
Ritch, Robert MD
Ritchie Danny
Rite-Dent Manufacturing Corp.
River Oaks East - Woman's Pavilion
River Valley Co-Op
Riverbend Rabbitry
Riverfront Fish Market
Riverpark Hospital
Riverside Food Manufacturing Corporation
Riverside Imaging Center
Riverside Medical Clinic, Inc.
Riverside Smoker
R.J.S. Scientific Inc.
R&K Livestrock
R-Kane Prodcuts, Inc.
RMJ Sandwich Corporation
Road to Healing
Roanoke-Chowan Hospital
Robbins Instruments Inc.
Robert Bugatto Enterprises Inc. dba The Tides Wharf
Robert Gioletti and Sons Dairy Inc.
Robert H. Klaus Farm
Robert H. Rohrer & Sons
Robert Mitchell Farm
Robert Van Grouw Dairy
Robert's American Gourmet
Roberts Oxygen
Roberts Pharmaceutical Corporation
Roberts, Shaun
Robertson Farm
Robertson, James, M.D.
Robicheaux's Specialty Candy Inc.
Robin Drug Corporation
Robin's Products
Robinson Memorial Hospital
Rocap Div. of Sabratek
Rocha Dairy
Roche Diagnostics Corporation
Rock Creek Dairy
Rock Creek Dairy #3
Rock Landing Seafood
Rockaway Open MRI and Diagnostic Imaging
Rockhill Dairy L.L.C.
Rockhill Dairy LLC
Rockland Farm
Rockwood Industries d/b/a/ Franklin Pharmaceuticals
Rocky Mount OB/GYN
Rocky Mountain Environmental
Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank
Rocky Mountain Motel
Rocky Top Dairy
Rodriguez Inc.
Roes Haven Farm
Roger Masselink Dairy
Rogers Farm
Roha U.S.A., LLC
Roholt Philip C. M.D.
Rolling Acres Farm
Romanucci Enterprises, Inc.
Romark Laboratories, L.C.
Romeo Plank Diagnostic Center
Romer Inc.
Ron Smith Seafood Inc.
Ronnybrook Farm Dairy
Roosevelt General Hospital
Roper Hospital Inc.
Rosalis Crab Company
Rose Breast Center
Rose, Louis C., M.D.
Rose Michael R. M.D.
Rose Women's Center at Littleton
Roseland Elevator
Roselife, LLC
Rosenthal, Kenneth J., M.D.
Roseville Imaging Center
Ross, Michelle A. MD
Ross Nutritionals
Rossmax International Ltd
Rossmax International Ltd.
Roswell Livestock Auction Co.
Rotary Dairy
Rotech Healthcare, Inc
Rotech Incorporated
Rotech Medical
Rotech Medical Corp.
RoTech Medical Corporation
Rotech Medical Corporaton
Roth International Ltd.
Rothdale Farm
Rothermel Paul
Round Lake Farmers Coop.
Roundman's Smoke House & Wholesale Meats
Rovira Biscuit Corp.
Rowan Animal Clinic
Rowan Regional Medical Center - Mobile
Rowen, Sheri L., M.D.
Rowley and Hawkins Fruit Farm
Rowley's South Ridge Farms, Inc.
Roxane Laboratories, Inc.
Roxy Trading, Inc.
Roy and Gladice Luth Farm
Roy and Malensky
Royal Aleutian Seafoods Inc.
Royal Body Care Inc
Royal Crest Dairy, Inc.
Royal Crown Enterprises Inc.
Royal Farms Dairy LLC
Royal Foods, Inc.
Royal Hawaiian Seafood
Royal Ridge Fruit & Cold Storage
Royal Wine Corp.
Royaloff Caviar Company
Royalston Foods
Royalty Foods, Inc.
Royer Rodney W.
RPM Total Vitality
R.P.M. Worldwide
RT Medical Services Inc.
Rubie's Costume Co. Inc.
Rubin Arnold M.D.
Rudy Inc.
Rural Health Service Consortium Inc.
Rural Health Services Inc.
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center
Rusk County Memorial Hospital & Nursing Home
Russell County Stockyards
Russell Stover Candies, Inc.
Russian Caviar Company
Russo's Seafood, Inc.
Rusty Anchor Fisheries
RWJ Medical School
R.W.K. Inc
Rx Depot Inc
Rx Textiles, Inc.
RxIBR Corporation
Rymed Technologies, Inc.
Rynsburger Dairy
S & F Enterprises
S & H Dairy
S & M Farm Supply
S & W Farms
S & W Wholesale Foods, Inc.
S. U. A. Martin GmbH & Co.
Saad Mayer J. M.D.
Sabine Offshore Services Inc.
Sabratek Corporation
Sacramento Cookie Factory
Sacramento Radiology Medical Group, Inc.
Sacred Heart Hospital
Sacred Mountain Management Inc
Sadler Radiology Medical Corporation
Safe Harbor Seafood Inc.
Safer America LLC
Safer Sleep, LLC
Saferex Laboratories International Corporation
Safety & Compliance Consulting
Safety Diposal System Inc.
Safety Disposal System Inc.
Safety Supplies
Safeway, Inc.
Safeway Industries
Safie Specialty Foods Co., Inc
SagaTech Electronics, Inc.
Sage Pharmaceutical
Sage Products Inc
Saint Croix Dairy Products, Inc.
Saint Dominic's Hospital
Saint James Hospital
Saint John's Medical Plaza Pharmacy
Saint Mary's Medical Imaging
Saint Mary's Warrick
Saint Thomas Catering Corporation
Saint Vincent Medical Center
Sake Sushi USA
Salem Internal Medicine & Radiology
Saliva Diagnostic Systems, Inc.
Saliva Diagnostic Systems Inc.
Sally Jobe Breast Diagnostic & Counseling Center
Salmolux Inc.
Salon Sciences Corporation
Salsbury Chemicals, Inc.
Salsbury Chemicals Inc.
Salton Inc.
Sam Jin Trading Company Ltd.
Sam Rust Seafood Inc.
Sam Uk Fish Cake Company
Samglo Enterprises
Sami A. Yanikian M.D.
Sampo Corporation of America
Sampson Regional Medical Center
Sam's Homemade Cheesecake Inc.
Samson Medical Technologies, Inc.
San Antonio Community Hospital
San Carlos Isle Freezer Plant
San Clemente Hospital
San Diego Products, Inc.
San Diego Products Inc.
San Diego Soy Dairy
San Dimas Community Hospital
San Francisco Drydock Co.
San Francisco Terminal Equipment Co.
San Gabriel Medical Center
San Gennaro Foods Inc.
San Jose Fish, Inc.
San Jose Jet Center
San Jose Municipal Airport
San Juan Bautista Medical Center
San Juan Hopital-Mobile
San Juan Hospital-Mobile
San Luis Diagnostic Center
San Mar Manufacturing Corporation
Sanapac Co.
Sanderson Farms, Inc.
Sandhills Regional Medical Center
Sandoz GmbH
Sandoz Inc.
Sands & Company Inc.
Sands Hyperbaric Systems (SHS)
Sandstone Medical Technologiess, LLC
Sandwich City Company
Sandwich Shoppe
Sandy Lake Mills
Sani-Pure Food Laboratories
Sanko Bussan (Guam) Company Ltd.
Sankyo Pharm Inc.
Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG
Sanofi Pasteur
Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC
Sanofi-Synthelabo, Inc.
Sanofi-Synthelabo, Incorporated
Sanofi-Synthelabo Incorporated
Sansone's Seafood Market, Inc.
Santa Cruz Medical Clinic
Santa Monica - UCLA Women's Imaging Center
Santa Paula Memorial Hospital
Santana Enterprises Inc.
Santiam Memorial Hospital
Santoriello, Kathy A., M.D. , P.A.
Sanuvox Technologies Inc. 5/13/09
Saputo Cheese USA Inc.
Sara Lee Foods
Sarasota Community Blood Bank Inc.
Sargent, Robert
SAS Dairy
SAS Foods Inc.
SAS Group Inc.
Satelec - Amadent
Satelec Acteon Goup
Satilla Health Services Inc.
Saturn Biomedical Inc.
Saudek, Christopher D., M.D.
Saudek, Christopher D. MD
Sauflon Pharmaceuticals, LTD
Saunders Provision Co. Inc.
Savant Medical Supply Inc.
Save On Seafood Company Inc.
Save On Seafood Inc.
Savec Health Systems
Sbrocco International Inc.
S.C. Johnson & Son Inc.
Scan Select, Inc.
Scandia Seafood
Scandinavian Smoke House Inc.
Scarborough Fare Fine International Foods Inc.
Scarrow Dairy
Scenic View Dairy LLC
Scenic View Farm
Schafer Fisheries, Inc.
Schaller's Bakery Inc.
Scharf, Martin B., Ph.D.
Schatzki Associates Inc.
Scheenstra Farms Inc
Schein Pharmaceutical Inc.
Schell and Kampeter Inc.
Schell John E.
Schell's Pine Grove Dairy
Schenzhen Ksai Electronics Co. Ltd.
Schering AG
Schering Corporation
Schering Laboratories
Schering-Plough Animal Health Corporation
Schering-Plough (Brinny) Co.
Schering-Plough Laboratories
Schering-Plough Products Inc.
Schick Technologies Inc.
Schisler Fred
Schneider, Alan L.,M.D.
Schneider's Fish & Seafood Corp.
Schneider's Fish & Seafood Corporation
Schoenberg Dairy
Schoenberg, John W.
Scholzen Products Company Inc.
Schroeder Industries, Inc.
Schryver Medical Sales & Marketing Inc.
Schultze, Frederick R.
Schuster Services & Blue Mountain Water
Schwan's Sales Enterprises Manufacturing, Inc.
Schwan's Sales Enterprises Manufacturing Inc.
Schwartz Appetizing, Inc.
Schwartz Laboratories
Schwarz Pharma US operations
Schworer, Philip B.
SCI International, Inc.
Sciarra Laboratories Inc.
ScienceBased Health
Science-Production Centre
Scientech Laboratories Inc.
Scientich Laboratories Inc.
Scientific Botanicals Co., Inc.
Scientific Fitness
Scientific Health Products Inc.
Scientific Laboratories, Inc.
Scientific Medical Imaging Inc.
Scientific Spinal Ltd.
Scientifically Advanced Nutrition
Scimed Life Sciences Inc.
Scion Cardio-Vascular, Inc.
SciOptic International
SCM True Air Technologies LLC
Scotland Memorial Hospital
Scottcare Corporation Inc.
Scottcare Corporatoion
Scripps Clinic San Diego
SCS Intensive Nutrition
SDA Laboratories
SDL Incorporated
Sea Breeze Fish Market Inc
Sea Fare Foods Inc.
Sea Farms Incorporated
Sea Food World
Sea Fresh of Miami Inc.
Sea Garden Sales Co. Inc.
Sea Gold Seafood Products, Inc.
Sea Lobster Company Inc.
Sea Market Inc.
Sea Port Products Corporation
Sea Port Trading Corporation
Sea Products West
Sea Source Inc.
Sea Win, Inc.
Sea Win Inc.
Sea World, Inc.
Sea World Inc.
SeaBear Incorporated
Seaboard Welding Supply Inc.
Seacoast Natural Foods, Inc
Seacome Foods Inc.
SeaCrest Foods Inc.
Seafarers Inc.
Seafood Connection, Inc.
Seafood Express, Inc.
Seafood International Distributors Inc.
Seafood Marketing US, Inc.
Seafood Only Company
Seafood Supplies
Seafood Systems, LLC
Seafood Warehouse, Inc.
Seafood Wholesalers Limited
Sealand Services Inc.
Sea-Lect Wholesale Seafood Inc.
Sean & Stephen Corporation
SeaPac of Idaho
Seaquist Orchards
Searle and Company
Searle, Ltd.
Seaside Fish Company
Seatrace Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Seattle Fish Company
Seattle Fish Company, Inc.
Seaview Fisheries
Seaview Radiology P.C.
Sebastien and Marie Seafood, Inc.
Sedecal SA
Sedgwick County Health Center
Seecor, Inc.
Segundo Ruiz Belvis Diagnostic Treatment Center Inc.
Seikagaku Corporation
Selby General Hospital
Seldom Rest Farm
Select Fish L.L.C.
Selective Med Components, Inc,
Self-Health Systems
Selfworx.Com LLC
Selma District Hospital
Selma Regional Medical Center
SeniorLife Health Inc.
SenoRx, Inc.
Sentara Hampton General Hospital
Seoul Shopping, Inc
Separation Technology Inc.
September Enterprises, Inc.
SeQual Technologies, Inc.
SeraCare Acquisitions, Inc.
SeraCare Acquisitions Inc.
SeraCare Inc.
Seramed Inc.
Sera-Tec Biologicals Limited Partnership
Serologicals Corporation
Serologicals Inc.
Serv-A-Pure Company
Services Support Inc.
Servisios Medicos Internacionales de Mexico/California
Servisios Medicos Internacionales de Mexico/Mexico
Seryx, Inc.
Seton Medical Center
Seubert Calf Ranch
Seven Seas Seafoods Inc.
Sgarlato Laboratories
Shabazz Lloyd M.D.
Shady Grove Dairy
Shady Ranch Dairy Inc
Shafer's Farm
Shah, Ashok M.D.
Shaheen Brothers, Inc.
Shair Laboratories Inc.
Shallotte River Crab Company
Shamrock Technologies
Shamrock Technologies Inc.
Shands Jacksonville Medical Center
Shang Gardens, Inc.
Shanghai Co. Inc.
Shanghai Co Inc
Shanghai Da Hu Medical Equipment Factory
Shanghai Medical Ltd
Shanghai No. 1 Biochemical & Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Shank Garry B.
Shank's Extracts Inc.
Shara Laboratories Inc.
Share Corporation
Shared Medical Technology
Shared Medical Technology Inc.
Sharkco Seafood International, Inc
Sharma, Ashok K., M.D.
Sharma, Baljit K., M.D.
SHARP Chula Vista Imaging Center
Sharp Electronics Corporation
Sharp Labs Inc.
Shaw Oxygen Co. Inc.
Shawnee Medical Center Clinic
Sheffield Diagnostics
Sheffield Laboratories, Div. of Faria Limited, LLC
Shelby Baptist Medical Center
Shelby Regional Medical Center
Shelhigh, Inc.
Shelhigh Inc.
Shells & Fish Import and Export Co.
Shelly Smith Farm
Shenandoah Valley Mobile X-Ray Inc.
Shepherd Eye Center Institutional Review Board
Sherman Dairy
Sherwood Brands Inc.
Sherwood Davis & Geck
Sherwood Laboratories Inc.
Sherwood Technologies
Shield Technology Inc.
Shields Feed and Supply Company
Shin Chang Medical Co., Ltd.
Shin Hwa Wholesale Distributor, Inc.
Shining Ocean Inc.
Shinogi USA, Inc.
Shire Development Inc.
Shirk, Clarence W,
Shiro and Associates
Shiv Respiratory Equipment Inc. - d/b/a/ American Respiratory Equipment Inc.
Shoemaker, Ritchie C., M.D.
Short Line Bus Company
Shoshone Medical Center
Shredded Texan Nutrition
Shriver III, Victor
Shrock, John E.
SHS North America, Inc.
Shu, Suyu, Ph.D.
Shuckman's Food Company & Smokery
Shulfer Dairy
Shuman HealthCare
Shun Shing Bean Sprouts Inc.
Shunde MD Microwave Oven Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Sibley Medical Associates
Sibley Memorial Hospital
Sid Peterson Memorial Hospital
Sid Wainer & Son
Sidmak Laboratories Inc.
Sidney Hillman Medical Center
Siegel, Robert M., M.D.
Siegmund Strauss Inc
Siemens Medical Solutions, Ultrasound Division
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
Siemers Holsteins, Inc.
Siems Advanced Lasik Center
Siems, Jon L., M.D.
Sierra Cattle Company
Sierra Dairy
Sierra Kings District Hospital
Sierra Providence Health Network IRB
Sierra View Dairy
Sierra Vista Dairy
Sigma International General Medical Apparatus, LLC
Signature Flight Support
Signature Healthcare Inc.
Signature Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Silent Call Communications Corp.
Silgra Bakery, Inc.
Silimed, Inc.
Silimed, Incorporated
Silva Brothers Dairy
Silveira Dairy
Silver Spoons Salads Co. Inc.
Silver Spring Farm
Silver Sprouts LTD
Silver Sprouts Ltd.
Simad Medical Technology SRL
Simco Dairy
Similasan AG
Similasan Corporation
Sim-Med Ltd.
Simmesport Fish Company
Simmons Farm Raised Catfish, Inc.
Simmons Paul E.
Simmons Pet Food, Inc.
Simoes Mario M.
Simple Clinic, Inc.
Simplex Medical Systems Inc.
Simply Fresh Inc.
Simpson Farm
Sinco Inc.
Sing Kung Corporation
Sinn, Douglas P., D.D.S.
SinTea Biotech S.p.A
Sioux Biochemical, Inc.
Siouxland Community Blood Bank
Sirus Technology Corp.
Sisbro International Technologies Inc.
Sit Inc.
Sitek Research Laboratories
Skaggs, David, M.D.
Skilling Institute
Skintech 2000 Inc.
Skip Lea Inc.
Sky Caterers Inc.
Sky Chefs/Lufthansa Inc.
Sky Top Restaurant
Skyline Medical Center
Skyview Orchards
SkyWest Airlines, Inc.
Slacks, Inc.
Slade Gorton & Co. Inc.
Slade Gorton & Company, Inc.
Sleep Devices, Inc.
Sleeping Bear Apiaries
Slegers Inc.
Slenders Dairy
SLI Dairy
Slim Center
SmartBodyz Nutrition
Smiling Hill Farm Inc
Smit, Greg
Smith & Sons Seafood Inc.
Smith Adam B. D.O.
Smith Austin R.
Smith Dairy
Smith Incredibull Farms
Smith Medical Critical Care, Inc.
Smith Norman V.M.D.
Smith Russell C. D.V.M. / dba Gomers Inc.
Smith Sterling Dental Laboratory, Inc.
Smith Welding Supply
Smithfield Companies
SmithKline Beecham
SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals
Smithkline Beecham Pharmaceuticals
Smithkline Beecham Pharmaceuticals Co.
Smiths Group Plc.
Smithville Regional Hospital
Smoki Foods Inc.
Smoot, John Brannon, M.D.
Smucker Quality Beverages Inc.
Snodgrass Inc.
Snodgrass Seafood Inc.
SnorBan (UK)
Snow Peas International, Inc.
Snow Peas International Inc.
Societa Italiana Medicinali Scandicci
Soehung Industrial Company Ltd.
Soft Computer Consultants
Softchrome, Inc.
Softlens Technology
So-Good, Inc
So-Good Inc
Sokol, Dawn M., M.D.
Sokol, William N., M.D.
SOL Pharmaceuticals Limeited
Solafeet, Inc
Sole Provider Inc.
Solocare Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Solomon's Island Medical Center
Solopak Laboratories Inc.
Solo-Sled LLC
Soltech Inc.
Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V.
Sombra Cosmetics Inc.
Somerset Medical Center
Something Special Aviation Catering
Something 4U
Somnus Medical Technologies Inc.
Sonar Products, Inc.
Sonny Foods
Sonogage Inc.
Sonotech, Incorporated
Sontec Instruments Inc.
Sonus Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Soo, Teck Munn, M.D.
Sooil Development Co., Ltd
Sorenson Development, Inc.
Sorenson Medical, Inc.
Soring GmbH
Sor-Van Radiation Ltd.
SOS Technologies [Division of Caribbean Medical Products Inc.]
Sountec, Inc.
Source d.b.a. Seafood Source
Source One Healthcare Technologies
Sousa Lobster Co., Inc.
Sousa Luis T.
South Bay Clam Company
South Bay OBGYN
South Beach Beverage Company
South Beach Supplements
South Bend Medical Foundation Inc.
South Bend Packers Inc.
South Cape Seafood Inc
South China Seafood Co.
South East Instruments Corp
South Florida Blood Bank Inc.
South Florida Medical Corporation
South Jersey Radiology Associates P.A.
South Orlando OB-GYN Group Diagnostic Center
South Pier Fish Company
South Shore Breast Evaluation Center
South Texas Blood and Tissue Center
South Texas Mammography-Mobile
South-Allen Radiology
Southcoast Fish Company, Inc.
Southeast Asian Food Products
Southeast Crab Company Inc.
Southeast Tissue Alliance, Inc.
Southeastern Food Supplies
Southeastern Health Care Associates
Southeastern Home Oxygen Service, Inc.
Southend Medical Clinic, P.S.C.
Southern Aire Seafood, Inc.
Southern California Radiology
Southern Clinic P.A.
Southern Colorado Clinic Mammography Center
Southern Connecticut State University Institutional Review Board
Southern Fish & Oyster Co. Inc.
Southern Herb Acquisition Co., LLC
Southern Implants, LLC
Southern Machine & Tool Works Inc.
Southern Meds Joint Venture, LLC
Southern Regional Medical Center
Southern Respiratory Inc.
Southern Seasonings, Inc.
Southern Star Seafood Inc.
Southern States Frederick Cooperative, Inc.
Southern Tier Plastics Inc
Southfield Dairy
Southside Community Hospital
Southside Medical Center
Southside OB/GYN, P.C.
Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines Co.
Southwest Airlines, Inc.
Southwest Diagnostic Center Ldt.
Southwest Family Physicians
Southwest Instrument Company
Southwest Nebraska Mobile Diagnostic Services Inc.
Southwest Pharmacy/DBA Anchor Home Care
Southwest Technologies Inc.
Southwest Tissue Services
Southwest Utah Home Health Agency
Southwestern General Hospital
Southwind Foods Company
Southwind Foods, LLC
Southwood Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Sovereign Pharmaceutical Inc.
Sovereign Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Sovereign Seafoods, Inc.
Sovo Tec Diagnostics Inc.
Soy Shop The
SP Pharmaceuticals LLC
SP Services (UK) Ltd.
Spacelabs Healthcare Incorporated
Spadafora Joseph W. D.O.
Spandet Dairy, Inc.
Spanish Gardens Food Mfg. Inc.
Sparkle Spring Water Inc.
Sparkling Springs Farm
Spaulding Dwight
Speciality Seafood Inc.
Specialized Medical Services Inc.
Specialties Septodont
Specialty Brands, Inc.
Specialty Cheese Company Inc.
Specialty Foods Boston Inc.
Specialty Laboratories Inc.
Specialty Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc.
Specialty Tint
Specialty World Foods Inc.
Spector Inc.
Spectramin Incorporated
Spectronics Corporation
Spectrum Chemicals & Laboratory Products
Spectrum Chemicals & Laboratory Products, Inc
Spectrum Health Betty Ford Breast Care Services
Spectrum Laboratories, Inc.
Spectrum Medical Incorporated
Spectrum Medical Services Inc.
Spencer Fruit Company
Speywood Biopharm Ltd.
Spice Trader's International Inc.
Spice-It Foods Inc.
Spiess Design Inc.
Spinal Concepts, Inc.
Spinal, USA
Spineology, Inc.
Spirit Cruises
Spiro, Scott A., M.D.
Spirtos, Nick M. MD
Splintek-PP, Inc.
Spolana a.s.
Spoonamore Drug Co., Inc.
Sport and Health Company
SportPharma USA Inc.
Sportron International, Inc.
Sportron Training Center
Sports One
Spring Grove Dairy
Springfield Imaging & Diagnostic Center
Springfield Smoked Fish Co. Inc.
Springhill Memorial Hospital
Sprout About
Sprout City Inc.
Sprouters Northwest Inc.
Sprouts Garden
Square One Foods
SSI Laser Engineering Inc
SSM Depaul Haelth Center
S.S.S. / Pfeiffer Company
St. Aloisius Medical Center
St. Anthony Hospital
St. Anthony Memorial Health Center
St. Bernards Screening Mammography Center
St. Bridget Dairy, LOP
St. Charles Hospital & Rehabilitation Center
St. Clair Regional Hospital
St. Claire Development Corporation
St. Claire Medical Center
St. Cloud Hospital
St. Croix Regional Medical Center
St. Elizabeth Health Center
St. Elizabeth Hospital
St. Elizabeth Medical Center IRB
St. Elizabeth Medical Group
St. Francis Hospital
St. Francis Hospital Inc.
St. Francis Medical Center Institutional Review Board
St. Gobain Ceramiques Avancees Desmarquest
ST International Inc.
St. James Mercy Hospital
St. John Hospital IRB
St. John's Hospital
St. John's Queens Hospital
St. Joseph Health Care Center
St. Joseph Health Center
St. Joseph Hospital
St. Joseph Hospital - Creighton Radiologists
St. Joseph Medical Center
St. Joseph Northeast Heights Hospital
St Joseph's Area Health Services
St. Joseph's Candler-Mobile Mammography
St. Joseph's Hospital
St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
St. Joseph's Hospital of Chewelah
St. Joseph's Imaging Associates
St. Jude Medical
St Jude Medical, Inc.
St. Louis Medical Clinic
St. Louis Tan Co.
St. Louis Women's Healthcare Group
St. Luke's Hospital
St. Luke's Northland Hospital
St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center
St. Margaret Mercy Healthcare Center
St. Margaret Mercy Healthcare Center-North
St. Mary Hospital
St. Mary Medical Center
St. Mary's Center for Women's Health
St. Mary's Chemical
St. Mary's Gateway Health Center
St. Mary's Healthcare Center
St. Mary's Medical Center
St. Michael Health Care Center
St. Paul Breast Center
St. Paul Mobile Center-Mobile
St. Pierre Mark
ST Services
St. Simons Altama Sfd, Inc.
St. Thomas More Hospital
St. Vicent-Williamsport Hospital
St. Vincent Clay Hospital
St. Vincent Frankfort Hospital
St. Vincent Infirmary Medical center
St. Vincent Seafood Co., Inc.
St. Vincent Women's Center at Lazarus-Castleton
St. Vincent's Hospital Comprehensive Breast Center
STAAR Surgical
Staar Surgical Company
Stachniw, Myron B., M.D.
Standard Tool & Die Inc.
Stanislaus Surgical Hospital IRB
Stanmar International Inc.
Star Milling Company
Star Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Stardell Farms, Inc
Stardust Industries
Starfish Sea Products Inc.
Stason Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Stat Home Care Inc.
Stat Medical Devices, Inc.
Statcorp Inc.
State Department of Transportation / Honolulu Hawaii
State Department of Transportation / Kailua-Kona Hawaii
State Fish Company, Inc. Plant 1
State University of New York
Staten Island University Hospital
Staten Island University Hospital IRB
Stat-Lab Technologies Inc.
Statz Company Inc.
Statz Farms & Sons
Stavis Seafood Inc.
Steamboat Meat & Seafood Company, Inc.
Stearns Packaging Corporation
Stedim S.A.
Steer Charles J.
Stef International
Stehlin Foundation for Cancer Research
Steinhatchee Fish Inc.
Stellar Bio Systems Inc.
Stellar Seafood and Game, LLP
Steltzer Farms Food Service, LLC
Stephens Memorial Hospital
Sterex International Limited
Steridyne Industries LLC
Sterile Recoveries Inc.
Sterile Reprocessing Services
Steril-Touch Limited
Sterimed Inc.
Steri-Oss Inc.
Steris Corporation
Steritec Products, Inc.
Sterling Medical Technologies Inc.
Steuart Laboratories
Steven Seafood Inc.
Steven's Pharmacy
Stevenson, William, M.D.
Stevita Co. Inc.
Stewart Brothers, Inc.
Stewart Jackson Pharmacal
Stewart, Lynette D. M.D
Stewart, Ronnie R.
Stewart-Jackson Pharmacal Inc.
Stewart's Dairy
Stewart's Farm Supply
Stewart's Processing Corp.
Stewarts Seafood Inc.
Stihler, Alex
Stille Beta Inc.
Stimsoft, Inc.
STM Trading Corporation
Stock Island Lobster Co.
Stockert Instrumente GmbH
Stockpot Incorporated
Stockton Diagnostic Imaging
Stokes Fish Company
Stolhaven Houston Inc.
Stoll Farms, Inc.
Stoller Fisheries Division - Progressive Companies Inc.
Stoltzfus Kountry Kitchen
Stoltzfus Samuel A.
Stone Mill Foods Inc.
Stoney Acres Calves
Stonington Sea Products, Inc.
Stonyvale Inc.
Storck USA L.P.
Stormy Seas Seafood
Storz Endoskop GMBH
Stough Enterprises
Stratec Medizintechnik Gmbh
Straub Clinic - Milinani
Street Home Medical Inc.
Stril AB
Stritzel Farm
Strong Pharmaceutical Laboratory, LLC
Stroup, Sreven L.,M.D.
Stryer Biotech
Stryker Corporation
Stryker Craniomaxillofacial Division
Stryker Endoscopy
Stryker Ireland, Ltd., Orthopaedics
Stryker Orthopaedics Corp.
Stryker Puerto Rico Inc. [Stryker Corp. Surgical Division]
Stutzman Andrew
Stuyt Arthur
Suarez Corporation Industries, Inc.
Subacute Medical Care Inc.
Subcon Manufacturing Corporation
Suburban General Hospital
Sugih Instrumendo Abadi, Pt.
Sullivan Harbor Farm, Inc.
Sullivan, J Ralph
Sulzer Spine-Tech
Summa Health System-Akron City Hospital
Summer Sprout
Summerland Seafood, Inc.
Summerland Seafood Inc.
Summit Ancillary Services Center-Cedar Bluff
Summit Insudtries Inc.
Summit Park Medical Mall
Summit Radiology
Summit Technology Ireland B.V.
Sumner Farms
Sun Belt Trading Inc.
Sun Biomedical Laboratories, Inc.
Sun Box Company
Sun Farm Corporation
Sun Food Trading Company
Sun Hing Food Co. Inc.
Sun Hing Foods, Inc.
Sun Medical Supply Inc.
Sun Noodle and Food Corporation
Sun Nuclear Corp.
Sun Orchard Inc.
Sun Sen Salad Co. Inc.
Sun Spa Group LLC
Sun Splash Tanning
Sun Sprouts of Traverse City
Sun Valley Jerseys
Sun Valley Juice Company
Sunbeam Products Inc.
Sunburst Biorganics
Sunburst Trout Company, LLC
Suncoast Medical Group Inc.
Sundance Farms
Sunder Biomedical Tech Co.
Sunetics International Corporation
Sunja's Oriental Food Inc.
Sunnymead Ranch, Inc.
Sunnyside Farms Inc.
Sunnyvale Seafood Corporation
Sunoptic Technologies, LLC
Sunrider Manufacturing L.P.
Sunrise Dried Fruit Co.
Sunrise Farms Inc.
Sunrise Meats and Lockers
Sunrise Ocrhards, Inc.
Sunrise Seafood, Inc.
Sunset Deli
Sunshine Home Care Services Inc.
Sunshine Mills, Inc.
Sunshine Packing & Noodle Co., Inc
Sunshine Peanut Company
Sunshine Sprouts
Sunsoft Corporation
Sunstar Dairy
Sunsweet Growers, Inc.
Super Foods Inc.
Super Value Trading International Inc.
SuperGen Incorporated
Superior Catering Service
Superior Cattle Feeders LLC
Superior Feeds
Superior Nut Company, Inc.
Superior Ocean Produce
Superior Pharmaceutical Company
Superior Products, Inc.
Superior Rehab Technology, Inc.
Superior Seafood Inc.
Superior Seafood of San Francisco, Inc.
Superior Seafoods, Inc.
Superior Uniform Group, Inc.
Supermed Incorporated
Supertex Industial S.A. De C.V.
Supervalu, Inc.
Supplements To WeightLoss, LLC
Supplementstogo.com, LLC
Supreme Foods Incorporated
Supreme Juice Company
Supreme Lobster & Seafood Co.
Supreme Lobster and Seafood Co.
Supreme Lobster and Seafood Company
Supreme Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Supreme Seafood, LLC
Sure Nutrition
Sure-Way Systems Inc.
Surgical Appliance Industries
Surgical Implant Generation Network
Surgical Innovations Ltd.
Surgical Instruments Service & Savings, Inc.
Surgical Technology Laboratories Inc.
Surgilight, Inc.
Surya Plaza
Susan Ambrosino's Herb Club, Inc. www.myherbs.net
Sushi House, Inc.
Sushi On A Roll Inc.
Sushi on the Spot
Sushi Ready
Sushi Sushi, Inc.
Susie-Q Fish Company, Inc.
Suther Feeds, Inc.
Sutter Lakeside Hospital
Sutter North Medical Foundation
Sutter Roseville Medical Center
Sutter Warrack Hospital
Sutures, Ltd.
Suzanne's Natural Foods
Svendsen Brother's Fish Company, Inc.
Svenhard's Swedish Bakery
Swan River Fish Market
Swanson Health Products, Inc.
Sweat Chiropractic Clinic
Swedish Fish Company
Sweet Dreems, Inc.
Sweet 'n' Spicy Foods Incorporated
Sweet Sunnah Black Seef
Sweet Valley Inc.
Sweetwater Farms
Swift Energy Company, Inc.
Swiss American Products, Inc.
Swiss Red Cross
Swiss Serum and Vaccine Institute Berne
Swissport USA Inc.
Swope Parkway Health Center
Syann Dairy
Sybaritic, Incorporated
Sybaritic Incorporated
Sybron Chemicals Inc.
Sybron Internation Corporation
Syfrett Feed Company Inc.
Sylomar Phytoceuticals
Sylvester's Crawfish Processor
Symedex Medical Aesthetic Solutions
Synapse Biomedical Inc.
Synaptic Corporation
Syncor International Corporation
Synflex America Inc
Syntec Nutraceuticals, Inc
Syntee Scientific Corp.
Synthelabo Biomedical S.A. / Centre D'Affairs LaBoursidiere
SyntheMed Inc
Synthes, Inc.
Syntho Pharmaceuticals
Syntho Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Syntrax Innovations
Syosset Seafoods Co
Sysco Corporation
Sysco Food Services of Albany, LLC
Sysmex Corporation
System O2, Inc.
T & G Sales
T & J Dairy
T & P
T & S Dental and Plastics Manufacturing Co.
T & T Cattle
T & W Dairy
T. A. Dry Fruit and Nuts
T. W. Smith Corp.
Tabatchnick Fine Foods, Inc
Tahiti Naturel USA Inc.
Tairo International
Taiwan Fuji Latex Company Ltd.
Taiwan Seafood & Fish Corporation
Tak Yuen Corp.
Takao Inc.
Taku Smokeries/Fisheries
Talbert Medical Group - Huntington Beach
Talbert, Timothy M., M.D.
Talcon Acrylics, Incorporated
Tallmon Dairy
Talon Acrylics, Incorporated
Tan USA/The Optimum Group Inc.
Tanaka Inc. d.b.a. Big Tuna
Tanana Valley Clinic
Tanning Research Labs Inc.
Tao of Herbs, Inc.
Tapia Brothers Dairy Inc.
Taproot Dairy LLC
Tardio Enterprises, Inc.
Target Your Health, Inc.
Tarmac Products Inc.
Taro Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Taste Operating, Inc.
Tasty Foods Place Inc.
Tasty Seafood Company Inc.
Tattva's Herbs, LLC
Tatung company of America, Inc.
Tauber's Smoked Fish
Taylor Farms California, Inc.
Taylorsville Veterinary Clinic
T.B. Smith Seafood Co. Inc.
TBA Mexican Trade Grocery
Tchekmedyian, N. Simon, M.D.
TCL Holdings Co. Ltd.
TCPI, Inc.
Team Distribution Inc.
Team Produce International, Inc.
Teamedics (Taishan) Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Tecan US
Tech Air
Technical Products, Inc.
Technical Products Inc. of Georgia USA
Technique Laboratories Corporation
Technomed Europe
Teco Diagnostics
Tedco, Inc.
Teel Dairy Farm, Inc.
Teeter Creek Herbs Company
TEFTEC Corporation
Teixeira Gilbert R.
Tek Marketing, Inc
Tekno Medical Optik Chirurgie GmbH
Teleflex Inc.
Teleflex Incorporated
Teleflex Surgical Group
Telex Communications, Inc.
Tellez, Juan L., M.D.
Telstar Innovations Inc.
Telview Farms
TEM Enterprises
Tembec, Inc.
Temple Community Hospital
Templeton Dairy LLC
Templeton Feed and Grain
Ten 15 Club
Tenacore Holdings, Inc.
Tend Skin International, Inc.
Tender Corporation Inc.
Tennant, Jerald L., M.D.
Tennessee Cheesecake Company
Tennessee Farmers Cooperative
Tepnel Diagnostics Ltd.
Terebelo Howard R. D.O.
Terminal One Management Inc
Terra Verde Farm Inc
Terre Haute Regional Hospital
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corp.
Tesoro Coastwide Services Company Inc.
Tesoro Petroleum Distributing Company
Teva Marion Partners
Teva Pharmaceuticals USA
Texaco Exploration & Products Inc.
Texas Applied Biotechnology Research Review Committee
Texas City Terminal Railway
Texas DryDock Inc.
Texas Orthopaedic Products & Services, LLC
Texas Show Supply
Texas Southern University
Texoma Medical Center
Texoman Regional Blood Center
Textus Ningbo Manufacturing Company Ltd.
Textus USA Inc.
Teycosa LLC
TGM Products, Inc.
TGM Products Inc.
T.H. Charters Inc.
T.H. Seafood
Thai Kee Trading Company
Thames Pharmacal Co. Inc.
Thanh Son Tofu
Thatcher Company
The Bread Garden, Ltd.
The Breast Center
The Bryan Company, Inc.
The Chin-Up Strip
The Chocolate Box, Inc.
The Compounding Pharmacy
The Cooper Companies, Inc.
The Country Mill, LLC
The Diagnostic Center at Gulf Coast Medical Center
The Earl of Sandwiches
The Egg Roll Castle Company
The Electrode Store, Inc.
The Feed Bucket
The First Years, Inc.
The Fish Guys, Inc
The Fish Market
The Food Shop Inc.
The Gourmet Padre
The Groot Dairies#5
The Hyland Co., Inc.
The Imaging Center
The Imaging Center of Baxter Regional Medical Center
The Long Life Catalog Company
The Master's Miracle, Inc.
The Meat Market, Inc.
The Medical Group
The Memphis Breast Center
The Muscleshop
The Net Result
The Old Path Natural Herbs Inc
The One and Only Fashion Beauty Group, Inc.
The Orthopedic Group
The Outer Banks Hospital
The Place
The Power Mall
The Sanapac Co., Inc.
The Scoular Company
The Secrets of Eden
The Service Center
The Soule Company, Inc.
The South Bend Chocolate Company, Inc.
The Sporicidin Company
The Sportsman's Guide
The Veterinary Pharmacy, Inc.
The Way Up
The Women's Imaging Center
The Women's Place
Thebaut, Ben R., M.D.
Theken Spine LLC
Theo & Cheryl Van Berkum Dairy
TheraLife, Inc
Therapeutic Home Care
Therapeutic Interventions Inc.
TheraTest Laboratories Inc
Therics, LLC
TherMatrx, Inc.
Thermo-Electric Co. Inc.
ThermoLife International
Thermolife International
Thermoplastic Comfort Systems, Inc.
Thiele Dairy
Thinking Systems Corp.
Third Floor Lab Inc.
Thomas & Thompson Company Inc.
Thomas, Allan
Thomas Crab Company
Thomas N. Kias MD. PC.
Thomas Products LLC
Thomas Robert W.
Thomasville Infirmary
Thoratec Laboratories Corporation
Thousand Oaks Imaging Center
Three Ann's Seafood
Three Captains Sea Products, Inc.
Three Sister's Snacks Corporation
Threshold Enterprises Ltd.
Thrift Drug Services
Thuemmel Dairy, Inc.
Thurston, Jeff
Tianjin Xin Xin Pharmaceutical Corporation
Tianna Farms Kitchen
Tianshi Health Products, Inc., USA
Tiao Peng Trading Company
Tib Molbiol
Tico Medical Instruments Inc.
Tidewater Dock, Inc.
Tidewater Marine Inc.
Tidman, Raymond E., M.D.
Tidy View Dairy, Inc.
Tienda, Inc
Tiller Mind and Body Inc.
Tillotson Healthcare Corporation USA
Time-Cap Labs
Time-Cap Labs Inc.
Ting Shun Shin Shipping Agency
Tingle X-Ray Products, Inc.
Tip Top Trading
Tip Top Vitamins
Tissue Medical Lasers Inc.
Titan Manufacturing Inc.
Titan Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Titan Scan Technologies
TJ Candy Corporation
TJD Inc. dba Subway Sandwiches
TMH Diagnostic Center
TMJ Implants, Inc.
TMJ Implants Inc.
Tobin Farms Velvet Antler
Tobler, William D., MD
Toby's Nose Filters, Inc.
Today's Business
Today's Temptations Inc.
Tofu Palace Products
Togias, Alkis, M.D.
Tokai Denpun U.S.A Inc.
Tokyo House Inc.
Toledo Hospital - Promedica West
Toledo, Jose Gregorio
Toll Compaction Services Inc.
Tom H. Piatt M.D. Inc.
Tom Lange (Canada) Inc.
Tom Visser Dairy
Toma Tek
Tomita Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
Toms, Matthew
Tom's of Maine, Inc.
Tonico Group
Tonka Seafoods Inc.
Tonnage and Applied Gas Solutions
Tony & Sons Seafood Corp.
Tony & Sons Seafood, LLC
Tony Crab King, Inc.
Tony DeGroot Dairy
Tony Sousa Dairy
Tony's Smokehouse & Cannery, Inc.
Tooma Thomas S. M.D.
Top Katch Seafood Inc.
Top of the World Distributors
Topeka Blood Bank Inc.
TOPS Markets Inc.
Topway Enterprises, Inc.
Torbot Group Inc., Jobskin Division
Torrance Memorial Breast Diagnostic Center II
Torrance Memorial Medical Center
Tosoh Bioscience, Inc.
Toste Orlando F.
Total Care Clinic
Total Medical Inofrmation Management Systems, Inc.
Total Respiratory Services and Medical
Total Vein Solutions Inc
Totoya-Seizaburo Shoten Corporation
Toufayan Bakery Inc.
Tower Air Inc.
Tower Rubber Industries Sdn Bhd
Town of Bucksport
Toxicology Associates, Inc
TPG Enterprises, Inc.
TRA Medical Imaging Centers - Tacoma
Trader Bay, Ltd.
Traina, Steve M., M.D.
Tranquility Farms Inc.
Trans Caribbean Dairy Corporation
Trans World Airlines
Trans World Airlines Inc.
Transamerica Food Enterprises
TransOcean Maritime
Transplant Resource Center of Maryland, Inc.
Transplantation Research Foundation
Transtar Corporation
Transverse Industries Co. Ltd.
Transworld Forwarding Inc.
Transylvania Community Hospital
Trapper's Creek Inc.
Travanti Pharma, Inc.
Traverse Bay Farms
Tres Leches Factory
Trestle Corporation
Tri County Hospital
Tri Mast Dairy
Triangle Compounding Pharmacy
Tri-City Family Medicine Inc. Diagnostic Center
Tri-City Outpatient Imaging
Tri-County Dairy Supply, Inc.
Tri-County Food Services
Tri-County Medical Oxygen Inc.
Tri-County Veterinary Medicine LLC
Trident Seafoods Corp.
Trident Seafoods, Inc.
TriHerba Marketing
Trilini International Ltd
Trilogy Crab Company, Inc.
Trim International, Inc.
Trimar Hollywood Inc.
Tri-Med Laboratories, Inc.
Tri-Med Laboratories Inc.
Trimedyne Inc.
Trinidad Dock & Fishing Services Ltd
Trinity Breast Imaging Center - MAC Clinic
Trinity Chemical Corporation
Trionix Research Laboratory, Inc.
Tripath Imaging Inc.
Triple A Services, Inc.
Triple C Cattle Company LLC
Triple T. Enterprises Inc.
Tri-Star Instruments Inc.
Tri-State Analytical Laboratory LLC
Tri-State Hospital Supply Corporation
Tri-State Livestock
Triunfo Import Export Corporation
Tropic Fish & Vegetable Center
Tropic Fish and Vegatable Center, Inc.
Tropical City Industries, Inc.
Tropical Marine Products Inc.
Tropical Nutty Delight
Tropical Sun Tanning Resort
Tropical Tan
Tropical Traditions, Inc.
Trotters Importers
Trouw Nutrition USA, LLC
Troy Innovative Instruments, Inc.
