evidence vs. DILG Secretary Puno who will reportedly run for Philippine president.
There is evidence that the DILG office received, on 7/15/08 my registered letter, designated as letter No.0622, which contained a complaint against Manila Mayor Lim. Despite the fact that said Puno is supposed to obey R.A. 6713, up to July 27, 2009, he has not informed me what happened to said complaint.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
International advisory vs. Manila: Mayor Lim, Vice Mayor Moreno; Secretary Puno of the Philippine Department of Interior and Local Government.
There is evidence that my letters addressed, to said officials, reached their offices. However, despite R.A. 6713 which said persons are supposed to obey,
they did not provide me with prompt, courteous, satisfactory, service.
The following statement is attributed to said Lim: "The law applies to all, otherwise, none at all.
My letters to said Puno contained complaints vs. said Lim.
I received a letter from a source identified as the Chief of Staff of said Lim: "Security lapses at shopping malls are not the concern of the City government, being
private entities." Does said statement mean that if persons are injured or killed due to security lapses in private entities their injuries or deaths are also not the concern of the City government of Manila?
Facts and Myths about Generic Drugs
Today, 7 in 10 prescriptions filled in the United States are for generic drugs. This fact sheet explains how generic drugs are made and approved and debunks some common myths about these products.
FACT: FDA requires generic drugs to have the same quality and performance as the brand name drugs.
* When a generic drug product is approved, it has met rigorous standards established by the FDA with respect to identity, strength, quality, purity and potency. Some variability can and does occur during manufacturing, for both brand name and generic drugs. When a drug, generic or brand name, is mass produced, very small variations in purity, size, strength and other parameters are permitted. FDA puts limits on how much variability in composition or performance of a drug is acceptable.
* Generic drugs are required to have the same active ingredient, strength, dosage form, and route of administration as the brand name (or reference) product. Generic drugs do not need to contain the same inactive ingredients as the brand product.
* Through review of bioequivalence data, FDA assures that the generic product will perform the same as its respective brand name (or reference) product. This standard applies to all generic drugs, whether immediate or controlled release.
* A generic drug must be shown to be bioequivalent to the reference drug; that is, it must be shown to give blood levels that are very similar to those of the reference product. If blood levels are the same, the therapeutic effect will be the same. In that case, there is no need to carry out a clinical effectiveness study and they are not required.
* All generic manufacturing, packaging and testing sites must pass the same quality standards as those of brand name drugs and the generic products must meet the same exacting specifications as any innovator brand name product. In fact, many generic drugs are made in the same plants as innovator brand name drug products.
* If an innovator of a brand name drug switches drug production to an alternative manufacturing site, or they change formulation of their brand name drug, these companies are held to the same rigorous manufacturing requirements as those that apply to generic drug companies.
FACT: Research shows that generics work just as well as brand name drugs.
* A recent study evaluated the results of 38 published clinical trials that compared cardiovascular generic drugs to their brand-name counterparts. There was no evidence that brand-name heart drugs worked any better than generic heart drugs. [Kesselheim et al. Clinical equivalence of generic and brand-name drugs used in cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA. 2008;300(21)2514-2526].
FACT: When it comes to price, there is a big difference between generic and brand name drugs. On average, the cost of a generic drug is 80 to 85% lower than the brand name product.
* An IMS National Prescription Audit shows that a typical formulary now charges $6 for generic medications, $29 for preferred branded drugs, and $40 or more for non-preferred branded drugs. [Aitken et al. Prescription drug spending trends in the United States: looking beyond the turning point. Health Aff (Millwood). 2009;28(1):w151-60].
* Independent research has shown that total prescription drug expenditures in the United States only increased by 4.0% from 2006 to 2007, with total spending rising from $276 billion to $287 billion. This is a sharp decrease from the 8.9% growth rate observed in prescription drug expenditures in 2006. One factor cited as a reason for the slowdown is an increase in availability and use of generic drugs [Hoffman et al. Projecting future drug expenditures--2009. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2009;66(3):237-57].
Recently, misinformation in the media has raised concerns over generic drugs. Below are some common myths in circulation.
MYTH: People who are switched to a generic drug are risking treatment failure.