Truckenmiller Gary
True Renewal
True World Foods, Inc
True World Foods, Inc.
True World Foods Inc
true World Foods Inc.
True Worlds Foods, Inc - Rocky Neck Seafoods
Truett Laboratories Inc.
Truluck's Seafood LTD
Trumbull Memorial Hospital
Trusted Care
TRY-Lean Inc.
T&T Trading Company
Tuality Community Hospital
TUCO Innovations Inc.
Tucson Fruit and Produce
Tule River Dairy
Tuls Cattle Co.
Tumed Surgical Instruments & Hospital Supplies GmbH
Tuna Express Company
Tuna Fresh, Inc.
Tuolumne General Hospital
Turner County Dairy, LLP
T.W. Enterprises, Inc.
Twin City Vending Company Inc.
Twin Lab Corporation
Twin Laboratories Inc.
Twin Tails Seafood Corp.
Twinam Enterprises, Inc.
Two Brothers Organics, Inc.
Two Feathers, Inc.
Two Rivers LLC
Two Thumbs Up Tanning
TYA Pharmaceuticals
Tyco Healthcare Group
Tyco Healthcare/Kendall
Tyco International, Inc.
Tyco International Ltd.
Tyler Donnie
Tyler Memorial Hospital
Tylock Eye Center
Tyson Foods
Tysons Food, Inc
TZ Medical, Inc.
U R Farms
U. S. Evergreen Trading Co. Inc.
UAS Laboratories
UBC Pharma Inc.
UC Davis Medical Group-Folsom
U.C. Medical Diagnostic Services P.C.
Udder Delight Dairy
UHHS Bedford Medical Center
UHHS-Richmond Heights Hospital
UHHS-Saint Michael Hospital
Uintah Basin Medical Center
Ulrich GmbH & Co. KG
Ultimate Brands Inc
Ultra Tan, Inc.
Ultracell Medical Technologies
UltraFoods, Inc.
Ultralite Enterprises Inc.
UltraRad Corporation
Ultra-Seal Corporation
Ultrasonic Services, Inc
Ultratab Laboratories Inc.
Underground Sports
Underwood, Hollis J.C., M.D.
Unger David A.
Unico Holdings, Inc.
Unifish Canning S.A.
UniGen Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Uni-Heartous Pet Products USA Inc.
Unilens Corporation
Unilever HPC-USA
Unimed Physician's Complex
Union City Diagnostic Center
Union County General Hospital
Union Springs Pharmaceuticals
Unipower Corporation
Unique Health Solutions
Unique Laboratories Inc.
Unique Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
Unit Dose Packaging, Inc.
United Airlines
United Airlines Inc.
United American Industries
United American Medical Company Inc.
United Biotech Inc.
United Co-op Farmers, Inc.
United Cooperative Farmers, Inc.
United Diagnostic Center
United Feed Co-op Inc.
United Feeds, Inc.
United Feeds Inc.
United Fish Distributors, Inc.
United Fisheries Corporation
United Fishing Agency LTD
United Healthcare Laboratories
United Hospital Medical Center
United Medical Center # 1 / Radiology
United Metabolic Research Center
United Professional Companies Inc.
United Research Laboratories Inc.
United Research Laboratories Inc. and Mutual Pharmaceutical Company
United Skyport Corp.
United States Blood Band
United States Dredging Corp.
United States Lines
United Therapeutics Corp
Unity Veterinary Service
Universal Blanchers LLC
Universal Enterprises, Inc.
Universal Enterprises Inc dba Air Service Hawaii
Universal Health Sciences
Universal Imaging Inc.
Universal Maritime/Maersk
Universal Marketing Services Inc.
Universal Medical Systems Inc.
Universal MRI and Diagnostic Center of Queens New York
Universal Nutraceuticals, Inc.
Universal Nutrition
Universal Nutrition Inc.
Universal Nutrition Services
Universal Packaging Systems Inc.
Universal Protein Supplement Corp.
Universal Reagents Inc.
University Health Center @ Tower City Center
University Hospital and Medical Center
University Hospital Health System and SWGHC
University Hospital Inc.
University Hospitals Breast Center at Parkway
University Hospitals of Cleveland
University Imaging Center LLC
University Medical Center
University Medical Products USA Inc.
University Mednet
University OB-GYN Specialties Inc.
University of Arkansas-Medical Science Ambulatory Care Center
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
University of Colorado
University of Illinois / College of Medicine
University of Illinois - Toxicology Research Laboratory
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Maryland
University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center
University of Minnesota
University of South Florida
University of South Florida Health Science Center Institutional Review Boards 01 and 01B
University of Tennessee Bowld Hospital
University of Tennessee Medical Center
University of Utah Health Network - Mt. Ogden Center
University of Washington Medical Center
University of Wisconsin Hospital
University Pharmacy
University Plasma Inc.
University Plaza Radiological Services
Unlimited Futures Inc.
Unocal Corporation
U.O. Equipment Company
UPC Health Network
UPC Medical Supplies, Inc.
Upcountry Fishery Inc.
Upper Valley Family Care
Upscale Foods, Inc.
Uresil L.P.
Urometric Inc.
Uroplasty, Inc.
U.S. Airways
US Airways
US Airways Group Inc.
U.S. Apothecary Labs Inc
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Diagnostics
U.S. Filter Corporation /Ionpure
U.S. Filter/Ionpure Inc.
U.S. Food Service
U.S. Food Service Inc.
U.S. Foodservice Inc.
US Hair Force
US Health Supplements
US Lab Research, Inc.
US Mills Inc.
U.S. Naval Hospital - Naples
U.S. Naval Hospital - Okinawa
U.S. Welding Inc.
USA Chemical, Inc
USA Golden Vision, Inc.
Uselman Electric Inc.
Ustov, Inc.
USVI Port Authority
Utah Medical Products, Inc.
UTC International Corporation
UVHealth Direct, LLC
UW Health/West Clinic
Uwajimaya, Inc.
Uwajimaya Inc.
Vaccaro's Italian Pastry Shop, Inc.
Vado Jorge Luis
Vail Products, Inc.
Vail Products Inc.
Vail Valley Medical Center
Vail Valley Medical Center IRB
Valentine, Joseph
Valero Energy Corporation
Valley Baptist Medical Center IRB
Valley Feed Company
Valley Feed Mill Inc.
Valley Fish Company, Inc.
Valley General Hospital
Valley Home Medical Equipment Inc.
Valley Hospital Medical Center
Valley Ice & Fuel Co. Inc.
Valley Medical Equiptment and Supply
Valley Medical Facilities Inc.
Valley National Gases Inc.
Valley Regional Medical Center
Valley Springs Artesian Gold LLC
Valley State Prison For Women
Valley Women's Clinic
Value Frozen Foods Inc.
Van de Graaf Racnhes, Inc.
Van Der Geest Dairy Cattle Inc.
Van Dyk Dairy #1
Van Dyk Holsteins
Van Dyke Grain Elevators Inc
Van Haitsma Dairy Farm
Van Heel, David B.
Van Lang Food Products Inc.
VAN Oriental Food, Inc.
Van Vliet Hillegonda
Van Waters & Rogers Inc.
Vancol Industries Inc.
Vandenberg Dairy
Vandenberg Med-Tech Equipment Inc.
Vander Werff Peter C.
Vander Werff Rigg Dairy
Vandyk Dairy
Vangard Labs Inc.
Vanguard Medical Concepts Inc.
Vantil Martin
Vapotherm, Inc.
Vaqueria Gustavo Toledo
Vaqueria Paso Real
Variety Food Services, Inc.
Variety Food Services Inc.
Variety Food Services, LLC
Varner & Varner
Vasca, Inc.
Vas-Cath Incorporated
Vascutek Limited
Vassar Brothers Hospital
VaxGen Inc.
Vaz Dairy
VBM Medizintechnik GMBH
VDS Farms, L.L.C.
Veeman Dairy
VEGA Grieshaber KG
Veldhuis North Dairy
Vend Foods Inc.
Vend Serve, Inc.
Venice Seafood Exchange, Inc.
Venice Seafood Exchange Inc.
Vennstra Dairy
Venosan North America
Ventilatory Care Management
Verhoeven Gary L.
Vermeer & Goedhart Dairy
Vermeer Dairy
Vermont Food Venture Center
Vermont Ginseng Products, Ltd.
Vernon Memorial Hopital
Vern's Cheese, Inc.
Verrier, Edward, M.D.
Versa Electronics
Versi Ebrahim
Very Fresh Juice Company
Vesole, David H., M.D., Ph.D.
Vesta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Vet Pharm, Inc.
Veterinary Associates, LLC
Veterinary Enterprises of Tomorrow, Inc.
Veterinary Laboratories Inc.
Veterinary Pharmacy Corporation
Vetoquinol N-A Inc.
Vets Plus, Inc.
VF Works, Inc.
VF Works Inc.
Via Christi Regional Medical Center Systems
Viacres L.L.L. and Natural Milk L.L.C.
Viasys Healthcare
VIBE Technologies, LLC
Victor Camacho Cattle
Victoreen Inc.
Victory Seafood Processors Inc.
Vierstra & Son, Inc. dba Classic Dairy
Vierstra Dairy
Viet Phat Trading Company
Viet Wah Trading Corporation
Viet-Link Co.
Vigor Nutriceutical Healthcare, Inc.
Viking Village Inc.
Vilex Inc.
Villa Sistemi Medicali S.p.A.
Village Compounding Pharmacy
Vincent's Seafood Inc.
Vince's Shellfish Co Inc
Vinh Sam Enterprise
Vintage Pharmaceutical Inc
Vintage Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Vintage Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Vintage Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Violet Dock Port Inc.
V.I.P. Foods, Inc.
VIR Engineering, Inc.
Viral Defender
Virbac Inc.
Virginia Blood Services Inc.
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Home Medical Services Inc.
Virginia Hospital Center Arlington Health System
Virginia Mason Research Center
Virginia Medical and Respiratory Equipment Inc.
Virginia Seafood, LLC
Virginia Seafood LLC
Virginia Wholesale Co. Inc.
Virjo Seafood Inc.
ViroMed Laboratories
Virotech International Incorporated
Virxcan Products
Visalia Medical Clinic, Inc.
Vision Chips Inc
Vision Group
Vision Laboratories
Vision Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Vision Quest Laser Center
Vision Sciences Inc.
Visionary Contact Lens, Inc.
VisionPlus Network Inc.
Visions in Endosurgery Inc.
Visions in Endosurgery Inc. Inc.
Visser Rance
Visser Ranch
Vista Mundo Inc.
Visteon Systems LLC
Visual Technology Inc.
Visual Telecommunications Network, Inc.
Visualtek Technology Co. Ltd. & Tah Chung Steel Corporation
Vita Food Products Inc.
VitaCroft, LLP
Vita-Erb, Ltd.
Vita-Erb Ltd.
Vital Concepts, Inc.
Vital Health Products Ltd.
Vital Pharma, Inc.
Vital Signs, Inc.
Vitalabs Inc.
VitalCare Group, Inc.
Vitality Products Co., Inc.
Vitalizer 2000
Vitalograph (ireland) Ltd.
Vitamins Classics Inc.
Vitamins Etc.
Vitapurity Corporation
Vitasalus, Inc.
Vitatech International, Inc.
Vitrophage Inc.
Viva America Corporation
Vivus Inc.
Vizcaya Foods, Inc.
VL Livestock Company, Inc.
VMF Corporation
VMM Enterprises, Inc.
Vogley Enterprises Inc
Volk Optical, Inc.
Volunteer Treatment Center Inc.
von Reyn C. Fordham M.D.
Vos Dairy, Inc.
Voyager Medical Corporation
Vrable Healthcare Services
Vreba-Hoff Dairy, LLC
Vriesendorp Huibert M.D.
VTM Manufacturing Corporation/Vaqueria Tres Monjitas, Inc
Vu Family Corporation
Vukman, Gerald R., D.V.M.
VW Asian Food Company Inc
Vysis Inc.
W & L International Group Inc.
W & T Seafood Corp.
Wa Heng Dou Fu Soy Sauce Int Enterprises
Wabi Fishing Company
Wadleigh's Falls Veterinary Clinic
Wadsworth Rittman Hospital
Wagler Farms
Wahid, Saiyid Rasheeq, M.D.
WaJa Farms, Inc
Wakeman Industries Inc.
Wal Mart Stores Inc.
Walco International, Inc.
Waldermar Link GmbH & Co.
Waldron Smokehouse Specialties Inc.
Walgreen Company
Walk, William M.
Walker Farms
Walker Welders Supply Co. Inc.
Walker Wheland Inc.
Walker's Fruit Basket & Press
Wall Medical Group Coastside Radiology
Wall Medical Inc.
Walla Walla General Hospital
Wallace O'Farrell, Inc.
Wallach Surgical Devices, Inc.
WallCann - Cura-Care.com
Wallowa County Grain Growers Inc.
Walmart Stores
Wal-Med, Inc.
Walnut Dale Farm
Walquist Farm
Walsh Manufacturing Ltd. P. dba Walsh Medical Devices
Walt Lemstra Dairy
Walter Graphtek GmbH
Walter L. Shepeard Community Blood Center, Inc.
Walter's Seafood, Inc.
Walton Feeds West, Inc.
Walton Medical Center
Walt's Wholesale Meats-Royal City Feedlot
Wanchese Charter Boat Inc.
Wanchese Fish Company, Inc.
Wanchese Fish Company Inc.
Ward Diary
Ward Douglas M.D.
Ward I.W.
Ward Sales Company, Inc.`
Ward Thomas & Sons, Inc.
Warde Medical Laboratory
Ward's Seafood
Warehouse Food Group, LLC
Warmerdam Dairy Inc.
Warner Chilcott, Inc
Warner-Graham Company
Warren Radiologists Inc.
Warsaw Orthopedic Inc
Warwick Poultry Company, Inc.
Washington Biotechnology, Inc
Washington Clinic
Washington County Hospital
Washington County Livestock Center, Inc.
Washington County Memorial Hospital
Washington Crab & Seafood Co., LLC
Washington Crab Company Inc.
Washington Heights Pharmacy Inc.
Washington Homeopathic Products, Inc.
Washington Hospital Center
Washington Hospital Center Blood Bank
Washington Hospital IRC
Washington Imaging Services
Washington Township Hospital
Wasilkowski Anthony F. M.D.
Watauga Medical Center
Water and Health Incorporated
Water and Health of Chesapeake Inc.
Water and Power Technologies, Inc
Water Oz
Waterfront Seafood Company, Inc.
Watertown Memorial Hospital
Waterways Marine of Greenville Inc
Watson Clinic - Diagnostic Breast Center
Watson Clinic LLP
Watson Laboratories Caribe, Inc.
Watson Laboratories Inc.
Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Watts Health Foundation Inc.
Watuga Medical Center
Wausau Chemical Corporation
WAW Enterprises
Wax Orchard's Inc.
Wayne Meorial Hospital
Wayne Meorial Hospital - Pike County Medical Center
Wayne Oxygen & Supply Co. Inc.
Wayne State University
Wayne's Smoked Products
Wayzata Bay Products Inc
WB Smith Feed Mill Inc.
W.C. International Inc.
Weaver Douglas
Weaver Marvin M.
Weaverville Family Medicine Associates
Web Soft Solutions
Webb Livestock Comoany
Webco Chemical Corp.
Weber Laboratories Inc.
Webster County Memorial Hospital
Wedgewood Village Pharmacy
Wee Sprouts
Weese-Mayer, Debra E., M.D.
Weider Nutrition International
Weikert's Livestock Inc.
Weil, Lowell S. Sr., D.P.M.
Weiler Welding Inc.
Weinberger Appetizing
Weirton Medical Center
Weirton Wholesale Distribution Co. Inc.
WEK Industries Inc.
Welch Road Imaging
Welcon Inc.
Welder's Supply Company
Wellmont Holston Valley Medical Center
Wellmont Lonesome Pine Hospital
Wellness Resources, Inc.
Wellness Support Network
Wells Johnson Co.
Wells Johnson Company
WellStar Paulding Hospital
Welsh Farms Ice Cream
Wenck Feeds Inc.
Wescor, Inc.
Wesley Jessen Corporation
West Coast Radiology Center
West Agro, Inc.
West Allis Memorial Hospital
West Anaheim Medical Center
West Argo, Inc.
West Bay Seafood Co., Inc.
West Boca Medical Center
West Broward X-Ray Center
West Coast Medical Imaging
West Coast Pita and Food, Inc.
West Feeds, Inc.
West Florida Home Health Care
West Hollywood Mammography
West Indies Products Inc.
West Jefferson Medical Center IRB
West Jersey Hospital - Marlton
West Point Farms, LLC
West 9th, LLC
Westchester Gynecologists & Obstetricians P. C.
Westchester Imaging Medical Group
Westchester Medical Center
Westchester-Bronx OB/Gyn Group, P.C.
Westerly Hospital
Western Ag Industries
Western Alaska Fisheries, Inc.
Western Consolidated Cooperative
Western Edge Inc.
Western Enterprises
Western Feed Mills Inc.
Western Fish Company, Inc.
Western Illinois Grain Co.
Western Medica
Western Medical Health System
Western Missouri Medical Center
Western Plains Medical Complex
Western Reserve Farm Cooperative
Western United Fish Company, Inc.
Westfalia-Surge, Inc.
Westfield Memorial Hospital
Westlake Laboratories Inc.
Westmed de Mexico, S.A.
Westone Laboratories, Inc.
Westside Dairy
Westside Holstein
Westview Dairy
Westward Seafoods Inc.
Westway Trading Corporation
Wetter E. D. Inc.
Weyand Fisheries, Inc.
Weyandt Hughey P.
Weyandt Terry A.
Wha Soon Trading Company
Wheatland Memorial Hospital
Wheatley, Susan J., M.D.
Wheaton Beauty Supply
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
Wheeler Seafoods Inc.
White County Hospital
White Egret Farm
White Lake Pharmacy
White River Dairy
White, Rodney A., M.D.
White Shrimp Company
Whitefield Radiology - Mobile
Whitehall Robins Healthcare
Whitelyn Farms, Inc.
Whiteside Dairy
Whitesides Dairy, Inc.
Whitmore Oxygen Company
Whitney Labs
Whittier, Frederick M.D.
Whole Living Inc.
Whole World Botanicals
W.H.P.M., Inc.
Wicked Lasers World Headquarter
Wide River Chemical Company
Wigle John R.
Wil Research
Wilbur Brothers
Wilbur Ellis Company
Wilbur-Ellis Company
Wilcom, Robert S.
Wilcox Farms, Inc.
Wild Edibles, Inc.
Wilderness Family Naturals
Wilderness Farms
Wildlife Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Wilkinson Medical Clinics, S.C.
Willet Dairy, LP
Willet Dairy LP
Willett Brothers Inc.
Willharvdoit Corporation
William A. Gray, M.D.
William and John Jongsma Dairy
William Bee Ririe Hospital
William M. Vargulick Dairy Farm
William's Candy Company, Inc.
Williams Cattle Company Inc.
Williams, David M., MD
Williams Farms Inc.
Williams Johnny R.
Williams, Melvin
Williams, Richard
Williams Seafood of Arapahoe Inc.
Williamsbridge Imaging Associates
Williamson Appalachian Regional Hospital
Williamson Charles H. M.D.
Willis Amos M.D.
Will-O-Crest Farms, LP
Willow Creek Veterinary Service
Willows General Store Inc.
Wilmington Cold Storage, Inc.
Wilson C. Milius, Inc.
Wilson Instruments for Medicine
Wilson Medical Center
Wilson N. Jones Women's Imaging Center
Wilson Seafresh Seafood Inc.
Wilson Supply Company Inc.
Wilson-Cook Medical Inc.
Wilvarger General Hospital
Winchester Bay Fisheries, LLC
Winchester Bay Seafood, Inc.
Winchester Women's Specialists
Wind River Herbs
Window Rock Enterprises, Inc.
Windy City Safety, Inc.
Windy Ridge Farm
Winfield Medical
Wing Kee Foodstuff Company
Wingate Seafood, LLC
Wingrove, Frank A., D.D.S.
Winn Dixie Stores, Inc.
Winn, Inc.
Winona Memorial Hospital
Winspan, Inc.
Winston Medical Center
Winters, Charles J., M.D.
Wise Regional Health
Wisteria Gardens Dairy
Witmer Foods, Inc.
Witt Biomedical Corporation
Wityk, Goad, Korangy and Associates
W.K. Eckerd & Sons Inc
WNCK, Inc.
Wo Lee Food Co.
Wockhardt Ltd
Wolf, Douglas C., M.D.
Wolf, Randall K., MD
Woman's Clinic
Woman's Health Pavilion
Women Care
Women's Breast Care Clinic
Women's Center of Lexington
Women's Clinic of Lincoln P.C.
Women's Diagnostic Center
Women's Diagnostic Center at Enumclaw Community Hospital
Women's Diagnostic Clinic, Inc.
Women's Diagnostic Clinic Inc.
Women's Diagnostic Imaging Center
Women's Health Care Group P.C.
Women's Health Center
Women's Health Center of Logansport
Women's Health Center of South Nassau
Women's Health Imaging
Women's Health Services Chattanooga P.C.
Women's Healthcare Group P.C.
Women's Imaging Center - Johnston Memorial Hospital
Women's Imaging Services
Women's Mobile Diagnostic Ltd.
Women's Outreach Network Inc.
Won Feng Trading Inc
Won Trading Inc.
Wonder Laboratories
Wong Wendell M.D.
Wood Hygienic Institute, Inc.
Woodcrest Dairy
Woodford Memorial Hospital
Wood's Fishery Inc.
Woodstock Natural Products Inc.
Woodward Laboratories
Wooster Community Hospital
World Class Nutrition
World Diagnostics, Inc.
World Health Products, LLC
World Sushi Express, Inc.
World Trade Foods
World Variety Produce, Inc.
World Yacht Cruises
Worldtech Research Group
Worldwide Fish & Seafoods, Inc.
Worldwide Medical Corporation
Worldwide Sport Nutritional Supplements Inc.
Wright Dairy Management Inc.
Wright Health Radiology/NMI
Wright John R. D.O.
Wright Medical Technology, Inc.
Wright Medical Technology Inc.
Wright, Richard A, MD
Wright Whitty Davis Farms Inc
Wuestec Medical Inc.
W.W. Cattle Company
W&W International Medical Research Group
W&Y International
Wyandot Memorial Hospital
Wyandotte Welding Supply
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Company
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories
Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories Inc.
Wyldewood Cellars, Inc.
Wyoming County Community Hospital
Wyoming Medical Center
Wyss Hansjoery J.
X Spine Systems, Inc.
Xango LLC, International
Xango LLC, Intl
Xanodyne Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Xavier Cattle-Holsteins
Xavier Enterprise/Xavier Exotic Herbs
X-CEL- Feeds Inc.
X-Cel X-Ray Corporation
X-Diagnostic Imaging
Ximed Medical Systems/Prosurg Inc.
Xinjiang Pharmaceutical Factory
Xoran Technologies Inc
X-Ray Associates Inc.
X-ray Preceptor
X-ray Technology of Bay Ridge Inc.
Xtra Factors
Xtreme Design, Inc.
Xttrium Laboratories, Inc.
Y & L Washington, Inc.
Yachere Feed Inc.
Yadav, Sanjay S., M.D.
Yahal USA
Yamila Abraham
Yankee Trails Inc.
Yanney, James, D.D.S. M.D.
Yarbrough Produce Company
Yat Chau U.S.A. Ginseng City Inc.
Yater Medical Group
Yeager Wire Works Inc.
Yinplace Inc. dba: King's China Bistro
Yoli, Inc.
Yon's Foods LLC
York Kenneth K. M.D.
York Pharmaceutical Inc.
York River Seafood Co. Inc.
Yorktown Diagnostic Imaging
Young Again Nutrients
Young View Farm
Youth Light 2010 Inc
Yow Tech Electronic Co. Ltd.
YSIS, Incorporated
Ysselstein Dairy, Inc.
Yu, Alice L., M.D., Ph.D.
Yu Chin Technology Co. Ltd.
Yu I Hsiang U.S.A. corp
Yuma Dairy
Yuma District Hospital
Yung Shin Pharm. Inc. Col, Ltd.
Z & W Mill Inc.
Z Cosmetica USA, LLC
Z Technologies Inc.
Zambales Bakery & Fast Food
Zarda King Ltd.
Zefon International Inc.
Zeis, Fred J
Zeischegg, Peter M., M.S., D.C.
Zemak Farms
Zeneca Pharmaceuticals
Zenith Goldline Laboratories
Zenith Laboratories Caribe Inc.
ZEO Health Ltd.
Zephyr Feed Company
Zeus Scientific Inc.
Zevex, Inc.
Zhang Jingwu M.D. Ph.D.
Ziegler, Brookelyn
Zila Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Zimmer Elektromedizin GMBH
Zimmer View Dairy
Zincomatic, Inc.
Zinke Dairy
Zinnanti Surgical Design, LLC
Zippy's Inc.
Ziran, Bruce H., MD
Zirlott's Gulf Products
Zlabs, LLC
ZLB Behring
ZLB Bioplasma, Inc.
ZLB Central Laboratory
Zoll Medical Corporation
Zonneveld Dairies Inc.
Zosa, Noli R., M.D.
Z'Strong International
Zuka Trading and Distribution Company
Zumbrota Health Care
Zuni Comprehensive Community Health Center
1 Coral Calcium/Thin America
21st Century Sports Nutritionals, Inc.
2-2-0 Laboratories
3D of Key West Inc.
3-G Enterprises, Inc - Griffin's Seafood
3H Cattle Company
3M Center
4 D Cattle
4nRx/Hong Kong
4nRx/New Zealand
5 Star Dairy
67th Combat Support Hospital
7-Day Miracle Cleanse
80 Million Food
911 Water
re Power Nut store?
The DTI wrote a letter addressed to Director Irma L. Asuncion, Department of Health (DOH), San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, Manila.
The source of said letter was identified as "Jaime Lazaro L. Olmos Director-In-Charge Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection Department of
Trade and Industry. Said letter was dated 19 August 2009. Said letter contains the following words:"respectfully referred to Director Irma L. Asuncion,
Department of Health . . .for appropriate action, the attached self explanatory letter of M. Silva . . . regarding customer advisory re . . . Power Nut
store specifically for the lists of all the ingredients and visible understandable consume before/best before dates of the said products.
Up to September 21, 2009,said DOH has not provided me with said lists of all said ingredients. . . ."
Customer advisory re Jollibee Shell Magallanes, South Super Hi-Way, Magallanes, Makati City.
On September 20, 2009, I was at said restaurant and I saw an employee of said restaurant cleaning the floor of said restaurant while customers were eating.
So the dust particles from the floor stirred up by said cleaning could land on the food customers were eating. Official receipt No. 06223 dated
09-20-2009 was issued to me.
Customer advisory re ChowKing restaurant at Malate, Manila, near Malate Church. On September 20, 2009, I saw a live moving fly on one of the dining tables at said restaurant. The presence of a live moving insect fly on a dining table of a restaurant is an indication of an unsanitary
Customer advisory re Wendy's restaurant at Ermita, near the Ermita church. On September 21, 2009,
an employee at said restaurant didn't follow the first come first service policy when dealing with a customer. Details available at mis3624@yahoo.com.
customer advisory re columnist Ching M. Alano and ShopWise store
The following appeared under said Alano's name on page J-1 of the September 20, 2009 issue of the Philippine Star newspaper: "the freshest produce". Said words referred to ShopWise store at Commonwealth, Quezon City. What, if any, is the basis for said claim by said Alano?
FDA's Electronic Reading Room _ Warning Letters
A & B Welding Supply Company Inc.
A & D Healthcare
A & H Farms
A & L Laboratories
A Field of Dreams
A. Friscia Seafoods Inc
A La Carte Foods, Inc.
A. N. Deringer
A N T Imaging Center
A Perfect Food Company, LLC
A Spicy World Company
A. Tarantino and Sons, Inc.
A Taste of the Delta, Inc.
A to Z Sandwich Company
AA Dairy
A&A Services
Aadirondack Medical Center - Lake Placid
Aap Implantate AG
A.B. Cole Dairy Farm
Abacherli Dairy
Abadir Associates
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Laboratories, Inc.
Abbott Laboratories Inc.
Abbott Vascular, Inc.
ABC Compounding Company, Inc.
ABCO Laboratories Inc.
Abe's Cajun Boudin Inc.
Abkit Inc.
ABL - Antibiotics Do Brasil
Able Laboratories Inc.
Abraxis Bioscience, Inc.
ABS Seafood Company
Absolute Fire Protection Company Inc.
Absolute Packaging Inc
Absolutely Fresh Seafood Company
Acacia Engineered Products LLC
Acadiana Fishermen's Co-Op
Accent Health Care
Access Financial Market
Access Genetics
Access Point Medical LLC
AccuMed Inc.
Accumed, Inc.
Accumed Inc.
Accupac Inc.
Accurate Set Inc.
Accutech Orthodontic Laboratory
ACI Medical Inc.
ACIPCO Health Services
Acker, Dennis L.
Acker, Randy J.
Ackerman Foods
Acme Food Sales Inc.
Acoma Medical Imaging Inc.
Acoma X-Ray Industry Co. Ltd.
Acon Laboratories Inc.
ACS Dobfar
Actavis Totowa, LLC
Actavis Totowa LLC
Actelion Pharmaceuticals US, Inc.
Acting Welding Supply Inc.
Action Industrial Distributor
Activa Brand Products
Activa Brand Products, Inc.
Acuderm Inc
Ada Veterinary Clinic, Inc.
ADAC Laboratories
Adams County Memorial Hospital
Adams, Mark M.D.
Addison Gilbert Hospital
Adelglass Jeffrey M. M.D.
Adelines Inc.
Adelines Wholesale, Inc.
ADI Corporation
Adirondack Home Care Inc.
Adirondack Purification Co. Inc.
Adkinson N. Franklin Jr. M.D.
ADM Division Headquarters
Admiral Fish company Inc.
Adroit Medical Systems Inc.
Advance Radiological Center
Advanced Athletic Nutrition
Advanced Bionics Corporation
Advanced Composite Technologies Inc.
Advanced Health CAre
Advanced Health Care
Advanced Health Care Services
Advanced Home Oxygen and Medical Supplies Incorporated
Advanced Imaging Research, Inc
Advanced Marketing Services International Inc.
Advanced Medical Imaging
Advanced Medical Imaging Center
Advanced Medical Imaging of Oswego County
Advanced Medical Systems, Inc.
Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc
Advanced Orthopaedics of South Florida
Advanced Pharmaceutical Inc.
Advanced Pharmaceutical Research, Inc.
Advanced Professional Imaging Medical Group
Advanced Radiation Measurements Inc
Advanced Reproductive Laboratory
Advanced Respiratory Care
Advanced Restoration Technologies Inc.
Advanced Scientific Nutrition
Advanced Sports Nutrition
Advanced Sterilization Products
Advanced Surgical Associates Medical Office Inc.
Advanced Tissue Sciences Inc.
Advanced Vision Research
Advantage Medical Electronics
Advantage Nutraceuticals, LLC
Advantage Products
Adven Medical Inc.
Adventist Health Walla Walla General Hospital
Advertising Unlimited Inc.
Aerosol & Liquid Packaging, Inc.
Aerosol Science Laboratories Inc.
Aerospace Machine
Aerscher Diagnostics Inc.
Affordable Supplements
AFP Imaging Corporation
African Home Supply
AGA Gas Co.
AGA Gas Inc.
AGA Gas Incorporated
Age Less Products Inc.
Ageless Cure, LLC
Ageless Herbs
Agile Radiological Technologies, Inc.
Agliano & Son Fish Co.
Ag-Mark Inc.
Agrexco (U.S.A.) Ltd
Agricorp Inc.
Agri-Marine Exports Ltd
Agri-Mark Farmers Co-op, Inc.
Agri-Nutrition Group
Agroaltos, S.A.
Aguirre Imaging Newark
Ahsley Valley Medical Center
Aidance Skincare & Topical Solutions, LLC
Ainger Farm
Air Care Inc.
Air Products & Chemicals Inc.
Air Products and Chemicals Inc.
Air Tran
Air Tran Airways
Aircraft Service International Group
Airgas Inc.
Airgas Norpac
Airport Group International Inc.
Airsep Corporation
AirTran Airways
Airway Clearing Tools
Airway Management, Inc.
Airway Outpatient Center
AJ Slenders Dairy
AJB Ranch
AJD Laboratories - Ulmer Pharmacal
AJP Scientific, Inc.
Akers Laboratories Inc.
Akesis Pharmaceutical Inc.
Akorn, Incorporated
Akorn Incorporated
Aksys, Ltd
Aktina Medical Physics Corp.
Alanric Food Distributors Inc.
Alaris Medical Systems
Alaska Bounty Seafood & Smokery
Alaska Commercial Company
Alaska Fresh Seafoods Inc.
Alaska Garden and Pet Supply Inc.
Alaska Live Crab Company
Alaska Sausage & Seafood Company, Inc.
Alaskan Smoked Salmon International
Alaven Pharmaceutical LLC
ALBA Bioscience (formerly Diagnostics Scotland), SNBTS
Albano, Brenda
Albany Edison Oxygen Co. Inc.
Albany Edison Oxygen Company Inc.
Albany Memorial Hospital
Albany Welding Supply Co. Inc.
Albemarle Hospital
Albermarle Hospital
Albert Azevedo Dairy
Albert J. Bender Farm
Albert Lea Medical Center
Albuquerque International Airport
Alcon, Inc.
Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
Alcon Laboratories Inc.
Alder Springs Smoked Salmon Inc.
Alegent Health Milands community Hospital
Alejandro Romandia Toyos
Alerchek, Inc.
Alerchek Inc.
Alero Corporation
Alex Seafood Company, Inc.
Alex Seafood Company Inc.
Alexander Community Hospital
Alexandre Blake J.
Alfa International Seafood, Inc. & Gamma Seafood Corporation
Alfa Medical Equipment Inc.
Alfa Scientific Designs Inc.
Alfred Louie Inc.
Alfresco Pasta
Aliachem A.S.
Alick's Home Medical Equipment Inc.
AliMed Corporation
Aliotte Bakery Cafe Inc.
ALK-Abello, Inc.
ALK-Abello Inc.
All American Feed & Tractor
All American Medical Services Inc.
All American Pharmaceuticals
All Brazilian Import & Export Inc.
All Care Medical Group, Inc.
All Care USA Medical Specialties
All Florida Diagnostic Center
All Florida Oxygen Services Inc.
All Island Saimin
All Medicare Home Aids Inc.
All Medicus Co. Ltd
All Natural Pain Relief, Inc.
All Sea's Seafood of Florida, Inc.
All Womens Center for Mammography
Allavoix Smoked Seafood Company Ltd
Allcare Medical
Allegiance Corporation
Allegiance Healthcare Corp.
Alleman Seafood
Allen & Dale Van Nurden Farm
Allen, Mark S., M.D.
Allen Robertson & Company, Inc.
Allera Health Products, Inc.
Allerair Industries
Allergan, Inc.
Allergan Inc.
Allergologisk Laboratorium A/S
Allergy Laboratories Inc.
Allergy Laboratories of Ohio, Inc.
Allergy Laboratories of Ohio Inc.
Allermed Laboratories Inc.
Allez Spine, LLC
Allgaier Instrumente GmbH
Alliance Dairies
Alliance Medical Corporation
Alliance Medical, Inc.
Alliance Primary Care
Alliance Security Products, Inc.
Allied Health Association
Allied Health Care Services Inc.
Allied Healthcare Products Inc.
Allied Industriel Gases LLC
Allied Laboratories Ltd.
Allied Medical Associates
Allina Corporation
Allina Medical Clinic Administration
Allina Medical Clinic-Eagan
Allina Medical Group
Allinace Rubber Products
Allison Breast Center at Monument Radiology
Allograft Resources of Wisconsin Inc.
Allosource, Inc.
Allou Personal Care Corporation
Allscripts Healthcare Solutions
Allscripts Inc.
Ally K. Enterprise Corporation
Almacen De Dulce Corporation
Almil Nutritional Products, Inc.
Almo Erzeugnisse Erzeugnisse Erwin Busch GmbH
Aloe Man Inc.
Aloha Juice Company
Aloma Winter Park Medical Ctr.
Alpha Compressed Gases
Alpha Earth Inc.
Alpha Imaging Inc.
Alpha Industries, Inc
Alpha Omega Manufacturing, Inc.
Alpha Pro Tech
Alpha Therapeutic Corporation
Alpha Tron Inc.
Alphagen Laboratories Inc.
Alphamed Inc.
Alpine Oral Care, LLC
Alra Laboratories Inc.
Al-Refai Nuts Gallery
Alta Bates Medical Center
Alta District Hospital
Altair Corporation
Altamira Ltd.
Alternative Baking Co. Inc.
Alternative Health & Herb Remedies
Alternative Health & Herbs Remedies
Alternative Health Approaches
Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation Blood Bank
Altron Inc.
Alva Jade Enterprises, Inc.
Alva-Amco Pharmacal Co. Inc.
Alveolus, Inc.
Alves Family Dairy
Alvieira Dairy
Alvin Souza Dairy
Alwyn Company Inc.
AMA Therapeutics, Inc.
Amanda Animal Hospital
Amato, Robert J., D.O.
Amazon Coffee & Tea Co Inc
Amazonic Herbals Inc.
Ambassador Meat Distributors Inc
Ambco Electronics
Ambi Pharmaceuticals
Ambix Laboratories Inc.
Ambu Incorporation
Ambulatory Equipment Services
Ambulatory Radiology Services
Amedica Corporation
Amelia Springs Water Inc.
America cheritable Fund Inc.
America West Airlines, Inc.
Americair East Bay
Americaloe, Inc.
American Access & Mobility Inc.
American Agco Corporation
American Air Gases
American Airlines
American Airlines Inc.
American Analytical Chemistry Laboratories, Ltd.
American Association of Acupuncture and Bio-Energetic Medicine
American Bantex Corporation
American Bio Medica Corporation
American Biogenetic Sciences Inc.
American Blending and Filling
American Blood Resources Association
American Bodybuilding
American Classic Voyages Co.
American Dental Technologies, Inc.
American Dent-All Inc.
American Diagnostica, Inc.
American Eagle
American Eagle Airlines, Inc.
American Eagle Airlines Inc.
American Electronic Assembly
American Fruit & Produce Corporation
American Fruit Distributors, Inc.
American Health Foundation
American Histolabs, Inc.
American Home Health Care Company
American Home Medical
American Home Products Inc.
American Hormones, Inc.
American International Industries
American I.V. Products, Inc.
American Mammographics, Inc.
American Mammographics Inc
American Medical Devices, Inc.
American Medical Laboratories Incorporated
American Medical Specialties, Inc.
American Medical Supply Inc.
American Medical Systems
American Mobile Medical Surgical Group Inc
American Mussel Harvesters, Inc.
American Nutraceuticals Company
American Nutrition, Inc
American Optisurgical Inc
American Pharmaceutical Partners, Inc.
American Pharmaceutical Partners Inc.
American Plasma Inc.
American Radiology Services
American Radiology Services Inc. at Essex
American Red Cross Transplantation Services
American Smoked Fish Co.
American Soy Products Inc.
American Spice Company, Inc.
American Sports Nutrition
American Stevedoring Inc.
American Sunlight, Inc.
American Supplement Technologies
American Thermal Instrument Inc.
American Ultraviolet Co.
Americare Biologicals Inc.
America's Best Nutrition
America's Soup Company, Inc.
Americell-labs.com VMG Global Inc
Amerifit Brands, Inc
Ameri-Pac Inc.
Ameripec Inc.
AmeriPure Oyster Companies
Ameripure Processing Company, Inc.
Amerisource Corporation
Amerisource Health Services Corp.
AmeriTek Inc.
Ameritek Inc.
AmeriWater, Inc.
AmeriWater Inc.
Amersham Healthcare Inc.
Amersham Holdings
Amery Regional Medical Center
Ametek, Inc.
AMF Support Surfaces, Inc.
Amgen, Inc.
Amgen Inc.
Amherst Radiology
Amico Laboratories, Inc.
Amide Pharmaceutical Inc.
Amon Orchards
Amplifon S.P.A.
AMR Corp./American Airlines, Inc.
Amrep Inc.
Amrex-Zetron, Inc.
Amrita Aromatherapy, Inc
Amros the Second, Inc.
Amros the Second Inc.
Amsino Medical USA
Amsterdam, Daniel, Ph.D.
Amstutz, Harlan C., M.D.
Amting Dairy Farm
Amuchina International Inc.
Amy Foods, Inc.
Amyron Enterprises Pty Ltd.
AM2 PAT, Inc
Anabolic Inc.
Anabolic Laboratories
Anabolic Resources LLC
Anaheim Memorial Hospital
Anam Electronics Co. Ltd.
Anamax Corporation
Ancar Import Corporation
Andersen Dairy
Andersen Pharmaceuticals
Andersen Products Inc.
Anderson C. Joseph M.D.
Andre Oran Leger, Inc. Chez Francois Seafood
Andrew Jergens Co.
Andrew's & Walsh X-Ray
Andrews David W. M.D.
Andy's Peninsula Fish Market
Angel Medical Center
Angelines's Seafood Inc
Anglo American Limited
Ani Safety & Supply Inc.
Anika Therapeutics, Inc.
Animal Clinic
Animal Dermatology Laboratories
Animal Magnetism Inc
Animal Medical Center Inc.
Animal Medical Centers P. C.
Animal Repellants Inc. (ARI)
Animas Corporation
ANIP Acquisition Company
Annie Rose, Inc.
Ansell International
Ansell Perry de Mexico SA de CV
Anson County Hospital
Anspach Effort Inc.
Antelope Valley Healthcare District
Anthony Dinitto
Anthony Home Health Care Inc.
Anthony's Fish Grotto, Inc.
Anti Aging Solutions Inc.
Antique Mall Limited
Antique Mall Ltd.
Antiseptica USA
Antonio Azevedo Dairy
Antonio's Bakery Inc.
A.P. Bell Fish Company
A.P. Bell Fish Company, Inc.
AP Diagnostic Imaging, Inc.
APC Medical Ltd.
Apheresis Technologies Inc.
Aplicare Inc.
Apollo Export Warehouse, Inc.
Apotex Inc.
Apotheca Inc
Apothecary Products Inc.
Appalachina Medical Equipment Co. Inc.
Appetizers And, Inc.
Apple Medical Company
Apple Medical Corporation
Appleton Medical Center
Applied Digital Solutions, Inc.
Applied Imaging Corporation
Applied Laboratories, Inc.
Applied Medical Technology Inc.
Applied Water Engineering, Inc.
Applied X-Ray Technologies Inc.
Applied X-ray Technologies Inc.
Approved Gas Masks
Apptec Laboratory Services, Inc.
Apria Healthcare Group Inc.
Apria Healthcare Inc.
Apria Healthcare Incorporated
Aprile Farms Inc.
APS (USA) Ltd.
Aqel, Raed, M.D.
Aqua Farms Crawfish Inc.
Aqua Micron LLC
Aquaharvest Seafood, LLC
Aquamar Fisheries, Inc.
Aquarium Products
Aquavit Inc.
Aqueous Biomedical, Inc.
Aquidneck Lobster Company
Arbie Mineral Feed Company Inc.
Arcadia Pharmacy Inc.
Arcadia Valley Hospital
Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Arctic Pacific Fisheries Inc.
Areias & Meneses Diary
Areias& Meneses Dairy
Arenal Michael
Argus Analytical Inc.
Arise & Shine
Arizona Dairy Company, LLP
Arizona Institue of Medicine & Surgery
Arizona Natural Resources
ARJO, Ltd.
Arjo Med. AB Ltd.
Arkray Factory, Inc.
Arlington Hospital
Armand's Seafood
Arnold Rothlin Dairy
Aromatic Reseacrh & Technology, LLC
Aromatic Research & Technology LLC
Arrow International, Inc.
Arrow International Inc.
Arrow Seafood, Inc.
Arrowsmith, Peter N., M.D.
Arroyo Dairy
Artesia General Hospital
ArthroCare Corporation
Art's Trading Company
Arzol Chemical Company
Asahi Medical Company, Ltd.
Ascher Health Care Center
ASCO Eastern Medical Supply
Aseptico Inc.
Asfora, Wilson T. M.D.
Ashland Drug
Ashland Farms LLC
Ashland Hopital Corporation
Ashley Medical Center
Ashley Valley Medical Center
Asia Optical Co. Inc.
Asian American Trading Co., Inc.
ASK Foods, Inc
Asociation de Productores de Leche Camuy-Quebradillas
A-Solutions, Inc.
Aspen Dairy
Aspen Medical Clinic
Aspen Medical Group
Aspen Valley Hospital
Assistive Technology, Inc.
Associated Healthcare Systems Inc.
Associated Hospital Services Inc.
Associates in Diagnostic Imaging-Mobile
Associates of Cape Cod Inc.
AST Sport Science World Headquarters
AST Sports Science
Astan Inc.
Astoria Medical Group
Astra USA
AstraZeneca AB
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Astro Instrumentation LLC
At Last Gourmet Foods
A.T. Radiology
Atalanta Corporation
Atchafalaya Crawfish Processors, Inc.
Atchafalaya Crawfish Processors Inc.
Atchison Hospital
Atco Seafood Products Inc.
ATF Fitness Products, Inc.
Athens Limestone Hospital
Atlanta Oriental Food Wholesale
Atlanta Oriental Food Wholesale Co.
Atlantic Cape Fisheries, Inc.
Atlantic Cape Fisheries Inc.
Atlantic Coast Seafood Inc.
Atlantic General Hospital
Atlantic Littleneck Clam Farm
Atlantic Medical Center
Atlantic Seafood, Inc.
Atlantic Southeast Airlines
Atlantic Southeast Airlines d/b/a ASA
Atlantic Steamers Supply Company
Atlas Medical Inc.
Atlas Operations Inc.
A.T.O. Dairy
Atos Medical AB
Atrium Innovation Limited
Attica Veterinary Associates, P.C.
Aubrey Organics Inc.
Aubrey/Pilot Point Professional Products
Auburn University
Audio-Visual Specialist
Augie's Inc.
Augusta Helath Care Inc. / d.b.a. Care Home Medical
Aultman Health Foundation
Aunt Kitty's Foods, Inc.
Aunt Lizzie's Cheese Straws, Inc
Aurora Health Care Corporation
Aurora Health Care Inc.
Aurora Imaging Technology, Inc.
Aurora Medical Group
Aurora Medical Group -- Fond du Lac
Austrade Inc.
Austrialian Surgical Design and Manufacturing Pty Ltd
Automated Voice System Inc.
Automatic Liquid Packaging, Inc.
Auxi Health Inc.
Avanti Foods Corporation
Avax Technologies, Inc.
Aventis Behring, L.L.C.
Aventis Behring L.L.C.
Aventis Bio-Sciences
Aventis Bio-Services
Aventis Bio-Services, Inc.
Aventis Bio-Services Inc
Aventis Pasteur Inc.
Aventis Pasteur SA
Aventura Diagnostic Center
Avera Gregory Healthcare Center
Avicenna Laser Technology Inc
AvidCare Corporation
Aviralex Int.
Avlon Industries
AvoCo International LLC
Avole, Inc.
Avon Hill Farms Inc.
Avon Seafood
A-Vox Systems, Inc.
A.W. Curtis Pharmaceuticals Inc.
AX Save, S.A. de C.V.
Axium Healthcare Pharmacy
Axon Instruments Inc.
Ayla's Hair Skin and Fine Fragrances
Ayoula Dublin
Ayundantes Inc.
Ayurvedic Concepts Ltd.
Aztech Group Inc.
AZ-TX Medical Services Inc.
A1 Discount Vitamins
A-1 Sandwich Wholesale Co.
B & B Fisheries Inc.
B & B Pharmaceuticals Inc.
B & B Systems
B & C Calves/Livestock
B & E Seafood Co. Inc.
B & G Seafood, Inc.
B & G Seed Company
B & J Seafood L.L.C.
B & M Fish Co. LLC
B & M Fish Company, Ltd.
B. Braun Medical, Inc.
B. Braun Medical Inc
B. Braun Medical Inc.
B. Braun Medical Ltd.
B. Braun/McGaw Inc.
Bachem California, Inc
Back To Nature Inc.
Badia Spices, Inc.
Bagel King Bakery, Inc.
Bahama Star limited Inc.
Bailey's Basin Seafood, Inc.
Bailey's Basin Seafood Inc.
Baked Fresh Daily
Baker Hughes Inteq
Baker Leroy & Pat
Baker's Breakfast Cookie, Inc.
Baker's Pharmacy
Bakery Trading Company
Baldor Specialty Foods Inc.
Bales Scientific Inc.
Ballas Imaging Center
Ballert Orthopedic of Chicago
Balsiger Greiner Rohweder Dairy, LLP
Baltimore City Health Department
Baltimore City, Transportation Maintenance Division
Baltimore Fish & Oyster Inc.
Baltimore Imaging Centers
Bama Sea Products
Banco de Sangre Humacao Inc.
Banff Inc.
Banner Mountain Sprouts
Banner Pharmacaps, Inc.
Banner Pharmacaps Inc.
Baptist Health Center - Centerpoint
Baptist Health System
Baptist Imaging Center
Baptist Medical Center
Baptist Medical Plaza at Coral Gables
Baptist Memorial Hospital - Huntingdon
Baptist Regional Medical Center
Baptist St. Anthony's Hospital
Baptist Women's Pavilion Hospital
Bar Harbor Lobster Company
Bar VP Dairy
Baranof Fisheries Ltd
Barbland Farms, Inc.
Bar-B-R Farm
Barclay Seafoods & Meat Corporation
Bard Robert L. M.D.
Bardstown Mill, Inc.
Barker's Dairy
Barlean's Organic Oils LLC
Barnacle Seafod, Inc.
Barnes Health Care Services
Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital
Barney's Weir Cove Bakery
Barr Animal Foods
Barr John D. M.D.
Barranquitas Ultrasound & Mammography Center
Barreca's Inc.
Barrie House Coffee Co. Inc.
Barrow Medical Center
Bartels Inc.
Bartholomew, Bradley J., M.D.
Bartush-Schnitzius Foods Co.
Barwick Crab Company
Barwicks Ocean Fresh Crab Company
Basha Diagnostics, P.C.
Basha Diagnostics P.C.
Basic American Medical Products Inc.
Basic Organics Inc.
Basic Research, LLC
Basik Swift & Determined
Basque American Dairy
Bass & Boney, Inc.
Bass Harbor Seafood
Bass Medical Inc
Bassett Healthcare
Bateman Food Distributors
Bates Jersey Corporation
Baton Rouge Clinic AMC
Batshaw Mark L. M.D.
Battery Marketing Associates [dba] Sunn Battery Company
Baudin's Sausage Kitchen Inc
Bauer Medical Inc.
Baugher Enterprise, Inc.
Baumer Ltda.
Bausch & Lomb
Bausch & Lomb Incorporated
Bausch and Lomb Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Baxa Corporation
Baxter Health Care
Baxter Healthcare
Baxter Healthcare Corp
Baxter Healthcare Corp.
Baxter Healthcare Corp. Inc.
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Bay Area Compliance Laboratory Corporation
Bay Area MRI and Diagnostic Center
Bay Island Fish Company
Bay State Chowda Company
Bay State Medical Inc.
Bay Valley Foods, LLC
Baya Home Care Inc.
Bayard-Prete Candy Co. Inc.
Bayer Corporation
Bayer Corporation Consumer Care Division
Bayer Corporation [USA]
Bayer Health Care LLC
Bayer HealthCare - Bayer Schering Pharma AG
Bayer HealthCare LLC
Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Baylor-Richardson Medical Center
Bayou Blend, Inc.
Bayou City Fish Co, Inc.
Bayou Cook Food Corporation
Bayou Land Seafood
Bayou Land Seafood, LLC
Bayou State Wholesale Seafood, Inc.
Bayou Vista Dairy
Bayshore Community Hospital
Bayside Shellfish
Baytank Houston Inc.
Bazaar Of India
BCA Internaional Inc.
BCS Farms
B&D Medical
BDI Pharmaceuticals
Beach Smoke House
Beam of Light Technologies, Inc.
Bear Creek Country Kitchens, LLC
Bear Creek MRI and Diagnostic Center
Bear Creek Veterinary Services
Bear, Harry D., M.D., Ph.D.
Bearden Sandwich Co., Inc.
Bearson Diary
Beaufort Jasper Comprehensive Health
Beaumont Products, Inc.
Beauty and the Beach
Beauty Supply
Beaver Dam Community Hospital
Beavers Dairy Farm
Beck Farms, LP
Beck Network, Inc.
Becker Frederick K.
Becker Kenneth B. Sr.
Beckett Diagnostic Center, LLC
Becnel's Meat & Seafood Market
Becton Dickingson and Company
Becton Dickinson & Company
Becton Dickinson & Company 5/11/09
Becton Dickinson Microbiology Systems
Beef Northwest Feeders, LLC
Beefcake Nutrition
Beehive Botanicals, Inc.
Beekman Foods Inc
Before and After Cosmetic LLC
Behavioral Therapeutics, LLC.
Behring Diagnostics Inc.
Beiersdorf-Jobst Inc.
Belford Seafood Co-Op
Bella Cucina Artful Food, Inc.
Bella Vista Hospital Blood Bank
Belle River Seafood
Bellevue Mammography Satellite
Bellevue Pharmacy Solution
Belleza Integral C.A.
Bellknap Livestock Auction
Bell-More Laboratories, Inc.
Bell's Fishery, Inc.
Belmont Community Hospital
Belmont, Sandra
Belmont, Sandra, M.D.
Beloit Memorial Hospital
Belvin Seafood Corporation
Ben J. Weaver
Ben Mendonca & Family
Ben Venue Laboratories, Inc.
Benchmark Medical, Inc.
Bennett Industries, Incorporated
Bennett Medical Services
Benny's Seafood
Bentec Medical, Inc.
Benton Discount Pharmacy
Benton Seafood, Inc.
Beranbaum Khilnani Neistadt Jacobs Hertz & Sherman MDs P.C.
Berchtold GmbH
Bergen Institute of Medicine
Bergen Open MRI and Diagnostics
Bergenline X-Ray Daignostic Center Corp.
Berger Hospital
Berger Mitchel S. M.D.
Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Berkeley Ralph M.D.
Berkline, LLC
Berkshire Valley Holsteins
Berlex Laboratories, Inc.
Berlex Laboratories Inc.
Bernafon-Maico Inc.
Bernard A. te Velde Sr. Dairy #2
Berne Hi Way Hatchery, Inc.
Bernhard's Bakery, Inc.
Berwald Dairy
Bescon Co., Ltd.
Bessemer Carraway dba Alabama OB/GYN
Bessinger Pickle Company, Inc.
Best Choice Trading Corporation
Best Fish Company, LLC
Best Fish Company LLC d.b.a. Crab Fresh
Best Formulations
Best on Earth Products
Best Vascular Inc
Best Veterinary Solutions, Inc.
BestLife International, Inc.
Beta Biomedical Services, Inc.
Beta Dermaceuticals Inc.
Betco Corporation Ltd.
Bethesda Hospital
Bethurum Research and Development
Bettencourt Dairies
Better Bodies
Better Bodz
Better Than Formula, Inc.
Better Way Kids
Betterthanair, LLC
Beutler Ernest M.D.
Beverly Hills Diagnostic Breast Center
Beverly Hills Diagnostic Imaging
Beverly Hills Prostetics Orthotics, Inc.
Bezzerides Co.
B.F. Ascher & Company, Inc.
B-G Lobster & Shrimp Corporation
B-G Lobster and Shrimp Corp.
Bi-County Community Hospital
Bier Steven J. M.D. and DiBlasio Mario L. M.D.
Big Bay De Noc Fisheries, Inc
Big Island Seafood LLC
Big River Seafood, Inc.
Big Shy Farms
Big Stone Bay Fishery, Inc.
Bigmar-Bioren SA
Bilchik, Anton J., M.D., Ph.D.
Bill Forrest Seafood Co.
Bill Gray Medical Corporation
Bill Lawson Livestock
Billy's Sandwiches Inc.
Bimeda Animal Health Inc.
Bimeda MTC Animal Health Inc.
Bindley Western Industries, Inc.
Binson's Hospital Supplies Inc.
Bio Compression Systems
Bio Magnetics International LLC
Bio Pharm Inc.
BioCentric Laboratories Inc.
Biocoating srl
BioDevelopment Associates, LLC
BioEclectic Research
Bio-Engineered Supplements & Nutrition, Inc.
Bioesl Packing Company, Inc.
Bioflex Inc
BioForm Medical, Inc.
Biogen Inc.
Biogenetics Food Corporation
BioGenex Laboratories
Bio-Germ Protection, LLC
BioHarmonics Research and Consulting
BioHorizons Implant Systems, Inc.
Biokwitech Inc.
Biolase Technology, Inc.
Bio-Laser Response Corp.
Biolife Bioproducts Ltd
Bio-Life International
BioLife Plasma Services, L.P.
Biolmagene, Inc.
Biolog, Inc.
Biological and Environmental Control Laboratories, Inc.
Biological Research Solutions Inc.
Biological Technologies International Inc.
Biologics Laboratories
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.
Biomat USA, Inc.
Biomatrix Incorporated
Biomax Formulations
Biomed Devices Corporation (AKA: Medlens Innovations, Inc.)
Biomedical Implant Technology, Inc.
Biomedicare, Inc.
BioMedix Vascular Solutions, Inc.
BioMerieux, Inc.
Biomet Inc.
Biomet Limited
Biomet Merck Limited
Bionaturals International Inc.
Bioniche Pharma Group Limited
Bionike Inc.
Bio-Pharm Inc.
Biopool International Inc.
Biopsys Medical Incorporation
Biora AB
Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.
Bioray Inc.
BioReliance Corporation
Biorem s.r.l.
Bio-Research Inc.
BioSafe America Corporation
Biosafe Laboratories
Bioscan, Inc.
Bio-Science Research Institute Inc.
BioScience Technologies, Inc.
Biosera Inc.
Biosil Limited
Bioster a.s.
Biosyn Inc.
Biotech Corporation
Biotecx Laboratories, Inc.
Bioteque America, Inc.
Biotest AG
Biotherapies Inc.
Biotivia America
Biotronik, Inc.
Biotronix 2000 Inc.
Biovail Pharmaceuticals Inc.
BioWhittaker Inc.
Biowhittaker Inc.
BioZeal LLC dba ChildLife Essentials
Biozone Laboratories
Bircher Farm
Bird Life Design
Bird's Hill Pharmacy
Birmingham OB/GYN
Bishop, Clark M.D.
Bivona Medical Technologies
BJ Packers Inc.
B.L. Mitchell, Inc.
Black Henna Ink, Inc.
Black River Produce Earth Brothers Ltd.
Black Tiger Co. Inc.
Blackburn Brothers, Inc.
Blackjack Ridge Dairy
Blackstone Medical Inc.
Bladen County Hospital
Blaine's Research Laboratories
Blake Street Manufacturing, LLC
Blanchard Valley Regional Health Center
Blanchard Valley Regional Health Center Findlay
Blanchard Valley Regional Health Center-Bluffton
Blanchard's Seafood Inc.
Blanc's Enterprises Inc.
Blankers, Glen
Blessing Inc. (DBA Blessing Seafood)
Blind Industries and Services of Maryland
Blond, Scott, D.V.M
Blood Bank of the Redwoods
Blood Center of New Jersey
Blood Net USA, Inc.
Bloodline Inc.
Bloomington Hospital
Blue & White Food Products Corp.
Blue Fin International Inc.
Blue Heron Bakery, Inc.
Blue Light Inc.
Blue Pacific Seafood, Inc. (DBA Shrimp Works, aka Water Works)
Blue Ribbon Meats Inc
Blue Ridge Farms Inc.
Blue Ridge Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Blue Sea Import Corporation
Blue Star Fish Company
Blue Star Shrimp Company (dba Blue Star Seafood Inc.)
Blue Stuff, Inc.
Blue Water Shrimp Company Inc.
Bluff City Medical Technologies Inc.
B.N.S Uni, Inc.
Bo Wah Enterprises, Inc.
Boardwalk Inc.
Bob & Rodney Nierman Farm
Bobarosa's Gourmet Inc
Bobbery Enterprises Inc.
Bobby Chez, Inc.
Bobby Collins Seafood
Bob's Seafood Inc.
BOC Group Inc.
BOCA Grande Fishery
Boca Pharmacal Inc.
Boca Radiology Associates
Bodee LLC
Bodin Foods, Inc.
Bodin's, Inc.
Body Best Inc.
Body Fitness Products Inc.
Body Systems Technology Inc.
Body Vibes
Bodysaver, LLC
Boehringer Ingelheim Corporation
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Boehringer Ingelheim Roxane Inc.
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc.
Boehringer Mannheim Corp.
Boersma #2 Dairy
Bogojavlensky Sergei M.D.
Bold Coast Smokehouse
Boles Livestock
Bolivar General Hospital
Bollinger Quick Repair, Inc.
Bollinger Shipyard Inc.
Bolsa Medical Group
Boman, William
Bombay Dairy
Bombay Duck Company Ltd
Bombay Elevator, Inc.
Bon Secours Health System Incorporated
Bon Secours/Cottage Health Services Diagnostic Center
Bonamar Corporation
Bonita Community Health Center
Bonita's Pizza, Inc.
Boor Crest Farm
Borawski, Lawrence A.
Borda Dairy Farms
Borden Foods Corporation
Borenstein Caterers, Inc.
Borgess at Woodbridge Hills
Borgess- Pipp Health Center
Borinquen Biscuit Co.
Borkholder Farms
Bornstein Seafoods, Inc.
Borschow Hospital & Medical Supplies, Inc.
Boschma Dairy
Boscobel Area Health Care
Bosman Dairy
Boss Innovation & Marketing, Inc.
Boston Electtrodomestici S.r.l.
Boston Home Infusion Inc.
Boston Lobster Company Inc.
Boston Medical Center
Boston Salads & Provisions Co., Inc.
Boston Scientific Cardiovascular
Boston Scientific Corporation
Boston SeaFarms, Inc.
Boston Seafood Wholesale LLC
Bostonian Fishery Inc.
Bothwell Regional Health Center
Bottasso Dairy
Boulder Natural Labs, LLC
Bounty Seafood
Bourbon County Hospital
Bourget Health Services, Inc
Bowerman, Freddie J. & Letitia
Bowers, James H. Jr., M.D.
Bowie Memorial Hospital
Box Canyon Dairy
Boyd Industries Inc.
Boyd-Bluford Inc.
Bozenkill Dairy Farm
Brabant Farm
Bradford, Michael, MD
Bradley Healthcare Center Inc.
Bradley Pacific Aviation, Inc.
Bradley Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Brady's Angus Farm
Brandon Regional Hospital
Branitz, Bruce, MD
Brann Farms
Brar, Saroj M.D.
Brave Coast, Inc.
Brazos River Harbor Navigation District
Breakwater Seafoods
Breast Cancer Detection Center of Alaska
Breast Cancer Detection Center #3
Breast Care Center Sedro-Woolley
Breast Center
Breast Center of Northern Solano
Breast Center of Texoma
Breast Clinic Wichita Kansas
Breast Diagnostic Center
Breast Imaging at Mercy Medical Center
Breath of Life
Breathe Easy Medical Equipment
Breathe More Easily Online
Breathing Easy Inc
Breckenridge Pharmaceutical Inc.
Brede, Inc.
Breger Vision
Brenham Clinic
Brent Rus Farm
Brewer David H.
Brewer, George J. M.D.
Bridgeport & Port Jefferson Steamboat Co.
Bridges, R. McIntyre, M.D.
Bridgewater Goddard Park Medical Associates Inc.
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Brigham City Community Hospital
Brigham Radiology Group
Bristol Myers Barceloneta Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Bristol-Myers Squibb Manufacturing Company
Bristol-Myers Squibb PRI
Brit Mart
British Airways
British Express
Broad Run Cheese House
BroadVision Nutrition
Brocato's Food
Brodstone Memorial Nuckolls County Hospital
Bromenn Healthcare
Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center
Brookddale Hospital Medical Center
Brookhurst Mill
Brooklyn Medical Group P.C.
Brooks Lawrence C. DVM
Brosan Inc. dba Simex Internation
Brotherhood Farms
Brown Bag Lunch Co., Inc.
Brown Bag Sandwiches, Inc.
Brown, Candace S., Pharm.D, FNP
Brown Cattle Company
Brown, John M.D.
Brown Laboratory
Browne Kevin
Browne Trading Company
Brown's Livestock
Brownwood Acres Foods, Inc.
Bruce Branitz, M.D.
Brumbaugh Farms
Brumfield Enterprises Inc.
Brun Laboratories Inc.
Brunner Healthcare Inc.
Brunner Professional Services
Bruno's of Duluth, Inc.
Bryan Enterprises
Bryan Medical Group Inc.
Bryce Clinical Laboratories Inc.
Brymill Corporation
BSD Medical Corporation
BTI Filtration
Bubba's Crab Factory Inc.
Buchman Alan L. M.D.
Buckeye Egg Farm L.P.
Buckeye Feed Mills, Inc.
Buckhead Beef
Buckley Brothers Inc.
Buena Suerte Veterinary Services LLC
Buena Vista Diary
Buffalo Equine & Large Animal Clinic, LLP
Buffalo Welding Supply Co. Inc.
Bui Family Crab Company
Bui Family Seafood Company
Bukowski, Ronald M, MD
Bulloch Memorial Hospital
Bunge Corporation
Bunker Hill Cheese Company Inc.
Bunnel, Inc
Buns Master Bakery, Inc.
Burke/Neutech Medical Systems Inc.
Burlington Imaging & Breast Center PA
Burma, Gerald M., M.D.
Burnham Laboratories, Inc.
Business Express Airlines
Busker Diary
Buss, Merle R.
Butte Produce Company
BWild Inc.
By-Acres Farm
Byerly Hospital
Byma, Benjamin
Byrne Medical, inc.
Byron Medical
B-Zhars Salon
C & C Holsteins
C & E GP Specialists
C & G Marketing and Manufacturing
C & J Seafood and Crab Co. Inc.
C & J Seafood and Crab Company Inc.
C & J Seafood Inc.
C & K Manufacturing & Sales Co., LLC
C & M Hilt Dairy
C & M Oxyfill, LLC
C & R Vanderham Dairy
C Bar D Cattle Company
C Change Surgical, LLC
C. G. Van Vliet Dairy
C. Kenneth Imports Co Inc
C.A. Griffith & Co.
Cabados, Rick
Cabot Industries LLC
Cabral Antonio M.
Cacade Medical Center
Cache Commodities, Inc.
Cadell Dry Dock & Ship Repair Inc.
Cadio Design Pty. Ltd.
Cafeteria Adelita
Caguas Bakery
Caito Fisheries, Inc.
Cajun Gold Catfish Processors, Inc.
Cal Chris Holsteins
Calabash Imaging Center
Calamari Fisheries Inc.
Calco Bean Sprouts Inc.
Calco of Seattle Inc.
Calco Sprouts, Inc.
Caldwell, Stephen H., M.D.
Caleb Haley Co., Inc.
Caleb Laboratories Inc.
Caledonian Springs, Inc.
Calftech Corporation
Calhoun County Navigation District
Calhoun Liberty Hospital
Calhoun Treatment Center Inc.
California Breastcare Centers - Mobile
California Co-Packers LLC
California Day-Fresh Foods Inc.
California Natural Products
California Shellfish Company, Inc.
California Sun Care Inc.
Callahan Dairy
Cal-Maine Foods, Inc.
Cal-Test Diagnostics Inc.
Calvin Scott & Company Inc.
Calypte Biomedical Corporation
Cambrex Profarmaco Milano Srl
Cambridge Biotech Corporation
Cambridge House
Cambridge Medical Center
Cambridge Public Health Alliance-Somerville Hospital
Cameron Community Hospital
Cameron Regional Medical Center
Cameron-Miller, Inc.
Camino Medical Group
Camnitz Leonard D.O.
Campbell County Memorial Hospital
Campbell Soup Supply Co. LLC
Campus Coach Inc.
Camtrade Enterprises, Inc.
Camtronics LTD., Medical Systems
Can Tho Animal Fishery Products
Canada Food Outlet, Inc.
Canadian American Transportation Systems
Canadian Discount Drugs
Canadian Valley Pharmacy Inc.
Canal Radiology Associates, P.C.
Canam Medsource Ltd
CanaRx Services, Inc.
Canby Community Health Srvices
Cancer Detection Center
Cancer Therapeutics, Inc.
Candela Corporation
Cangene Corporation
Canix Sterilizer
Cannon Fish Company
Canton Veterinary Clinic
Can-x Products
Can-X Products, Inc.
Canyon Crest Dairy
Cape Atlantic Medical Inc.
Cape Cod Radiology Associates Inc.
Cape Drugs
Cape May Foods Inc
Cape Medical Supply, Inc.
Cape Qaulity Bluefin Inc.
Capellon Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Capital Candy Co., Inc.
Capital Fleet, Inc.
Capital Foods, Inc.
Capital Medical Center
Capitan's Select Seafood, Inc.
Capitol Cake Co.
Capitol Imaging Group
Capt. Vince Inc.
Captain Bob's Seafood
Captain Henry Seafood Inc.
Captain Jackie's Seafood, Inc.
Caputo, Leonard J., M.D.
Capweld Inc.
Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Ltd
Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories Ltd.
Carbon County Cattle Co.
Cardiac Assist, Inc
Cardiac Science Corporation
Cardiac Science, Inc.
Cardinal Enterprises, Inc.
Cardinal Health, Inc.
Cardinal Health 414 LLC
Cardinal Laboratories
Cardinal Medical Specialties Inc
Cardio Display Corporation
Cardio Vascular Dynamics Inc.
CardioCommand, Inc.
Cardiomedics Inc.
CardioTech International
Cardoza Joe V. III
Cardoza Mark A.
Care Products Inc
Care Rehab and Orthopaedic Products, Inc.
Care Tech Industries, Inc.
CareFore Medical Incorporated
Carematrix, Inc.
Caremore Medical Management
Carenet Medical Group
Cares Built, Inc.
Cargill Flavor Systems Puerto Rico Inc.
Cargill, Inc.
Carib Import & Export, Inc.
Carib Supply of St. Croix, Inc.
Cariba International
Caribbean Cold Storage, Inc
Caribbean Imaging & Radiation Treatment Center
Caribbean Ventures Inc.
Caribe Food Corporation
Carilion Health Systems
Carl & Don Frazier, Inc.
Carl L. Diller Dairy Farm
Carl Simon Farm
Carl Zeiss Inc.
Carl Zeiss Jena Gmbh
Carlinville Area Hospital
Carlos C. Lourenco Dairy
Carlos Lourenco Dairy
Carlos Seafood Incorporated
Carl's Commercial Gases
Carl's Medical Home Care Inc.
Carl's Seafood
Carl's Seafood, Inc.
Carlsbad Technology, Inc
Carlson, Steven L., D.V.M.
Carmel's Seafood
Carmo Dairy
Carnegie Science Center
Carneys Drug
Caro Nicholas C. M.D.
Caroca Pharmaceutical Laboratories Ltd.
Carolina Georgia Blood Center
Carolina Imaging Center
Carolina Liquid Chemisties Corporation
Carolina Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center
Carolina Seafood Ventures, LLC
Carolinas Anson Healthcare Inc.
Carolinas Hospital System - Kingstree
Carpal Kinetics, LLC
Carper Frank
Carribean Conch, Inc.
Carrington Laboratories, Inc
Carrington Laboratories Inc.
Carroll, Tommy D.
Carrollton Farmers Exchange
Carters Milk Factory
Carter-Wallace Inc.
Carthage General Hospital
Carvalho Antonio D.
CASA Lab, Inc.
CASA Lab, Inc-Walking Bird International, Inc.
Cascade Dairy
Cascadia Manufacturing, Inc.
Case Vlot Cattle
Case Western Reserve University
Caserio Gourmet, Inc.
Casio Products
Casix in USA
Cass Clay Creamery Inc.
Cassandra LLC
Cassidy Inc.
Cassidy's Seafood Inc.
Castleton Family Physicians
Catahoula Crawfish Inc.
Catalent Pharma Solutions
Catalina Fish Company
Catalysis Corporation
Catalytica Inc.
Catawba Radiological Associates, Inc.
Catch Incorporated
Catfish Wholesale Inc.
Cathay Foods, Inc.
Catholic Health Partners
Catso Corp.
Cattlemyth Veterinary Service, LLC
Caviar Royale, Inc.
Cayenne Company, Onc.
C.B. Fresh Potato Products
CBC Research, Inc.
CBCDC-Johnston Memorial Hospital
C&C Home Care Inc.
CCL Custom Manufaturing Inc.
CC's Catering
CCS Medical
C.E. Foods, Inc.
Cedar Arch Dairy
Cedar Arch-North
Cedar County Memorial Hospital
Cedar's Mediterranean Foods Inc.
Celgene Corporation
Cell Marque Corporation
Cell Point, LLC
Cell Quest, Inc.
Celletech Ltd.
Celltech Manufacturing Inc.
Cellular Wellness Foundation
Cellulte Reduction of New York
Celsion Corporation
Celsus Laboratories, Inc.
Cemac Foods Corporation
Centeon Pharma GmbH
Center for Comprehensive Medicine
Center for Corrective Eye Surgery
Center for Fertility and Gynecology
Center for Health and Human Services Inc.
Center for Spinal Disorders
Center Laboratories Inc.
Center One Radiology Associates Ltd.
Center Oriental Food
Centerburg Mill and General Store Inc
Centerburg Mill and General Store Inc.
Centinela Medical Center of Fox Hills
Centocor Inc.
CentraCare Clinic
Central Admixture Pharmacy Sevices Inc.
Central American Produce
Central Boeki California, Ltd
Central Boeki USA Ltd
Central Brooklyn Medical Group, P.C.
Central Connecticut COOP Farmer's Association
Central Connecticut Cooperative Farmers Association
Central Diagnostic Imaging
Central Diagnostic Imaging Network
Central Florida Calf Farms, Inc.
Central Florida Eye Institute
Central Grocers Co-op Inc.
Central Imaging of Arlington
Central Indiana Regional Blood Center
Central Jersey Blood Center
Central Medical Clinic
Central Minnesota Diagnostic Inc.
Central Minnesota Diagnostic Inc. -Mobile
Central Missouri Agri-Service LLC
Central Ohio Farmers Cooperative Inc.
Central Peninsula General Hospital - Kenai Clinic
Central Seafood Company Inc
Central Texas Regional Blood & Tissue Center
Central Triad Imaging Center
Central Valley Large Animal
Central Washington Hospital
Centre Manufacturing Inc.
Centrix Pharmaceutical Inc.
Centura Health Avista Hospital
Centura Health-Summit Medical Center
Century City Hospital
Century Foods International Inc.
CEPH International Corporation
Cephalon, Inc.
CeraMed Dental L.L.C.
CeramOptec Inc.
Ceres Terminals Inc.
Cerner Corporation
Cerro La Marquesa Inc.
Certified Grocers Midwest Inc.
Certified Natural Laboratories, Inc.
Certified Processing Corp.
Cetified Safety Manufacturing Inc.
Cezayirli, R. Cem, M.D.
CFG S.A. Microelectronic
CFH Laboratories LP
CGI International LLC
C&H Chemical Inc.
C&H Classic Smoked Fish
Chaganti, Surendra, M.D.
Chain Reactions Inc.
Chalgren Enterprises, Inc.
Cha-Liz Farm LLC
Chalmette Medical Centers
Chambermaid Products, Inc.
Chambers, Edward M.D.
Champaign Landmark Inc.
Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital Medical Center
Champlin Medical Center
Chan Ta Seafood
Chancey-Folsom Inc.
Chancy Oxygen Service Inc.
Chang Tuh Foods
Changzhou SPL Company, Ltd ( a/k/a "Kaipu")
Chapman Ranch
Chappel, Christopher, MD
Charles A. Cannon, Jr. Memorial Hospital
Charles L. Earsing Dairy Farm
Charles Polo & Co.
Charles River Endosafe Inc.
Charlie Seafood, Inc.
Charlton Methodist Hopital
Chase Medical, Inc.
Chaslee Dairy
Chattanooga Diagnostic Imaging
Chattanooga Group Inc.
Chattem, Inc.
Chattem Inc.
Chau Sprouting Company
Chavez Greman M.D. and Bermudez Gamalier M.D.
Cheatham, John P., M.D.
Chediak, Juan, M.D.
Chef's Creations Inc.
Chelationcare Centers USA LLC
Chelsea Catering
Chembio Diagnostic Systems Inc.
Chembio Diagnostics Systems Inc.
Cheminova America Corporation
Cheminova American Corporation
Chemline Products Inc.
Chemrich Holdings Inc.
Chemrite Industries Inc.
ChemSource Corporation
Chem-Tech Ltd.
Chenango Memorial Hospital
Cherokee Baptist Medical Center
Cherokee Indian Hospital
Cherokee Naturals, Inc
Cherry Lands Best
Cherry Point Seafood Company, Inc.
Cherry Republic
Cherry Rx
Chesapeake General Hospital
Cheshire Pharmaceutical Systems
Chester Labs Inc.
Chesterfield Dairy
Chestertown Animal Hospital
Chestnut Directs
Chestnut Ridge Family Health Center
Chet's Custom Foods Inc.
Cheyenne Community Drug Abuse Treatment Council
Cheyenne Dairy No. 2
Chez Bon Incorporated
Chez Francois Seafood
Chi Global Foods System, Inc.
Chi Machine International
Chi Thanh Trading Co.
Chianti Cheese Co.
Chicago Beef Company
Chicken of the Sea International
Chickering, Arthur H III
Chien Ti Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Childersburg Medical - Surgical Center
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite
Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters
Chilean Fish Corporation
Chilemex Inc.
China Farm Inc.
China farm Incorporated
China Farms
China Noodle Factory
Chinese Bean Sprout Company
Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility
Chinook Medical Gear, Inc.
Chios Bakery, Inc.
ChiRhoClin, Inc.
Chiron Corporation
Chisholm Thelma L. M.D.
Chiu Technical Corp.
Chiu-Chou Lee CHB
Chiyoda Sushi New York Inc
Chloe Foods Corp
Chocolate Cottage, Inc.
Choi Stephen
Chongqing Bashan Instrument Factory
Chosen Valley Veterinary Clinic
Choutchourrou Dairy
Chowchilla District Memorial Hospital
Choyang Medical Co., Ltd
Chozyn, LLC
Chris & Tracey Elbe Dairy Farm
Chris DeJong Dairy
Chris' Seafood
Christ Hospital
Christian Brothers
Christian Hospital- Northeast Division
Christopher & Tracy Elbe Dairy
Christopher's Catering Art Corp. dba Catering Art
Christus Coushatta Health Care Center
Christus St. Patrick Hoospital
Christus St. Patrick Hospital IRB
Chronimed Inc.
CHS, Incorporated
CHS International Research Ltd.
CHS Nutrition
C.H.S. Radiology of Marion
Chu Minh Tofu, Inc.
Chukar Cherry Company
Chun Cheng USA Inc.
Chunco Foods Inc.
Chung Farming
Chung Wah Co.
Chung's Products, LP
Chunias, Nick & Margaret
Churchill Veterinary Supply Company, Inc.
Chuter, Timothy A.M., M.D.
CIBA Vision Corporation
Ciba-Geigy Corporation
CIDEC Corporation
Cincinnati Sub-Zero Products
Ciocca Dairy
Circle of Health, Inc, www.ayurveda-herbs.com
Circle T Dairy
Circon ACMI
Circular Enterprises, LLC
Cirrus Air Technologies LLC
Cirugia Peruana S.A.C.
Citarella Fish Company
Citi Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Citra Mina Seafood Corporation
City of Florence Parks & Recreation
City Smoked Fish Co.
City Smoked Fish Company
City Wide Solutions, Inc.
Civic Center Pharmacy
Clarity, Inc.
Clark Research and Development, Inc.
Clarkdale Fruit Farms Inc.
Clarks Cove Fish Co.
Clark's Marina & Seafood
Clarus Medical Systems Inc.
Clasen Quality Coatings, Inc.
Classic Care Products Inc.
Classic Catering & Commissary Corp.
Classic Charter, Inc.
Classic Delight Inc.
Classic Medical, Inc.
Clay-Park Laboratories Inc.
Clayton Fulcher Seafood Company
Clayton Veterinary Consultants Ltd.
Clean Aircraft
Clean Pack and Quality Dental Products
Clearly Canadian Beverage Corporation
Clearview Dairy, LLC
Clearwater Colon Hydrotherapy
Clem's Seafood & Specialities, Inc.
Cleveland Clinic Health System - Chagrin Valley
Cleveland Community Hospital
Cleveland Medical Devices, Inc.
Cleveland Tubing Inc
Clifton Springs Hospital and Clinic
Clifton-Fine Hospital
ClinCon Research Incorporated
Clinic for Women of Central Mississippi P.A.
Clinica Medica General - East L.A.
Clinica Medica General - Huntington Park
Clinica Medica San Miguel
Clinical Diagnostic Solutions
Clinical Diagnostices Inc.
Clinical Laser Systems, Inc.
Clinical Pharmacies, Inc.
Clinical Pharmacology Associates
Clinical Science Laboratories Inc.
CliniComp International Inc.
Clinipad Corporation
Clonmel Healthcare Ltd.
Cloquet Community Memorial Hospital
Closure Medical Corporation
Club Fitness
Clyde Brunner Farm
Cnossen Dairy
Coast Institutional Review Board
Coastal Seafood
Coastal State Catering Inc.
COATS Aloe International Inc.
Coberg, Inc.
Coca-Cola Company (The)
Cochlear Americas
Cochlear Bone Anchored Solutions AB
Cocoon Nutrition
Coco's Seafood & Fish Company
Codan Medical APS
Code Flier Technology Co. Ltd.
Codonics, Inc.
Codorniz Dairy
Cody, Kendall S.
Cody Laboratories, Inc
Cody Laboratories, Inc.
Coelho Dairy
CoffeeConnexion Company
Coffey County Hospital
Cohen, Daniel, M.D.
Cohen, Richard M.D.
Cohn Cal K. M.D.
Cold Springs Fish & Supply Co.
Coldwater Fish Farms
Colema Boards of California
Colgate Palmolive Company
Colgate-Pamolive Company
coLigne AG
College Pharmacy
Collier County Produce Inc.
Collins Brothers Chowder Co.
Collins Fish & Seafood Inc.
Collins, Tyrone J., M.D.
Colloidal Products Inc.
Colloids for Life, LLC
Coloma Frozen Foods
Colon Hygiene Services
Colon Therapeutics
Coloplast Corporation
Color Change Corporation
Colorado Plains Medical Center
Colt, Inc.
Columbia Basin Hospital
Columbia Brunswick Hospital
Columbia Four Rivers Medical Center
Columbia Hospital
Columbia Lake Cumberland
Columbia Lea Regional Medical Center
Columbia Mammography Center
Columbia Medical Center West
Columbia Palmyra Medical Center
Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
Columbia Regional Hospital
Columbia Regional Medical Center L..L.C.
Columbia/San Jose Breast Care Center
Columbia-St. Mary Hospital
Columbus Chemical Industries Inc.
Columbus Fish and Seafood, LLC
Columbus Medical Equipment
Columbus Prescription Pharmacy
Colusa Regional Medical Center
ComCore 21 Corporation
Comercial San Carlos
Comercializadors Albino S.A. de C.V.
Comet Crawfish Technology, Inc.
Command Medical Products
Command Medical Products Inc.
Community Blood Bank of Erie
Community Blood Bank of the Lancaster County Medical Society
Community Blood Center of Greater Kansas City
Community Blood Council of New Jersey Inc.
Community General Hospital
Community Hospital & Rehabilitation Center of Los Gatos
Community Hospital - South
Community Medical Equipment Corp.
Community Memorial Hospital
Community Radiology Associates
Community Radiology Inc.
Community Radiology of Haddonfield P.A.
Community Radiology of Virginia Inc.
Community Radiology, P.A.
Community Surgical Supply
Compex S.A.
Complete Care, Inc.
Complete Home Care Equipment Inc.
Compound Inc.
Comprehensive Breast Care Center
Comprehensive Medical Imaging - Bakersfield
Computerized Radiation Scanners, Inc.
ComputeRx/Broncho-Dose, Ltd.
Computron Display Systems, Inc.
Comtrad Industries Incorporated
ConAgra Corporation
ConAgra Frozen Foods, Inc.
ConAgra Inc.
Concalves Manuel
Concept Chemicals Inc.
Concept Health LLC (Gentell Inc.)
Concept Laboratories, Inc.
Concho Dairy Consulting
Con-Cise Lens Company
Concord Laboratories, Inc
Congressional Seafood Co.
Conklin Company, Inc.
Conklin Enterprises, Inc.
Con-Med Corporation
ConMed Corporation
Connaught Laboratories Inc.
Connaught Laboratories Limited
ConnexMD, Inc.
Consolidated Chemical, Inc.
Consolidated Farms Inc.
Consolidated Machine Corporation
Consolidated Nutrition L.C.
Constantine, Neil T Ph.D
Constantine, Niel T., Ph.D.
Consulting Radiologists Ltd.
Consumer Care Products Inc.
Consumer Product Testing Company
Contact Manufacturing Inc.
Conte Inc.
Conte Luna Foods
Conte's Pasta Co.
Conti, Ralph M., M.D.
Continental Airlines
Continental Caviar
Continental Grain Company
Continental Laboratories Inc.
Continental Manufacturing Chemists Inc.
Continental Micronesia - c/o Continental Airlines Inc.
Continental Transcargo
Contour Fabricators of florida Inc.
Contract Manufacturing Inc.
Contract Medical Manufacturing
Control Solutions Inc.
Control System Internation Inc.
Control-X Medical Inc.
Convacare Inc.
Convacare Services Inc.
Cook County North shore Hospital
Cook's Seafood Company
Cooksey James R.
Cookworks Inc.
Cooley Dickinson Hospital, BB
Coolidge Dairy Farm
Cooper County Memorial Hospital
Cooper Foster Family Practice
Cooper Green Hospital
Cooper Health System
CoPharma Inc.
Copley Feed & Supply
Coppell Diagnostic Imaging Center
Coral Blood Services
Coral Blood Services, Inc.
Coral Calcium Factor
Coram Healthcare
Corces, Arturo, M.D.
Cordis Corporation
Core Products Int'L Inc
Corepharma LLC
Corin USA
Cornell University - College of Veterinary Medicine
Cornerstone Dairy
Cornerstone Medical Inc.
Cornerstone Therapeutics, Inc.
Corondelet St. Mary's Hospital
Corporacion Los Hermanos, Inc. (DBA Panaderia America)
Corporate Aircraft Inc.
Cortland Health Center
Cortland Memorial Hospital
Cosmetic Concepts Inc.
Cosmetic Corporation of America
Cosmetic Specialty Labs Inc.
Cossack Caviar Inc.
Costa View Farms
Costarella Seafoods Inc.
Cote, Charles J., MD
Cotliar Ronald W. M.D.
Cottage Hospital
Cottonwood Cattle Company
Cottonwood Springs Dairy
Coulee Region Organic Produce Pool
Coulston Foundation
Coulter Corporation
Coulter Imaging LLC
Country Fresh Products Inc.
Country Home Bakery & Deli Inc.
Country Maid, Inc.
Country Morning Farms
Country Ovens, Ltd.
Country Side Dairy
Countryline Co-Op Inc.
County Distributors Inc.
Countyline Dairy
Countyline Dairy #2
Couto John G.
Coutts, Richard M.D.
Cowell's Animal Health & Livestock Supply
Cox Hugh
Cox Seafood Tarpon Springs Inc.
Coyote Found Candles
CPC - Brown Clinic
C.R. Bard, Inc.
CR Brown Enterprises, Inc.
C.R. Canfield Co., Inc.
Crab Connection of Chauvin Inc.
Crabs, LLC
Cracker Seafood Inc.
Cracovia Company LLC
Craftmatic Organization, Inc.
Craig & Hamilton Meat Co.
Craig General Hospital
Craig Hessenius Farm
Craigador Corporation
Crawfish Enterprises Inc.
C.R.D. Group, Inc.
Creating Health Institute
Creative Clinical Concepts, Inc.
Creative Host Services Inc.
Creative Medical Corporation
Creative Medical Designs Inc.
Creighton Family Healthcare-South
Creinin, Mitchell D., M.D.
Crescent Towing Co.
CrestLab Inc.
Crestview Calf Ranch
Criado, Frank J. M.D.
Cristofanilli, Massimo M.D.
Critical Disposables Inc.