FACT: There is no evidence for this claim. Treatment failures can and do occur when taking generic or brand name drugs. If someone is switched to a generic drug around the time they are relapsing, they may attribute the problem to the switch.
* Many people who have recovered from major depression have a relapse despite continued treatment. These relapses have been shown in trials of long-term therapy. [Byrne and Rothschild. Loss of antidepressant efficacy during maintenance therapy: possible mechanisms and treatments. J Clin Psychiatry. 1998;59(6):279-88].
* Many people who are on a seizure medications will re-experience a seizure despite continued treatment on a single drug. The likelihood of re-experiencing a seizure, despite staying with the same drug product, goes up with time. [Brodie et al. Comparison of levetiracetam and controlled-release carbamazepine in newly diagnosed epilepsy. Neurology. 2007;68(6):402-8].
* A percentage of people will re-experience gastric ulcers, despite an initial, positive response to and continued treatment with prescription strength antacids (cimetidine tablets; http://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?id=8131#nlm34067-9).
MYTH: Generic drugs cost less because they are inferior to brand name drugs.
FACT: Generic manufacturers are able to sell their products for lower prices, not because the products are of lesser quality, but because generic manufacturers generally do not engage in costly advertising, marketing and promotion, or significant research and development.
* When a brand name drug comes off patent and generic drugs are permitted to compete with the brand name drug, the generic products compete by offering lower prices. Unlike the manufacturers of brand name drugs, generic drug companies do not have significant expenses to recoup for advertising, marketing and promotion, or research and development activities.
MYTH: There are quality problems with generic drug manufacturing. A recent recall of generic digoxin (called Digitek) shows that generic drugs put patients at risk.
MYTH: Brand name drugs are safer than generic drugs.
FACT: FDA receives very few reports of adverse events about specific generic drugs. Most reports of adverse events are related to side effects of the drug ingredient itself.
* The monitoring of postmarket adverse events for all drug products, including generic drugs, is one aspect of the overall FDA effort to evaluate the safety of drugs after approval. In most cases, reports of adverse events generally describe a known reaction to the active drug ingredient.
Page Last Updated: 07/10/2009
Note: If you need help accessing information in different file formats, see Instructions for Downloading Viewers and Players.
There is evidence that my letters addressed, to said officials, reached their offices. However, despite R.A. 6713 which said persons are supposed to obey,
they did not provide me with prompt, courteous, satisfactory, service.
The following statement is attributed to said Lim: "The law applies to all, otherwise, none at all.
My letters to said Puno contained complaints vs. said Lim.
I received a letter from a source identified as the Chief of Staff of said Lim: "Security lapses at shopping malls are not the concern of the City government, being
private entities." Does said statement mean that if persons are injured or killed due to security lapses in private entities their injuries or deaths are also not the concern of the City government of Manila?
Facts and Myths about Generic Drugs
Today, 7 in 10 prescriptions filled in the United States are for generic drugs. This fact sheet explains how generic drugs are made and approved and debunks some common myths about these products.
FACT: FDA requires generic drugs to have the same quality and performance as the brand name drugs.
* When a generic drug product is approved, it has met rigorous standards established by the FDA with respect to identity, strength, quality, purity and potency. Some variability can and does occur during manufacturing, for both brand name and generic drugs. When a drug, generic or brand name, is mass produced, very small variations in purity, size, strength and other parameters are permitted. FDA puts limits on how much variability in composition or performance of a drug is acceptable.
* Generic drugs are required to have the same active ingredient, strength, dosage form, and route of administration as the brand name (or reference) product. Generic drugs do not need to contain the same inactive ingredients as the brand product.
* Through review of bioequivalence data, FDA assures that the generic product will perform the same as its respective brand name (or reference) product. This standard applies to all generic drugs, whether immediate or controlled release.
* A generic drug must be shown to be bioequivalent to the reference drug; that is, it must be shown to give blood levels that are very similar to those of the reference product. If blood levels are the same, the therapeutic effect will be the same. In that case, there is no need to carry out a clinical effectiveness study and they are not required.
* All generic manufacturing, packaging and testing sites must pass the same quality standards as those of brand name drugs and the generic products must meet the same exacting specifications as any innovator brand name product. In fact, many generic drugs are made in the same plants as innovator brand name drug products.