Critical Therapeutics, Inc.
Crittenton Hospital Medical Center
Crocker Industrial Resources Sdn. Bhd.
Croda Inc.
Croley, Thomas L., M.D.
Croma Vision Medical Systems Incorporated
Crown Laboratories, Inc.
Crown Mountain Natural Water, Inc.
CRS Medical Diagnostics, Inc.
Crumbaker Pork LLC
Crumland Farm
CryoGen Inc.
Cryogenic Medical Gases
CryoLife Inc.
Cryolife, Inc.
Crystal Care International Inc
Crystal Care International Incorporated
Crystal Laboratory, Inc.
Crystal Medical Technology
Crystal Mountain Inc.
Crystal Reflections International, Inc.
Crystal, Ronald G., M.D.
CSX Transportation
CSX Transportation Incorporated
CT Concerns, Inc. dba Ocean Harvest
CT Imaging Inc.
Cuba Tropical Inc.
Cucina Fresca Inc.
Cuisine Solutions, Inc.
Culinary Innovations LLC
Culinary Masters Corporation
Culpepper Plastic Corporation
Culture Technology Inc.
Cumberland Diagnostic & Treatment Center
Cumberland Pasta Company Inc.
Cumberland Swan, Inc.
Cummins Howard S. Ph.D.
CuraScript SD
Curative Health Services Inc.
Curran Beansprout Co. Inc.
Curry General Hospital
Curtell's Specialty Breads, Inc.
Curtin Dairy LP
Curt's Kitchen Creations
Cush Industries Inc
Cushing Memorial Hospital
Custom Assemblies, Inc.
Custom Care Pharmacy
Custom Compounding Centers
Custom Cuts Company
Custom Feed Services Corporation
Custom Industrial Analysis Laboratories, Inc.
Custom Label Advance Nutrition
Custom Manufacturing Corporation
Custom Pack, Inc.
Custom Pack Inc.
Custom Plastics Inc.
Custom Seafood Services, Inc.
Custom Ultrasonics, Inc.
Customs Scripts Pharmacy
Cut Heal Animal Care Products, Inc.
Cut Right Seafood, Inc.
Cyberonics, Inc.
Cyberonics Inc.
Cyclotron Center of NE Florida
Cypress Bioscience Inc.
Cypress Pharmaceutical Inc.
Cytodyne LLC
Cytogen Corporation
Cytosol Laboratories, Inc.
Cytosol Laboratories Inc.
D & C Fish Inc.
D & D Catering Inc.
D & D Hawkins
D & E Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
D & T Foods Co. Inc.
D and M Dairy
D M L Venture Enterprises
Da Rosa and Son Dairy
Daavlin Distribution Company
Dabruzzi's Italian Foods, Inc.
Dabur Oncology PLC
Dade Behring AG
Dade Behring Inc.
Dade Behring Incorporated
Dade South Fruits & Vegetables
Dae Han Tofu Company
Daebok Restaurant
Daesun Industries Co. Ltd.
Daiei Trading
Daiei Trading Co., Inc
Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.
Dailey William H. Esq.
Dairy Production Services
Dairy Veterinary Services
Dairy Veterinary Services, P.A.
Dairyland Farm, LLC
Dairyland Milk Company
Dairymen's Division Land O'Lakes Dairy Foods
Dakota Clinic Ltd.
Dakotah International, Inc.
Dale Dental, Inc.
Daley Farms, LLP
Dalian Zhonglin Marine Food Co. Ltd.
Dallas County Hospital District
Dallas Southwest Medical Center
Dallmann Farms, Inc.
D'Ambrosia, Robert D. M.D.
D'Amico & Patners, Inc.
Dan Dee Dairy, LLC
Dan VanGrouw Dairy
DANA Diabecare USA LLC
Danatech Medical Systems Inc.
DanChem Technologies, Inc.
Dandy Day Corporation
Danhill Dairy
Daniel Chapter One Inc
Daniel Freeman Marina Hospital
Daniel Freeman Outpatient Imaging
Danlee Medical Products, Inc.
Danmar Product, Inc.
Danmar Product Inc.
Danos & Curole Marine Contractors Inc.
Danplex A/S
Dant Corporation
Danville Elks Blood Bank Inc.
Danville Regional Medical Center
Dark Hollow Foods
Darling International, Inc.
Darrell Kong Bean Sprout and Noodle Manufacturing
Dartmouth Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Das Gupta Tapas M.D. Ph.D
Dash Medical Gloves SDN BHD
DaSilva Joe
Datascope Corporation
Datrend Systems Inc.
Datz Frederick M.D.
Dauphin Island Parkway Seafood Inc.
Dave handrigan Seafoods
David C. Hoffman, D.D.S.
David Solomon Co. Inc.
David TeVelde Dairy
David Vander Schaaf Dairy
Davie County Hospital
Davis Dairy Farm
Davis Hospital & Medical Center (Outpatient Services)
Davis Hospital and Medical Center
Davis Kenneth M.D.
Davis, Robert
Davis Schottlander and Davis, Ltd
Davis, Thomas P, M.D.
DavisMade, Inc.
Davol, Inc.
Dayton Merril M.D.
Dayton Water Systems
DBA Get Huge
DBA Zacharias Holsteins
D.B.I. America Corp
D.C. Leal & Sons Dairy
DC Oriental Wholesaler
DCI Biologicals Inc.
De Boer Dairy
De Boer Willem F.
De Bruin Farm
De Groot Dairy, L.L.C.
De Kleiman Olga Z. DRA.
De La Pedraja Radiology Associates P.A.
De Vries Dairy
Dean & DeLuca
Dean Health System Inc.
Dean, Judy C., M.D.
DeBos Dairy
Decatur Utilities - Water System
DeCoster Feeds
Dee Creek Farm
Deep Blue Seafood
Defelice Marina and Seafood
Defiance Clinic Inc.
Defiance Hospital Inc.
Defibtech, LLC
Degraff Memorial Hospital
Degrave, Dale and Peggy
DeJager Dariy South
DeJong Dairy
Dekalb Farmers Market
Del Mar Seafood Inc
Del Monte Foods, Inc.
Del Monte Fresh Produce Inc.
Del Oro Dairy
Del Rey Enterprises Inc.
DeLand & Noell Corp
Deland & Noell Corp.
Delaware River and Bay Authority
Deli Inc.
Deli To Go, Inc.
Delicias de Espana, Inc.
Delicious Food Products Co.
Delicious Foods Co.
Del-Immune V
Delongar Foods Inc.
DeLonghi S.p.A.
DeLonghi S.p.A
Delray Medical Center
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Delta Air Lines Inc.
Delta Airlines
Delta Airlines, Inc
Delta Airlines Inc.
Delta Catfish Prodcuts Inc.
Delta Catfish Products Inc.
Delta Connection ComAir
Delta County Memorial Hospital
Delta Dailyfood Texas Inc.
Delta Imports, Inc.
Delta Medical Center
Delta Pharma, Inc.
Delta Regional Medical Center
Delta Synthetic Co., Ltd
Deltex Pharmaceuticals Inc
DeLuca James M.D.
Demetriades Demetrios M.D. Ph.D.
Deneen & Company
Dennis Paper and Food Service
Dennis Welding Supply, Inc.
Dental Glenn
Dental Manufacturing S.P.A.
Dental Resources, Inc.
Dentek-Lasersystems Produktions Ges.m.b.H.
Dentomed Incorporated
Denton Hospital Inc.
Dentronix Inc.
Dentsply International, Inc.
Dentsply International Inc.
Denver Health Medical Center
Denver International Airport
Denver Tofu Company
Denver Tofu Company, Inc.
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Department of Transportation
Dept of Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons
DePuy Motech
DeQueen Regional Medical Center
De-Rene Dairy
Derma Genesis Inc.
Dermal Tone Inc.
DermaRite Industries
Dermaron Corp.
Derma-Tek Industries Inc.
Dermatology Surgery and Laser Center
DeRoyal Clientifica de Central America S.A.
DeRoyal Industries, Inc.
Desai, Virendra M., MD
Desert Advanced Imaging Center
Desert Gourmet Inc.
Desert Rose Farms
Desertland Dairy
Designs for Vision Inc
DeSimas and Bairos Dairy
Desoto Memorial Hospital
Desporte and Sons Seafood Inc.
Devereaux, John D.
Devine Farms, LLC
Devinney, Denise DO
Devries Family Farm LLC
Dexcel Pharma Technologies Ltd
Dexter Dairy
Dextrum Laboratories Inc
Dey Laboratories
DFW International Airport
Diabetes Control and Care Technology Inc.
Diabetes Tea
Diagnostic Clinic of Longview, P.A.
Diagnostic Health Center of Texas, L.P.
Diagnostic Imaging
Diagnostic Imaging - Mercy Medical Plaza
Diagnostic Imaging Associates
Diagnostic Imaging Center of Wilshire
Diagnostic Imaging, Inc.
Diagnostic Imaging of Clifton, P.A.
Diagnostic Medical Group of Southern California
Diagnostic Medical Imaging Associates
Diagnostic Solutions Inc.
Diagnostic Specialties Inc.
Diagnostic X-Ray & Imaging Inc
Diagnostica Stago Inc.
Diagnotic X-ray and Imaging
Dialysis Dimensions Inc.
Dialysis Services, Inc.
Diamedix Corporation
Diametrics Medical Inc.
Diamond Animal Health Inc.
Diamond H Dairy
Diamond Pacific
Diamond S Dairy
Diamond State Port Corporation
Diamond Tanning
Diapro, Inc. (dba Diapro USA Inc)
Diapulse Corp. of America
Diasol Inc.
Diasonics Ultrasound Inc.
Diasorin s.r.l.
Dickenson County Medical Center
Dickerson Lois Ph.D.
Diehl Inc.
Diethrich, Edward B., M.D.
Diffuplast SRL
Digibotics Inc.
Digicare Biomedical Technology, Inc.
Digicare Biomedical Technology Inc.
DiGiorgio Corp.
Digisonics Inc.
Digital Diagnostics Inc.
Digitcare Corporation
Dihoma Chemical and Manufacturing Inc.
Dilenttante Chocolates Inc.
Dillman, Robert O., M.D.
DiMare Seafoods Co. Inc.
Dimarsa International LLC
Dimmit County Hospital
Dineen, Martin M.D.
Diniz Tony F.
Dioceses of Lafayette Catholic Schools
Diomed Inc.
Diomedics, Inc.
Diopsys, Inc.
DIP Seafood Mudbugs
Direct Access Diagnostics
Direct Dispensing, Inc.
Direct Dispensing Inc.
Dirksen, Dennis
Discount Prescriptions from Canada, Inc.
Discovery Experimental & Development Inc.
Discovery House Inc.
Disetronic Medical Systems AG
Disetronic Medical Systems Inc.
Dispensing Solutions Inc.
Diversified Healthcare Services
Diversified Manufacturing Corporation
Divine Savior Healthcare
Dixie Health Inc.
Dixon Feeds, Inc.
Dixon Fisheries, Inc.
Dixon Samuel Jr.
DJ Tuna Express
D&K Farm
D.L. Mathews & Co. Inc.
DMC Health Centers - East Jefferson
DMD Corporation
DMI Enterprises Inc.
DMS Imaging, Inc.
DMS Imaging Inc.
D.O. Weaver and Company
Doansco Welding Supplies Inc.
Docheff Dairy
Doctor's Clinic Imaging Center
Doctor's Community Hospital
Doctors Graves Sanford Cox Aycock & Counce P.C.
Doctor's Hospital - Tidwell
Doctors Hospital Springfield
Doctors Park Network
Doctor's Radiology Services
Doerle Food Services Inc.
DOFI Communications
Doheny Eye and Tissue Transplant Bank
Dole Packaged Foods Company
Dolly Vinsant Memorial Hospital
Dolphin Best Friends
Domel Laboratories
Domestic Cheese Company, Inc.
Domina, Gary
Dominguez Augustino R.
Dominguez Family Enterprises, Inc.
Dominican Products
Dominican Santa Cruz Hospital
Dominion Biologicals Limited
Don Milos Corporation
Don Tomas Foods Inc.
Don Tray Industries, Ltd
Donald Chin Supply Company
Donald Johnson Seafood, Inc.
Donald Pope Veal Farm
Dong Hae Mul San Inc.
Dong Ling Sprouts and Produce Co.
Dongkuk Techco Rubber Ind. Sdn Bhd
Dongkuk Techco Rubber Industries Sdn. Bhd.
Donley Farms Inc.
Donnivale Farm
Doo Rae Trading Corporation
Doody Farms, LLC
Doon Elevator Company
Dorado Health, Inc.
Dore, David D., M.D.
Dorfner Scott M. D.O.
Doris Kupferle Breast Center
Dornier Medtech America, Inc.
Dorr Lawrence D. M.D.
Dorset Milling
Dos Amigos Distributors, Inc.
Doshi Diagnostic Imaging Services, P.C.
Dotolo Research Corporation
Dotson Charles PhD.
Double D Seafood Company LLC
Double J Livestock
Double O Farms
Douglas Bennett Farm
Douglas County Hospital
Douglas Laboratories Div. Of HVL Inc.
Dow Chemical Company
Dow Chemical USA
Down to Earth Sprout Farm
Downeast Pasta
Downey Regional Medical Center IRC
DP Manufacture Corporation
Dr. A. C. Daniels Inc.
Dr. K Medical Imaging Center
Dr. Lee Co. Ltd.
Dr. Mann Pharma
Dr. Pepper/Seven Up Inc.
Dr. Steven K. Sue, D.D.S., M.S., Inc.
Dr. Stjernholm Alvin & Stroupe William J.
DRA Imaging P.C.
Drager Medizintechnik GmbH
Dragon Waves Frozen Food Factory Co., Ltd.
Draper Valley Farms Inc.
Drawdy's Crab Company, Inc.
Dreamland, Inc.
DreamWest Innovations, LLC
Drew Medical, Inc
Drew Scientific Co. Limited
Driftwood Management, LLC
Drogueria Central
Drs. Foster and Smith, Inc.
Drug Distributors Inc.
Drug Free Enterprises
Drugs Are Us, Inc.
Drummond Medical Group
DRX Pharmaceutical Consultants Inc.
Dry Lake Diary
DS Waters of America, LP
DSC Laboratories
D.S.C. Products, Inc.
Du Yee Care Inc.
Duane Oxendale
Duck Delivery Produce, Inc.
Duckworth Robert
Duescher Hilltop Jerseys
Duesch?r Hilltop Jerseys
Duke University
Duke's Transport
Dulaney David M.D.
Dularge Seafood Processing
Dulces de Aqui
Dulles International Airport
Duluth Clinic, Ltd.
Dumex Medical
Dunedin Fish Company
Duo-Dent Dental Implant Systems L.L.C.
Dupaco, Inc.
DuPont DeNemours and Company
DuPont Pharmaceutical Co. In.c
Duramed Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Duramed Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Duramed Pharmceuticals Inc.
Duro-Med Industries
DUSA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Dutch Farms
Dutch Ophthalmic USA
Dutra Farms Inc.
Dux Industries Inc.
D.W. McMillan Hospital
Dymatize Nutrition
Dyn Air Services Inc.
Dyna Dental Engineering B.V.
Dynair Services Inc.
DynaMedics Corporation
Dynamic Systems Inc.
Dyna-Moo Dairy, LLC
Dynek Technologies Incorporated
E & M Corp
E. A. Hawse Health Center
E. Excel International Inc.
E. Franco & Co.
E.A. Conway Medical Center
E.A. Sween Company
Eagle Diagnostics, Inc.
Eagle Distributors Inc.
Eagle Family Food Inc.
Eagle Livestock Inc
Eagle Milling Company Inc.
Eagle Parts and Products
Eagle River Memorial Hospital
Eagle Spice & Extract Co. Inc.
Eaker Dairy
Earl B. Olson Feed Mill
Earlham College
Early Detection Project Mobile Van Number 2
Earp's Wholesale Seafood
Ear-Tech of Puerto Rico
Earth & Plant, Inc.
Earth Care
Eary, Janet, M.D.
EAS, Inc.
EAS Inc.
East Coast Meat & Seafood
East Georgia Regional Medical Center
East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital
East Memphis Imaging Center, L.L.C.
East Ocean Seafoods Inc.
East Palestine Family Medical Clinic Inc.
East San Antonio Images
East Texas Medical Center
East Texas Medical Center - Quitman
East Texas Medical Center- Carthage
East Texas Medical Center-Clarksville
East Texas Medical Center-Pittsburg
East Texas Radiological Consultants
Eastern Carolina Internal Medicine, P.A.
Eastern Carolina Internal Medicine P.A.
Eastern Home Care & Oxygen Co.
Eastern Home Care and Oxygen
Eastern Medical Equipment Distributors, Inc.
Eastern Medical Services Inc.
Eastern New Mexico Medical Center
Eastern Oklahoma Medical Center
Eastern Oxygen & Medical Equipment Inc.
Eastern Plumas District Hospital
Eastern Seafood Company Inc.
Eastern Treats Inc.
Eastland Seafod, Inc.
Eastman Chemical Company
Eastmoreland Hospital
Easton Hospital
Eastport Feeds Inc.
Eastside Ophthalmology P.C.
Eastview Veterinary Clinic P.C.
Easy Way International Inc.
Eaton Rapids Medical Center
EBS Enterprises L.L.C.
Echeverria Dairy
Eckerd Corporation
Eckerd Drug Co
Ecommerce Transactions, LLC
Ecstacy Melrose
Ed Medical Inc.
Edan Naturals, LLC
E.D.E. International Inc.
Edelweiss farms Inc.
Eden Foods, Inc.
Edgar Martin Dairy
Edge Biologicals Inc
Edge Biologicals Inc.
Edgewood Farms
Edina Family Physicians
Edison Chouest Offshore
Edmond Medical Center
Edrich Farms Inc.
Edward H. White Hospital
Edward W. McCready Memorial Hospital
Edwards Life Sciences, LLC
Efficas, Inc.
E-Fish Network Corporation
Efoora, Inc.
Egidio M. or Maria Almeida Dairy
Egourmet, Inc.
EHG Medical Group of Texas P.A.
EHP Products Inc.
Ehrlich, Randall V., M.D.
E.I. DuPont DeNemours and Company
Eidam Diagnostics Corporation
Eight In One Pet Products, Inc
Ekone Oyster Company
El Monte Dairy
El Proyecto Del Barrio Inc.
El Reglano Seafood Corporation
El Visto Dairy #2
Elan Corporation plc
Elanco Animal Health
Elanra.com, Inc.
Elcat Company
Elder Grove Dairy Farm
ElderTech Solutions, LLC
Eldon Biologicals A/S
ElectraMold Inc.
Electric Beach
Electric Beach Limited
Electric Mobility Corp.
Electric Mobility Corporation
Electrical Medical Systems Incorporated
Electro Catheter Corp.
Electro Medical, Inc.
Electro Surgical Instrument Company
Electro Therapeutic Devices, Inc.
Electrode Store Inc.
Electrologic of America, Inc.
Electronic Data Systems
Electronic Support Services Inc.
Electronic Waveform Laboratories Incorporated
Electropharmacology Inc.
Eles, Gustav, M.D.
Elge, Inc.
Eli Lilly
Eli Lilly & Company
Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A.
Eliseu and Theresa Cunha Dairy
Elite Distributing Co. Inc. dba Edco
Elite International Corporation
Elite Spice Incorporated
Elk Valley Professional Affiliates
Elkhart General Hospital Blood Donor Center
Elliott's Produce Company Inc.
Ellis Brothers Pecans, Inc.
Ellis Hospital
Ellsworth Air Force Base
Ellsworth Farm
Elmira Seafood
Elmont Open MRI
Elmore Community Hospital
E-Lyte Incorporated
E.M. Adams Co., Inc.
EM Industries Inc.
EM Innovations, Inc
E.M. Parker
EM Probe Inc.
E-Med Future, Inc.
E-Med Innovations Inc
Emergency Disaster Systems
Emergency Filtration Prodcuts Incorporated
Emergency Medical Products, Inc.
Emergent Innovations, LLC.
Emerson Seafood, Inc.
Emily's Seafood
Emory Vision Correction Center
Empi Inc.
Empire Home Medical Inc.
Empire Managed Care Inc.
Empire Medical Building Associates of Rockaway Inc.
Empire Seafood, Inc.
Empowering Technologies Inc.
Empresas Avicolas Colsus Inc.
Empresas Y-nuina Inc.
Emtech Laboratories, Inc.
En Garde Healthe Products Inc.
Encino-Tarzana Regional Medical Center Encino Hospital
Encore, Inc.
Encore Medical, L.P.
Encore Medical, LP
Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc.
ENDO Surgical Concepts Inc.
Endomed, Inc.
Endotec Incorporated
Endsley Dairy Farm, LLC
Endurance Products Company, Inc.
Engelberg, Jerry, M.D.
Engelhard, Peter A., D.O.
Engler Engineering Corporation
Enhansulin.com Corporation
Enka Products Company, Inc.
Enneking Medical Inc.
Enstrom Candies Inc
Entrees Inc.
Entringer Bakeries Inc.
Enviropak LLC
Envita Natural Medical Centers of America
Enzon Inc.
Enzon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Enzymatic Therapy Inc.
Enzyme Development Corporation
Enzymology Research Center, Inc.
Eon Labs, Inc.
Eon Labs Manufacturing Inc.
EP MedSystems
EP Medsystems
EPIC Medical Equipment Services Inc.
Epicenter Dairy
Epitope Inc.
Eppley, Barry L., M.D.
Eqinox Botanicals
Equine Serum Products Inc
Equinox Oil Company
Equirace Health & Speed Products
Eqyss International Inc.
ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH
Errol's Cajun Foods, Inc.
ESB Enterprises L.L.C.
ESBA Laboratories, Inc.
ESC Medical Systems Ltd.
Eschete's Seafood Inc.
eScreen Inc.
Esh Foods LLC
ESKA Implants GmbH & Co
Esolyte, Inc.
Essential Pharmacy Compounding
Essex Institutional Review Board
Essex Institutional Review Board Inc.
Estee Lauder Companies Inc.
Esteves Dairy
Estill Medical Technologies, Inc.
Ethex Corp
Ethicon Inc.
Ethox Corporation
ETMC - Crockett [FXA: Houston Co. Hospital]
Ettinger Bruce M.D.
Euclid Systems Corporation
Eudaemonic Corporation
Eureka Marine Products Co.
Eureka Springs Hospital
Eureka Springs Hospital 5/6/09
Euro Foods USA, Inc.
Euro-American Brands LLC
Europa Bakery
European Medical Contract Manufacturing B.V.
European Solutions
Euro-USA Trading Co., Inc.
Eury, Edward J., Jr.
Euthenics International Inc.
Evanston Regional Hospital
Evenflo Company Inc.
Evercrete International
Everett & Son Seafood
Everett Clinic
Everett Fisheries, Inc.
Everett MRI and Diagnostic Center
Everglades Fish Company L.L.C.
Everglo-Natural Veterinary Services, Inc.
Evergrade Healthcare Products SDN. BHD
Evergreen Acres
Evergreen Fruit & Produce Company
Evergreen Mills Inc.
Evermed Corporation
Everything Spelt Company, Inc.
Evolve Inc.
EXACT Sciences Corporation
Excel Dairy, LLC
Excellium Pharmaceutical Inc.
Exclusive Fresh Inc.
Executive Health Medical Group
Exergen Corporation
Exmoor Plastics
Expanded Vision
Export Inc.
Exportadora P.M.T., S.A.
Express Diagnostics Int'l., Inc
Extended Care Air Therapy Systems, Inc.
Extendicare Inc.
Extreme Labs
Eye and Tissue Bank and Research Foundation Inc.
Eye Centers of Florida
E-Z Quit Inc.
E-Z-EM Inc.
F & C Borba Dairy
F. H. G. Corporation
F. Vericat Cadesas
Faaborg Rehab Technic ApS
Fabrica de Flanes Acevedo
Fabulous Fish Co.
FaceMaster of Beverly Hills, Inc.
Fair Oaks Hospital Medical Plaza
Fair Oaks Imaging Center
Fair Scones, Inc.
Fairbanks Memorial Hopital
Fairfield Farm Kitchens Inc.
Fairfield Medical Center
Fairfield Medical Center Diagnostic Health Services
Fairmont Dairy LLC
Fairmont Farm Inc.
Fairmont General Hospital
Fairmount Hospital
Fairview Health Systems
Fairview Hospital
Fairview University Medical Center
Faith Regional Health Services-East Campus-Mobile
Faler Feed Store Inc.
Fall Prevention Technologies
Fallon Clinic
Falloncrest Farms
Falls Chemical Products Inc.
Falls Medical Group S.C.
Family Guidance Center Inc.
Family Health Center-Eagle River
Family Healthcare Network-Portville
Family Healthcare Supply Inc.
Family Medical Center
Family Medical Center IRB
Family Medical Services
Family Medical Supply Co.
Family Practice Physicians P.C.
Family Respiratory and Medical Supply Corp.
Fan Shaing Electronics Co. Ltd.
Fanny D. Jman (aka) F-L Trading
Fantasia Fresh Juice Company
Fantis Foods Inc.
Far Ocean Sea Products Pte., Ltd.
Far West Marine
Faria Dairy
Faria Dairy #1 Inc.
Faria Farms Inc.
Faria Frank
Farmacia La Salud Inc.
Farmers Coop Association
Farmers Coop Elevator Company
Farmers Livestock Market of Glasgow
Farmers Market of Bolivar, Missouri, Inc.
Farmers Mill & Elevator Company
Farmers Seafood Company, Inc.
Farmers Union Coop Business Association
Farmland Industries
Farmo Corporation
Farmsoy Company
Farnam Companies, Inc.
Farouk Systems, Inc.
Fauquier Hospital Inc.
F.A.V. International Corp.
Favco Inc.
FAVPEP LLC. dba Queenmar LLC.
Fay Wong Tofu Co.
Fay's Foods, Inc.
F.B. Indian Ridge Dairy
FCH Enterprises Inc.
FDC Ltd.
F.E. Warren AFB
Federacion Asociaciones Pecuarias
Feed Rite Inc. dba Zip Feed Mills
Feel Good For Life, Inc.
Feenstra, John
Feign, Michael, D.O.
Feins, Neil R., M.D.
Feldman, Mark H., D.P.M.
Feldman Mark H. D.P.M.
Feletto Food Products Inc.
Felicia Foods LLC
Felix Custom Smoking
Fem Health
Fenster, Paul M.D.
Ferason Cattle Co.
Ferndale Laboratories, Inc.
Ferndale Laboratories Inc.
Ferno-Washington, Inc
Ferntrade Corporation
Ferolito Vultaggio & Sons Inc.
Ferraris Medical Inc.
Ferraris Medical Ltd.
Ferris Manufacturing Corp.
Ferris Manufacturing Corporation
Ferro Corporation
F.F. Thompson Healthcare Systems Inc.
ffrench Pocket Airway, Inc.
FHC - Moore Regional Hospital- Mobile
Field Controls, LLC
Field Roast Grain Company
Figaretti's Manufacturing and Distributing
Figgie, Mark P., M.D.
Figorifico Coppel
Filo Corporation
Fine, M.D., I. Howard
Finesses Fine Foods Inc.
Finkbonner Shellfish
Finlayson Ag Center
Finnigan Corporation
Fir Crest Hauling
First & Sullivan Radiology Center
First Check Diagnostics, LLC
First Community Care Inc.
First Lafayette Holding Company
First Priority, Inc.
First Priority Inc.
First Quality Hygenics, Inc.
First Season, Inc
First Season Inc.
Firsthealth Family Care Center
Fischer Imaging Corporation
Fischer Industries, Inc.
Fischer's Mills Inc.
Fish And More
Fish Brother's Company
Fish Brothers Company
Fish Busterz L.L.C
Fish Express Inc.
Fish Hawk Fisheries Inc.
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, Inc.
Fisher and Thompson
Fisheries Research Laboratory- SIU-C
Fisherman's Choice Seafood
Fisherman's Cooperative, Inc.
Fisherman's Hospital
Fishers Foods Inc.
Fisher's Homestyle Salads
Fishland Market Ltd.
Fitness First U.S.A.
Fitura, LLC
Fitzgerald's Inc.
Fitzgibbon Hospital
Fitzsimmons Surgical Supply Inc.
Flagship Durable medical Equipment
Flan Lila's Incorporated
Flanagan Brothers Inc.
Flathead Fish and Seafood Company
Flaum Appetizing, Inc.
Flavonoid Sciences
Fleming Companies Inc.
Flexmedics Corporation
Flieshman's Seafood Handling Inc.
Flora, Inc.
Florida Blood Services Inc.
Florida Crab Company
Florida Fisheries Enterprises, Inc.
Florida Medical Center Hospital
Florida Peanut Distributors
Florida Smoked Fish Co.
Florida State Distributors
Flotec, Inc.
Flowers Baking Company of Thomasville, Inc.
Floyd Poche Enterprises, Inc.
Flura Corporation
Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women
Flying Food Group Inc.
Flying H Dairy
Fobi, Mathias Al, M.D.
Focal Pointe Women
Focus Imaging Group Inc.
Folsum Metal Products, Inc. dba FRONTIER DEVICES
Fong Hsiang Enterprise Co. Pte. Ltd.
Foo Yuan Food Products Co., Inc
Food Concepts, Inc.
Food For Life Baking Company, Inc.
Food Joy Fresh Seafood, Inc.
Food Processors of New Mexico
Food Source Inc.
Food With Care Inc.
Foods C'Est Bon, Limited
Foods Galore Inc
Foods Galore Inc.
Ford, Blair, M.D.
Foredom Electric Co.
Foremost Seafood
Forest Grove Diary
Forest Laboratories, Inc.
Forest Laboratories Inc.
Forever Young Products, Inc.
Formaggio Italian Cheese Specialists, Inc.
Formar Import & Export Inc.
Formulation Technology Inc.
Fort Collins Mammography Center
Fort Dodge Animal Health
Fort Massac Fish Market
Fort McPherson Army Health Clinic
Fort Worth Imaging Center
Fortune of Seven Corners
Foster and Gallagher Inc.
Foster Farms of California
Foster Poultry Farms
Four Brothers Dairy, Incorporated
Four R Enterprise, Inc.
Four Star Dairy
Fourchon Seafood Inc.
Fourth & Pomeroy Associates Inc.
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Fox Med-Equip Services Inc.
Foxcare Center-Outpatient Testing
Frad 35, Inc
Fradama S.A.
Franciscan Medicenter
Francisco Hernandez, M.D.
Franco Fish Products, Inc.
Frank & Liduina Barcellos Dairy
Frank Chaves & Sons Dairy
Frank J. Gomes Dairy
Frank Konyn Dairy
Frank L. Harter & Sons, Inc.
Frank R. Garcia & Sons Dairy
Franklin County Respiratory Rentals Inc.
Franklin Hospital Medical Center
Frank's Fish, Inc.
Frank's Pharmacy and Home Care
Frantz Design, Inc
Franz Lucas & Bernstein M.D. P.A.
Fred M. Cox, Jr. Farm
Fred Schakel Dairy #2
Freedom Fresh, Inc.
Freedom Plus Corporation
Freed's Pharmacy Inc.
Freeport Health Network IRB
French Delices, Inc.
French Meadow Bakery, Inc.
Frenchy's Seafood Company
Frenette, Gary, M.D., Ph.D.
Fresenius Hemotechnology Inc.
Fresenius Medical Care
Fresenius Medical Care North America
Fresh America Corporation
Fresh Creative Foods
Fresh Fish Co. Inc.
Fresh Fish, Inc.
Fresh Fish Management Inc.
Fresh Island Fish Company Inc.
Fresh Island Seafood Hub
Fresh Juice Company
Fresh Juice Works, Inc.
Fresh Made Incorporated
Fresh Products Northwest LLC
Fresh Samantha Inc.
Fresinius Medical Care North America
Freskito International Inc.
Fresno Farming LLC
Friday Canning Factory
Fridley Medical Center
Friendship Valley, LLC
Frigorifico Don Luis
Frigorifico Perez Hermanos
Frimed Medizintechnik GmbH
Friske Orchards
Fri-Tex Dairy Inc.
FRM Chemical, Inc.
Frog Island Seafood, Inc.
frscoMar Seafood Inc.
Fruetel Mammography Inc.
Fruit Fillings Inc.
Frutas Tropicales Inc.
Frye Health Systems, Inc.
Fuji Food Products Inc
Fuji System Corp
Fujian Sky Food Company
Fujiya Sushi Concepts, Inc.
Fukumaru Seafood Company
Full Circle Dairy, LLC
FulLife Natural Options, Inc.
Fullmer Cattle Company New Mexico LLC
Fulton Seafood, Inc.
Fulton Seafood Inc
Fung Li Fisheries Guam Inc.
Furness Medical Inc.
Furst McNess Company
Fusion Brands International SRL
Future Health Concepts Inc.
FUZE Beverages, LLC
F.W. Renner & Sons, Inc.
FX Wolrdwide Corporation
G & G Dairy
G & G Medical and Oxygen
G & H Dairy #1, LLC
G & W Laboratories, Inc.
G & W Laboratories Inc.
G. Dundas Company Inc
G. H. Davis & Sons
G. J. TeVelde Ranch
G Products Inc.
Gadsden Treatment Center Inc.
Gainesville Seafood
Galaxy Medical Inc
Galderma Laboratories, Inc
Galens Garden
Galesburg Institutional Review Board
Galley Food Services Inc.
Galloway Safety and Supply
Galveston Medical Supplies Inc.
Galveston Shrimp & Fish Company, Inc.
Galveston Wharves
Gambardella Wholesale Fish Dealers, Inc.
Gambino's Bakeries Inc.
Gambro Dasco S.p.a.
Gambro Dasco S.p.A. Bloodline Division
GAMBRO Healthcare Inc.
Gambro Renal Products S.A. de C.V.
Gamma Biologicals Incorporated
Ganeden Biotech Inc.
Ganes Chemicals Inc.
Gangi Seafood Inc.
Gano Excel U.S.A. Inc.
GAR Laboratories
Garavanta (Canada) Ltd.
Garaventa [Canada] Ltd.
Garber Ice Cream Company
Garbo Lobster Co. Inc.
Garcia Brothers Dairy
Garden & Valley Seafood Inc.
Garden of Life, Inc.
Gardiziola, Gregory, D.O.
Garland, Paul E., M.D.
Garland Welding Supply Co. Inc.
Gary Watson Dairy
Gas House Inc.
Gas Tech Inc.
Gate Gourmet, Inc.
Gate House Farms
Gategourmet International
Gateway Blood Association
Gateway Trade Center Inc.
GATX Terminals Corporation
Gaunitz Hair Sciences, LLC
Gaven Medical
Gaymar Industries, Inc.
G&B Electronic Designs Limited
G.D. Mathews and Sons Corporation dba Mathews Salad House Food Products
G.D. Searle & Co.
G.DiLullo & Sons
GE Healthcare Integrated IT Solution
GE Healthcare Technologies
GE Healthcare/General Electric Company
GE Infrastructure, Water & Process Technologies
GE Medical Systems
GE Medical Systems Inc. SA
Gebauer Company
Geffen, David I., O.D.
Geisinger Medical Center
Gel Spice Company Inc.
Gelco Diagnostices Inc.
Gelco International S.A.
Gel-Med International
Gemini Food Corporation
Gemini Pharmaceuticals Inc.
GemKen Enterprises
Gempro International Inc.
Gemtronics Inc
Genant Harry M.D.
Genaros Seafood, Inc.
Gendron Inc.
Gene Logic, Inc.
Genentech Inc.
General Atomics
General Electric Company
General Electric Company-Medical System
General Electric, Inc.
General Electric Medical System
General Hospital Corporation
General Medical Company
General Mills, Inc.
General Therapeutics Corporation
Generation's Black Salve
Generic Sal Inc.
Genesee Memorial Hospital
Genesis Juice Cooperative
Genesis Laboratory Inc.
Genesis Nutrition
Genesis Pharmaceutical Inc.
Genesist Inc.
Genetic Evolutionary Nutrition
Genetic Testing Institute, Incorporated
Genetics Institute
Geneva Laboratories Incorporated
Gensia Sicor Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Gentell Inc.
Gentere, Inc.
GenTrac, Inc
genX International Inc.
Genzyme Corporation
Georg Leibinger
George, Barry S., M.D.
George M. Takushi M.D. Inc.
George S. Rogers DBA Marty's Italian Bakery
George Washington University Hospital
George Weston Bakeries, Inc.
George's Fish and Seafood
Georgeson Dairy
Georgetown Seafood Co., Inc.
Georgetown Veterinary Clinic
Georgetwon University Medical Center at Ballston
Georgia Biomedical, Inc.
Georigia Turkey Farms Inc.
Gerald Thompson Farm
Gerbauer Company
Gerben Leyendekker Dairy
Gerber Products
Geriatric Products Inc.
German American Technologies
Germiphene Corporation
Geromatrix Nutraceutical Corporation
Gessell Feed Mill Inc.
Getinge America
Getinge/Castle, Inc.
GF Health Products, Inc.
G.H. Leidenheimer Baking, Ltd.
G.H. Medical Inc.
Giant Gun Electrical Optical Co.
Giant Repacking Center
Gibbs Quest Dairies
Gideon 300 Club The
Gifford Memorial Hospital
Gilbert X-Ray Company
Giliana & Huziran
Gilmore Fish Smokehouse
Gilster-Mary Lee Corporation
Ginesis Natural Products Inc.
Ginsberg's Institutional Foods Inc.
Giovanni's Aloha Foods, LLC
Giovanni's Appetizing Food Products Inc.
Gish Biomedical Inc.
Gist-Brocades B.V.
G&J Dairy
G.L. Food Wholesale Inc
Glaxo Wellcome Inc.
Glaxo Wellcome S.p.A.
GlaxoSmithKline Biologics S.A.
Glebe Apothecary
Glen Willow Orchards
Glencoe Venterinary Clinic, P.A.
Glendale Adventist Medical Center
Glendale Family Health Center
Glenmark Generics Inc.
Glenn Foods, Inc.
Glenn's Wholesale Sandwiches
Glenwood LLC
Glick, Jonathan J.
Glickman Marc M.D.
Global Biotechnologies, Inc.
Global Esthetics
Global Healing Center
Global Internet Alliance
Global Laser Vision
Global Manufacturing & Engineering, LLC
Global Marketing Enterprises Inc.
Global Pharmaceutical Corporation
Global Protection Corp.
Global Vision Products Inc
Globalemed, LLC
Gloucester Fish Co., Inc.
Gloucester Refrigerated Warehouse
Gloucester Seafood Display Auction
Gloucester Seafood, Inc.
Glovesworld Industries Inc.
Glustitch Incorporated
GlycoMeds, LLC
GMD Airline Services
GMI European Food Distributors Inc.
GMP Manufacturing, Inc.
GMR Products Inc
G.N.Y. Filet Fish Co., Inc.
Gogerty Stark Marriott, Inc.
GOJO Industries Inc
Gold Coast Produce
Gold Eagle Cooperative
Goldberg Consulting LLC
Goldberg, David
Golden Fields EnterprisesInc.
Golden Fleece Products, Inc.
Golden International Import Export Corporation
Golden Link, Inc.
Golden Luck Inc.
Golden Neo-Life Diamite International Inc.
Golden Pacific International Inc.
Golden Plains Community Hospital
Golden Tanning Inc.
Golden Valley Health Centers
Golden View LP
Golden West Dairy
Goldline Laboratories
Goldstein Ronald F. M.D.
Golub Corporation
Golzar Nasim, MD
Gomes Dairy
Goncalves Manuel
Gonsalves, Brian
Gonzalez Dairy, LLC
Gonzalez, Evangeline G., M.D.
Gonzalez Santana Saravia
Good Cali Trading Inc.
Good, Cheryl
Good Flow Juice Company
Good For You America
Good Samaritan Health Systems
Good Samaritan Hospital
Good Shepherd Sprout Farm
Goodrich Famrs LLP
Goosefoot Acres, Inc.
Gordon Enterprises Inc.
Gordon, Mark, M.D.
Gordon, Stephen W., MD
Gorman, John F., M.D.
Gorzeman Diary Idaho
GotSupplements.com, LLC
Gottlieb, Michael S., M.D.
Gourmail Inc.
Gourm-E-Co Imports
Gourmet Award Foods SE
Gourmet Bakery Shoppes Incorporated
Gourmet Express Marketing, Inc.
Gourmet Foods, Inc.
Gourmet Foods International
Gourmet Kitchen, Inc.
Gouveia Daniel D.
Goya Foods, Inc.
Goya Foods of Florida
Grace Hill Neighborhood Health Center
Grace Hospital
Graduate Hospital Imaging Center
Grafor Manufacturing Inc.
Graham & Rollings Incorporated
Graham Regional Medical Center
Gramercy Radiology Group P.C.
Grand Strand Regional Medical Center
Grand View Hospital
Grandma Morrison's
Grandview Dairy LLC
Grandview Pharmacy Inc.
Grant Regional Health Center
Granules India Limited
Grapevine Imaging and Pain Management Center
Graphic Controls Corporation
Grassland Veterinary Service
Gray & Cook P.S.C.
Great & Best Co., Inc.
Great American Products, Inc
Great Atlantic Trading
Great Earth Companies
Great Garlic Foods Inc.
Great Lakes College of Clinical Medicine IRB
Great Midwest Seafood Co.
Great Plains Food Company
Great Plains Regional Medical Center
Great Plains Seafood Inc.
Great River Food
Great Southern Shrimp Company
Greater Miami Caterers Inc.
Greatest Herbs on Earth
Greeley Elevator Company
Greeley Medical Clinic
Greem Meadow Farm
Green Acre Farm
Green Acres Dairy, L.L.C.
Green Gold Wholesale Produce, Inc.
Green Gold Wholesale Produce Inc.
Green Mountain Smoked Salmon
Green Shack Direct
Green Spring Water Company
Green Turtle Cannery
Greenbrier Respiratory Care Services Inc.
Greenco Industries Inc.
Greenhalgh, David G., M.D.
Greenland, Inc.
Green's Fresh Fruit Salad Corporation (dba Salad Chef)
Greensward Nurseries
Greenvalley, LLC
Greenville Livestock Inc.
Greenville Loop Seafood
Greenwell Farms
Greenwood County Hospital
Greenwood Imaging Center, P.A.
Greer Laboratories
Greer Laboratories, Inc.
Greer Laboratories Inc.
Gregg Jeffers Farm
Gretchen of Schwartz
Gretchen of Scwartz
Gretna Drug Company Inc.
Greyhound Bus Lines Inc.
Greyhound Lines, Inc.
Greyhound Lines Inc.
Greyhound Lines Incorporated
Griffin Daniel C.
Griffin Hospital
Griffin Radiology Cherry Hill
Griffith Micro Science Ltd.
Griffon Marketing
Grimm Scientific Industries
Grimmer Enterprises
Grimm's Stone Crab Inc.
Grinalat Foods Corporation
Grindstone Neck of Maine, LLC
Groeneweg Dairy
Groomer's Seafood of San Antonio
Gros Bayou Fish Company Inc.
Gross, Thomas P., MD
Ground Handling Inc. / Westchester County Airport
Ground Services Corporation
Group Health Cooperative-Eastside Hospital
Grove River Mills Inc.
Growing Business
Grubbs, Gerald L., M.D.
Gruber, Michael M.D.
G&S Instrument Company
GSCM Ventures Inc.
G.T. Laboratories
G.T. Surgical (PVT) Ltd.
Guam Bakery
Guam International Airport Authority
Guam's Bakery, Inc.
Guangdong Pharmaceutical Factory
Guangzhou Yue Xiu Enterprise/Danby Products, Inc.
Guaranteed Total Vending
Guardian Drug Company, Inc.
Guebert Donald H.
Guidant Corporation
Guilin Hospital of Sino-western Medicine
Guilin Pharmaceutical Corporation, Limited
Gulf City Seafoods, Inc.
Gulf City Seafoods Inc.
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center
Gulf Coast Blenders
Gulf Coast Crab International Co., Ltd.
Gulf Coast Dockside Inc.
Gulf Coast Seafood Inc.
Gulf Food Products Co. Inc.
Gulf Go-Fers Incorporated
Gulf Harbor Trading Inc.
Gulf Marine & Industrial Supplies, Inc.
Gulf Medical Services
Gulf Seafood of Key West Inc.
Gulf Shrimp Fuel Inc.
Gulf Tex Seafood
Gulla, Jennifer
Gulmag International
Gumbo Brothers Inc.
Gunderesen Lutheran Medical Center
Gung Ho Corporation
Gunnison Valley Hospital
Guthrie Clinic Steuben
Guthrie Medical Group
Guy & O'Neill Inc.
Gynecare Inc.
Gynetics Medical Products NV
GyNova LLC
Gyrus ENT, LLC
H & H Farms
H & H Products Company
H & I Dairy
H & K Inc. dba Palama Supermarket
H & L World Wide Inc.
H & L Worldwide Inc.
H & M Seafood
H & N Fish Company
H & W Farms
H. B. Gordon manufacturing Co. Inc.
H J Harkins Co Inc.
Haag & Sons Seafood
Haelan Products
Haemachem Inc.
Haemacure Corporation
Haemonetics Corporation
Haemoscope Corporation
Haemotronic S.p.a
Hagen's Fish Market
Hagler, Donald J., M.D.
Hai Soon Leong Sdn Bhd
Haidylena for Advanced Medical Industries
Haifa Smoked Fish, Inc.
Hain Celestial Group, Inc.
Haines Farms
Haines, Peggy
Hako-Med Electromedicine, Incorporated
Halcon Bakers Inc.
Hale Wai Oia, LLC
Haley's Comet Seafood Corp.
Halifax Regional Hospital
Halinco Skin Care Products Inc.
Hall & Hall Farm
Hall-Buck Mariine Services
Hallmark Sales Corporation
Halo Supply Company
Hal's Compounding Pharmacy, Inc
Halsey Drug Co Inc.
Halstead Springs, Inc.
Halter Feed & Grain, Inc.
Halton, Jacqueline M., M.D.
Ham Produce and Seafood, Inc.
Hamilton Medical AG
Hamilton Medical Center
Hamlin, Charles M.D.
Hamlin Valley Farms, Inc.
Hammer Corporation
Hammer Inc.
Hammer Medical Supply
Hammill Manufacturing Company
Hampton, Burt
Hamrick's LLC
Hand, Steve, M
Handy Pantry Distributors
Hanke Farms
Hanmi, Inc.
Hanmi Inc.
Hanmi Incorporated
Hanna Bruce Ph.D.
Hanna Charles M.D.
Hanover Foods
Hanover Foods Corporation
Hans Kissle Co., Inc.
Hansen Beverage Company
Hanson Seafood, Inc.
Happy Tofu Inc.
Happy Valley Food Inc.
Harbor Docks Inc.
Harbor Hospital Center
Hardaway, Robert M. III, M.D.
Hardie Farms, Inc.
Hardin Memorial Hospital
Hardy Diagnostic
Hardy Wilson Memorial Hospital
Harford Memorial Hospital
Hargenrader Farms
Haribo of America Inc.
Haringa Dairy
Haring's Pride Catfish
Harold Brouwer Dairy
Harold Food Company
Harper Hospital DMC University Laboratories
Harrier Incorporated
Harris, Barbara A
Harris Dairies
Harris Livestock
Harris Methodist Fort Worth
Harris Methodist Northwest
Harry Flyod Livestock, Inc.
Harry O. Hahn Seafood
Hart Dairy II
Hartong, Dennis D.
Hartville Elevator Company Inc.
Hartz Mountain Corporation
Harvard Drug Group
Harvard Scientific Corp.
Harvest Time Seafood, Inc
Harvey Baskin Livestock
Harvey Kliebert Plant
Hassman, David R., M.D.
Hatcher, Michael A.
Hato Potrero Farm, Inc
Hato Rey Community Hospital
Hato Rey X-Ray Office
Hawaii Pacific X-ray Corporation
Hawaiian Sun Products, Inc.
Hawk Valley Diary Inc.
Hawk Vending Services, Incorporated
Hawkeye Breeder's Services Inc.
Hawkins, Inc.
Hazenberg Dairy
Hazleton General Hospital
H.B. Williams, Inc.
HBX, Inc.
HCA The Healthcare Company
HDC Corporation
Healing Edge Science
Health Advantage Inc.
Health Authority LLC
Health Awareness Medical Center
Health Care Manufacturing, Inc.
Health Care Respiratory Inc.
Health Care Solutions Inc.
Health Center for Better Living, Inc.
Health Connection Ltd.
Health Corporation
Health Dimensions, Inc.
Health Directions, Inc.
Health Facilities Inc.
Health First
Health Food Emporium
Health Freedom Nutrition, LLC
Health MarketPlace.com
Health Notification Service
Health Plus Medical Group
Health Science Center Brooklyn Kings County
Health Science Laboratories and Services Inc.
Health Services Incorporated
Health Sites, Inc.
Health Thru Nutrition Inc.
Healthcare Authority of the City of Demopolis
Healthcare Inc.
Healthcare Partners Medical Group
HealthEast Outer Banks Medical Center Mammography
Healthline Medical Products Inc
Health-n-Home Inc.
HealthPartners Inc.
HealthSouth Diagnostic Center
Healthsouth Diagnostic Center of Fayetteville
Healthsouth Diagnostic Center of Frederick
Healthsouth Diagnostic Center of Front Range
Healthsouth Diagnostic Center of Plano
HealthSouth Doctors Hospital
HealthStar Physicians P.C.
Healthway Home Products, Inc
Healthwest Mineral
Healthworks 2000
Healthy Choice Naturals
Healthy Christian Living
Healthy Days, Inc.
Healthy Origins
Healthy World Distributing
Healthy World Distributing, LLC
Hearing Aid Express
Hearn-Kirkwood Incorporated
Heart Foods Company Inc.
Heart of the Ozarks Medical Equipment
Heartland Products, Inc.
Heartland Repack Services LLC
Heartland Tanning Supplies
Heartsine Technologies, LTD
Heba Laboratories, LLC
Hebron International, Inc.
Hector Stechnij Dairy
HEE Corporation
Heel Inc.
Heimann Systems Corporation
Heinig, Robert E., M.D.
Heinz North America Divisional Headquarters
Helget Gas Products Inc.
Helio Medical Supplies, Inc.
Helmos Food Products
Helmut Zeph Medizintechnik Gmbh
HemaCare Corporation
Hemet Valley MedicalCenter
HemoSense Corporation
HemoSense, Inc.
Hendersonville Gynecology & Obstetrics
Hendrick Medical Center
Henh Wong Fresh Product
Henley HealthCare Inc.
Henley Healthcare Inc.
Hen-Lin Dairy
Henrico Doctor's Hospital IRB
Henriksen Fisheries, Inc.
Henry, Gary
Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital
Henry Michael J.
Heraeus Kulzer, Inc.
Herb Time
Herbal Fields Supplements
Herbal Hope, Inc.
Herbal House
Herbal Junction
Herbal Pop Enterprises Inc.
Herbal Remedies
Herbal Remedies USA, LLC
Herbal Remission
Herbarium Inc.
Herbin Tonics LLC
Herbs for cancer
Herb's Seafood, Inc.
Herbs Unlimited
Hereford Regional Medical Center
Heritage Dairy
Heritage Institute
Heritage Products International
Heritage Store Inc.
Hermatronix Inc.
Herold's Salads Inc.
Herolds Salads, Inc.
Heron Bay Seafood
Herron, Jerry M., M.D.
Heska Corporation
Hess & Clark Inc.
Hewlett Packard Company
HG Early - Snyder Family Farm LLC
HGC Imports Inc.
HGM Medical Laser
H&H Feed & Grain, Inc.
Hi Point Industries, LLC
Hialeah Hospital
Hiawatha Milling Company
Hickey Foods Inc.
Hidden Valley Dairy
Hidden Valley Mills
High Desert Dairy
High Point Regional Health System
Higher Power
Higher Power, Inc
Higher Power, Inc.
Higher Power Nutrition
Highland Laboratories, Inc.
Highline Community Hospital
Hi-Health Supermart Corp.
Hijazi, Saad, M.D.
Hilby Robert
Hill County Memorial Hospital
Hill Dermaceuticals, Inc.
Hill, James A., M.D.
Hillandale Farms of Florida Inc.
Hillcrest Bakery Inc.
Hillcrest Dairy, LLC
Hillestad International Inc.
Hill-Rom Air-Shields
Hill-Rom, Inc.
Hill-Rom Inc.
Hillsborough Family Medical Center
Hillsdale Community Health Center
Hillside Hospital
Hillson Nut Company Inc.
Hilmes Robert F.
Hilo Fish Company, Inc.
Hilton Becker, MD
Hilton Head Medical Center
Hilton Head Medical Center and Clinics
Himmelspach, William W.
Hing Hong Trading Corporation Inc.
Hinsdale Farms, Ltd.
Hinsdale Hospital Bllod Bank
Hiroshi's Enterprises, Inc.
Hirzel Canning Company
His Catch Value Added
Hispamer Distributors, Inc.
Hitachi Ltd. Instrument Division
Hitachi Medical Systems America, Inc.
Hitchcock Feed Service
Hi-Tech Air Shipping Inc.
Hi-Tech Pharmacal Co. Inc.
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals
Hi-Vast International Co. Ltd.
Hiyi Export Company
H.J. Baker & Bro., Inc.
H.J. Heinz Company
HK Canning, Inc.
HK Surgical Inc.
H.L. Bouton Co. Inc.
HMS Crown, Inc
H&N Foods International, Inc.
HNK, Inc.
HNS International, Inc.
Ho Ho Beansprouts Inc.
Ho Kong Bean Sprout Co. Inc.
Hoa Ying Trading Corporation
Hobart Laboratories, Inc.
Hobbs Pharmacy
Hobe Laboratories Inc.
Hocking Valley Community Hospital
Hoffman-La Roche Inc
Hoffmann Orchards Incorporated
Hoffmann-LaRoche Inc.
Hohmann, Elizabeth L., M.D.
Holder, Walter D., M.D.
Holiday Seafood, Inc.
Holiday Wholesale, Inc.
Hollandia Farms Inc.
Holles Laboratories Inc.
Hollings Mammography Center III
Hollister Inc.
Holman Veterinary Clinic
Holmes By-Products Company, Inc.
Hologic Inc.
Holox Ltd.
Holston Gases Inc.
Holub, Richard, MD
Holy Cross Hospital
Holy Cross Hospital IRB
Holy Cross Medical Center
Holy Cross Medical Group
Holzer Medical Center
Home Acres Farm
Home Care Equipment Inc.
Home Care Medical Equipment Inc.
Home Care Supply Holdings
Home Care Supply LLC
Home Health Care Inc. / d.b.a. Commonwealth Home Health Care Inc.
Home Health Care Plus
Home Health Care Services Incorporated
Home Health Clinical Services
Home Health Medical Equipment Inc.
Home Health Pavilion, Inc
Home Health Products Inc.
Home Healthcare Technologies Inc.
Home Oxygen and Medical Equipment Inc.
Home Shopping Services, Inc.
Home Sushi Bar
Home Therapy Equipment Inc.
Homecare Concepts Inc.
Homedics Inc.
HoMedics, Incorporated
Homen Dairy Farms, LP
HomeoPet Llc.
HomeReach, Inc.
Honey Smoked Fish Company LLC
Honeywell, Inc.
Hong's Merchandising Group
Honolulu Fish & Seafood Corporation
Hon-Tech Foundation for Medical Technology
Hontech Foundation for Medical Technology
Hontex Enterprises Inc. d.b.a.
Hood River Juice Co., Inc.
Hoogendam Dairy
Hoots Memorial Hospital
Hoover Feed Service, Inc.
Hoover, John
Hope African Food Line and Seafood Supply
Horizon Cruises LLC
Horizon Dairy
Horizon Medical Products Inc.
Hormone Shop LLC
Horn's Feed Mill, Inc.
Horst's Seafood Co., Inc.
Hospira Inc
Hospital District #1 - Crawford County
Hospital Dr. Susoni
Hospital Hermanos Melendez / Dept. de Radiologia Digital
Hospital Municipal de San Juan
Hospital The
Hostoffer, Robert W. DO
Houchin Blood Services
Houma Industries Inc.
House of Smoke Inc.
Housecall Medical Resource Inc.
Houston Medical Center
Howard Community Hospital
Howard County General Hospital
Howard Instruments Inc. 5/12/09
Howe, James G., M.D.
Howe, James G., MD
HQ, Inc.
HR Beal & Sons
H.S. Seafood Inc.
Hsueh, Eddy C., M.D.
Hsueh, Willa A., M.D.
Hubbard Regional Hospital
Hubert H. Humphrey Comp Health Center
Hubert H. Humphrey Comprehensive Health Center
Huckaby Pharmacal, Inc.
Hudson, David
Hudson Foods Inc.
Hudson Medical Center-Medical Imaging
Hudson Transit Lines Inc.
Huebner Farm
Hue's Seafood Inc.
Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital
Hugh Chatman Memorial Hospital
Hugh Cox Livestock
Hugs Inc. dba: Gourmet Foods Inc.
Hull Street Diagnostic Center
Hull Veterinary Clinic, PC
Huls AkG Werk Witten Plant
Human Investigation Committee of Houston, Texas
HumaScan Inc.
Humboldt General Hospital
Hummermeier Farm
Hung Chong Lung, Inc.
Hunt & Behrens Inc.
Hunter Haven Farms
Hunterdon Medical Center
Huntington Beach Sunset Inc.
Huntington Internal Medicine Group
Huntsville Hospital
Huntsville Hospital Institutional Review Committee
Hurlbut, Mark
Hurricane Seafood, Inc.
Hurt W. Glenn
Husain, Mustafa M, M.D.
Hyalogic, LLC
Hybrite Chemical Company
Hydro Med Sciences Inc.
Hydrokinetic Contact Lens Laboratory
Hydropure Systems Inc
Hyline Orchards
Hyperbaric Technologies Inc.
Hyperbaric Technologies Inc. (HyperTec)
Hyperbaric Technologies Incorporated
Hyperion Inc.
Hyperion Medical Inc.
Hyson USA Inc
IBA Molecular, Inc
I.C.C Cosmos Company, Ltd.
Ice Cold Staorage
Iceland Health, Inc
ICH Group, LLC dba Sushi Chef
Icicle Seafoods, Inc.
Icicle Seafoods Inc.
ICN Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Icon Interventional Systems, Inc.
Icon Laboratories
ICS Medical Corporation
Idacrest Farms, Inc.
Ideal Fish & Seafood Co., Inc.
Ideal Optics, Inc.
IDEC Corporation
IDEC Pharmaceutical Corporation
IDev Technologies, Inc.
Idev Technologies, Inc.
Idexx Veterinary Services Inc.
Idyl Wild Farms Inc.
IFC International
I-Flow Corporation
Iftner Jacob
iHerb Ltd
IIT Research Institute
Ike's Fish Company
IL Primo Foods Ltd.
Illini Feeds, Inc.
Imaex Trading Company Inc.
Image Analysis, Inc.
Image Engineering Corporation
Imaginative Optics
Imaging Associates, Inc.
Imaging Center of Orlando
Imaging Center-Baton Rouge Radiology Group
Imaging Centers of Anaheim / Tan Tran M.D. Inc.
Imaging Diagnostic Systems, Inc
Imaging Sciences International Inc.
Imagyn Medical Inc.
Imation Inc.
Imatron Incorporated
IMI of Miami
Imlers Poultry
Immco Diagnostics Inc.
ImmuCell Corporation
Immucor, Inc.
Immunex Corporation
Immunity Today, LLC
ImmunoGenetics Inc.
ImmunoGenetics IRB
Immuno-Mycologies, Inc.
Immuno-Rx Incorporated
Immuno-U.S. Inc.
IMP Foods, Inc.
Imperial Chef's Food, Inc.
Imperial Drug & Spice Corp
Imperial Food Services, Inc.
Imperial Seafood Inc.
Imperial Trading Company, Inc.
Implant Integration Systems LLC
Impro Products Inc.
IMTIX - SangStat
In Flight Duty Free Shop Inc.
In Vivo Metric Systems Corporation
INCELL Corporation, LLC
Inceptio Medical Technologies, L.C.
Incredible Products Inc.
IND Diagnostic, Inc.
Indian Groceries & Spices
Indian Valley Meats Inc.
Indiana Lions Eye Bank Inc.
Inditherm Medical
Individual Monitoring Systems, Inc.
Individual Monitoring Systems Inc.
Indumar Seafood Corporation
Industria Lechera de Puerto Rico
Industrial Safety Supply Co. Inc.
InfraServ GmbH &Co.
Inhalation Inc.
Injex-Equidyne Systems, Inc.
Inland Imaging, LLC at Medical Center
Inland Imaging, LLC Scared Heart
Inland Orient Trading
Inland Seafood
Inland Seafood Corporation of America
Inland Vending Expand O Systems, LLC
Inlet Fisheries Inc.
InnoMed Technologies, Inc. and RespCare, Inc.
Innomedica Inc.
Innosan S.r.L.
Innovations for Access, Inc., dba HemoBand Inc.
Innovative Health Products
Innovative Health Services Inc.
Innovative Healthcare Devices Inc.
Innovative Neurotronic, Inc.
Innovative Products Unlimited, Inc.
Innovative Spinal Technologies, Inc.
Inova Diagnostics Inc.
Inoveon Corporation
Inovo Inc.
Inpesmar I S.A.
Inpromar Seafood, Inc.
Insight Optical Manufacturing Co.
Institute for Healthy Aging
Institute for Human Gene Therapy
Institute for Radiological Image Sciences Inc.
Institute of Integrative Health
Instrumed (Pvt) Ltd.
Integra Chemical Company
Integral Fish Foods Inc.
Integrated Health Services
Integrity Pharmaceutical Corporation
Intelligent Nutrients, Inc.
IntelSource Group Inc dba Electro Medical Technologies LLC
Intercoastal Medical Group
InterExpress Corporation
Interim Penn Memorial Hospital
Interior Alaska Fish Processor
Interland Seafood Inc.
Intermax Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Intermountain Farmers Association
Intermountain Health Care (IHC) Inc.
International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
International Biologicals, Inc.
International Biologicals Inc.
International Bio-Oxidative Medicaine Foundation Inc.
International Biophysics Corporation
International BioResources, LLC
International BioResources LLC
International Brachytherapy Inc
International Brachytherapy s.a.
International Cargo Brokers Inc.
International Desserts and Delicacies
International Diagnostic & Medical Supply Corporation
International Fine Foods
International Gourmet Food
International Groceries, LLC
International Imaging Electronics Inc.
International Marine Products, Inc.
International Matex Tank Terminal
International Medical Electronics LTD.
International Medical Idustries, Inc.
International Medical Inc.
International Medication Systems Limited
International Nutrition, Inc.
International Pharmaceutical Corporation
International Science & Technology, L.P.
International Seaworld, Inc.
International Sterilization Laboratory Corporation
International Tanning Equipment
International Technidyne Corporation
International Technology Concepts Inc.
International Terminal Operating Co.
International Total Services Inc.
International Wholesalers Corporation
Internationale Medico Scientifica s.r.l.
Internazionale Medico Scientifica s.r.l.
Internet Birthcontrol.com Inc.
Inter-Os Technologies, Inc.
Interpore Cross International
Interstate Baking Corp.
Interstate Blood Bank
Interstate Blood Bank Inc.
Interstate Brands Corporation
Interstate Marine Terminal
Intersurgical Limited
Interwest Home Medical Inc.
Interwest Medical Equipment Dist. Inc.
IntraCel Corporation
InTrust Plus Home Medical Equipment
Intuitive Surgical Incorporated
Invacare Corporation
Inverness Corp.
Invigorate International
Iopharm Laboratories Inc.
IOPI Northwest Company, LLC
Iowa Veterinary Supply Company
Ipswich Shellfish Co., Inc.
Irasan Complex
Iredell Memorial Hospital / Women's Breast Health Center
Iredell Memorial Hospitals Healthcare Systems
Iren Corporation
IRIS Medical Instruments Inc.
Iron County General Hospital
Irotec Laboratories Ltd.
Irvine Medical Center
Irvine Regional Hospital & Medical Center
Irvine Scientific Inc.
Irving Women's Imaging Center
Irwin Marvin S.
Irwin Memorial Blood Centers
Irwin Naturals
iScreen, LLC
Ise Newberry, Inc.
Island Kinetics Inc
Island Medical Center
Island Supplements
Isner Jeffrey M. M.D.
IsoComforter Inc
Isolyser Company
Iso-Tex Diagnostics, Inc.
Isotron Ireland, Ltd.
I.S.P. Company Inc.
ISP Technologies Inc.
ISS Research
I.T. Foods Industries Co., LTD.
Italfoods, Inc.
Italian Baked Rite of New York City Inc.
ITV Direct, Inc.
ITW Dymon
I.V. Flush, LLC
IV Systems
Ivax Laboratories
IVAX Pharmaceuticals Inc.
IVD Research, Inc.
IVF Michigan P.C.
Ivipa Corporate Inc.
Ivor Shaw/Pennine Healthcare Ltd.
Ivy Laboratories Inc.
J & A Business, Inc.-Johnny & Alan's Sandwiches
J & B Products, Ltd.
J & C Enterprises Inc.
J & D Star Dairy
J & D Wilson & Sons Dairy
J & J Dairy
J & J Millcreek Farm, Inc.
J & J Seafood, Inc.
J & J SnackFoods Corporation
J & J snackfoods Corporation
J & K Cattle Company
J & L Dairy
J & M Dairy
J & M Fisheries, Inc.
J & R Feed Services, Inc.
J & S Dairy Farm Inc.
J & S Distribution and Trading, Inc.
J & T Dairy
J and L Dairy
J. B. Harris Inc.
J. Bernard Seafood Processing Inc.
J D Heiskell & Co
J. J. Stevinson Corporation
J. Kenneth Fussell
J Navigator, Inc.
J. Sardinas Inc.
J. Strickland & Company
J Troost Dairy
J. W. Reyneveld Dairy Farm Inc.
Jack Davis & Associates Inc.
Jack Packaging Inc.
Jack Verbree Dairies
Jackson Clinic North
Jackson County Hospital
Jackson Healthcare for Women, Professional Association
Jackson-Madison County General Hospital
Jacobs Ranch L.L.C.
Jacobson Resonance Enterprises Inc.
Jacobus L. & John De Groot, Partner
Jacobus Pharmaceutical Co. Inc.
Jacoby Michael R.K. M.D.
Jake Slegers Jr. Dairy
Jamaica Hospital Medical Center
Jame Fine Chemicals Inc.
James Alexander Corporation
James Broderick Dairy Farm
James Hook & Co., LLC
James McCanna
James S. Lipiec
James Schairer Farms, Inc.
James Styron Fish Company
Jamestown Regional Medical Center
Janice's Kitchen
Janssen Pharmaceutica, Inc.
Japan Food Corporation
Japanese Food Express, Inc.
Jarrett Fertility Group, LLC
Jasper Foods Inc.
Jay Vander Tuig Dairy
Jaye, Cheryl Jones, M.D.
Jazmon Technologies Incorporated
J.B. Timmermann Farms Limited
JB5, Inc.
JCJ Dairy
JC's Fish and BBQ, Inc.
JD Medical Services Inc.
J.D. Mello Dairy
JDV International
Jean Yves Inc.
Jeannette District Memorial Hospital
Jean's Greens
Jeby Enterprises
Jefferson General Hospital
Jefferson Hospital
Jefferson Milling Company
Jeffrey Steinberg MD Inc., d/b/a The Fertility Institutes
Jeffrey's Seafood
Jeff's Gourmet Pies, Inc.
Jellico Community Hospital
Jem Tech Inc.
Jenkins and Woolf
Jenkins Community Hospital
Jennette Brothers, Inc.
Jennie-O Turkey Store
Jennifer Le Seafood
Jen-On Herbal Science International Inc
Jensen & Pilegard
Jensen Dairy
Jensen Tuna, Inc.
Jeppi Nut company Inc.
Jeremiah's Fine Foods, Inc.
Jericho Cider Mill Inc.
Jerome Stevens Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Jerome Stevens Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Jersey City Medical Center
Jersey Lynne Farms, Inc.
Jerusalem Manufacturing Nature Foods & Wholesalers, Inc.
Jer-Vic Inc., dba Foy's Pigeon Supplies
Jesse's Bakery, Inc.
Jessie's Ilwaco Fish Co, Inc.
Jewish Hospital System Inc.-MOBILE
J-F Medical Systems Intl. Inc.
JFC International Inc.
J.G. Van Holten & Sons Inc.
JHS Natural products
Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co. LTD.
Jiangyan Medical Products Factory
Jieyang Rex Foods Co., Ltd
Jim Bootsma Jr. (Dairy)
Jimmie Jones Sooner Airgas Inc.
Jimyko Inc. dba Jameco Company
J-Lloyd Medical Inc.
J.M. Dairy Corporation
J.MC. Ltd./Racconto
JMS Products Inc.
JOAMCA Chemical Products, Inc.
Joe Andrade Family Dairy
Joe C. Lourenco and Sons Dairy
Joe Gorzeman Dairy #2
Joe Lopes Dairy
Joe M. Simoes Family Dairy
Joe Monani Fish Co. Inc.
Joe Sozinho Dairy
Joe V. Diniz Dairy
Joe's Cajun Seafood
Joharra Dairy Farms
John A. Haugen Associates, P.A.
John and Maria Nunes Dairy
John B. Sanfilippo & Son Inc.
John, David E
John Davis Company
John Deere Family Healthplan
John Della and Sons Dairy
John Dykstra Dairy
John L. Hertle Dairy
John Lourenco Dairy
John M. Bridges Farm
John M. Mellott Farm
John Mellott Farm
John Nagle Company
John Potter Farm, LLC
John Sjoding AB
John Visser Dairy
John W. Stone Oil Distributors, L.L.C.
Johnny's Seafood Company, Inc.
Johns Hopkins Breast Imaging
Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health Care Systems
Johnson & Johnson
Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development, LLC
Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development, L.L.C.
Johnson Carol
Johnson Dairy
Johnson Donald E. M.D.
Johnson Donald R. M.D.
Johnson Matthey Inc.
Johnson, Miers, M.D.
Johnson 's Catering
Johnson, Steve
Johnson T.L. M.D.
Jolin Inc. [T/A Sam Sung Soy Food]
Jomara Seafood, Inc.
Jomara Seafood Inc.
Jonal Bakery LTD
Jonal Dairy
Jones, Alison M
Jones Brothers Dairy LLC
Jones Clinic Physician Network L.L.C.
Jones Memorial Hospital
Jones, Spencer B. M.D.
Jones, Thomas M.D.
Jongsma William J.
Jordan & Prieto P.A.
Jordan-Reses Home Healthcare
Joseph A. Houck Farm
Josephson's Smokehouse & Dock
Jovina M. Matos
Jowdy Industries, Inc
Jowdy Industries Inc.
Joy Processed Food, Inc.
J.R. Simplot Company
J-Rob Farms, Inc.
J-Tel, Inc dba Buxton Foods
Jug Creek Fish Company
Juice Company, LLC
Juice Harvest Inc.
Juices Enterprises Inc.
Jumbo Foods
Jumpin Jack Seafood, Incorporated
Just Fabulous Pastries, Inc.
Juweid Malik M.D.
JVJ Dairy, Inc.
Jy-Ro Farm
J1 Hafi Zainal Arifin 128 B-C
K & D Produce, Inc.
K & T Oriental Imports
Ka Nin Lee d.b.a. Soyfoods of America
Kabco, Inc.
Kabobs, Inc.
KaCo American Company
Kaelbel Wholesale Inc.
Kagan, Richard J., M.D.
Kaha Import
Kahuku Hospital
Kaiser Farms Inc.
Kaiser FDN Health Plan Colorado
Kaiser Foundation Hospital-Panorama City
Kaiser Foundation Hosptials
Kaiser Foundation Research Institute
Kaiser Larry R. M.D.
Kaiser Permanente
Kaiser Permanente - Durham
Kaiser Permanente - Mountain View
Kaiser Permanente Hayward Medical Center
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center-Vallejo
Kaiser Permanente Medical Group
Kaiser Permanente Medical Offices
Kaiser Permanente Medical Offices - Antioch
Kaiser Permanente-East
Kaiser Permanete-East
KaiserAir Inc.
Kaizen Inc
Kaken Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
Kalchem International, Inc.
Kalmbach Feeds, Inc.
Kam Lam Trading Inc.
Kamco Seafood Inc.
Kamiya Biomedical Company
Kanox Inc.
Kaplan & Zubrin
Karina Manufacturing Inc.
Kasbergen Cornell
Katamaran Corporation
Katies Seafood
Katros Groves/Citrus Direct
Katzen, Barry M.D.
Ka'u Ice and Fishing Supply
Kawasumi Laboratories Inc.
Kaweah Delta District Hospital
Kaweah Delta Health Care District IRC
Kay Dee Feed Co. Inc.
Kayline Inc.
Kaytrad Commodities, Ltd.
Kazu Hayashida Dir. State Dept. of Transportation
KBD, Inc.
K.C. Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
KCC Enterprises
Keeler's Medical Supply, Inc.
Kee's Company
Kegelmaster 2000 Ltd.
Kegler's Vending Service
Keil Laboratories Inc.
Keil Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Keitsen Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Kell West Regional Hospital
Keller Medical Specialties Products, Inc.
Kelley's Katch Caviar
Kelly Joe
Kemp Cattle
Kenai Custom Seafoods
Kenbourne International, Inc.
Kennedy Memorial Hospitals-VMC
Kenny Pittman Seafood Company
Kenosha Hospital & Medical Center
Ken's Meat and Deli
Kensington Hospital
Kent Feeds, Inc.
Kent Mammography Center
Kentuckiana X-Ray Associates
Kephart Farms
KeraCure, Inc.
Kern Medical Center
Kern Valley Healthcare District
Kershaw County Medical Center
Kettle Cuisine, Inc.
Kettle Edge Dairy
Kevin Sharpe Farm
Kewanee Hospital Association
Key of Destiny
Keystone Food Products Inc
KGB Media Inc.
Kham Seafood
Kham Seafood Company
Khouri, George G., M.D., PA
Khoury, Michael MD
Kibun Foods (U.S.A.) Inc.
Kickapoo Orchard, Inc
Kids Company Ltd Yugengaisha Kids
Kiel Laboratories, Inc.
Kiel Laboratories Inc.
Kilgore Veterinary Associates, Inc.
Kilpatrick, Frank
Kim, Hyun S. (Kevin), M.D.
Kim Yeongcheol M.D.
Kimball Foods, Inc.
Kimball Medical Center
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Kime's Cider Mill
Kim's Bean Sprouts
Kincaid Coach Lines, Inc.
Kincaid Coach Lines Inc.
Kinetic Concepts Inc.
King and Prince Seafood Corporation
King Drew Medical Center
King Orchards
King Oyster Farms
King Pharmaceuticals Inc
Kingfisher Regional Hospital
Kingman Regional Medical Center
Kingmar Seafood Corporation
King's Daughter's Health Park at Cedar Knoll
King's Daughters Hospital
King's Fish Market, Inc.
Kings Highway Center
King's Oriental Foods Company
Kingsridge Medical Imaging
Kingston Diagnostic Center
Kingston Hospital
Kingston-Miami Trading Company
Kinston Radiological Associates
Kinton, Inc.
Kinzie, Wesley, M.D.
Kioschos, Hans C., M.D.
Kipshize Nicholas M.D. Ph.D.
Kirkland Custom Seafoods
Kirklin Clinic
Kirson Medical Equipment Inc.
Kislinger Mark M.D.
Kittery Lobster Co., Inc.
Kittitas Valley Community Hospital
Klaire Laboratoreis, Inc.
Klein, Kevin W., M.D.
Klever Holstein Farms Ltd.
Klickitat Valley Hospital
Kling, Mitchel A., M.D.
KLS Electronics
Klutts, Walter J.
Klutts Walter J.
Knapp's Greenwood Farm
Kneibert Clinic Medical Group
Knevelbaard Dairies
KNL Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd.
Knoll Patient Supply Inc.
Knoll Pharmaceutical Co.
Knoll Pharmaceutical Company
Knott Wholesale Foods
Knott's Berry Farm
Knox Gynecological Specialist Inc.
Knox Hirons
Koch Industries Inc.
Koch Ingleside Terminal
Koch Poultry Company Inc.
Kodiak Smoking and Processing
Koepsel's Farm Market
Koetsier Dairy
Kofkoff Egg Farms, LLC
Kofkoff Egg Farms LLC
Kohler Mix Specialties of Minnesota, LLC
Koike Seafood, Inc.
Koike Seafood Inc
Koley's Home Care Inc.
Kollef, Marin H., MD
Kona Seafood Inc.
Kooiker Calves
Koolhass Dairy
Kopp Elliot J. M.D.
Koppes, Thomas P
Korean Farms Inc.
Kos Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Kosma-Kare Canada Inc.
Kowalke Family Sprouts
KPC Medical Management Inc.
Kraft Foods North America, Inc.
Kral X-Ray, Inc
Kram Fish Company
Kramer Laboratories Inc.
Kremer Laser Eye Center
Krieger Medical, Inc.
Krienke Brothers Inc.
Krienke Lee L.
Kroes Tom L.
Krohn Clinic
Krumpe, Peter, M.D.
KSM, Inc.
Kubus Inc.
Kuckenbaker Mike A.
Kunshan Chemical and Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
KV Pharmaceutical Co
KV Pharmaceutical Company
K&W Trading, Inc.
K&W Trading Inc.
Kwok-Cheng Enterprises Inc.
Kyphone Incorporated
KZ Dairy
L & L Foods, Inc.
L & L Oil Company and Gas Services Inc.
L & L Oxygen and Medical Equipment
L & M Cattle Co.
L & M Medical Inc.
L & W Group Inc.
L. Neil Jones Food Company dba Northwest Packing Company
La Coruna Foods, inc.
LA Dorada Coral Gables, Inc.
LA Fish Company
La Hacienda Fruit
La Hacienda Tortilleria Inc
LA Hearne Company
La Madeleine Gourmet Foods, Inc.
L.A. Metropolitan Medical Center
La Rosa Logistics Inc
La Sabrosita Candy
La Vaquita Cheese Corp.
La Vencedora Products, Inc.
Labanon Cheese Co.
Laboratoire Atlas Inc.
Laboratoires Prodimed
Laboratory Corporation of America
Laborde Diagnostics at South College
Laborde Diagnostics- South College
LaBore Seafood Ltd.
Labrada Bodybuilding Nutrition Inc.
Labrador & Son Food Products
Labtician Ophthalmics
Lacey Harmer Company
LAC/Olive View Medical Center
Lactroport USA
Ladex, LCC
LadyBug Sprout Farm
Laerdel Medical AS
Lafayette Fine Foods Inc
LaFond Fisheries
L.A.G. Sales Company
Lagler Dairy
LaHaye Leon M.D.
Lahey Beverly
Lahey Clinic
Lake Charles Memorial Hospital
Lake Country Veterinary Service, P.A.
Lake Cumberland Medical Associates
Lake Erie Medical and Surgical, Inc.
Lake Imaging Center
Lake Success Imaging
Lake Sun Company
Lakeland Medical Associates
Lakeland Regional Medical Center
Lakes Region General Hospital
Lakeshore Clinic Totem Lake
Lakeshore Respiratory Therapy Care Services S.C.
Lakeview Dairy Farms
Lakeview Farms
Lakeview Farms, Inc.
Lakewood Regional Medical Center
Lam, Fred M.D.
Lamar Seafood Corporation
Lamb Farms, Inc.
Lamberson's Home Care Inc.
Lambert Farms, Inc.
Lancaster Colony
Lancer Medical Services Inc.
Lanco Med Homecare Inc.
Land O'Lakes
Land O'Lakes Farmland Feed, LLC
Land O'Lakes Farmland Feed LLC
Landauer Hospital Supplies Inc.
Landolt Dairy
Landshire of Florida, Inc.
Lane Labs USA Inc.
Lang Dental Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Langers Juice Co.
Lanners, Rogers
Lannett Company, Inc.
Lannett Company Inc.
Lansdale Medical Group P.C.
Laomerica Seafood, Inc.
Laomerica Seafood Inc.
L'Aprina Inc.
LAR Manufacturing, LLC
Lares Research
Larry L. Miles Syrup Farm
Larry Peterson Dairy
Larry's Smokehouse Inc.
Larsen's Bakery, Inc.
Larson Medical Products, Inc.
Larson's Dairy Inc.
Las Americas Blood bank
Las Americas Laboratory & Blood Bank, Inc.
Las Botanas
Laser Center of W. Florida Inc.
Laser Labs
Laser Peripherals Inc.
Laser Systems International Inc.
Laser Therapeutics, Inc.
Lasermed, Inc.
LaserSight Technologies Inc.
Laughery Melvin
Laureano Gerardo Flores
Laurel Diagnostic Imaging
Lauren's Seafood Inc.
Lavoptik Co. Inc.
Lawrence, E Clinton MD
Lawsons Farm
Lazarus Dermatologic Products
LBJ Tropical Medical Center
LCDG Enterprise
L'Ceiba Distributors
LDS Dairy Operations
Le Gourmet Lorrain, Inc.
Le Patissier
Lead Interpreting Physician
Lead Mammography Radiologist
Leader Co. Inc.
LeBeouf Brothers Towing Company Inc.
LeBlanc's Cajun Boudin & Food Company Inc.
Lee Laboratories, Inc.
Lee Medical International, Inc.
Lee Memorial Health System
Lee Memorial Hospital Blood Band
Lee N. Spears & Sons Seafood
Lee Pharmaceuticals
Lee Pharmacy, Inc.
Lee Richard J.
Lee's Gas Supplies Incorporated
Lee's Oriental Food Processors
LeFin L.L.C.
Legacy Dairy Farms LP
Legacy Pharmaceuticals International
Legacy Systems Inc.
Legal Gear
Lehigh Valley Technologies Inc.
Lehman Foods Inc.
Lein, David A., MD
Leiner Health Products Inc.
Leiner Health Products, LLC
Leisegang Medical Inc.
Lelanau Fruit Company
LeMaitre, George W.
Lemon-X Corporation
Lemske Cheese & Packaging Co. Inc.
Lena's Cajun Seafood Dishes Inc.
Lenco's Products
Lenox Hill Hospital
Lentz, Meredith R., M.D.
Leo Dickson & Sons, Inc.
Leonard Shrimp Products Incorporated
Leone Russell F.
Leong-Kuba Sea Products, Inc.
Leo's Gourmet Smoked Fish
Leprino Foods
Les Laboratories Blanchard
Les Trois Petits Conchons
Lett Us One Corporation
Levenson Jeffrey R. M.D.
Levin CGR Mobil Mammogram
Levitronix LLC
Levittown Fish Market
Lewin Agency Inc.
Lew-Lin Farms
Lex, Inc.
Lexicor Medical Technology, Inc.
Lexington International, LLC
Lextron Texas LLP
LGS Technologies, LP
LI Jet Center
Lian Hwa Foods (U.S.A), Inc.
Liberty Dairy LLC
Liberty Gold Fruit Co. Inc.
Liberty Gold Fruit Company, Inc.
Liberty Pharmaceuticals
Liberty-Dayton Hospital Inc
Licking Memorial Women's Health
Lien Hoa Food Corporation
Life Enchancement Products, Inc.
Life Enhancement Products, Inc.
Life Extension Center, Inc.
Life Pulse LLC
LifeCare Technologies, Inc.
LifeCell Corporation
Lifecore Biomedical, Inc.
LifeGas, Ltd.
LifeGuard Health LLC
Lifeguard Inc.
LifeLine Energetics, Inc.
Lifeplus Inc.
LifeScan, Inc.
Lifesigns Inc.
LifeSource Blood Services
LifeSouth Community Blood Centers
LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, Inc.
LifeSouth Community Blood Service
Lifesoy, Inc.
Lifespan Inc.
Lifestream Medical Corporation
Lifestyle GP Company, LLC
LifeStyle Hearing Inc.
Life-Tech, Inc
Lifeway Foods, Inc.
Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Light Force Therapy, Inc.
LightMed Corporation
LightWorks LLC
Likelisa Enterprises Co. Ltd. & Lei-Fond Laser Industrial Co. Ltd.
Liken Home Medical Inc.
Liko, Inc.
Lilly's Gastronomia Italiana, Inc.
Lima Brothers Dairy
Limate Corporation
Limberg Michael B. M.D.
Lime Creek Ag Services Inc.
Lincare, Inc.
Lincare Inc.
Lincare Incorporated
Lincoln County Medical Center
Lincoln County Memorial Hospital
Lincoln Hospital Medical Center
Lincoln Land Livestock Co., Inc.
Lincoln Medical Supply
Linden Beverage Co. Inc.
Linden, David, M.D.
Linden Municipal Hospital
Linder Quann Medical Group
Lindsay Farms
Lini Inc.
Links Pharmaceutical
Linma International (USA), Inc.
Linvatec Corporation
Linvingston David H. M.D.
Linweld Inc.
Linzer, Dov M.D.
Lipari Food Products, Inc
Lisanby, Sarah H., M.D.
Litron Laboratories, Ltd
Little Falls Hospital
Little River Fish House Inc
Little Rock Diagnostic Clinic
Littleton Adventist Hospital
Liu's Bean Sprouts
Liuzzi Microbiology Laboratory Inc.
Livestock Dealer
Living Foods Inc.
Living Streams Mission, Inc
Livington Memorial Hospital
L-J Farms, Inc.
LKC Technologies Inc.
Llano Memorial Healthcare System
Lloyd Nash Livestock
LM Sandler & Sons
LNK International Inc.
Lnzro Pizza Empire Inc.
Lobob Laboratories Inc.
Loborde Diagnostics
Lobster Pound The, Incorporated
Local Repack
Lodi Veterinary Hospital, S.C.
Loek Van Warmerdam Dairy
Log Haven Dairy
Logan Hospital & Medical Center
LOKKI Lasers Medicaux S.A.
Lombardi's Seafood Inc.
Lonely Ranch Dairy
Long Island Diagnostic Imaging
Long Island Fish Exchange
Long Island Jewish Radiology Private Practice
Long Island Radiology Associates P. C.
Long March Pharmaceuticals
Longhenry Farms
Long's Peak Dairy
Lordex Inc
Loring Labs Inc.
LORS Medical Corporation
Lorton's Fresh Squeezed Juices
Lost Mountain Tissue Bank
Lost Trail Dairy, LLC
Lotte International Trading, Inc.
Louis C. Mathews Seafood
Louise G. Wallace Hospital-Breech Medical Center
Louisiana Dock Company
Louisiana Fine Foods, Inc.
Louisiana Proteins DBA Riegel By-Products
Louisiana Royal Seafood Inc.
Louisiana Seafood Company
Louisiana State University Medical Center IRB
Louisiana Substance Abuse Clinic Inc.
Louisville APL Diagnostics, Inc.
Louisville APL Diagnostics Inc.
Louisville Regional Airport Authority
Lourdes Medical Center
Lourenco Dairy #2
Lourenco Steve
Love and Quiches, Ltd.
Love Homecare
Lovelace Health Systems Inc.
Lovelace Institutional Review Board
Lowe Sylvia
Lowell Products Development
Lower Umpqua Hospital
Lowery Specialty Foods Company
Lowlyn Pharmacies, Inc.
Lowry Ophthalmology
Lowther, Janet
Loy, Mike
Loyola Dairy
L.P. Wholesale Seafood, Ltd.
L.P. Wholesale Seafood Ltd.
LPG USA Incorporated
LR Plast A/S
LSG Lufthansa - Sky Chefs
LSG Lufthansa Service/Sky Chefs
LSG Sky Chef Inc.
LSG Sky Chef Incorporated
LSG Sky Chefs
LSG Sky Chefs Inc.
LSG/Sky Chefs Inc.
LSI International Inc.
LSU Earl K. Long Medical Center
Lu-Ar Dairy
Lubar Seafood Corp
Lubar Seafood Corp.
Lubar Seafood Corporation
Lubbock Radiology Associates
Lubec Packing Company
Lucas Wharf, Inc.
Luce Reed A.
Lucky International Trading Inc.
Lucky Tours
Lucust Hill Farm
Lucy's Ravoli Kitchen, Inc.
Ludwig Medical, Inc
Luen Hing Sprouts Inc.
Luitpold Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Lukare Medical Co. Inc.
Lulu's Dessert Factory
Lumax Handling Corporation
Lumberton Radiological Associates
Lumen Food Corporation
Lumenis, Inc.
Luminex Corporation
Lumisys Inc.
Lunar Corporation
Luneau S.A.
Lupin Limited
Lusamerica Foods Inc.