* If an innovator of a brand name drug switches drug production to an alternative manufacturing site, or they change formulation of their brand name drug, these companies are held to the same rigorous manufacturing requirements as those that apply to generic drug companies.
FACT: Research shows that generics work just as well as brand name drugs.
* A recent study evaluated the results of 38 published clinical trials that compared cardiovascular generic drugs to their brand-name counterparts. There was no evidence that brand-name heart drugs worked any better than generic heart drugs. [Kesselheim et al. Clinical equivalence of generic and brand-name drugs used in cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA. 2008;300(21)2514-2526].
FACT: When it comes to price, there is a big difference between generic and brand name drugs. On average, the cost of a generic drug is 80 to 85% lower than the brand name product.
* An IMS National Prescription Audit shows that a typical formulary now charges $6 for generic medications, $29 for preferred branded drugs, and $40 or more for non-preferred branded drugs. [Aitken et al. Prescription drug spending trends in the United States: looking beyond the turning point. Health Aff (Millwood). 2009;28(1):w151-60].
* Independent research has shown that total prescription drug expenditures in the United States only increased by 4.0% from 2006 to 2007, with total spending rising from $276 billion to $287 billion. This is a sharp decrease from the 8.9% growth rate observed in prescription drug expenditures in 2006. One factor cited as a reason for the slowdown is an increase in availability and use of generic drugs [Hoffman et al. Projecting future drug expenditures--2009. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2009;66(3):237-57].
Recently, misinformation in the media has raised concerns over generic drugs. Below are some common myths in circulation.
MYTH: People who are switched to a generic drug are risking treatment failure.
FACT: There is no evidence for this claim. Treatment failures can and do occur when taking generic or brand name drugs. If someone is switched to a generic drug around the time they are relapsing, they may attribute the problem to the switch.
* Many people who have recovered from major depression have a relapse despite continued treatment. These relapses have been shown in trials of long-term therapy. [Byrne and Rothschild. Loss of antidepressant efficacy during maintenance therapy: possible mechanisms and treatments. J Clin Psychiatry. 1998;59(6):279-88].
* Many people who are on a seizure medications will re-experience a seizure despite continued treatment on a single drug. The likelihood of re-experiencing a seizure, despite staying with the same drug product, goes up with time. [Brodie et al. Comparison of levetiracetam and controlled-release carbamazepine in newly diagnosed epilepsy. Neurology. 2007;68(6):402-8].
* A percentage of people will re-experience gastric ulcers, despite an initial, positive response to and continued treatment with prescription strength antacids (cimetidine tablets; http://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?id=8131#nlm34067-9).
MYTH: Generic drugs cost less because they are inferior to brand name drugs.
FACT: Generic manufacturers are able to sell their products for lower prices, not because the products are of lesser quality, but because generic manufacturers generally do not engage in costly advertising, marketing and promotion, or significant research and development.
* When a brand name drug comes off patent and generic drugs are permitted to compete with the brand name drug, the generic products compete by offering lower prices. Unlike the manufacturers of brand name drugs, generic drug companies do not have significant expenses to recoup for advertising, marketing and promotion, or research and development activities.
MYTH: There are quality problems with generic drug manufacturing. A recent recall of generic digoxin (called Digitek) shows that generic drugs put patients at risk.
MYTH: Brand name drugs are safer than generic drugs.
FACT: FDA receives very few reports of adverse events about specific generic drugs. Most reports of adverse events are related to side effects of the drug ingredient itself.
* The monitoring of postmarket adverse events for all drug products, including generic drugs, is one aspect of the overall FDA effort to evaluate the safety of drugs after approval. In most cases, reports of adverse events generally describe a known reaction to the active drug ingredient.
Page Last Updated: 07/10/2009
Note: If you need help accessing information in different file formats, see Instructions for Downloading Viewers and Players.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
International advisory vs. Bank of the Philippine Islands Midland branch. I have evidence against employees at said branch who were identified as: the Branch Business Manager, Ms. Delia L. Lao, Assistant Business Manager, Mr. Roberto Figuerroa Jr. and the Branch Service Associate Ms. Invy G. Conechado. Then, on July 21, 2009, an employee, identified as Assistant Business Manager attended first to a person who came after me.