LushLife Gardens
Luskin-Hawk, M.D., Roberta L
Luther L. Smith & Son Inc.
Lutheran Medical Center
Luv'n Care LTD.
Luxar Corporation
L.V. Stabler Hospital
Ly, David S.
Lydall, Inc.
Lyle's Seafoods
Lyles's Seafoods
Lynchburg Respiratory Care Inc.
Lyne Laboratories, Inc.
Lynn Marvin J.
Lynn Medical Instrument Company
Lynn's Seafood
Lyrek Farms
M & I Seafoofd Manufacturing Inc.
M & M Barcelos Dairy
M & N Food Products, Inc.
M & P Dairy
M & Q Plastic Products
M & S Acquisition
M Blesy Dairy
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
M G Acquistion LLC
M. Kane's Fish Market Inc.
M. Slavin & Sons, Ltd.
M. Slavin & Sons 4/9/09
M. Zukerman and Co. Inc.
Mabel's Taste of Home, Inc.
Macan Engineering and Manufacturing Company Inc.
Macclesfield Works
Macek Anne L. M.D.
Machado Wilton Corporation
Mackie International, Inc.
MacKnight Smoked Food Inc.
MacKnight Smoked Foods, Inc.
MacKnight Smoked Foods Inc.
MacKnight Smoked Foods Incorporated
Macro Seafood, Inc.
Madden's Pharmacy
Madeira Beach Seafood Inc
Madera Calf Ranch
Madespa S.A.
Madison Medical Affiliates Inc.
Madison Radiology
Madison Seafood Incorporated
Maehr, Jeffrey, M.D.
Magan Medical Clinic, Inc.
Magic Milk Dairy, Inc.
Magnet of Palm Beach, LTD
Magnetherapy Incorporated
Magnetic Resonance of New Jersey
Magnificent Medical Equipment, Inc. (dba Tony Riso Company)
Magnu Vu
Mahoi Janet C.
Mahoning Valley Imaging at Healthridge Medical Center
Maida Jerry W. M.D.
Maine Oxy-Acetylene Supply Co.
Maini Dr. Baltej
Mainline Technology, Inc
Majestic International Spice
Major Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Makevale Limited
MAK-SYSTEM S.A. International Group
Malaysian Institite for Nuclear Technology Research
Mallinckrodt Inc.
Mallinckrodt Inc., dba Covidien
Mallinckrodt Inc. Pharmaceuticals Group
Mama Lavash, Inc.
Mammography & Ultrasound Specialists
Mammography Imaging Center Inc.
Mammoth Cave Dairy Auction, Inc.
Manan Medical Products Inc.
Manatee Foods Inc DBA Manatee Sprout Company
Manatee Respiratory Services
Manchester Veterinary Clinic & Supply P.C.
Mandalay Trading Corporation
Mandarin Soy Sauce, Inc.
Mangan Brothers Inc.
Manhattan Physician's Group PC
Manilaq Health Center
Manjean Holsteins
Manna Pro Corporation
Manno Pro Corporation
Mann's Fish Market
Manns Harbor Fisheries
Mantecados Ltd./Payco Foods Inc.
Manuel Enterprises Inc.
Manuel Jorge and Son Dairy
Manuel Lima Dairy
Maple Dairy
Mar, Timothy P., M.D.
Marathon Cheese Corp.
Marcel and Henri Select Meats Inc
Marcelina's Mexican Food, Inc.
Marcelino Amaral and Sons Dairy
Marcum, John W., M.D.
Margandale Farms
Margaret Mary Community Hospital
Maria Medeiros Dairy
Marian Community Hospital
Marianna Inc.
Marian's Kitchen
Maria's Fresh Seafood Market, L.L.C.
Maria's Gourmet Pasta Products, Inc.
Maricopa Medical Center
Marin Breast Health Center
Marina Medical Instruments Inc.
Marina Seafoods
Marina Seafoods, Inc.
Marine Equipment Management Corp.
Marine Harvest
Marine Polymer Technologies, Inc.
Marines USA, Inc.
Mario M. Simoes Dairy #2
Marion Health Care Hospital
Marion Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co.
Marjon Specialty Food, Inc
Marjon Specialty Foods
Mark A. Frankle, M.D.
Mark A. Mighell, M.D.
Mark II Enterprises
Mark Nolt Farm d/b/a Nature's Sunlight Farm
Mark V. Porter d.b.a. MVP Livestock, Inc.
Market Basket, Inc.
Marks Brothers Pickle Company Inc.
Mar-Lees Seafood, Inc.
Marlen Manufacturing & Development Co.
Marlen Manufacturing and Development Co.
Marlen Martin Farm
Marlette Community Hospital
Marpesca Miami Corporation
Marquardt Victor
Marquet GmbH & Co KG
Marquez Dairy LLC
Marquez, Raul A., M.D.
Marshall Ezra M. M.D.
Marshall Medical Center North
Marshall Regional Medical Center
Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center
Marstrade USA, Inc.
Martec Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Martex Farms S.E.
Martin D. Yoder Livestock
Martin, Gene A.
Martin Robert Z.
Martin Terminal Inc.
Martins Antonio L.
Martin's Dairy
Martin-Vue Farms
Marukai Corporation
Marutama Company Inc.
Maruwa Skokai Guam Inc.
Mary Chiles Hospital
Mary Greeley Medical Center
Mary Immaculate Hospital
Maryland Ellen Maryland Crab Meat Company, Inc.
Maryland Food Bank
Maryland General Hospital / Mobile Mammography Unit
Maryland Port Administration
Maryland Wholesale Seafood Market
Mary's Malasadas, Inc.
Masami Cattle Ranch Inc.
Mason General Hospital
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Port Authority
Massachusetts Public Health Biologic Laboratories
Massena Memorial Hospital
Mastek Inc.
Master Industries, LLC
Masterfoods USA
Mastex Industries, LLC
Material Resources LLC
Materile Reprocessing Inc.
Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.
Mathis Ranch, LLC dba Texas Legend Ranch
Mathys Medical Ltd.
Matrix Biokinetics Inc.
Matrix Electromedical Incorporated
Matrixx Initiatives, Inc. AKA Zicam LLC
Matsushita Microwave Oven Corporation of America
Matthews, Dana C., M.D.
Mattos Brothers Dairy
Maui Medical Group
Maui Medical Group Inc.
Maunesha River Dairy
Mavidon Medical Products
Maxim's Import Corporation
Maximum Human Performance
Maxplus International Inc.
Maxum Diagnostic Center
May Ao Foods Company
May Food Supply, Inc.
Mayco Fish Company, Ltd.
Mayer's Brothers Apple Products Inc.
Mayes, Randall J.
Mayflower Natural Foods
Mayne Pharma Pty., Ltd.
Mayne Pharma (USA), Inc.
Mayne Pharma (USA) Inc.
Mayo Dairy
Mayor Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc.
Maypro Industries Inc.
M.B. Seafood Company, Inc.
Mc 3x
MCAA Land & Cattle LLC
McAbee Medical Inc.
McAdam Health Enterprises
McAllen Miller International Airport
McAnally Enterprises LLC
McArthur Farms Inc.
McArthur Livestock
McBride Dairy Farm
McCann's Seafood
McCormick Distilling Co.
MCD International LLC
McDougald Larry Ph.D.
McFarling Foods Inc.
McKechnie Plastic Components
McKennan Hospital
Mckinley Incorporated
McKinley Medical LLLP
McKinnon, Blair
McLaren Regional Medical Center Institutional Review Board
McLeod Regional Medical Center
MCMI Food Company
McNeil Consumer Products Co.
McNichol's Dead and Crippled Livestock
McPhail, Richard
McPherson Hospital
MCR American Phamaceuticals Inc.
MCT Medical Products
Mc6 Cattle Feeders Inc.
MD Anderson Cancer Center
MD International Inc.
MD Labs/Human Development Technologies
M.E. Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Meadow Gold Dairies Hawaii
Meadow Wood Animal Clinic
Meadowbrook Dairy
Meadowview Regional Medical Center
Mechanical Servants Inc.
Mecklenburg Breast Screening Program MCHD
Mecklenburg Farm Inc
Med Center One - Streetsboro
Med Cross Imaging Center
Med Prep Consulting, Inc.
Medart Seafood
Medbrook Medical Center
Medco Instruments Inc.
Medco Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Med-Corp/Med-Care Inc.
Medefil, Inc.
Medefil Inc.
Medelle Corporation
MedEnclosure, L.L.C.
Medenet Inc. d.b.a. Advantage Care
Medeva Pharma Ltd
Medford Veterinary Clinic
Medgyn Products
MedGyn Products Inc.
Media Power, Inc.
Medic Home Health Care
Medica Corporation
Medical & Clinical Consortium Inc
Medical Accessories, Inc.
Medical Accessories Inc
Medical Action Industries
Medical Appliance Company Ltd.
Medical Arts Clinic
Medical Associates Health Center
Medical Associates of Gallipolis Inc.
Medical Cables, Inc.
Medical Center at Lancaster
Medical Center Home Health Care Services Inc.
Medical Center of Mesquite The
Medical Center of Southwest Louisiana
Medical College Of Pennsylvania Hospital
Medical Components Inc.
Medical Concepts Development
Medical Department Store
Medical Developmental Research Inc.
Medical Develpment Research Inc.
Medical Device Consulting
Medical Device Resource Corporation
Medical Device Services, Inc.
Medical Device Technologies, Inc.
Medical Diagnostic Center (Southside)
Medical Diagnostic Imaging
Medical Energy, Inc.
Medical Equipment Company Incorporated
Medical Equipment Designs Inc.
Medical Group Imaging Center of Glendale
Medical Homecare Services Inc.
Medical Imaging Center
Medical Imaging Center of Southern California
Medical Imaging Services for Women
Medical Industrial Equipment Ltd.
Medical Industries America, Inc.
Medical Information Technology Inc.
Medical Instruments Technology, Inc.
Medical Marketing & Management L.L.C.
Medical Measurements, Inc.
Medical Packaging Technologies Inc.
Medical Park Imaging
Medical Park Pharmacy
Medical Research Industries Inc.
Medical Science Products, Inc.
Medical Services of America Inc.
Medical Solutions International, Inc.
Medical Technology Solutions Inc.
Medical Wire & Equipment Co. (Bath) Ltd.
Medical Wire & Equipment Co (Bath), Ltd
Medi-Care Orthopedic & Hospital Equipment
Medicate Home Care Equipment
Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation
Medico Labs, Inc.
Medico Medical Equipment & Supplies Inc
MediCom a.s.
MediComp Inc.
Medicomp Inc
MediCor Corporation
Medigloves Inc.
Medi-ject Corporation
Medi-Man Rehabilitation Products Inc.
MedImmune, Inc.
MedImmune Vaccines, Inc.
Medina General Hospital
Medina Landmark Inc.
Medion Diagnostic AG
Medi-Rents & Sales
Medi-rents and Sales Inc.
Medi-Royale Pastex Inc
Medisol Laboratories Inc.
Medi-Stat, Inc.
Medisurg Research & Management Corporation
Meditrend, Inc
Medix Pharmaceuticals Americas Inc.
MedLean Inc.
Medley Tomatoes, Inc.
Medline Industries, Inc.
Med-Mart Pulmonary Services
MedNet Services Inc.
MedPACS Displays, Inc.
Med-Pharmex Inc.
Medpointe Healthcare, Inc.
Med-Pro Inc.
Medron, Inc.
MedRx, Inc.
Med-Scan - Flint
Medsep Corporation
Medserv Corporation
Med-South Inc.
Med-South Pharmacy Inc.
MedTec Inc
Medtronic Emergency Response System
Medtronic, Inc.
Medtronic Inc.
Medtronic Incorporated
Medtronic Physio-Control
Medtronic Puerto Rico Operations Company
Medtronic Vascular
Medweb Inc.
MedX Corporation
MedX96 Inc.
Meech, Todd R.
Meek's Seafood, Inc.
Mega Pro International
Mei Mee Srpouting Inc.
Meiko Food Company
Melaleuca Inc.
Melanocorp, Inc.
Mellinger Arthur
Mellott Chris M.
Melvin Simoes Dairy #3
Memorial Atrium Imaging
Memorial Blood Centers
Memorial Community Hospital
Memorial Health System
Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center
Memorial Hospital
Memorial Hospital at Gulfport
Memorial Hospital Inc
Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County
Memorial Imaging San Pablo
Memorial Medical Center
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Mendocino Coast District Hospital
Mendoza Food Products, Inc.
Menicon USA Inc.
Meninno Brothers Inc.
Mennen Medical Ltd.
Mental Processes Inc.
Mentholatum Co. Inc.
Mentor Corporation
Menu Foods, Inc.
Meragenesis Health Products
Merazon Health Products, Inc.
Mercer Livestock Auction Inc.
Mercer Processing, Inc.
Mercerville Radiology Associates P.A.
Merchants Distributors, Inc.
Merck & Co., Inc.
Merck & Co. Inc.
Merck & Company, Inc.
Merck & Company Inc.
Merck Manufacturing Division
Mercury Medical
Mercy Community Hospital
Mercy Diagnostics
Mercy Health System of Kansas, Inc.
Mercy Hospital Blood Bank
Mercy Medical Center
Mercy Medical Center - Sioux City
Mercy Mount Clemens Corporation
Meredith-Warner Animal Clinic
Merge Technologies, Inc.
Merial Limited
Meridian Bio-medical Inc.
Meridian Bioscience Inc.
Meridian Industries Inc.
Meridian Lifeforce, Inc
Meridian Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Merits Health Products Co., Ltd.
Merix Pharmaceutical Corporation
Merlin Labs, Inc.
Mermentau Rice, Inc.
Merrimac Smoked Fish Inc.
Mers Inc. d.b.a. Economy Boat Store
Mersco Medical Inc.
Mese Hsin Tung Yang Foods, Inc.
Mesquite Diagnostics
Metabolic Nutrition, Inc.
Metabolic Nutrition Inc.
Metagenics, Inc.
Metcalf Crab Company
Methodist Healthcare-Mckenzie Hospital
Methodist Hospital Breast Center
Methodist Hospital Germantown
Methodist Hospital of Fayette
Metro Imaging
Metro-Health Southwest Plaza
Metrolina Women's Breast Center
Metropolitan Hospital
Metropolitan Hospital Center
Metrotech Medical, Inc.
Metuchen Analytical Inc.
Mexican Village Wholesale Foods, Inc
Meyer Farm
Meyers Lester
M.F. Gomes and Sons Dairy
MFA Inc.
MG Industries
Mgs Soapopular
MI Drilling Fluids
M&I Seafood Manufacturers, Inc.
Miami Aircraft Support
Miami River Lobster and Stone Crab
Miami Terminal Cold Storage, LLC
Miavana Wholesale Company
Miavana Wholesale Company, Inc.
Micelle Laboratories LLC
Micelle Products Inc
Michael Foods Company, Inc.
Michael Hoover Dairy Farm
Michael Mumbulo
Michael S. Miller, D.O.
Michel Cordon Bleu Inc.
Michele's Original
Michigan Community Blood Center
Michigan Instruments, Inc.
Michigan Trading Post
Michiganan Farms Ltd.
Micro Mega S.A.
Micro Worldwide Trading
Microbiologics Inc.
Microcurrent Research Incorporated
Microline Inc.
Micromedics Inc.
Micro-Precision Instruments Ltd.
MicroSurgical Technologies, Inc.
Microvena Corporation
Micrylium Laboratories
Mid American Chemical Corp.
Mid Hudson Medical Group
Mid Pacific Seafoods Inc.
Mid-Atlantic Diagnostics
Mid-Columbia Medical Center
Middle East Bakery, Inc.
Middle Georgia Medical Supply
Mid-Florida Bakeries, LLC
Midical Diagnostic Center
Midland Bull Test Ranch
Midland Pharmaceutical LLC
Mid-South PCM Group P.C.
Midstate Medical Inc.
Midstate Veterinary Services PLLC
Midway Airlines
Midway Airlines Corp.
Midwest Health Center
Midwest Health Partners P.C.
Midwest Heart Foundation
Midwest Medical Holdings, LLC
Midwest Medical Inc.
Midwest Seafood, Inc.
Midwestern Electronics Inc.
Mikart Inc
Mikart Inc.
Mike Frings Cattle Company
Mike's Quality Meats
Mike's Seafood
Mikes Seafood
Milan General Hospital
Milbank Mills Inc
Milex Products Inc.
Milfico Foods, Inc.
Milford Seafood Corporation
Milford-Whitinsville Regional Hospital
Milk Flow Dairy
Milk Source, LLC
Milky Way Dairy
Mill Creek Family Practice Clinic
Millenium Medical Systems Inc.
Millennium Biotechnology, Inc.
Millennium Dental Technologies Inc.
Millennium Dental Technologies Incorporated
Millennium Diagnostic Imaging
Millennium Diagnostic Services
Millennium Health LLC
Miller, Andrew J.
Miller, Archibald S., M.D.
Miller II, Damon P., M.D.
Miller's Bakery, inc.
Miller's Homecare Services
Million Air Monterey
Million Food Corporation
Millner Trading Company, Inc.
Mills Welding Supply Inc.
Mills-Peninsula Hospital
Millstone Agri Distributors
Milner Rushing Discount Drugs
Mincing Trading Corporation
Mind's Eye Juice Company
Miner's Colfax Medical Center
Ming Hong International, Inc.
Mingo Pike Radiology
Minister Farmers Cooperative Exchange Inc.
Minneapolis Medical Arts Clinic
Minneapolis Radiology Associates, Ltd.
Minnesota Extrusion Inc
Minnesota Valley Health Center
Minntech Corporation
Minntech Corporation d.b.a. Renal Systems
Minor and James Medical PLLC
Miracle Fish, Inc.
Miracle Marketing Distributors
Mirada Dairy
Mirage Spas and Tanning Salon
Miramar Industries Limited
Miranda Livestock
Miriam Santisteban Wysocki, M.D., Inc.
Miskin Barry M.D.
Misonix, Inc.
Missa Bay Inc.
Mission Bay Memorial Hospital/Institutional Review Board
Mission Mountain Food Enterprise Center
Mission Pharmacal Co. Inc.
Mission Primary Care Clinic
Mississippi Blood Services, Inc.
Mississippi Food Service, Inc.
Mississippi Seafood Exchange, Inc.
Mississippi Valley Canteen
Missouri Babtist Medical Center
Missouri Baptist Medical Center
Missouri Baptist Medical Center-Mobile
Misty Meadow Farms
Mitchell Farms
Miter Inc.
Mitsui Foods Inc.
Mixillofacial Surgery Center
MJM International Corporation
MK Medical
Mlsna Dairy Supply, Inc.
MN DAK Dairy
MNC Pharmaceuticals Group, Inc
Moberly Regional Medical Center
Mobile Breast Care Services
Mobile Health Outreach
Mobile Mammography Service
Mobile Med + Care Inc.
Mobil-Teria Catering Company Inc.
Moctec Enterprises Inc.
Moda Company, LLC
Modern Products
Modern Products, Inc.
Modesto Fish Company
Modesto Imaging Center Inc.
Mofel's Food International Corporation
Mogen Circumcision Instruments Ltd.
Mohawk Valley Homecare Inc.
Moisan Dairy
Molded Products Company
Mon Chong Loong Trading Corporation
Monarch Seafoods Inc.
Monongahela Valley Hospital Inc.
Monserrat Pharmaceuticals Inc
Montag Thomas W. M.D.
Montana Merchandising Inc.
Montana Mountain Smoked Inc.
Montclair Baptist Medical Center
Montco Precision Machines, Inc.
Montefiore Imaging Center
Monterey Fish Co., Inc.
Monterey Fish Comapny Inc.
Monterey Peninsula Airport District
Montfort Jones Memorial Hospital
Montgomery Medical Equipment
Moon Glow Dairy
Moore Oxygen Supply Inc.
Moossa Abdool R. M.D.
Moran Rowen & Dorsey Inc. - Breast Imaging Center
Morcher GmbH
Morehead Memorial Hospital
Moreland Dale L.
Moreno Valley Dairy
Morey's Seafood International, LLC
Morgan Foods
Morgan Mill Trout Farm
Morgan, Steven J., MD
Morico Foods, Inc.
Morico Foods Inc.
Morlock Thomas
Moroni Feed Company
Morrell Farm
Morris Erde Inc.
Morris Levin and Son
Morris Smoked Fish Company
Morris Veterinary Center, PSC
Morristown-Hamblen Hospital
Mortar & Pestle Pharmacy Inc.
Mortillaro Lobster Company, LLC
Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Morven Partner L.P.
Morven Partners, LP
Morwell Corporation
Moses, Jeffrey
Moses Lake Clinic
Moses Ludington Hospital
Moshin Surgical Industries/JMB Industries
Moshirfar, Majid, M.D.
Moss Tubes Inc.
Mostel, Edward, M.D.
MotherSOY(R), Inc.
Moules Ernie M.
Mount Auburn Hospital
Mount Vernon Medical Group
Mountain Pride
Mountain Products Inc.
Mountain Valley Fish & Oyster Inc.
Mountain View Farm
Mountain View Hospital
Mountain West Medical Inc.
Mountainside Hospital
Moyer & Son Inc.
M&P Fine Foods Inc.
MPM Farms
MPPI Physicians
MPTF Toluca Lake Health Center
MPW Industrial Services, Inc.
Mr. Dee's Seafood 'N' Things, Inc.
Mr. Fish Seafood
Mr. Robert's Seafoods
Mr. Seafood Distributors
MRI Institute of Maryland
MRL Inc.
Mrs. Galbaud Francois Rose
Mrs. Grissom's Salads, Inc.
M.R.S. Marketing
Mrs. Seibold's Bakery, Inc.
Mrs. Wheat's Fabulous Foods, Inc.
Mrs. Williams Country Kitchen Inc.
MS Foods Inc.
MSN Imaging Center
Mt. Clemens General Hospital
Mt. San Rafael Hospital
Mueller Planetarium
Mueller Sports Medicine Inc.
Mulingtapang, Reynaldo F. MD
Mullet, Ivan
Multi-Clean Incorporated
Multidata Systems International Corp.
Multidata Systems International Corporation
Multi-Diagnostic Services Inc.
Multimedia Medical Systems
Murex Diagnostics Inc.
Murfreesboro Pharmaceutical Nursing Supply
Muro Pharmaceutical Inc.
Murphy Oil USA Inc.
Murray Avenue Apothecary
Murray, Robert Mitchell M.D.
Murray Shore Pharmacy
Murrock Farms
Murvest, Inc.
Muscle Lane, Inc.
Mutual Fish Company
Mutual Pharmaceutical Co Inc.
Muvezi Inc.
Myer James
Myron L. Company
N & S Market Inc.
N. Parascandolo & Sons, Inc.
N TECH Instrument Repair, Inc.
N. V. N. Inc.
Nabi Biopharmaceuticals
Nace James S.
Nagasako Fish Ltd.
NAHC of Wyoming
Nancy's Homemade Fudge
Nandau Seafood Company
Nanogen Point-of-Care Diagnostic Division
Nantong International Medical Material Co. Ltd.
Nantucket Cottage Hospital
Napoleon Deli, Inc.
Nardi, Claudia
Nash Farms Inc.
Nash Finch Company
Nasiff Associates, Inc.
Nasoya Foods Inc.
Nassau County Medical Center
Nassau Health Care Corporation Mammography Center
Nassmith Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Natchez Animal Supply Company
National Biochemicals Corp.
National Biological Corporation
National Coach Works Incorporated
National Fisheries
National Fisheries Inc.
National Foods Corporation
National Genetics Institute
National Gypsum Company
National Healthcare Manufacturing Corp.
National Home Products Ltd.
National Honey, Inc., dba National Commodities, Co
National Pharmpak Services
National Railroad Passenger Corp.
National Service Industries Inc.
National Testing Laboratories Inc.
National Welding Supply Company Inc.
National Welding Supply Inc.
Nations Healthcare Inc.
Native American Shellfish Company
Native Remedies, LLC
Natren, Inc.
Natren Inc.
Natura Mediterranea
Natural Balance, Inc.
Natural Biology, Inc.
Natural Bodylines Inc.
Natural Choice Company Inc.
Natural Environmental Solutions
Natural Health Consultants
Natural Ovens of Manitowoc Inc
Natural Revelations Inc.
Natural Source, Inc.
Natural Technology, Inc.
NatureMost of New England
Natureplex, LLC
Nature's Acres
Nature's Best Inc.
Nature's Cathedral Inc.
Nature's Choice Aloe Products
Nature's Dairy
Natures Hand
Nature's Health Supply
Nature's Sunshine Products
Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc.
Nature's Sunshine Products Inc
Nature's Vision Inc.
Nature's Way
Nature's Way Products, Inc.
Naturopathic Labs International Inc.
Naturopathic Physician
Natwel Supply Corporation
Nauta, Haring J.W., MD
Navajo Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Naviera Coffee Mills
NCH Corporation
NDT Pharm Management, LLC
NE Medical Center Outreach Health Services-Mobile
Necco, Inc.
Needle & Infusion Technologies Inc.
Needmore Dairy Farm
Neil Laboratories, Inc.
Neil Laboratories Inc.
Neil laboratories Inc.
Neil Zwart Dairy
Neillsville Memorial Medical Center, Inc.
Neilsen Seafood
Nejatheim, Masood M.D.
Nelson and Sons Inc.
Nelson Crab, Inc.
Nelson, Douglas Jr.
Nelson Laboratories, Inc.
Nelsons Premix Service, Inc.
NeoChild LLC
Neogen Corporation
Neoteric Cosmetics, Inc.
Neoterik Health Technologies
Neotropix, Inc.
Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corp
Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Neptune Manufacturing, Inc.
Neptune Sandwiches
Neptune Smoked Fish Company LLC
Nesbitt, Lori A., Pharm. D., M.B.A.
Nestle S.A.
Nestle USA
Nestle/Friskies PetCare Company
Net Unique Inc.
Netuno Trading Group, Inc.
Netuno USA, Inc.
Neukon Groves, Inc.
Neuro Kinetics, Inc.
NeuroControl Corp.
Neuro-Fitness, L.L.C.
NeuroResearch, Inc
NeuroScience, Inc.
Neurotone Systems, Inc
Neverland Farms
New Day Fisheries, Inc.
New Decade Laboratories Inc.
New England Compounding Center
New England Lobster Company Inc.
New England Smoked Seafood
New Era Canning Co.
New Hampshire Fisheries, Inc.
New Horizons Dairy LLC
New Horizons Diagnostics Corporation
New Japan International Inc.
New Milk Inc.
New Moon Noodle Co.
New Orleans Fish House
New Pacific Inc.
New Sun, Inc.
New Vision Co-op
New Wave Seafood, Inc.
New West Fisheries Inc.
New Wilmington Slaughterhouse
New York Bagelry
New York Community Hospital
New York Diagnostic Medical Services Inc.
New York Eye & Ear Infirmary
New York Marine Terminals
New York Medical Group P.C.
New York Shipyard Corp.
New York's Bean Sprout Inc.
New You Labs
Newhouse Dairy Processing LLC
Newman Foods, Inc
Newman Foods Inc
Newman Gulf Medical Supplies Inc.
Newman Inc., (dba Medi-Stat)
Newman, John H., DVM
Newman's Fish Company
Newman's Own Organics
Newport Community Hospital
Newport Fish Company
Newport Hospital and Clinic
Newport Medical Instruments, Inc.
Newport Seafoods Inc.
Newton Laboratories, Inc.
Nexera Medical
Nexstar Pharmaceuticals Inc.
NHS Clarkson West Medical Center
Niagara Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Nich Marketers Inc.
Nicholas Pharmacy Inc.
Nichols, Trent. M.D.
Nichols, Trent M.D.
Nick & Katie's Inc.
Nickle, William F.
Nicolet Biomedical Inc.
Nico's Seafood & Products Corp.
Nidek Medical Products Inc
Niitikaya USA Inc.
Nikkiso Co. Ltd.
Nikolaus Straub Chirurgische Instrumente
Nina Ltd. Of Trenton
Nine, Inc.
Nino's Enterprises, Inc.
Ninth St. Management Inc. (Trades as Superior Pasta Co Inc.)
Nippon Rikagakuyakuhin Co. Ltd.
Nipro Diabetes Systems, Inc.
Nipro Medical Corporation
Nishimaru Inc
Nissho Corporation
Nitro Pak Preparedness
Noah Weg & Associates
Noah's Ark Animal Hospital
Nobel Biocare AB
Nochole Medical Equipment & Supply
Nocona General Hospital
Nodine's Smokehouse, Inc.
NOG Inc.
Nolan Livestock
Nomura Tofu Co. Inc.
Nonna's Real Italiana Cuccine
Nonu Inc.
Noon Hour Food Products Inc.
Nor-Cal Seafood, Inc.
Nordam Smith Welding Supplies
Norfolk Medical
Norfolk Medical Products, Inc.
Norland Corporation
Norland Medical Systems Inc.
Norman Seafood Inc
Normed Medizin-Technik GmbH
Norm-E-Lane, Inc.
Norquest Seafoods, Inc.
Norris M. Strauss Inc. dba NMS Publishing
Norso Biomagnetics Inc.
North Adams Regional Hospital
North American Caviar Company
North American Herb & Spice
North American Medical Corporation
North American Medical Products Inc.
North American Purchase & Trade
North American Science Associates, Inc.
North American Science Associates (NAmSA)
North American Vaccine Inc.
North Atlantic Imaging Systems Inc.
North Baldwin Hospital
North Cascade Family Physicians
North Coast Fisheries, Inc.
North Coast Medical Inc.
North Coast Seafoods
North Colorado Medical Center
North Country Dairy Supply, Inc.
North Fork Radiology P.C.
North Georgia Medical Center
North Hills Hospital Subsidiary, L.P., Inc.
North Hills Medical Center
North landing Corporation
North, Lloyd
North Medical Family Physicians, P.C.
North Point Dairy
North Shore University Hospital at Syosset
North Texas IRB
North Valley Veterinary Clinic, Inc.
NorthBya Healthcare
Northeast Bronx Radiology & Mammography
Northeast General Pharmaceutical Factory
Northeast Georgia Medical Center Inc.
Northeast Radiology
Northeastern Regional Hospital
Northern Beef Products
Northern Fish Products Inc.
Northern Implants L.L.C.
Northern Ohio Imaging Center
Northern X-Ray Company
Northland Radiology - Seven Mile
Northland Soy Products Inc.
Northridge Diagnostic Center
Northridge Hospital Medical Center
Northside - Alpharetta Imaging
Northside Medical Center
Northside Medical Center - Beeghly Medical Park
Northside Radiology
Northwest Airlines
Northwest Airlines, Inc.
Northwest Airlines Inc.
Northwest Airlines Incorporated
Northwest Home Care Inc.
Northwest Hospital Center
Northwest Medical Physics Equipment, Inc.
Northwest Order Buyers, Inc.
Northwest Tofu, Inc.
Norton Sound Health Corporation
Norton Suburban Hospital
Nortrade Medical Inc.
Nose Breathe
Nostrum Laboratories Inc
Nothe Atlantic Traders Ltd
Nothern Lights Smokeries
Nottenkamper, Joe
Nova Computers dba Nova Tech Gadgets
Nova Medical Corporation
Nova Medical Systems
Nova Southeastern University
Novamed Ltd.
Novartis AG
Novartis Animal Health Services AG
Novartis Nutrition Corp.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics
Novasonics Inc.
Nova-Tech Inc.
Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Novis PR dba Kramer-Novis
Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Novocol Pharmaceutical of Canada Inc.
Now Natural Foods, Inc.
Nozin LLC
NSK America Corporation
N.T.T. Seafood Inc.
Nu Weigh
Nubenco Enterprises Inc.
Nucare Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Nuclear Cardio Systems, Inc.
Nuclear Medicine of Central Florida Inc.
Nucletron Corporation
Nucura Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Nu-Day Snacks, Inc.
Nu-Day Snacks Inc.
Nulaid Foods Inc.
Number One Fish Market Inc.
Numed Inc.
Nunes Family Dairy, LLC
Nuovo Pasta Productions, Ltd.
Nurse Assist, Inc.
Nutra Med, Inc.
Nutraceutical International Corporation
Nutraceutical Labs, Inc.
Nutralife Laboratories
NutraMax Products Inc.
Nutricell, Inc.
Nutrigen Vitamins and Supplements
Nutrisoy International Inc.
Nutriteam, Inc.
Nutrition Dynamics Inc.
Nutrition Medical
Nutrition 2000
Nutritional Concepts Inc.
Nutritional Counselors of America
Nutritional Source Inc.
Nutronix International
Nu-Wave Health Products Inc
NVE Inc.
Nycomed Amersham Imaging Americas
N64 Neutraceutica
O & L Dairy #2
O. H. Kruse Grain & Milling
Oak Grove Pork Farm Inc.
Oak Lawn Institutional Review Board
Oak Ridge Medical Clinical P.C.
Oak Rubber Inc.
Oak Tree Farm Dairy, Inc.
Oakland Imaging Diagnostic Center
Oakland View Farms
Oaklawn Hospital
Oakview Dairy
Oasis Dairy
OASIS Medical, Inc.
OB GYN Physicians Group of Memphis
Oberlander Baking Co.
OBGYN Associates Inc.
OBGYN Associates of the Southern Tier
OB/GYN Group/Imaging
O'Bier Seafood Inc.
Obsidian Medical Technology Inc.
Obstbaum Orchards
Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates P.A.
Obstetrics & Gynecology Providers Inc.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Associates P.A.
Obstetrics and Gynecology of Atlanta, P.C.
Occidental Chemical Corporation
Ocean Beauty Seafoods, Inc.
Ocean Beauty Seafoods Inc.
Ocean Choice Seafood Company
Ocean Deep, LLC
Ocean Fishery Trading
Ocean Five Incorporated
Ocean Fresh Seafood, Inc.
Ocean Fresh Seafood Inc.
Ocean Pride Seafood
Ocean Queen USA, Inc.
Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc.
Ocean State Lobster LLC
Ocean to Ocean Seafood Sales LLC
Ocean World Inc.
Ocho Rios Miami Inc.
Ochsner Clinic Foundation
Ochsner Clinical Foundation
Ochsner Foundation
Oconee Medical Inc.
Oconee Memorial Hospital
Ocracoke Crab Company
Octapharma USA, Inc.
Oculus Optikgerate GmbH
Ocuserv Instruments Inc.
Odland Mark M.D.
Odyssey Medical Inc.
O.E. Meyer & Sons
Office of Constantine M. Voyagis
Offutt Air Force Base
Ogden Aviation Services
Ogden Regional Medical Center
O'Hearn Irish Dairy
Ohio Medical Corporation
Ohio Medical Instrument Co. Inc.
Ohlone Smoke Company
Oil Patch Fuel & Supply Inc.
Okanogan Douglas District Hospital
Oklahoma Blood Institute
Oklahoma Blood Institute Institutional Review Board
Okuhara Foods, Inc.
Ola Olsen Eftf. A/S
Olan Laboratories Inc.
Olay LLC.
Old Carolina Farms
Old Dominion Peanut Company Inc.
Old Hickory Medicine Company, Inc.
Oldco Inc. [dba Quibell Spring Water Beverages]
Ole' Mexican Foods, Inc.
Olga G. Marcus Cosmetics Inc.
Oliveira Dairy
Oliver Dwight O.
Olympian Labs
Olympic Medical Corporation
Olympus Optical Company Ltd.
Omak Clinic
Omega Inc.
Omega Laboratories Inc.
Omega Medical Imaging Inc.
Omega Supply
Omega Tech Labs., LLC
Omicron Quimica S.A.
Omiderm Ltd.
Omni Nutraceuticals, Inc.
Omnicare, Inc.
OmniCorder Technologies Inc.
Omnii Products of Palm Beach, Inc.
OmniSonics Medical Technologies Inc.
OMRIX biopharmaceuticals, Ltd.
Omron Healthcare
Omron Healthcare, Inc.
ONBO Electronics Company Ltd
Oncology Tech, LLP
One Life USA
One Way International, Inc.
Online Superstone
Ontonagon Memorial Hospital
Open MRI of Englewood Cliffs
Open MRI of Inland Valley
Ophthalmic International
Ophthalmic Technologies, Inc.
Opportunity Dairy
Optech Inc
Optech Systems Corporation
Optical Instrument Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Optical Polymer Research Inc
Optima Worldwide Ltd.
Opti-Magician Technology Co. Inc.
Optimal Wellness Center
Opti-Med Controlled Release Labs, Inc.
Optimum Nutrition
Optimum Nutrition, Inc.
Option Care
Option Care Home Medical Equipment
Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.
Optoelectronics Technology Co. Ltd.
Oraceutical, LLC
OraLabs Inc.
Oraltronics Vertriebs GmbH
Orange Bang Inc.
Orange Bean Sprouts
Orange Belt Stages dba: Orange Belt Adventures
Orange Diagnostic and Mammography Center
Orange Donuts
Orange Imaging Medical Group
Oratec Interventions, Incorporated
Oratec Interventions Incorporated
Orca Bay Foods Inc.
Orchard's Harvest
ORCHEM Corporation
Oreck Corporation
Oregon Gourmet Crab Inc.
Oregon Ocean Seafoods
Oregon Rail Holdings LLC
Organic Pastures Dairy Company
Organico Institute Corporation
Organizaciion Agricultores Bo. Espino
Organon Inc.
Organon Teknika BV
Organon USA Inc.
Oriental Food Marketing Inc.
Oriental Foods Inc.
Oriental Wholesale Foods Inc.
Orion Life Systems Inc.
Orleans Poverty Hill Farm
Oro Blanco, Inc.
Ortek AG
Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Americas
Ortho Development Corporation
Ortho Diagnostic Systems Inc.
Ortho Technology, Inc.
Ortho-Cycle Company Inc.
Orthofix Inc.
Ortho-Graphics Inc.
Orthohelix Surgical Designs, Inc
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc.
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals
Orthometrix, Inc.
Ortho-Tain Incorporation
Orthoton BV
Ortonville Area Health Services
O'Ryan Industries, Inc.
Osamu Corporation
Osborne Medical Inc.
Osceola Medical Center
Osceola Regional Medical Center
O'Shaughnessy, Charles D, M.D.
Osher Robert H. M.D.
Osman's Pies
Osprey Seafood Co. Inc.
Osprey Seafood of California, Inc.
OSSTEM Implant Co., Ltd.
OST Medical, Inc.
Osteomed, LP
Osteopathic Medical Center
Osterkamp Dairy
Ostroumova, Olga D.
OSU Corporation
Othello Community Hospital
Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital Inc.
Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center
Our Lady of Mercy Medical Center
Our Lady of the Lake Assumption
Our Lady of the Lake Hospital, Inc.
Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center Blood Bank
Outerbanks Seafood Co. Inc.
Outpatient Surgery Center for Sight IRB
Outsourcing Services Group
Ovation Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Overlake Foods Corporation
Overland Medical Center
Overland Park Regional Medical Center
Owens, Earl
Oxarc Incorporated
Oxy Plus Inc.
Oxygen & Respiratory Therapy Inc.
Oxygen Therapy Institute
Oxy-Health Corporation
Oxy-Health corporation
Oxy-Stat Inc. Home Health Care
Ozark Country Foods Inc.
P & L Schouten Dairy
P East Trading Corporation
P Flats Sprout Farm
Pace Tech, Inc.
Pace Tech Inc.
Pacey, Jason
Pacheco Mark L.
Pacific American Fish Co. Inc.
Pacific American Fish Company Inc.
Pacific Blue Seafood Company
Pacific Coast Breast Center
Pacific Coast Medical Services
Pacific Coast Tissue Bank
Pacific Communities Hospital
Pacific Consolidated Industries LLC
Pacific Export & Import Co. Inc.
Pacific Harvest Products Inc.
Pacific Hi-Tak, Inc.
Pacific International Seafood, LLC
Pacific Network, Inc.
Pacific Northwest Best Fish Company
Pacific Ocean Producers, Inc.
Pacific Ocean Seafood
Pacific Pre-Cut Produce, Inc.
Pacific Presicion
Pacific Rim Ice & Fish Packing Services Inc.
Pacific Rim Seafood
Pacific Seafood
Pacific Seafood Group
Pacific Seafood Group - Inland Quick Freeze
Pacific Seafood Group - Washington Crab Producers, Inc.
Pacific Seafood Products, Inc.
Pacific University - College of Optometry
Pacifica Pharmacy
Packers Provision Group
Packers Provisions Co. of PR
Paddock LaboratoriesInc.
Padeco Inc.
Padgett William B.
Pagano's Inc.
Pahrump Diary
Pain Clinics Australia Pty Ltd
Pajunk GmbH
Pal Do World
PAL Laboratories Inc.
Palace Foods, Inc.
Palace Pharmacy
Palm Bay Community Hospital
Palm Beach Blood Bank Incorporated
Palm Beach Respiratory Service Inc.
Palmer Farms
Palmer Farms Inc.
Palmetto Food Packaging, LLC
Palmyra Medical Centers
Pal-Nel Farms
Palo Pinto General Hospital
Palo Verde Hopital
Pan American Grain Mfg. Co. Inc.
Pan Probe Biotech Inc.
Panacea Products, LLC
Panatrex, Inc.
Panbio, Inc.
Panini Ventures, LLC
Panorama Compounding Pharmacy
Panorama Diagnostic & Imaging
Papas Dairy, LLC
Par Deus, Inc.
Par Pharmaceutical Inc.
Par 5 Dairy
Paradigm Medical Industries Inc.
Paradise Farm Corporation
Paradise Products Corporation
Paragon Healthcare Corporatioin
Paragon Implant Company
Paramount Surgimed Ltd.
Pardee Outpatient Radiology Center-Mobile
Parent, J. Rex, M.D.
Pari Respiratory Equipment Inc.
Park Nicollet Health Systems
Park Nicollet Medical Center
Parker & Sons, LLC
Parker Foods, LLC
Parker, Norva R
Parkridge Medical Center, Inc.
Parkway Hospital Inc.
Parmalat USA
Parmalat/Farmland Dairies
Parnell Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Parreiro-Pinheiro & Sons Dairy
Parrish & Heimbecker Limited
Particle Size Technology Inc.
Pascal Company, Inc.
Pasco Imaging & Open MRI Center
Paskewitz, Barry J.
Paskewitz Cattle Company
Pasta Italiana Inc.
Pasteur Merieux Serums et Vaccins
Patient Advocacy Council, Inc.
Patient First Corporation
Patricia L. Scheifly Breast Health Center
Patriot Foods, LLC
Patriot Foods LLC
Patterson Technology Center, Inc.
Patterson, William M., M.D.
Paul Meserve Distributor
Paul Ramer Construction
Paul Rothermel Livestock
Paul's Fruit Market, Inc.
Paul's Lobster Co.
Paulson, Daniel M., MD
Pavich Family Farms
Paynesville Area Health Care System
Payson Fruit Growers, Inc.
PDI Distribution Plus, Inc./Skandia Foods
PDK Labs Inc.
PDRX Pharmaceuticals Inc.
PDS Manufacturing, Inc.
Peace Harbor Hospital
Peachtree City Gynecology Center
Peak Performance Foods, LLC
Pear Garden Produce
Peche de Puerto Rico Inc.
Peco Foods Inc
Peco Foods Inc.
Pecos Pharmaceutical Inc.
Pediatric Services of America
Pediatric Services of America, Inc.
Pediatric Services of America Inc
Pediatric Services of America Inc.
Pedinol Pharmacal Inc
Pedinol Pharmacal Inc.
Pedreiro Arthur M.
Peekay International Inc
PEL Associates Inc.
Pelican Packers, Inc.
Pelican Point Seafood Inc.
Pemco Inc.
Penaf Corporation
Pendelton Flour Mills, LLC
Peninsula Diagnostic Center
Peninsula Health Care
Peninsula Laboratories Inc.
Peninsula Seafood of San Bruno Inc
Penn Herb Co Ltd.
Penner Manufacturing, Inc.
Pennington Greens
Pennsville Radiology
Peoples Pharmacy, Inc.
Pepin Heights Orchard, Inc.
Pereira Dairy
Pereira Joe P.
Perelandra, LTD
Perez Francisco
Perez Ident Peppers
Perez y Compania de Puerto Rico Inc.
Perfect Seafood Inc.
Perfect Sprouts
Perfect Tans and Spa
Perfecto Products Manufacturing Inc.
Performance Brand Flucinex
Performance Health Inc.
Performance Modalities Inc
Performance Nutrition Inc.
Perich, Larry M
Perkin Elmer Instuments
Perkins County Health Services
Perkins Electronics Company
Perma Pure Inc.