Open letter to Councilman Jon Abalos
City Hall
Mandaluyong, Metro Manila
Are security lapses at private entities in Mandaluyong of no concern to you?
I witnessed security lapses at entrances to two private shopping areas in Mandaluyong. Because of said security lapses, I could have brought deadly weapons into said areas, endangering shoppers. I left written complaints at said areas regarding said security lapses. Months have passed by but authorities at said sites have not provided me with replies to said complaints.
For the benefit of customers, please, soonest, provide me with complete lists of products sold at Power Nut store in Mandaluyong; complete prices of said products; complete list of ingredients of said products. I have proof that Sen. Loren Legarda accepted my complaint vs. said store and that her representative referred said complaint to DTI Secretary Favilla. I have evidence vs. Mandaluyong Mayor and Mandaluyong Vice Mayor. I believe they violated R.A. 6713. Which government agency accepts complaints re violations of said law?
Advisory vs. Emerald Headway, Inc.
Based on evidence, said firm was the importer of PC Utilities magazine issue 115 which was sold to me by store identified as Power Books at Robinsons Place Manila. When I used the Norton Anti Virus program to scan the DVD contained in said magazine said program revealed unfavorable results regarding a program identified as Advanced URL Catalog. The image below is a copy of the results revealed by said Norton Anti Virus program. This is not the first time that said corporation imported said computer magazine with something wrong with the supplied DVD. Previously, I complained to the Department of Trade and Industry vs. said corporation.
open letter to Henry Sy/Tessie Sy-Coson SM
I have a complaint vs. SM Department store at SM City Manila. Please, soonest, provide me the complete address where the details of said complaint will be sure to reach you.
International advisory vs. DILG Secretary Puno who is allegedly a presidential aspirant.
I sent him a complaint vs. Manila Mayor Lim. Despite R.A. 6713, which he is required to obey, he did not provide me with prompt, courteous, and
satisfactory service regarding said complaint. Does he agree with the position of the Chief of Staff of the Office of the Mayor City of Manila that
security lapses at private entities are not the concern of the City government of Manila?
Open letter to Donny Tantoco ShopWise
I have a complaint vs. ShopWise store at Harrison Plaza, Manila. Please, soonest, provide me with the complete address where details of said complaint will be certain to reach you.
international advisory vs. Intercontinental Manila
which was a hotel and was located in Makati. For the benefit of customers, I sent a letter by registered mail to said hotel and I requested some information about said hotel. I have evidence that said letter was received by said hotel, but said hotel did not provide me with any reply until after I complained to the DTI BTRCP. Even after said Department of Trade and Industry Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection endorsed my said letter to said hotel, said hotel, in a letter dated July 2, 2009, did not provide me with the proofs I requested. For example, my registered letter received by said hotel contained the following request: "If said hotel has a swimming pool, provide soonest to me, proofs, if any, that said pool is safe for swimming."
Said hotel did not provide me with any proofs that said swimming pool is safe for swimming by humans. The signature which appeared on said letter was
identified was being that of Charles Marshall General Manager.
International advisory vs. The Landmark food court manager. Said food court was at the Landmark building at Ayala Center Makat.
On April 20, 2009, said manager received, at the Landmark food court in the Landmark building at Ayala Center, Makati, my written complaint vs. personnel at the KFC fast food restaurant at said food court. Up to ______________, __, 20__, said manager has not informed what he did with said complaint. An image of said complaint is shown below.
Open letter to Councilman Jon Abalos
City Hall
Mandaluyong, Metro Manila
Are security lapses at private entities in Mandaluyong of no concern to you?
I witnessed security lapses at entrances to two private shopping areas in Mandaluyong. Because of said security lapses, I could have brought deadly weapons into said areas, endangering shoppers. I left written complaints at said areas regarding said security lapses. Months have passed by but authorities at said sites have not provided me with replies to said complaints.
For the benefit of customers, please, soonest, provide me with complete lists of products sold at Power Nut store in Mandaluyong; complete prices of said products; complete list of ingredients of said products. I have proof that Sen. Loren Legarda accepted my complaint vs. said store and that her representative referred said complaint to DTI Secretary Favilla. I have evidence vs. Mandaluyong Mayor and Mandaluyong Vice Mayor. I believe they violated R.A. 6713. Which government agency accepts complaints re violations of said law?