Permobil AB
Perpective International
Perrigo Co.
Perris Medical Imaging Center Inc.
Perry Baromedical Corporation
Perry Coal and Feed Company
Perry Dewey Farm
Person & Covey
Perstrop Specialty Chemicals AB
Per-Tech, Inc.
Pescaderia Atlantica
Pescaderia Atlantica, Inc.
Pesquera Torres de Paine S.A.
Pet Kiss Inc.
Pet Magic, Inc.
Pete Nunes & Son Dairies
Pete Soule & Sons
Pete Vander Poel Dairy
Peter Schiff Enterprises
Peters, Anthony
Peters, Thomas, M.D.
Petersburg Medical Center
Petersen's Medical Center Pharmacy Inc.
Petmed Express
PetMed Express, Inc.
Petrie Farms
Petrissans Dairy
Petro Chemicals
Petrossian Inc.
Petruzzi, Brian
Pezzolo Seafood
PF Laboratories Inc.
PFAB LP - Pharmafab
Pfizer Inc.
Pharma Fab
Pharma Pac LLC
Pharmaceutical Corporation of America
Pharmaceutical Development Center
Pharmaceutical Distribution Systems
Pharmaceutical Formulations, Inc.
Pharmaceutical Laboratories and Consultants, Inc.
Pharmaceutical Utilization Management Program VA Inc.
Pharmachem Laboratories, Inc.
Pharmacia & Upjohn
Pharmacia & Upjohn AB
Pharmacia & Upjohn Co.
Pharmacia & Upjohn Hillerod A/S
Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.
Pharmacia Corporation
Pharmacia Hepar Inc.
Pharmacy Associates Inc.
Pharmacy Associates Incorporated
Pharmacy Care Plus LC
Pharmacy Compounding Specialties
Pharmacy Corporation of America
Pharmacy Creations
Pharmacy Forces Inc.
PharmaKinetics Laboratories Inc.
Pharmakon Laboratories Inc.
Pharmakon Labs, Inc.
Pharmalucence, Inc.
PharmaScience Laboratories, LLC
PharmaScience Laboratories LLC
Pharmatech Inc.
PharMEDium Services, LLC
Pharmpak, Inc.
Phazx Systems Inc.
Phelps County Regional Medical Center
Philippine Food Distributor
Philips Lifeline, Inc.
Philips Lighting B.V.
Philips Medical Systems
Philips Medical Systems, Inc
Philips Medical Systems Region North America
Philips Medizin Systeme Gmbh
Phillip & Vincent Banks Dairy Farm
Phillips Cattle Company
Phillips Gulf Corporation
Phillips Medical Systems No.Amerca
Phillips Pharmatech Labs Inc.
Phillips, Robert A., M.D.
Phoenix Bean Products
Phoenix Bean Products Inc.
Phoenix Cosmetics Laboratories Inc.
Phoenix Enterprises, L.L.C.
Phoenix Medical Products
Phoenix Scientific Inc.
Photon Data Inc.
Physician Engineered Products Inc.
Physician's Choice Inc.
Physician's Choice Medical LLC.
Physicians Clinic Inc.
Physicians East-Greenville Obstetrics and Gynecology
Physicians Total Care, Inc.
Physicians Total Care Inc
Piazza, Michael R., M.D.
Picante Dried Pepper Corporation
Picker International Inc.
PIE Medical International, Inc.
Piedmont Dairy
Piedmont Health Care
Piedmont Healthcare
Piedmont Hospital, Inc.
Pier Fish Company
Pier 7 Inc.
Pierpont Seafood
Pierre Fabre Inc.
Pike County Memorial Hospital
Pilgrim's Pride Corporation
Pimentel & Sons Dairy
Pimpy's Water Delivery
Pine Bluff Imaging Center
Pine Hill Trailways
Pine Ridge Reservation Comprehensive Health Center
Pine View Dairy
Pinecrest Jersey Farm
Pinehurst Women's Clinic, P.A.
Piney Woods Emu Farm
Pinol Finmekanik A/S
Pinson's Fitness Products
Pioneer Express Respiratory Care Inc.
Pioneer International
Pioneer Live Shrimp Inc.
Pioneer Medical Group, Inc - Long Beach
Pipestone Grain Company
Pires Frank L. jr.
PK Ultrasound
Placeres & Sons Seafood Inc.
Plant Cures Incorporated
Plantation Medical Imaging
PlasmaCare, Inc.
Plastic Solutions Inc.
Plastics Management Corporation
Plastodent Inc.
Plaza-Wilson DME Inc.
PLC Medical Systems Inc.
Pleasant View Farms, Inc.
Plitt Company
Pliva Croatia Ltd
Plum Creek Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Plus Orthopedics
PM Ag Products Inc.
PML Microbiologicals, Inc.
PMT Coporation
Pneumex, Incorporated
P.&O. Cold Logistics
Pointe Scientific Inc
Polar International
Polar Seafood Corporation
Poli Industria Chimica S.p.A.
Pollman's Bake Shop
Poly Implants Protheses Sa
Poly Packaging Systems, Inc.
Polychrome Medical, Inc
PolyCil Health Inc
Polymer Technologies Systems, Inc.
Polynesian Natural Health Products LLC
Pomeroy, Ed M.
Ponce University Hospital
Ponderosa Dairy
Ponugoti, Nagarjuna R., M.D.
Pope Dairy Enterprises
Poplar Tans
Porfirio's Italian Food Inc.
Port Authority of Guam
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
Port Bolivar Fisheries, Inc.
Port Everglades
Port Isabel-San Benito Navigation District
Port of Beaumont Navigation District
Port of Brownsville Navigation
Port of Brownsville Navigation District
Port of Corpus Christi Authority
Port of Ponce
Port of Stockton Ore Dock 2-13
Port Royal Medical Center
Portage Prairie Pastured Poultry
Porter Hospital
Portland Sandwich Company
Portland Shellfish Company, Inc.
Porton International PLC
Ports Seafood, Inc.
Poseidon Enterprises, Inc.
Poseidon Seafood, Inc.
Posey Crab Company
Positron Corporation
Possis Medical Inc.
Potty MD, LLC
Power Medical Interventions Incorporation
Power Products, Inc.-Splintek
Power Source Distributors Inc.
Power Technology Incorporated
Powertron Medical Devices Inc.
Practical Health
Pragmatic Materials, Inc.
Prairie Cajun Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Prairie Veterinary Associates
Prather Welding Supply Inc.
Praxair Distribution Inc.
Praxair Inc.
Praxair Incorporated
Pray's Farmers Market
PRB Pharmaceuticals
Precise Biomedical Inc.
Precise Medical Imaging
Precision Medical Inc.
Precision Biometrics, Inc.
Precision Converters, Inc.
Precision Dynamics Corporation
Precision Ear Mold Laboratories Inc.
Precision Herbs, L.L.C.
Precision Piece Parts, Inc.
Preferred Freezer Services, Inc.
Premier Dairy Service LLC
Premier Direct Inc.
Premier Home Medical Inc.
Premier Laser Systems Inc.
Premier Medical
Premier Medical Group
Premier Nutrition
Premium Fresh Juice and Food Company, Inc.
Premium Nutritional Products, Inc.
PrePark Systems, Inc.
Presby Corp.
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Presbyterian Hospital of Greenville
Presbyterian Hospital of Kaufman
Presbyterian Hospital of Winnsboro
Prescott Imaging Center
Prescript Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Prescription Oxygen Services
Presentation Medical Center-Mobile
Presidents Specialty Health Care
Presidents Specialty Healthcare
Prestage Farms Inc.
Prestige Packaging Inc.
Presutti Laboratories, Inc.
Price, David
Price's Power International Inc.
Pride and Power, Inc.
Pride of Main Street Dairy LLC
Pride of the South Catfish, Inc.
Prima Pharm Inc.
PrimaPharm Inc
PrimaPharm Inc.
Primary Care Plus
Primary Care Solutions, Inc.
Prime Deli Corporation
Prime Dental Manufacturing, Inc.
Prime Enterprises, Inc
Prime Nutrition
Prime Veal Feed, Ltd.
PrimeCare Medical Group
Primus Sterilizer Co. Inc.
Prince, Barney G.
Princess Brandy Co., Inc.
Princess Lifestyles
Priority One Nutritional Supplements, Inc.
Prismic Light International, aka Sandent Co.
Prizm Medical Inc.
Pro Chemicals Inc.
Pro Star International, Inc.
Pro Trainers Choice Company, Inc.
Pro*Act Specialties
Procare Home Health Care Services Inc.
Procesadora Campofresco Inc.
Processors, Inc.
Procidence Hospital Breast Health & Education Center
Procter & Gamble
Procter and Gamble
Prodesse, Inc
Prodesse, Inc.
Producers Feed Company
Producers Livestock Association
Production Laboratories, Inc.
Productos Kikuet Inc.
Products Carousel Inc.
Professional Aircraft Services
Professional Compounding Centers of America, Inc.
Professional Dental Technologies Inc. (Pro-Dentec)
Professional Distribution Systems Inc.
Professional Hair Institute, Inc.
Professional Health Imaging P.C.
Professional Hospital Supply Inc.
Professional Medical Equipment Services
Professional Pad Printing Supply
Professional Specialties Company
Professionals for Womens Health
Progeny, Inc.
Progessive Health Nutraceuticals, Inc.
Progressive Chemical Research Ltd.
Progressive Dairy #1
Progressive Emu Inc.
Progressive Medical Services
Prolab Nutrition
Propharma Inc.
Prosec Security Systems Inc.
Prospect Enterprise, Inc.
Prospect Enterprises, Inc.
Prosser Memorial Hospital
ProSun Tanning Industries Inc
ProSun Tanning Industries Incorporated/dba Hapro
Pro-Tect Medical Products Inc.
Protherics, Inc.
Provenant Medical Center At Summit
Providence Dairy
Providence Holy Cross Medical Center
Providence Home services
Providence Medical Center
Providence Medical Center Farmington Hills
Providence Milwaukie Hospital
Proviron Fine Chemicals NV
Prowers Medical Center
Prpctor & Gamble
Prucka Engineering Inc.
P-Ryton Corporation
PSP Dental Company LTD.
P.T. Saptindo Surgica
Pueblo Mammography Center
Puerto Rico Ports Authority
Puget Sound Baking Company, LLC
Pujol &Valancy, Inc.
Pulini, Inc.
Pulmonetic Systems Inc
Pulmoniare Service, Inc.
Pulse Biomedical, Inc.
Pulsecast Ineractive Corp
Purac America, Inc.
Puratos Corporation
PuraVida Health Inc.
Purdue Frederick Company
Purdue Pharma Inc.
Purdue Pharma L.P.
Pure De-Lite Products, Inc.
Pure Health Solutions Inc.
Pure Home Air
Pure Prescriptions.com
Pure Water Solutions Inc.
Purepac Pharmaceutical Co.
Purepac Pharmaceutical Company
Purest Colloids, Inc.
PureTek Corporation
Puretone Ltd.
Purina Mills Inc
Purington, Timothy W.
Puronyx, Inc.
Putnam Diagnostic Imaging Center
PWA Industries SDN BHD
Pyng Medical Corporation
Pyramid Biological Corporation
Pyrenees Dairy
Q-Based Solutions
Qiagen GmbH
Qingdao Haier Microwave Production Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Jiulong Biopharmaceuticals Co. Ltd.
Qingdao Kangda No. 2 Cold Storage Plant
QTM Inc.
Quake Kare, Inc.
Quaker Oats Company
Qualigen Inc.
Qualis, Inc.
Qualitest Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Qualitest Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Quality Aspirators, Inc.
Quality Crab Company, Inc.
Quality Formulation Laboratories, Inc.
Quality Formulations Inc.
Quality Fresh Fish Express
Quality Fruits Products Corp.
Quality Liquid Feeds
Quality Meats & Seafood, Inc.
Quality Plus Products, Inc.
Quality Poultry & Seafood
Quality Seafood
Quality Seafood Company, Inc.
Quandt's Foodservice Distributors, Inc.
Quantimetrix Corporation
Quantum Inc
Quantum Skincare, Inc.
Queen of Peace Hospital
Queen of the Valley Hospital
Queens Open MRI
Quest IV Health Products Inc.
Quest Medical Inc.
Quick-Fill Mobile Oxygen, Inc.
Quick-Livick Incorporated
Quik Tan Inc.
Quinault Tribal Enterprises
Quinones, Manuel J., MD
Quintana Hermanos Inc.
R & G Medical and Development Corporation
R & L Farms
R & Z Ventures dba Kennesaw Fruit & Juice
R. El Delgado Inc.
R P Gomes, Inc.
Raad, Marwan
Raad Marwan
Rabin Jill M. M.D.
Rabun County Memorial Hospital
Race Street Foods, Inc.
Racom Products Inc.
Radcliff/Economy Marine Service, Inc.
Radia Industry Co. Ltd.
Radiation Products Design, Inc.
Radio Therapeutics Corporation
Radiological Associates of Sacramento - Fort Sutter
Radiological Associates of Sacramento, Inc. - Roseville
Radiological Associates of Sacramento Medical Group, Inc.
Radiological Services
Radiological Services of Miami
Radiology & Imagaing Inc.
Radiology Associates Inc. P.S.
Radiology Clinic of Loredo
Radiology Clinics of Laredo
Radiology Diagnostic Center
Radiology Diagnostic Centers-Frederick
Radiology Imaging Associates
Radiometer America, Inc.
Radiometer Medical Aps
Radionics Inc.
Rai, Ansaar T., M.D.
Railviews Limited
Rain Forest Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Rainbow Acresa
Rainbow Springs LLC, dba Star Prairie Trout Farm
Rainbow Sprouts
Rainier Sprouts
Raleigh Breast Center
Ram Precision Industries, Inc.
Ramco Laboratories, Inc.
Ramona Farms
Ramona's Mexican Food Products, Inc.
Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited
Ranbaxy Laboratories, Ltd., Dewas, India
Ranbaxy Laboratories, Ltd., Paonta Sahib, India
Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Rancho Provimi
Rand Robert W. Ph.D. M.D.
Randolph Packing Company
Ranieri Fine Food Corporation
Ransom Memorial Hospital
Raper Steven E. M.D.
Raphah Inc.
Rapid Recovery Health Services Inc.
Rapini Inc. dba Pari-Pai Ko
Rapoport, Alan, M.D.
Rapp's Dairy
Ratana Kenny M.D.
Ratcliff, David C, M.D.
Ravelco Inc.
Ray/Col Inc.
Raye's Inc.
Rayong Fish Sauce Industry Co., Ltd.
Raytel Medical Imaging
RC Mor / All Med
RCS Home Medical Equipment Inc.
RDS Enterprises Inc.
Real Health Laboratories
Reality Health Research, Inc.
RealPure Beverage Group, LLC
ReBuilder Medical Technologies, Inc.
Rebuilder Medical Technology, Inc
Red Arrow Dairy, LLC
Red Ball Medical Supply Inc.
Red Bank Mills Inc.
Red Barn Fish Company
Red Creek Farms
Red Oak Industrial Gas Inc.
Red River Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Red River Seafood & Deli
Redeemer Nazareth Medical Supply Company
Redfield Feed Service
Redi Oxygen and Medical Supplies
Reds Seafood Inc.
Redux Beverages, LLC
RedZone Global
Reed's Compounding Pharmacy
Reed's Market and Salad Center
Reel Food Service, Inc.
Reel Food Service Inc.
Refflex Technologies, Inc.
Refined Sugars Inc.
Refrescos Lugo
Refrescos Yaguez, Inc.
Refreshqueria Jerry
Refresqueria Victoria
Regal Medical Services Ltd.
Regaltex International Inc.
Regco Corporation, Inc.
ReGen Biologics
Regency Medical Research, Ltd
Reger Veterinary Clinic
Regional Diagnostic Imaging Center
Regional Medical Rental & Sales
Regional Radiology LLC
Regional West Medical Center
Regional West Medical Center-Mobile
Regions Hospital
Rehoboth Mckinley Christian Hospital
Reichel Foods, LLC
Reid's Bus Service
Reilly Brothers Seafood, Inc
Reinauer Transportation Co.
Reinauer Transportation Svcs.
Reisman, Mark, M.D.
Rejuvenu International, Ltd.
Reliance Bottle Gas Co. Inc.
Reliant World Products, Inc.
Reliv International, Inc.
Reliv International Inc.
Rel's Foods Inc.
Rema Foods Incorporated
Remel Inc.
Remington Medical Inc
Remund Dairy Inc.
Renewal Research
Renolith Resources Guam Company
Replidyne, Inc.
Reproductive Medicine & Fertility Center of Southern Colorado LLC
Reproductive Medicine Associates of Michigan
Republic Drug Company
Requeson Cruz-Pitre
Research Foundation for Microbial Diseases of Osaka
Reser's Fine Foods, Inc.
Reserve Marine Terminals
Resolveswineflu.com USA
Resonance Technology, Inc.
Resource Materials LLC
Respa Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Respi Care Group of Puerto Rico
Respicare Home Respiratory and Medical
Respiratory Care Associates Inc.
Respiratory Health Care Specialist Inc.
Respiratory Home Care of Virginia Inc.
Respiratory Science Industries Inc.
Respiratory Services Inc.
Respironics California Inc.
Restorative Health Services, Inc.
Restorative Products, Inc.
Retro-Tech, LLC
Revival Animal Health, Inc.
Reyncrest Farms, Inc.
Reynolds Health Center
Reynolds Industries Inc.
Reynolds, John C.
Reynolds Metal Sherwin Plant
Reynolds, Newton J.
Rezai, Ali R, M.D
Reznik Instrument Inc.
RFB Latex Limited
R-Garden, Inc.
RGI Medical Manufacturing, Inc.
R.H. Cosmetics Corp
Rhea Medical Center
RHG & Company, Inc., dba Vital Nutrients
Rhodia Inc.
Rhody Dairy
Rhone-Poulenc Inc.
Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Pharmaceuticals Inc.
R.H.V. Inc.
Rhytec, Inc.
Rice Field Corporation
Riceland Crawfish Inc.
Rich Lou Farm
Rich Nature Nutraceutical Laboratories, Inc
Rich Nature Nutraceutical Laboratories Inc
Rich Products Corporation
Richard E. Ringel, M.D.
Richard Hayes Cattle Company
Richard Ienst Dairy
Richards, Douglas L.
Richards, Jon M., M.D., Ph.D.
Richardson Labs. Inc.
Richardson Labs Inc.
RichMark International Corporation
Rickland Farms, LLC
Rick's Gulf Tex Seafood, Inc.
Ricky A. Ellis
Ridge Medical Products LLC
Ridgecrest Dairy, LLC
Ridgeview Medical Center
Ridley, Inc.
Riemer MediTech GmbH
Rietdyk's Milling Company
Rifton Aviation Services
Rigoberto Rimenez
Rio Grande Products Inc.
Rio Vista Veterinary Hospital
Ritch, Robert M.D.
Ritch, Robert MD
Ritchie Danny
Rite-Dent Manufacturing Corp.
River Oaks East - Woman's Pavilion
River Valley Co-Op
Riverbend Rabbitry
Riverfront Fish Market
Riverpark Hospital
Riverside Food Manufacturing Corporation
Riverside Imaging Center
Riverside Medical Clinic, Inc.
Riverside Smoker
R.J.S. Scientific Inc.
R&K Livestrock
R-Kane Prodcuts, Inc.
RMJ Sandwich Corporation
Road to Healing
Roanoke-Chowan Hospital
Robbins Instruments Inc.
Robert Bugatto Enterprises Inc. dba The Tides Wharf
Robert Gioletti and Sons Dairy Inc.
Robert H. Klaus Farm
Robert H. Rohrer & Sons
Robert Mitchell Farm
Robert Van Grouw Dairy
Robert's American Gourmet
Roberts Oxygen
Roberts Pharmaceutical Corporation
Roberts, Shaun
Robertson Farm
Robertson, James, M.D.
Robicheaux's Specialty Candy Inc.
Robin Drug Corporation
Robin's Products
Robinson Memorial Hospital
Rocap Div. of Sabratek
Rocha Dairy
Roche Diagnostics Corporation
Rock Creek Dairy
Rock Creek Dairy #3
Rock Landing Seafood
Rockaway Open MRI and Diagnostic Imaging
Rockhill Dairy L.L.C.
Rockhill Dairy LLC
Rockland Farm
Rockwood Industries d/b/a/ Franklin Pharmaceuticals
Rocky Mount OB/GYN
Rocky Mountain Environmental
Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank
Rocky Mountain Motel
Rocky Top Dairy
Rodriguez Inc.
Roes Haven Farm
Roger Masselink Dairy
Rogers Farm
Roha U.S.A., LLC
Roholt Philip C. M.D.
Rolling Acres Farm
Romanucci Enterprises, Inc.
Romark Laboratories, L.C.
Romeo Plank Diagnostic Center
Romer Inc.
Ron Smith Seafood Inc.
Ronnybrook Farm Dairy
Roosevelt General Hospital
Roper Hospital Inc.
Rosalis Crab Company
Rose Breast Center
Rose, Louis C., M.D.
Rose Michael R. M.D.
Rose Women's Center at Littleton
Roseland Elevator
Roselife, LLC
Rosenthal, Kenneth J., M.D.
Roseville Imaging Center
Ross, Michelle A. MD
Ross Nutritionals
Rossmax International Ltd
Rossmax International Ltd.
Roswell Livestock Auction Co.
Rotary Dairy
Rotech Healthcare, Inc
Rotech Incorporated
Rotech Medical
Rotech Medical Corp.
RoTech Medical Corporation
Rotech Medical Corporaton
Roth International Ltd.
Rothdale Farm
Rothermel Paul
Round Lake Farmers Coop.
Roundman's Smoke House & Wholesale Meats
Rovira Biscuit Corp.
Rowan Animal Clinic
Rowan Regional Medical Center - Mobile
Rowen, Sheri L., M.D.
Rowley and Hawkins Fruit Farm
Rowley's South Ridge Farms, Inc.
Roxane Laboratories, Inc.
Roxy Trading, Inc.
Roy and Gladice Luth Farm
Roy and Malensky
Royal Aleutian Seafoods Inc.
Royal Body Care Inc
Royal Crest Dairy, Inc.
Royal Crown Enterprises Inc.
Royal Farms Dairy LLC
Royal Foods, Inc.
Royal Hawaiian Seafood
Royal Ridge Fruit & Cold Storage
Royal Wine Corp.
Royaloff Caviar Company
Royalston Foods
Royalty Foods, Inc.
Royer Rodney W.
RPM Total Vitality
R.P.M. Worldwide
RT Medical Services Inc.
Rubie's Costume Co. Inc.
Rubin Arnold M.D.
Rudy Inc.
Rural Health Service Consortium Inc.
Rural Health Services Inc.
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center
Rusk County Memorial Hospital & Nursing Home
Russell County Stockyards
Russell Stover Candies, Inc.
Russian Caviar Company
Russo's Seafood, Inc.
Rusty Anchor Fisheries
RWJ Medical School
R.W.K. Inc
Rx Depot Inc
Rx Textiles, Inc.
RxIBR Corporation
Rymed Technologies, Inc.
Rynsburger Dairy
S & F Enterprises
S & H Dairy
S & M Farm Supply
S & W Farms
S & W Wholesale Foods, Inc.
S. U. A. Martin GmbH & Co.
Saad Mayer J. M.D.
Sabine Offshore Services Inc.
Sabratek Corporation
Sacramento Cookie Factory
Sacramento Radiology Medical Group, Inc.
Sacred Heart Hospital
Sacred Mountain Management Inc
Sadler Radiology Medical Corporation
Safe Harbor Seafood Inc.
Safer America LLC
Safer Sleep, LLC
Saferex Laboratories International Corporation
Safety & Compliance Consulting
Safety Diposal System Inc.
Safety Disposal System Inc.
Safety Supplies
Safeway, Inc.
Safeway Industries
Safie Specialty Foods Co., Inc
SagaTech Electronics, Inc.
Sage Pharmaceutical
Sage Products Inc
Saint Croix Dairy Products, Inc.
Saint Dominic's Hospital
Saint James Hospital
Saint John's Medical Plaza Pharmacy
Saint Mary's Medical Imaging
Saint Mary's Warrick
Saint Thomas Catering Corporation
Saint Vincent Medical Center
Sake Sushi USA
Salem Internal Medicine & Radiology
Saliva Diagnostic Systems, Inc.
Saliva Diagnostic Systems Inc.
Sally Jobe Breast Diagnostic & Counseling Center
Salmolux Inc.
Salon Sciences Corporation
Salsbury Chemicals, Inc.
Salsbury Chemicals Inc.
Salton Inc.
Sam Jin Trading Company Ltd.
Sam Rust Seafood Inc.
Sam Uk Fish Cake Company
Samglo Enterprises
Sami A. Yanikian M.D.
Sampo Corporation of America
Sampson Regional Medical Center
Sam's Homemade Cheesecake Inc.
Samson Medical Technologies, Inc.
San Antonio Community Hospital
San Carlos Isle Freezer Plant
San Clemente Hospital
San Diego Products, Inc.
San Diego Products Inc.
San Diego Soy Dairy
San Dimas Community Hospital
San Francisco Drydock Co.
San Francisco Terminal Equipment Co.
San Gabriel Medical Center
San Gennaro Foods Inc.
San Jose Fish, Inc.
San Jose Jet Center
San Jose Municipal Airport
San Juan Bautista Medical Center
San Juan Hopital-Mobile
San Juan Hospital-Mobile
San Luis Diagnostic Center
San Mar Manufacturing Corporation
Sanapac Co.
Sanderson Farms, Inc.
Sandhills Regional Medical Center
Sandoz GmbH
Sandoz Inc.
Sands & Company Inc.
Sands Hyperbaric Systems (SHS)
Sandstone Medical Technologiess, LLC
Sandwich City Company
Sandwich Shoppe
Sandy Lake Mills
Sani-Pure Food Laboratories
Sanko Bussan (Guam) Company Ltd.
Sankyo Pharm Inc.
Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG
Sanofi Pasteur
Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC
Sanofi-Synthelabo, Inc.
Sanofi-Synthelabo, Incorporated
Sanofi-Synthelabo Incorporated
Sansone's Seafood Market, Inc.
Santa Cruz Medical Clinic
Santa Monica - UCLA Women's Imaging Center
Santa Paula Memorial Hospital
Santana Enterprises Inc.
Santiam Memorial Hospital
Santoriello, Kathy A., M.D. , P.A.
Sanuvox Technologies Inc. 5/13/09
Saputo Cheese USA Inc.
Sara Lee Foods
Sarasota Community Blood Bank Inc.
Sargent, Robert
SAS Dairy
SAS Foods Inc.
SAS Group Inc.
Satelec - Amadent
Satelec Acteon Goup
Satilla Health Services Inc.
Saturn Biomedical Inc.
Saudek, Christopher D., M.D.
Saudek, Christopher D. MD
Sauflon Pharmaceuticals, LTD
Saunders Provision Co. Inc.
Savant Medical Supply Inc.
Save On Seafood Company Inc.
Save On Seafood Inc.
Savec Health Systems
Sbrocco International Inc.
S.C. Johnson & Son Inc.
Scan Select, Inc.
Scandia Seafood
Scandinavian Smoke House Inc.
Scarborough Fare Fine International Foods Inc.
Scarrow Dairy
Scenic View Dairy LLC
Scenic View Farm
Schafer Fisheries, Inc.
Schaller's Bakery Inc.
Scharf, Martin B., Ph.D.
Schatzki Associates Inc.
Scheenstra Farms Inc
Schein Pharmaceutical Inc.
Schell and Kampeter Inc.
Schell John E.
Schell's Pine Grove Dairy
Schenzhen Ksai Electronics Co. Ltd.
Schering AG
Schering Corporation
Schering Laboratories
Schering-Plough Animal Health Corporation
Schering-Plough (Brinny) Co.
Schering-Plough Laboratories
Schering-Plough Products Inc.
Schick Technologies Inc.
Schisler Fred
Schneider, Alan L.,M.D.
Schneider's Fish & Seafood Corp.
Schneider's Fish & Seafood Corporation
Schoenberg Dairy
Schoenberg, John W.
Scholzen Products Company Inc.
Schroeder Industries, Inc.
Schryver Medical Sales & Marketing Inc.
Schultze, Frederick R.
Schuster Services & Blue Mountain Water
Schwan's Sales Enterprises Manufacturing, Inc.
Schwan's Sales Enterprises Manufacturing Inc.
Schwartz Appetizing, Inc.
Schwartz Laboratories
Schwarz Pharma US operations
Schworer, Philip B.
SCI International, Inc.
Sciarra Laboratories Inc.
ScienceBased Health
Science-Production Centre
Scientech Laboratories Inc.
Scientich Laboratories Inc.
Scientific Botanicals Co., Inc.
Scientific Fitness
Scientific Health Products Inc.
Scientific Laboratories, Inc.
Scientific Medical Imaging Inc.
Scientific Spinal Ltd.
Scientifically Advanced Nutrition
Scimed Life Sciences Inc.
Scion Cardio-Vascular, Inc.
SciOptic International
SCM True Air Technologies LLC
Scotland Memorial Hospital
Scottcare Corporation Inc.
Scottcare Corporatoion
Scripps Clinic San Diego
SCS Intensive Nutrition
SDA Laboratories
SDL Incorporated
Sea Breeze Fish Market Inc
Sea Fare Foods Inc.
Sea Farms Incorporated
Sea Food World
Sea Fresh of Miami Inc.
Sea Garden Sales Co. Inc.
Sea Gold Seafood Products, Inc.
Sea Lobster Company Inc.
Sea Market Inc.
Sea Port Products Corporation
Sea Port Trading Corporation
Sea Products West
Sea Source Inc.
Sea Win, Inc.
Sea Win Inc.
Sea World, Inc.
Sea World Inc.
SeaBear Incorporated
Seaboard Welding Supply Inc.
Seacoast Natural Foods, Inc
Seacome Foods Inc.
SeaCrest Foods Inc.
Seafarers Inc.
Seafood Connection, Inc.
Seafood Express, Inc.
Seafood International Distributors Inc.
Seafood Marketing US, Inc.
Seafood Only Company
Seafood Supplies
Seafood Systems, LLC
Seafood Warehouse, Inc.
Seafood Wholesalers Limited
Sealand Services Inc.
Sea-Lect Wholesale Seafood Inc.
Sean & Stephen Corporation
SeaPac of Idaho
Seaquist Orchards
Searle and Company
Searle, Ltd.
Seaside Fish Company
Seatrace Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Seattle Fish Company
Seattle Fish Company, Inc.
Seaview Fisheries
Seaview Radiology P.C.
Sebastien and Marie Seafood, Inc.
Sedecal SA
Sedgwick County Health Center
Seecor, Inc.
Segundo Ruiz Belvis Diagnostic Treatment Center Inc.
Seikagaku Corporation
Selby General Hospital
Seldom Rest Farm
Select Fish L.L.C.
Selective Med Components, Inc,
Self-Health Systems
Selfworx.Com LLC
Selma District Hospital
Selma Regional Medical Center
SeniorLife Health Inc.
SenoRx, Inc.
Sentara Hampton General Hospital
Seoul Shopping, Inc
Separation Technology Inc.
September Enterprises, Inc.
SeQual Technologies, Inc.
SeraCare Acquisitions, Inc.
SeraCare Acquisitions Inc.
SeraCare Inc.
Seramed Inc.
Sera-Tec Biologicals Limited Partnership
Serologicals Corporation
Serologicals Inc.
Serv-A-Pure Company
Services Support Inc.
Servisios Medicos Internacionales de Mexico/California
Servisios Medicos Internacionales de Mexico/Mexico
Seryx, Inc.
Seton Medical Center
Seubert Calf Ranch
Seven Seas Seafoods Inc.
Sgarlato Laboratories
Shabazz Lloyd M.D.
Shady Grove Dairy
Shady Ranch Dairy Inc
Shafer's Farm
Shah, Ashok M.D.
Shaheen Brothers, Inc.
Shair Laboratories Inc.
Shallotte River Crab Company
Shamrock Technologies
Shamrock Technologies Inc.
Shands Jacksonville Medical Center
Shang Gardens, Inc.
Shanghai Co. Inc.
Shanghai Co Inc
Shanghai Da Hu Medical Equipment Factory
Shanghai Medical Ltd
Shanghai No. 1 Biochemical & Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Shank Garry B.
Shank's Extracts Inc.
Shara Laboratories Inc.
Share Corporation
Shared Medical Technology
Shared Medical Technology Inc.
Sharkco Seafood International, Inc
Sharma, Ashok K., M.D.
Sharma, Baljit K., M.D.
SHARP Chula Vista Imaging Center
Sharp Electronics Corporation
Sharp Labs Inc.
Shaw Oxygen Co. Inc.
Shawnee Medical Center Clinic
Sheffield Diagnostics
Sheffield Laboratories, Div. of Faria Limited, LLC
Shelby Baptist Medical Center
Shelby Regional Medical Center
Shelhigh, Inc.
Shelhigh Inc.
Shells & Fish Import and Export Co.
Shelly Smith Farm
Shenandoah Valley Mobile X-Ray Inc.
Shepherd Eye Center Institutional Review Board
Sherman Dairy
Sherwood Brands Inc.
Sherwood Davis & Geck
Sherwood Laboratories Inc.
Sherwood Technologies
Shield Technology Inc.
Shields Feed and Supply Company
Shin Chang Medical Co., Ltd.
Shin Hwa Wholesale Distributor, Inc.
Shining Ocean Inc.
Shinogi USA, Inc.
Shire Development Inc.
Shirk, Clarence W,
Shiro and Associates
Shiv Respiratory Equipment Inc. - d/b/a/ American Respiratory Equipment Inc.
Shoemaker, Ritchie C., M.D.
Short Line Bus Company
Shoshone Medical Center
Shredded Texan Nutrition
Shriver III, Victor
Shrock, John E.
SHS North America, Inc.
Shu, Suyu, Ph.D.
Shuckman's Food Company & Smokery
Shulfer Dairy
Shuman HealthCare
Shun Shing Bean Sprouts Inc.
Shunde MD Microwave Oven Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Sibley Medical Associates
Sibley Memorial Hospital
Sid Peterson Memorial Hospital
Sid Wainer & Son
Sidmak Laboratories Inc.
Sidney Hillman Medical Center
Siegel, Robert M., M.D.
Siegmund Strauss Inc
Siemens Medical Solutions, Ultrasound Division
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
Siemers Holsteins, Inc.
Siems Advanced Lasik Center
Siems, Jon L., M.D.
Sierra Cattle Company
Sierra Dairy
Sierra Kings District Hospital
Sierra Providence Health Network IRB
Sierra View Dairy
Sierra Vista Dairy
Sigma International General Medical Apparatus, LLC
Signature Flight Support
Signature Healthcare Inc.
Signature Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Silent Call Communications Corp.
Silgra Bakery, Inc.
Silimed, Inc.
Silimed, Incorporated
Silva Brothers Dairy
Silveira Dairy
Silver Spoons Salads Co. Inc.
Silver Spring Farm
Silver Sprouts LTD
Silver Sprouts Ltd.
Simad Medical Technology SRL
Simco Dairy
Similasan AG
Similasan Corporation
Sim-Med Ltd.
Simmesport Fish Company
Simmons Farm Raised Catfish, Inc.
Simmons Paul E.
Simmons Pet Food, Inc.
Simoes Mario M.
Simple Clinic, Inc.
Simplex Medical Systems Inc.
Simply Fresh Inc.
Simpson Farm
Sinco Inc.
Sing Kung Corporation
Sinn, Douglas P., D.D.S.
SinTea Biotech S.p.A
Sioux Biochemical, Inc.
Siouxland Community Blood Bank
Sirus Technology Corp.
Sisbro International Technologies Inc.
Sit Inc.
Sitek Research Laboratories
Skaggs, David, M.D.
Skilling Institute
Skintech 2000 Inc.
Skip Lea Inc.
Sky Caterers Inc.
Sky Chefs/Lufthansa Inc.
Sky Top Restaurant
Skyline Medical Center
Skyview Orchards
SkyWest Airlines, Inc.
Slacks, Inc.
Slade Gorton & Co. Inc.
Slade Gorton & Company, Inc.
Sleep Devices, Inc.
Sleeping Bear Apiaries
Slegers Inc.
Slenders Dairy
SLI Dairy
Slim Center
SmartBodyz Nutrition
Smiling Hill Farm Inc
Smit, Greg
Smith & Sons Seafood Inc.
Smith Adam B. D.O.
Smith Austin R.
Smith Dairy
Smith Incredibull Farms
Smith Medical Critical Care, Inc.
Smith Norman V.M.D.
Smith Russell C. D.V.M. / dba Gomers Inc.
Smith Sterling Dental Laboratory, Inc.
Smith Welding Supply
Smithfield Companies
SmithKline Beecham
SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals
Smithkline Beecham Pharmaceuticals
Smithkline Beecham Pharmaceuticals Co.
Smiths Group Plc.
Smithville Regional Hospital
Smoki Foods Inc.
Smoot, John Brannon, M.D.
Smucker Quality Beverages Inc.
Snodgrass Inc.
Snodgrass Seafood Inc.
SnorBan (UK)
Snow Peas International, Inc.
Snow Peas International Inc.
Societa Italiana Medicinali Scandicci
Soehung Industrial Company Ltd.
Soft Computer Consultants
Softchrome, Inc.
Softlens Technology
So-Good, Inc
So-Good Inc
Sokol, Dawn M., M.D.
Sokol, William N., M.D.
SOL Pharmaceuticals Limeited
Solafeet, Inc
Sole Provider Inc.
Solocare Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Solomon's Island Medical Center
Solopak Laboratories Inc.
Solo-Sled LLC
Soltech Inc.
Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V.
Sombra Cosmetics Inc.
Somerset Medical Center
Something Special Aviation Catering
Something 4U
Somnus Medical Technologies Inc.
Sonar Products, Inc.
Sonny Foods
Sonogage Inc.
Sonotech, Incorporated
Sontec Instruments Inc.
Sonus Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Soo, Teck Munn, M.D.
Sooil Development Co., Ltd
Sorenson Development, Inc.
Sorenson Medical, Inc.
Soring GmbH
Sor-Van Radiation Ltd.
SOS Technologies [Division of Caribbean Medical Products Inc.]
Sountec, Inc.
Source d.b.a. Seafood Source
Source One Healthcare Technologies
Sousa Lobster Co., Inc.
Sousa Luis T.
South Bay Clam Company
South Bay OBGYN
South Beach Beverage Company
South Beach Supplements
South Bend Medical Foundation Inc.
South Bend Packers Inc.
South Cape Seafood Inc
South China Seafood Co.
South East Instruments Corp
South Florida Blood Bank Inc.
South Florida Medical Corporation
South Jersey Radiology Associates P.A.
South Orlando OB-GYN Group Diagnostic Center
South Pier Fish Company
South Shore Breast Evaluation Center
South Texas Blood and Tissue Center
South Texas Mammography-Mobile
South-Allen Radiology
Southcoast Fish Company, Inc.
Southeast Asian Food Products
Southeast Crab Company Inc.
Southeast Tissue Alliance, Inc.
Southeastern Food Supplies
Southeastern Health Care Associates
Southeastern Home Oxygen Service, Inc.
Southend Medical Clinic, P.S.C.
Southern Aire Seafood, Inc.
Southern California Radiology
Southern Clinic P.A.
Southern Colorado Clinic Mammography Center
Southern Connecticut State University Institutional Review Board
Southern Fish & Oyster Co. Inc.
Southern Herb Acquisition Co., LLC
Southern Implants, LLC
Southern Machine & Tool Works Inc.
Southern Meds Joint Venture, LLC
Southern Regional Medical Center
Southern Respiratory Inc.
Southern Seasonings, Inc.
Southern Star Seafood Inc.
Southern States Frederick Cooperative, Inc.
Southern Tier Plastics Inc
Southfield Dairy
Southside Community Hospital
Southside Medical Center
Southside OB/GYN, P.C.
Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines Co.
Southwest Airlines, Inc.
Southwest Diagnostic Center Ldt.
Southwest Family Physicians
Southwest Instrument Company
Southwest Nebraska Mobile Diagnostic Services Inc.
Southwest Pharmacy/DBA Anchor Home Care
Southwest Technologies Inc.
Southwest Tissue Services
Southwest Utah Home Health Agency
Southwestern General Hospital
Southwind Foods Company
Southwind Foods, LLC
Southwood Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Sovereign Pharmaceutical Inc.
Sovereign Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Sovereign Seafoods, Inc.
Sovo Tec Diagnostics Inc.
Soy Shop The
SP Pharmaceuticals LLC
SP Services (UK) Ltd.
Spacelabs Healthcare Incorporated
Spadafora Joseph W. D.O.
Spandet Dairy, Inc.
Spanish Gardens Food Mfg. Inc.
Sparkle Spring Water Inc.
Sparkling Springs Farm
Spaulding Dwight
Speciality Seafood Inc.
Specialized Medical Services Inc.
Specialties Septodont
Specialty Brands, Inc.
Specialty Cheese Company Inc.
Specialty Foods Boston Inc.
Specialty Laboratories Inc.
Specialty Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc.
Specialty Tint
Specialty World Foods Inc.
Spector Inc.
Spectramin Incorporated
Spectronics Corporation
Spectrum Chemicals & Laboratory Products
Spectrum Chemicals & Laboratory Products, Inc
Spectrum Health Betty Ford Breast Care Services
Spectrum Laboratories, Inc.
Spectrum Medical Incorporated
Spectrum Medical Services Inc.
Spencer Fruit Company
Speywood Biopharm Ltd.
Spice Trader's International Inc.
Spice-It Foods Inc.
Spiess Design Inc.
Spinal Concepts, Inc.
Spinal, USA
Spineology, Inc.
Spirit Cruises
Spiro, Scott A., M.D.
Spirtos, Nick M. MD
Splintek-PP, Inc.
Spolana a.s.
Spoonamore Drug Co., Inc.
Sport and Health Company
SportPharma USA Inc.
Sportron International, Inc.
Sportron Training Center
Sports One
Spring Grove Dairy
Springfield Imaging & Diagnostic Center
Springfield Smoked Fish Co. Inc.
Springhill Memorial Hospital
Sprout About
Sprout City Inc.
Sprouters Northwest Inc.
Sprouts Garden
Square One Foods
SSI Laser Engineering Inc
SSM Depaul Haelth Center
S.S.S. / Pfeiffer Company
St. Aloisius Medical Center
St. Anthony Hospital
St. Anthony Memorial Health Center
St. Bernards Screening Mammography Center
St. Bridget Dairy, LOP
St. Charles Hospital & Rehabilitation Center
St. Clair Regional Hospital
St. Claire Development Corporation
St. Claire Medical Center
St. Cloud Hospital
St. Croix Regional Medical Center
St. Elizabeth Health Center
St. Elizabeth Hospital
St. Elizabeth Medical Center IRB
St. Elizabeth Medical Group
St. Francis Hospital
St. Francis Hospital Inc.
St. Francis Medical Center Institutional Review Board
St. Gobain Ceramiques Avancees Desmarquest
ST International Inc.
St. James Mercy Hospital
St. John Hospital IRB
St. John's Hospital
St. John's Queens Hospital
St. Joseph Health Care Center
St. Joseph Health Center
St. Joseph Hospital
St. Joseph Hospital - Creighton Radiologists
St. Joseph Medical Center
St. Joseph Northeast Heights Hospital
St Joseph's Area Health Services
St. Joseph's Candler-Mobile Mammography
St. Joseph's Hospital
St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
St. Joseph's Hospital of Chewelah
St. Joseph's Imaging Associates
St. Jude Medical
St Jude Medical, Inc.
St. Louis Medical Clinic
St. Louis Tan Co.
St. Louis Women's Healthcare Group
St. Luke's Hospital
St. Luke's Northland Hospital
St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center
St. Margaret Mercy Healthcare Center
St. Margaret Mercy Healthcare Center-North
St. Mary Hospital
St. Mary Medical Center
St. Mary's Center for Women's Health
St. Mary's Chemical
St. Mary's Gateway Health Center
St. Mary's Healthcare Center
St. Mary's Medical Center
St. Michael Health Care Center
St. Paul Breast Center
St. Paul Mobile Center-Mobile
St. Pierre Mark
ST Services
St. Simons Altama Sfd, Inc.
St. Thomas More Hospital
St. Vicent-Williamsport Hospital
St. Vincent Clay Hospital
St. Vincent Frankfort Hospital
St. Vincent Infirmary Medical center
St. Vincent Seafood Co., Inc.
St. Vincent Women's Center at Lazarus-Castleton
St. Vincent's Hospital Comprehensive Breast Center
STAAR Surgical
Staar Surgical Company
Stachniw, Myron B., M.D.
Standard Tool & Die Inc.
Stanislaus Surgical Hospital IRB
Stanmar International Inc.
Star Milling Company
Star Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Stardell Farms, Inc
Stardust Industries
Starfish Sea Products Inc.
Stason Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Stat Home Care Inc.
Stat Medical Devices, Inc.
Statcorp Inc.
State Department of Transportation / Honolulu Hawaii
State Department of Transportation / Kailua-Kona Hawaii
State Fish Company, Inc. Plant 1
State University of New York
Staten Island University Hospital
Staten Island University Hospital IRB
Stat-Lab Technologies Inc.
Statz Company Inc.
Statz Farms & Sons
Stavis Seafood Inc.
Steamboat Meat & Seafood Company, Inc.
Stearns Packaging Corporation
Stedim S.A.
Steer Charles J.
Stef International
Stehlin Foundation for Cancer Research
Steinhatchee Fish Inc.
Stellar Bio Systems Inc.
Stellar Seafood and Game, LLP
Steltzer Farms Food Service, LLC
Stephens Memorial Hospital
Sterex International Limited
Steridyne Industries LLC
Sterile Recoveries Inc.
Sterile Reprocessing Services
Steril-Touch Limited
Sterimed Inc.
Steri-Oss Inc.
Steris Corporation
Steritec Products, Inc.
Sterling Medical Technologies Inc.
Steuart Laboratories
Steven Seafood Inc.
Steven's Pharmacy
Stevenson, William, M.D.
Stevita Co. Inc.
Stewart Brothers, Inc.
Stewart Jackson Pharmacal
Stewart, Lynette D. M.D
Stewart, Ronnie R.
Stewart-Jackson Pharmacal Inc.
Stewart's Dairy
Stewart's Farm Supply
Stewart's Processing Corp.
Stewarts Seafood Inc.
Stihler, Alex
Stille Beta Inc.
Stimsoft, Inc.
STM Trading Corporation
Stock Island Lobster Co.
Stockert Instrumente GmbH
Stockpot Incorporated
Stockton Diagnostic Imaging
Stokes Fish Company
Stolhaven Houston Inc.
Stoll Farms, Inc.
Stoller Fisheries Division - Progressive Companies Inc.
Stoltzfus Kountry Kitchen
Stoltzfus Samuel A.
Stone Mill Foods Inc.
Stoney Acres Calves
Stonington Sea Products, Inc.
Stonyvale Inc.
Storck USA L.P.
Stormy Seas Seafood
Storz Endoskop GMBH
Stough Enterprises
Stratec Medizintechnik Gmbh
Straub Clinic - Milinani
Street Home Medical Inc.
Stril AB
Stritzel Farm
Strong Pharmaceutical Laboratory, LLC
Stroup, Sreven L.,M.D.
Stryer Biotech
Stryker Corporation
Stryker Craniomaxillofacial Division
Stryker Endoscopy
Stryker Ireland, Ltd., Orthopaedics
Stryker Orthopaedics Corp.
Stryker Puerto Rico Inc. [Stryker Corp. Surgical Division]
Stutzman Andrew
Stuyt Arthur
Suarez Corporation Industries, Inc.
Subacute Medical Care Inc.
Subcon Manufacturing Corporation
Suburban General Hospital
Sugih Instrumendo Abadi, Pt.
Sullivan Harbor Farm, Inc.
Sullivan, J Ralph
Sulzer Spine-Tech
Summa Health System-Akron City Hospital
Summer Sprout
Summerland Seafood, Inc.
Summerland Seafood Inc.
Summit Ancillary Services Center-Cedar Bluff
Summit Insudtries Inc.
Summit Park Medical Mall
Summit Radiology
Summit Technology Ireland B.V.
Sumner Farms
Sun Belt Trading Inc.
Sun Biomedical Laboratories, Inc.
Sun Box Company
Sun Farm Corporation
Sun Food Trading Company
Sun Hing Food Co. Inc.
Sun Hing Foods, Inc.
Sun Medical Supply Inc.
Sun Noodle and Food Corporation
Sun Nuclear Corp.
Sun Orchard Inc.
Sun Sen Salad Co. Inc.
Sun Spa Group LLC
Sun Splash Tanning
Sun Sprouts of Traverse City
Sun Valley Jerseys
Sun Valley Juice Company
Sunbeam Products Inc.
Sunburst Biorganics
Sunburst Trout Company, LLC
Suncoast Medical Group Inc.
Sundance Farms
Sunder Biomedical Tech Co.
Sunetics International Corporation
Sunja's Oriental Food Inc.
Sunnymead Ranch, Inc.
Sunnyside Farms Inc.
Sunnyvale Seafood Corporation
Sunoptic Technologies, LLC
Sunrider Manufacturing L.P.
Sunrise Dried Fruit Co.
Sunrise Farms Inc.
Sunrise Meats and Lockers
Sunrise Ocrhards, Inc.
Sunrise Seafood, Inc.
Sunset Deli
Sunshine Home Care Services Inc.
Sunshine Mills, Inc.
Sunshine Packing & Noodle Co., Inc
Sunshine Peanut Company
Sunshine Sprouts
Sunsoft Corporation
Sunstar Dairy
Sunsweet Growers, Inc.
Super Foods Inc.
Super Value Trading International Inc.
SuperGen Incorporated
Superior Catering Service
Superior Cattle Feeders LLC
Superior Feeds
Superior Nut Company, Inc.
Superior Ocean Produce
Superior Pharmaceutical Company
Superior Products, Inc.
Superior Rehab Technology, Inc.
Superior Seafood Inc.
Superior Seafood of San Francisco, Inc.
Superior Seafoods, Inc.
Superior Uniform Group, Inc.
Supermed Incorporated
Supertex Industial S.A. De C.V.
Supervalu, Inc.
Supplements To WeightLoss, LLC
Supplementstogo.com, LLC
Supreme Foods Incorporated
Supreme Juice Company
Supreme Lobster & Seafood Co.
Supreme Lobster and Seafood Co.
Supreme Lobster and Seafood Company
Supreme Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Supreme Seafood, LLC
Sure Nutrition
Sure-Way Systems Inc.
Surgical Appliance Industries
Surgical Implant Generation Network
Surgical Innovations Ltd.
Surgical Instruments Service & Savings, Inc.
Surgical Technology Laboratories Inc.
Surgilight, Inc.
Surya Plaza
Susan Ambrosino's Herb Club, Inc. www.myherbs.net
Sushi House, Inc.
Sushi On A Roll Inc.
Sushi on the Spot
Sushi Ready
Sushi Sushi, Inc.
Susie-Q Fish Company, Inc.
Suther Feeds, Inc.
Sutter Lakeside Hospital
Sutter North Medical Foundation
Sutter Roseville Medical Center
Sutter Warrack Hospital
Sutures, Ltd.
Suzanne's Natural Foods
Svendsen Brother's Fish Company, Inc.
Svenhard's Swedish Bakery
Swan River Fish Market
Swanson Health Products, Inc.
Sweat Chiropractic Clinic
Swedish Fish Company
Sweet Dreems, Inc.
Sweet 'n' Spicy Foods Incorporated
Sweet Sunnah Black Seef
Sweet Valley Inc.
Sweetwater Farms
Swift Energy Company, Inc.
Swiss American Products, Inc.
Swiss Red Cross
Swiss Serum and Vaccine Institute Berne
Swissport USA Inc.
Swope Parkway Health Center
Syann Dairy
Sybaritic, Incorporated
Sybaritic Incorporated
Sybron Chemicals Inc.
Sybron Internation Corporation
Syfrett Feed Company Inc.
Sylomar Phytoceuticals
Sylvester's Crawfish Processor
Symedex Medical Aesthetic Solutions
Synapse Biomedical Inc.
Synaptic Corporation
Syncor International Corporation
Synflex America Inc
Syntec Nutraceuticals, Inc
Syntee Scientific Corp.
Synthelabo Biomedical S.A. / Centre D'Affairs LaBoursidiere
SyntheMed Inc
Synthes, Inc.
Syntho Pharmaceuticals
Syntho Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Syntrax Innovations
Syosset Seafoods Co
Sysco Corporation
Sysco Food Services of Albany, LLC
Sysmex Corporation
System O2, Inc.
T & G Sales
T & J Dairy
T & P
T & S Dental and Plastics Manufacturing Co.
T & T Cattle
T & W Dairy
T. A. Dry Fruit and Nuts
T. W. Smith Corp.
Tabatchnick Fine Foods, Inc
Tahiti Naturel USA Inc.
Tairo International
Taiwan Fuji Latex Company Ltd.
Taiwan Seafood & Fish Corporation
Tak Yuen Corp.
Takao Inc.
Taku Smokeries/Fisheries
Talbert Medical Group - Huntington Beach
Talbert, Timothy M., M.D.
Talcon Acrylics, Incorporated
Tallmon Dairy
Talon Acrylics, Incorporated
Tan USA/The Optimum Group Inc.
Tanaka Inc. d.b.a. Big Tuna
Tanana Valley Clinic
Tanning Research Labs Inc.
Tao of Herbs, Inc.
Tapia Brothers Dairy Inc.
Taproot Dairy LLC
Tardio Enterprises, Inc.
Target Your Health, Inc.
Tarmac Products Inc.
Taro Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Taste Operating, Inc.
Tasty Foods Place Inc.
Tasty Seafood Company Inc.
Tattva's Herbs, LLC
Tatung company of America, Inc.
Tauber's Smoked Fish
Taylor Farms California, Inc.
Taylorsville Veterinary Clinic
T.B. Smith Seafood Co. Inc.
TBA Mexican Trade Grocery
Tchekmedyian, N. Simon, M.D.
TCL Holdings Co. Ltd.
TCPI, Inc.
Team Distribution Inc.
Team Produce International, Inc.
Teamedics (Taishan) Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Tecan US
Tech Air
Technical Products, Inc.
Technical Products Inc. of Georgia USA
Technique Laboratories Corporation
Technomed Europe
Teco Diagnostics
Tedco, Inc.
Teel Dairy Farm, Inc.
Teeter Creek Herbs Company
TEFTEC Corporation
Teixeira Gilbert R.
Tek Marketing, Inc
Tekno Medical Optik Chirurgie GmbH
Teleflex Inc.
Teleflex Incorporated
Teleflex Surgical Group
Telex Communications, Inc.
Tellez, Juan L., M.D.
Telstar Innovations Inc.
Telview Farms
TEM Enterprises
Tembec, Inc.
Temple Community Hospital
Templeton Dairy LLC
Templeton Feed and Grain
Ten 15 Club
Tenacore Holdings, Inc.
Tend Skin International, Inc.
Tender Corporation Inc.
Tennant, Jerald L., M.D.
Tennessee Cheesecake Company
Tennessee Farmers Cooperative
Tepnel Diagnostics Ltd.
Terebelo Howard R. D.O.
Terminal One Management Inc
Terra Verde Farm Inc
Terre Haute Regional Hospital
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corp.
Tesoro Coastwide Services Company Inc.
Tesoro Petroleum Distributing Company
Teva Marion Partners
Teva Pharmaceuticals USA
Texaco Exploration & Products Inc.
Texas Applied Biotechnology Research Review Committee
Texas City Terminal Railway
Texas DryDock Inc.
Texas Orthopaedic Products & Services, LLC
Texas Show Supply
Texas Southern University
Texoma Medical Center
Texoman Regional Blood Center
Textus Ningbo Manufacturing Company Ltd.
Textus USA Inc.
Teycosa LLC
TGM Products, Inc.
TGM Products Inc.
T.H. Charters Inc.
T.H. Seafood
Thai Kee Trading Company
Thames Pharmacal Co. Inc.
Thanh Son Tofu
Thatcher Company
The Bread Garden, Ltd.
The Breast Center
The Bryan Company, Inc.
The Chin-Up Strip
The Chocolate Box, Inc.
The Compounding Pharmacy
The Cooper Companies, Inc.
The Country Mill, LLC
The Diagnostic Center at Gulf Coast Medical Center
The Earl of Sandwiches
The Egg Roll Castle Company
The Electrode Store, Inc.
The Feed Bucket
The First Years, Inc.
The Fish Guys, Inc
The Fish Market
The Food Shop Inc.
The Gourmet Padre
The Groot Dairies#5
The Hyland Co., Inc.
The Imaging Center
The Imaging Center of Baxter Regional Medical Center
The Long Life Catalog Company
The Master's Miracle, Inc.
The Meat Market, Inc.
The Medical Group
The Memphis Breast Center
The Muscleshop
The Net Result
The Old Path Natural Herbs Inc
The One and Only Fashion Beauty Group, Inc.
The Orthopedic Group
The Outer Banks Hospital
The Place
The Power Mall
The Sanapac Co., Inc.
The Scoular Company
The Secrets of Eden
The Service Center
The Soule Company, Inc.
The South Bend Chocolate Company, Inc.
The Sporicidin Company
The Sportsman's Guide
The Veterinary Pharmacy, Inc.
The Way Up
The Women's Imaging Center
The Women's Place
Thebaut, Ben R., M.D.
Theken Spine LLC
Theo & Cheryl Van Berkum Dairy
TheraLife, Inc
Therapeutic Home Care
Therapeutic Interventions Inc.
TheraTest Laboratories Inc
Therics, LLC
TherMatrx, Inc.
Thermo-Electric Co. Inc.
ThermoLife International
Thermolife International
Thermoplastic Comfort Systems, Inc.
Thiele Dairy
Thinking Systems Corp.
Third Floor Lab Inc.
Thomas & Thompson Company Inc.
Thomas, Allan
Thomas Crab Company
Thomas N. Kias MD. PC.
Thomas Products LLC
Thomas Robert W.
Thomasville Infirmary
Thoratec Laboratories Corporation
Thousand Oaks Imaging Center
Three Ann's Seafood
Three Captains Sea Products, Inc.
Three Sister's Snacks Corporation
Threshold Enterprises Ltd.
Thrift Drug Services
Thuemmel Dairy, Inc.
Thurston, Jeff
Tianjin Xin Xin Pharmaceutical Corporation
Tianna Farms Kitchen
Tianshi Health Products, Inc., USA
Tiao Peng Trading Company
Tib Molbiol
Tico Medical Instruments Inc.
Tidewater Dock, Inc.
Tidewater Marine Inc.
Tidman, Raymond E., M.D.
Tidy View Dairy, Inc.
Tienda, Inc
Tiller Mind and Body Inc.
Tillotson Healthcare Corporation USA
Time-Cap Labs
Time-Cap Labs Inc.
Ting Shun Shin Shipping Agency
Tingle X-Ray Products, Inc.
Tip Top Trading
Tip Top Vitamins
Tissue Medical Lasers Inc.
Titan Manufacturing Inc.
Titan Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Titan Scan Technologies
TJ Candy Corporation
TJD Inc. dba Subway Sandwiches
TMH Diagnostic Center
TMJ Implants, Inc.
TMJ Implants Inc.
Tobin Farms Velvet Antler
Tobler, William D., MD
Toby's Nose Filters, Inc.
Today's Business
Today's Temptations Inc.
Tofu Palace Products
Togias, Alkis, M.D.
Tokai Denpun U.S.A Inc.
Tokyo House Inc.
Toledo Hospital - Promedica West
Toledo, Jose Gregorio
Toll Compaction Services Inc.
Tom H. Piatt M.D. Inc.
Tom Lange (Canada) Inc.
Tom Visser Dairy
Toma Tek
Tomita Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
Toms, Matthew
Tom's of Maine, Inc.
Tonico Group
Tonka Seafoods Inc.
Tonnage and Applied Gas Solutions
Tony & Sons Seafood Corp.
Tony & Sons Seafood, LLC
Tony Crab King, Inc.
Tony DeGroot Dairy
Tony Sousa Dairy
Tony's Smokehouse & Cannery, Inc.
Tooma Thomas S. M.D.
Top Katch Seafood Inc.
Top of the World Distributors
Topeka Blood Bank Inc.
TOPS Markets Inc.
Topway Enterprises, Inc.
Torbot Group Inc., Jobskin Division
Torrance Memorial Breast Diagnostic Center II
Torrance Memorial Medical Center
Tosoh Bioscience, Inc.
Toste Orlando F.
Total Care Clinic
Total Medical Inofrmation Management Systems, Inc.
Total Respiratory Services and Medical
Total Vein Solutions Inc
Totoya-Seizaburo Shoten Corporation
Toufayan Bakery Inc.
Tower Air Inc.
Tower Rubber Industries Sdn Bhd
Town of Bucksport
Toxicology Associates, Inc
TPG Enterprises, Inc.
TRA Medical Imaging Centers - Tacoma
Trader Bay, Ltd.
Traina, Steve M., M.D.
Tranquility Farms Inc.
Trans Caribbean Dairy Corporation
Trans World Airlines
Trans World Airlines Inc.
Transamerica Food Enterprises
TransOcean Maritime
Transplant Resource Center of Maryland, Inc.
Transplantation Research Foundation
Transtar Corporation
Transverse Industries Co. Ltd.
Transworld Forwarding Inc.
Transylvania Community Hospital
Trapper's Creek Inc.
Travanti Pharma, Inc.
Traverse Bay Farms
Tres Leches Factory
Trestle Corporation
Tri County Hospital
Tri Mast Dairy
Triangle Compounding Pharmacy
Tri-City Family Medicine Inc. Diagnostic Center
Tri-City Outpatient Imaging
Tri-County Dairy Supply, Inc.
Tri-County Food Services
Tri-County Medical Oxygen Inc.
Tri-County Veterinary Medicine LLC
Trident Seafoods Corp.
Trident Seafoods, Inc.
TriHerba Marketing
Trilini International Ltd
Trilogy Crab Company, Inc.
Trim International, Inc.
Trimar Hollywood Inc.
Tri-Med Laboratories, Inc.
Tri-Med Laboratories Inc.
Trimedyne Inc.
Trinidad Dock & Fishing Services Ltd
Trinity Breast Imaging Center - MAC Clinic
Trinity Chemical Corporation
Trionix Research Laboratory, Inc.
Tripath Imaging Inc.
Triple A Services, Inc.
Triple C Cattle Company LLC
Triple T. Enterprises Inc.
Tri-Star Instruments Inc.
Tri-State Analytical Laboratory LLC
Tri-State Hospital Supply Corporation
Tri-State Livestock
Triunfo Import Export Corporation
Tropic Fish & Vegetable Center
Tropic Fish and Vegatable Center, Inc.
Tropical City Industries, Inc.
Tropical Marine Products Inc.
Tropical Nutty Delight
Tropical Sun Tanning Resort
Tropical Tan
Tropical Traditions, Inc.
Trotters Importers
Trouw Nutrition USA, LLC
Troy Innovative Instruments, Inc.
Truckenmiller Gary
True Renewal
True World Foods, Inc
True World Foods, Inc.
True World Foods Inc
true World Foods Inc.
True Worlds Foods, Inc - Rocky Neck Seafoods
Truett Laboratories Inc.
Truluck's Seafood LTD
Trumbull Memorial Hospital
Trusted Care
TRY-Lean Inc.
T&T Trading Company
Tuality Community Hospital
TUCO Innovations Inc.
Tucson Fruit and Produce
Tule River Dairy
Tuls Cattle Co.
Tumed Surgical Instruments & Hospital Supplies GmbH
Tuna Express Company
Tuna Fresh, Inc.
Tuolumne General Hospital
Turner County Dairy, LLP
T.W. Enterprises, Inc.
Twin City Vending Company Inc.
Twin Lab Corporation
Twin Laboratories Inc.
Twin Tails Seafood Corp.
Twinam Enterprises, Inc.
Two Brothers Organics, Inc.
Two Feathers, Inc.
Two Rivers LLC
Two Thumbs Up Tanning
TYA Pharmaceuticals
Tyco Healthcare Group
Tyco Healthcare/Kendall
Tyco International, Inc.
Tyco International Ltd.
Tyler Donnie
Tyler Memorial Hospital
Tylock Eye Center
Tyson Foods
Tysons Food, Inc
TZ Medical, Inc.
U R Farms
U. S. Evergreen Trading Co. Inc.
UAS Laboratories
UBC Pharma Inc.
UC Davis Medical Group-Folsom
U.C. Medical Diagnostic Services P.C.
Udder Delight Dairy
UHHS Bedford Medical Center
UHHS-Richmond Heights Hospital
UHHS-Saint Michael Hospital
Uintah Basin Medical Center
Ulrich GmbH & Co. KG
Ultimate Brands Inc
Ultra Tan, Inc.
Ultracell Medical Technologies
UltraFoods, Inc.
Ultralite Enterprises Inc.
UltraRad Corporation
Ultra-Seal Corporation
Ultrasonic Services, Inc
Ultratab Laboratories Inc.
Underground Sports
Underwood, Hollis J.C., M.D.
Unger David A.
Unico Holdings, Inc.
Unifish Canning S.A.
UniGen Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Uni-Heartous Pet Products USA Inc.
Unilens Corporation
Unilever HPC-USA
Unimed Physician's Complex
Union City Diagnostic Center
Union County General Hospital
Union Springs Pharmaceuticals
Unipower Corporation
Unique Health Solutions
Unique Laboratories Inc.
Unique Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
Unit Dose Packaging, Inc.
United Airlines
United Airlines Inc.
United American Industries
United American Medical Company Inc.
United Biotech Inc.
United Co-op Farmers, Inc.
United Cooperative Farmers, Inc.
United Diagnostic Center
United Feed Co-op Inc.
United Feeds, Inc.
United Feeds Inc.
United Fish Distributors, Inc.
United Fisheries Corporation
United Fishing Agency LTD
United Healthcare Laboratories
United Hospital Medical Center
United Medical Center # 1 / Radiology
United Metabolic Research Center
United Professional Companies Inc.
United Research Laboratories Inc.
United Research Laboratories Inc. and Mutual Pharmaceutical Company
United Skyport Corp.
United States Blood Band
United States Dredging Corp.
United States Lines
United Therapeutics Corp
Unity Veterinary Service
Universal Blanchers LLC
Universal Enterprises, Inc.
Universal Enterprises Inc dba Air Service Hawaii
Universal Health Sciences
Universal Imaging Inc.
Universal Maritime/Maersk
Universal Marketing Services Inc.
Universal Medical Systems Inc.
Universal MRI and Diagnostic Center of Queens New York
Universal Nutraceuticals, Inc.
Universal Nutrition
Universal Nutrition Inc.
Universal Nutrition Services
Universal Packaging Systems Inc.
Universal Protein Supplement Corp.
Universal Reagents Inc.
University Health Center @ Tower City Center
University Hospital and Medical Center
University Hospital Health System and SWGHC
University Hospital Inc.
University Hospitals Breast Center at Parkway
University Hospitals of Cleveland
University Imaging Center LLC
University Medical Center
University Medical Products USA Inc.
University Mednet
University OB-GYN Specialties Inc.
University of Arkansas-Medical Science Ambulatory Care Center
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
University of Colorado
University of Illinois / College of Medicine
University of Illinois - Toxicology Research Laboratory
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Maryland
University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center
University of Minnesota
University of South Florida
University of South Florida Health Science Center Institutional Review Boards 01 and 01B
University of Tennessee Bowld Hospital
University of Tennessee Medical Center
University of Utah Health Network - Mt. Ogden Center
University of Washington Medical Center
University of Wisconsin Hospital
University Pharmacy
University Plasma Inc.
University Plaza Radiological Services
Unlimited Futures Inc.
Unocal Corporation
U.O. Equipment Company
UPC Health Network
UPC Medical Supplies, Inc.
Upcountry Fishery Inc.
Upper Valley Family Care
Upscale Foods, Inc.
Uresil L.P.
Urometric Inc.
Uroplasty, Inc.
U.S. Airways
US Airways
US Airways Group Inc.
U.S. Apothecary Labs Inc
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Diagnostics
U.S. Filter Corporation /Ionpure
U.S. Filter/Ionpure Inc.
U.S. Food Service
U.S. Food Service Inc.
U.S. Foodservice Inc.
US Hair Force
US Health Supplements
US Lab Research, Inc.
US Mills Inc.
U.S. Naval Hospital - Naples
U.S. Naval Hospital - Okinawa
U.S. Welding Inc.
USA Chemical, Inc
USA Golden Vision, Inc.
Uselman Electric Inc.
Ustov, Inc.
USVI Port Authority
Utah Medical Products, Inc.
UTC International Corporation
UVHealth Direct, LLC
UW Health/West Clinic
Uwajimaya, Inc.
Uwajimaya Inc.
Vaccaro's Italian Pastry Shop, Inc.
Vado Jorge Luis
Vail Products, Inc.
Vail Products Inc.
Vail Valley Medical Center
Vail Valley Medical Center IRB
Valentine, Joseph
Valero Energy Corporation
Valley Baptist Medical Center IRB
Valley Feed Company
Valley Feed Mill Inc.
Valley Fish Company, Inc.
Valley General Hospital
Valley Home Medical Equipment Inc.
Valley Hospital Medical Center
Valley Ice & Fuel Co. Inc.
Valley Medical Equiptment and Supply
Valley Medical Facilities Inc.
Valley National Gases Inc.
Valley Regional Medical Center
Valley Springs Artesian Gold LLC
Valley State Prison For Women
Valley Women's Clinic
Value Frozen Foods Inc.
Van de Graaf Racnhes, Inc.
Van Der Geest Dairy Cattle Inc.
Van Dyk Dairy #1
Van Dyk Holsteins
Van Dyke Grain Elevators Inc
Van Haitsma Dairy Farm
Van Heel, David B.
Van Lang Food Products Inc.
VAN Oriental Food, Inc.
Van Vliet Hillegonda
Van Waters & Rogers Inc.
Vancol Industries Inc.
Vandenberg Dairy
Vandenberg Med-Tech Equipment Inc.
Vander Werff Peter C.
Vander Werff Rigg Dairy
Vandyk Dairy
Vangard Labs Inc.
Vanguard Medical Concepts Inc.
Vantil Martin
Vapotherm, Inc.
Vaqueria Gustavo Toledo
Vaqueria Paso Real
Variety Food Services, Inc.
Variety Food Services Inc.
Variety Food Services, LLC
Varner & Varner
Vasca, Inc.
Vas-Cath Incorporated
Vascutek Limited
Vassar Brothers Hospital
VaxGen Inc.
Vaz Dairy
VBM Medizintechnik GMBH
VDS Farms, L.L.C.
Veeman Dairy
VEGA Grieshaber KG
Veldhuis North Dairy
Vend Foods Inc.
Vend Serve, Inc.
Venice Seafood Exchange, Inc.
Venice Seafood Exchange Inc.
Vennstra Dairy
Venosan North America
Ventilatory Care Management
Verhoeven Gary L.
Vermeer & Goedhart Dairy
Vermeer Dairy
Vermont Food Venture Center
Vermont Ginseng Products, Ltd.
Vernon Memorial Hopital
Vern's Cheese, Inc.
Verrier, Edward, M.D.
Versa Electronics
Versi Ebrahim
Very Fresh Juice Company
Vesole, David H., M.D., Ph.D.
Vesta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Vet Pharm, Inc.
Veterinary Associates, LLC
Veterinary Enterprises of Tomorrow, Inc.
Veterinary Laboratories Inc.
Veterinary Pharmacy Corporation
Vetoquinol N-A Inc.
Vets Plus, Inc.
VF Works, Inc.
VF Works Inc.
Via Christi Regional Medical Center Systems
Viacres L.L.L. and Natural Milk L.L.C.
Viasys Healthcare
VIBE Technologies, LLC
Victor Camacho Cattle
Victoreen Inc.
Victory Seafood Processors Inc.
Vierstra & Son, Inc. dba Classic Dairy
Vierstra Dairy
Viet Phat Trading Company
Viet Wah Trading Corporation
Viet-Link Co.
Vigor Nutriceutical Healthcare, Inc.
Viking Village Inc.
Vilex Inc.
Villa Sistemi Medicali S.p.A.
Village Compounding Pharmacy
Vincent's Seafood Inc.
Vince's Shellfish Co Inc
Vinh Sam Enterprise
Vintage Pharmaceutical Inc
Vintage Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Vintage Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Vintage Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Violet Dock Port Inc.
V.I.P. Foods, Inc.
VIR Engineering, Inc.
Viral Defender
Virbac Inc.
Virginia Blood Services Inc.
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Home Medical Services Inc.
Virginia Hospital Center Arlington Health System
Virginia Mason Research Center
Virginia Medical and Respiratory Equipment Inc.
Virginia Seafood, LLC
Virginia Seafood LLC
Virginia Wholesale Co. Inc.
Virjo Seafood Inc.
ViroMed Laboratories
Virotech International Incorporated
Virxcan Products
Visalia Medical Clinic, Inc.
Vision Chips Inc
Vision Group
Vision Laboratories
Vision Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Vision Quest Laser Center
Vision Sciences Inc.
Visionary Contact Lens, Inc.
VisionPlus Network Inc.
Visions in Endosurgery Inc.
Visions in Endosurgery Inc. Inc.
Visser Rance
Visser Ranch
Vista Mundo Inc.
Visteon Systems LLC
Visual Technology Inc.
Visual Telecommunications Network, Inc.
Visualtek Technology Co. Ltd. & Tah Chung Steel Corporation
Vita Food Products Inc.
VitaCroft, LLP
Vita-Erb, Ltd.
Vita-Erb Ltd.
Vital Concepts, Inc.
Vital Health Products Ltd.
Vital Pharma, Inc.
Vital Signs, Inc.
Vitalabs Inc.
VitalCare Group, Inc.
Vitality Products Co., Inc.
Vitalizer 2000
Vitalograph (ireland) Ltd.
Vitamins Classics Inc.
Vitamins Etc.
Vitapurity Corporation
Vitasalus, Inc.
Vitatech International, Inc.
Vitrophage Inc.
Viva America Corporation
Vivus Inc.
Vizcaya Foods, Inc.
VL Livestock Company, Inc.
VMF Corporation
VMM Enterprises, Inc.
Vogley Enterprises Inc
Volk Optical, Inc.
Volunteer Treatment Center Inc.
von Reyn C. Fordham M.D.
Vos Dairy, Inc.
Voyager Medical Corporation
Vrable Healthcare Services
Vreba-Hoff Dairy, LLC
Vriesendorp Huibert M.D.
VTM Manufacturing Corporation/Vaqueria Tres Monjitas, Inc
Vu Family Corporation
Vukman, Gerald R., D.V.M.
VW Asian Food Company Inc
Vysis Inc.
W & L International Group Inc.
W & T Seafood Corp.
Wa Heng Dou Fu Soy Sauce Int Enterprises
Wabi Fishing Company
Wadleigh's Falls Veterinary Clinic
Wadsworth Rittman Hospital
Wagler Farms
Wahid, Saiyid Rasheeq, M.D.
WaJa Farms, Inc
Wakeman Industries Inc.
Wal Mart Stores Inc.
Walco International, Inc.
Waldermar Link GmbH & Co.
Waldron Smokehouse Specialties Inc.
Walgreen Company
Walk, William M.
Walker Farms
Walker Welders Supply Co. Inc.
Walker Wheland Inc.
Walker's Fruit Basket & Press
Wall Medical Group Coastside Radiology
Wall Medical Inc.
Walla Walla General Hospital
Wallace O'Farrell, Inc.
Wallach Surgical Devices, Inc.
WallCann - Cura-Care.com
Wallowa County Grain Growers Inc.
Walmart Stores
Wal-Med, Inc.
Walnut Dale Farm
Walquist Farm
Walsh Manufacturing Ltd. P. dba Walsh Medical Devices
Walt Lemstra Dairy
Walter Graphtek GmbH
Walter L. Shepeard Community Blood Center, Inc.
Walter's Seafood, Inc.
Walton Feeds West, Inc.
Walton Medical Center
Walt's Wholesale Meats-Royal City Feedlot
Wanchese Charter Boat Inc.
Wanchese Fish Company, Inc.
Wanchese Fish Company Inc.
Ward Diary
Ward Douglas M.D.
Ward I.W.
Ward Sales Company, Inc.`
Ward Thomas & Sons, Inc.
Warde Medical Laboratory
Ward's Seafood
Warehouse Food Group, LLC
Warmerdam Dairy Inc.
Warner Chilcott, Inc
Warner-Graham Company
Warren Radiologists Inc.
Warsaw Orthopedic Inc
Warwick Poultry Company, Inc.
Washington Biotechnology, Inc
Washington Clinic
Washington County Hospital
Washington County Livestock Center, Inc.
Washington County Memorial Hospital
Washington Crab & Seafood Co., LLC
Washington Crab Company Inc.
Washington Heights Pharmacy Inc.
Washington Homeopathic Products, Inc.
Washington Hospital Center
Washington Hospital Center Blood Bank
Washington Hospital IRC
Washington Imaging Services
Washington Township Hospital
Wasilkowski Anthony F. M.D.
Watauga Medical Center
Water and Health Incorporated
Water and Health of Chesapeake Inc.
Water and Power Technologies, Inc
Water Oz
Waterfront Seafood Company, Inc.
Watertown Memorial Hospital
Waterways Marine of Greenville Inc
Watson Clinic - Diagnostic Breast Center
Watson Clinic LLP
Watson Laboratories Caribe, Inc.
Watson Laboratories Inc.
Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Watts Health Foundation Inc.
Watuga Medical Center
Wausau Chemical Corporation
WAW Enterprises
Wax Orchard's Inc.
Wayne Meorial Hospital
Wayne Meorial Hospital - Pike County Medical Center
Wayne Oxygen & Supply Co. Inc.
Wayne State University
Wayne's Smoked Products
Wayzata Bay Products Inc
WB Smith Feed Mill Inc.
W.C. International Inc.
Weaver Douglas
Weaver Marvin M.
Weaverville Family Medicine Associates
Web Soft Solutions
Webb Livestock Comoany
Webco Chemical Corp.
Weber Laboratories Inc.
Webster County Memorial Hospital
Wedgewood Village Pharmacy
Wee Sprouts
Weese-Mayer, Debra E., M.D.
Weider Nutrition International
Weikert's Livestock Inc.
Weil, Lowell S. Sr., D.P.M.
Weiler Welding Inc.
Weinberger Appetizing
Weirton Medical Center
Weirton Wholesale Distribution Co. Inc.
WEK Industries Inc.
Welch Road Imaging
Welcon Inc.
Welder's Supply Company
Wellmont Holston Valley Medical Center
Wellmont Lonesome Pine Hospital
Wellness Resources, Inc.
Wellness Support Network
Wells Johnson Co.
Wells Johnson Company
WellStar Paulding Hospital
Welsh Farms Ice Cream
Wenck Feeds Inc.
Wescor, Inc.
Wesley Jessen Corporation
West Coast Radiology Center
West Agro, Inc.
West Allis Memorial Hospital
West Anaheim Medical Center
West Argo, Inc.
West Bay Seafood Co., Inc.
West Boca Medical Center
West Broward X-Ray Center
West Coast Medical Imaging
West Coast Pita and Food, Inc.
West Feeds, Inc.
West Florida Home Health Care
West Hollywood Mammography
West Indies Products Inc.
West Jefferson Medical Center IRB
West Jersey Hospital - Marlton
West Point Farms, LLC
West 9th, LLC
Westchester Gynecologists & Obstetricians P. C.
Westchester Imaging Medical Group
Westchester Medical Center
Westchester-Bronx OB/Gyn Group, P.C.
Westerly Hospital
Western Ag Industries
Western Alaska Fisheries, Inc.
Western Consolidated Cooperative
Western Edge Inc.
Western Enterprises
Western Feed Mills Inc.
Western Fish Company, Inc.
Western Illinois Grain Co.
Western Medica
Western Medical Health System
Western Missouri Medical Center
Western Plains Medical Complex
Western Reserve Farm Cooperative
Western United Fish Company, Inc.
Westfalia-Surge, Inc.
Westfield Memorial Hospital
Westlake Laboratories Inc.
Westmed de Mexico, S.A.
Westone Laboratories, Inc.
Westside Dairy
Westside Holstein
Westview Dairy
Westward Seafoods Inc.
Westway Trading Corporation
Wetter E. D. Inc.
Weyand Fisheries, Inc.
Weyandt Hughey P.
Weyandt Terry A.
Wha Soon Trading Company
Wheatland Memorial Hospital
Wheatley, Susan J., M.D.
Wheaton Beauty Supply
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
Wheeler Seafoods Inc.
White County Hospital
White Egret Farm
White Lake Pharmacy
White River Dairy
White, Rodney A., M.D.
White Shrimp Company
Whitefield Radiology - Mobile
Whitehall Robins Healthcare
Whitelyn Farms, Inc.
Whiteside Dairy
Whitesides Dairy, Inc.
Whitmore Oxygen Company
Whitney Labs
Whittier, Frederick M.D.
Whole Living Inc.
Whole World Botanicals
W.H.P.M., Inc.
Wicked Lasers World Headquarter
Wide River Chemical Company
Wigle John R.
Wil Research
Wilbur Brothers
Wilbur Ellis Company
Wilbur-Ellis Company
Wilcom, Robert S.
Wilcox Farms, Inc.
Wild Edibles, Inc.
Wilderness Family Naturals
Wilderness Farms
Wildlife Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Wilkinson Medical Clinics, S.C.
Willet Dairy, LP
Willet Dairy LP
Willett Brothers Inc.
Willharvdoit Corporation
William A. Gray, M.D.
William and John Jongsma Dairy
William Bee Ririe Hospital
William M. Vargulick Dairy Farm
William's Candy Company, Inc.
Williams Cattle Company Inc.
Williams, David M., MD
Williams Farms Inc.
Williams Johnny R.
Williams, Melvin
Williams, Richard
Williams Seafood of Arapahoe Inc.
Williamsbridge Imaging Associates
Williamson Appalachian Regional Hospital
Williamson Charles H. M.D.
Willis Amos M.D.
Will-O-Crest Farms, LP
Willow Creek Veterinary Service
Willows General Store Inc.
Wilmington Cold Storage, Inc.
Wilson C. Milius, Inc.
Wilson Instruments for Medicine
Wilson Medical Center
Wilson N. Jones Women's Imaging Center
Wilson Seafresh Seafood Inc.
Wilson Supply Company Inc.
Wilson-Cook Medical Inc.
Wilvarger General Hospital
Winchester Bay Fisheries, LLC
Winchester Bay Seafood, Inc.
Winchester Women's Specialists
Wind River Herbs
Window Rock Enterprises, Inc.
Windy City Safety, Inc.
Windy Ridge Farm
Winfield Medical
Wing Kee Foodstuff Company
Wingate Seafood, LLC
Wingrove, Frank A., D.D.S.
Winn Dixie Stores, Inc.
Winn, Inc.
Winona Memorial Hospital
Winspan, Inc.
Winston Medical Center
Winters, Charles J., M.D.
Wise Regional Health
Wisteria Gardens Dairy
Witmer Foods, Inc.
Witt Biomedical Corporation
Wityk, Goad, Korangy and Associates
W.K. Eckerd & Sons Inc
WNCK, Inc.
Wo Lee Food Co.
Wockhardt Ltd
Wolf, Douglas C., M.D.
Wolf, Randall K., MD
Woman's Clinic
Woman's Health Pavilion
Women Care
Women's Breast Care Clinic
Women's Center of Lexington
Women's Clinic of Lincoln P.C.
Women's Diagnostic Center
Women's Diagnostic Center at Enumclaw Community Hospital
Women's Diagnostic Clinic, Inc.
Women's Diagnostic Clinic Inc.
Women's Diagnostic Imaging Center
Women's Health Care Group P.C.
Women's Health Center
Women's Health Center of Logansport
Women's Health Center of South Nassau
Women's Health Imaging
Women's Health Services Chattanooga P.C.
Women's Healthcare Group P.C.
Women's Imaging Center - Johnston Memorial Hospital
Women's Imaging Services
Women's Mobile Diagnostic Ltd.
Women's Outreach Network Inc.
Won Feng Trading Inc
Won Trading Inc.
Wonder Laboratories
Wong Wendell M.D.
Wood Hygienic Institute, Inc.
Woodcrest Dairy
Woodford Memorial Hospital
Wood's Fishery Inc.
Woodstock Natural Products Inc.
Woodward Laboratories
Wooster Community Hospital
World Class Nutrition
World Diagnostics, Inc.
World Health Products, LLC
World Sushi Express, Inc.
World Trade Foods
World Variety Produce, Inc.
World Yacht Cruises
Worldtech Research Group
Worldwide Fish & Seafoods, Inc.
Worldwide Medical Corporation
Worldwide Sport Nutritional Supplements Inc.
Wright Dairy Management Inc.
Wright Health Radiology/NMI
Wright John R. D.O.
Wright Medical Technology, Inc.
Wright Medical Technology Inc.
Wright, Richard A, MD
Wright Whitty Davis Farms Inc
Wuestec Medical Inc.
W.W. Cattle Company
W&W International Medical Research Group
W&Y International
Wyandot Memorial Hospital
Wyandotte Welding Supply
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Company
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories
Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories Inc.
Wyldewood Cellars, Inc.
Wyoming County Community Hospital
Wyoming Medical Center
Wyss Hansjoery J.
X Spine Systems, Inc.
Xango LLC, International
Xango LLC, Intl
Xanodyne Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Xavier Cattle-Holsteins
Xavier Enterprise/Xavier Exotic Herbs
X-CEL- Feeds Inc.
X-Cel X-Ray Corporation
X-Diagnostic Imaging
Ximed Medical Systems/Prosurg Inc.
Xinjiang Pharmaceutical Factory
Xoran Technologies Inc
X-Ray Associates Inc.
X-ray Preceptor
X-ray Technology of Bay Ridge Inc.
Xtra Factors
Xtreme Design, Inc.
Xttrium Laboratories, Inc.
Y & L Washington, Inc.
Yachere Feed Inc.
Yadav, Sanjay S., M.D.
Yahal USA
Yamila Abraham
Yankee Trails Inc.
Yanney, James, D.D.S. M.D.
Yarbrough Produce Company
Yat Chau U.S.A. Ginseng City Inc.
Yater Medical Group
Yeager Wire Works Inc.
Yinplace Inc. dba: King's China Bistro
Yoli, Inc.
Yon's Foods LLC
York Kenneth K. M.D.
York Pharmaceutical Inc.
York River Seafood Co. Inc.
Yorktown Diagnostic Imaging
Young Again Nutrients
Young View Farm
Youth Light 2010 Inc
Yow Tech Electronic Co. Ltd.
YSIS, Incorporated
Ysselstein Dairy, Inc.
Yu, Alice L., M.D., Ph.D.
Yu Chin Technology Co. Ltd.
Yu I Hsiang U.S.A. corp
Yuma Dairy
Yuma District Hospital
Yung Shin Pharm. Inc. Col, Ltd.
Z & W Mill Inc.
Z Cosmetica USA, LLC
Z Technologies Inc.
Zambales Bakery & Fast Food
Zarda King Ltd.
Zefon International Inc.
Zeis, Fred J
Zeischegg, Peter M., M.S., D.C.
Zemak Farms
Zeneca Pharmaceuticals
Zenith Goldline Laboratories
Zenith Laboratories Caribe Inc.
ZEO Health Ltd.
Zephyr Feed Company
Zeus Scientific Inc.
Zevex, Inc.
Zhang Jingwu M.D. Ph.D.
Ziegler, Brookelyn
Zila Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Zimmer Elektromedizin GMBH
Zimmer View Dairy
Zincomatic, Inc.
Zinke Dairy
Zinnanti Surgical Design, LLC
Zippy's Inc.
Ziran, Bruce H., MD
Zirlott's Gulf Products
Zlabs, LLC
ZLB Behring
ZLB Bioplasma, Inc.
ZLB Central Laboratory
Zoll Medical Corporation
Zonneveld Dairies Inc.
Zosa, Noli R., M.D.
Z'Strong International
Zuka Trading and Distribution Company
Zumbrota Health Care
Zuni Comprehensive Community Health Center
1 Coral Calcium/Thin America
21st Century Sports Nutritionals, Inc.
2-2-0 Laboratories
3D of Key West Inc.
3-G Enterprises, Inc - Griffin's Seafood
3H Cattle Company
3M Center
4 D Cattle
4nRx/Hong Kong
4nRx/New Zealand
5 Star Dairy
67th Combat Support Hospital
7-Day Miracle Cleanse
80 Million Food
911 Water
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