Advisory vs. Emerald Headway, Inc.
Based on evidence, said firm was the importer of PC Utilities magazine issue 115 which was sold to me by store identified as Power Books at Robinsons Place Manila. When I used the Norton Anti Virus program to scan the DVD contained in said magazine said program revealed unfavorable results regarding a program identified as Advanced URL Catalog. The image below is a copy of the results revealed by said Norton Anti Virus program. This is not the first time that said corporation imported said computer magazine with something wrong with the supplied DVD. Previously, I complained to the Department of Trade and Industry vs. said corporation.
open letter to Henry Sy/Tessie Sy-Coson SM
I have a complaint vs. SM Department store at SM City Manila. Please, soonest, provide me the complete address where the details of said complaint will be sure to reach you.
International advisory vs. DILG Secretary Puno who is allegedly a presidential aspirant.
I sent him a complaint vs. Manila Mayor Lim. Despite R.A. 6713, which he is required to obey, he did not provide me with prompt, courteous, and
satisfactory service regarding said complaint. Does he agree with the position of the Chief of Staff of the Office of the Mayor City of Manila that
security lapses at private entities are not the concern of the City government of Manila?
Open letter to Donny Tantoco ShopWise
I have a complaint vs. ShopWise store at Harrison Plaza, Manila. Please, soonest, provide me with the complete address where details of said complaint will be certain to reach you.
international advisory vs. Intercontinental Manila
which was a hotel and was located in Makati. For the benefit of customers, I sent a letter by registered mail to said hotel and I requested some information about said hotel. I have evidence that said letter was received by said hotel, but said hotel did not provide me with any reply until after I complained to the DTI BTRCP. Even after said Department of Trade and Industry Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection endorsed my said letter to said hotel, said hotel, in a letter dated July 2, 2009, did not provide me with the proofs I requested. For example, my registered letter received by said hotel contained the following request: "If said hotel has a swimming pool, provide soonest to me, proofs, if any, that said pool is safe for swimming."
Said hotel did not provide me with any proofs that said swimming pool is safe for swimming by humans. The signature which appeared on said letter was
identified was being that of Charles Marshall General Manager.
International advisory vs. The Landmark food court manager. Said food court was at the Landmark building at Ayala Center Makat.
On April 20, 2009, said manager received, at the Landmark food court in the Landmark building at Ayala Center, Makati, my written complaint vs. personnel at the KFC fast food restaurant at said food court. Up to ______________, __, 20__, said manager has not informed what he did with said complaint. An image of said complaint is shown below.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
International open letter
to J.Binay - Mayor - City of Manila, Philippines and presidential aspirant
* I have evidence that my letters containing reports of security lapses at private
entities (malls. department stores, etc.) were received by your agent(s). Despite
R.A. 6713, neither you or your agent provided me with replies to said letters.
Because of said security lapses at said private entities, I could have brought
deadly weapons into said entities, endangering shoppers inside said entities.
* I was shortchanged of 100 pesos by an employee working inside SM Supermarket at
Ayala Center, Makati. I received a letter containing an apology for said short
changing. I forwarded said complaint to what was identified as the SM central
offices. Said letter was received but said offices did not provide
me with any information as to what was done with said complaint.
* Does the Makati government consider security lapses at private entities, in
Makati such as shopping centers, restaurants, etc.of no concern to the city
International advisory vs Dong Puno - the director of the Philippine Department of Interior and Local Government and presidential aspirant. I have evidence that said department received my complaints vs. Alfredo S. Lim - Mayor of Manila, Philippines.
Despite R.A. 6713, which said department is required to obey, said
department did not provide me with prompt, courteous service regarding said complaints. I believe said Puno violated the said law. Based on reports,
said enforced the law against erring government persons. However, he did not
provide me with prompt, courteous and satisfactory service regarding my complaint
vs. said Lim.
to J.Binay - Mayor - City of Manila, Philippines and presidential aspirant
* I have evidence that my letters containing reports of security lapses at private
entities (malls. department stores, etc.) were received by your agent(s). Despite
R.A. 6713, neither you or your agent provided me with replies to said letters.
Because of said security lapses at said private entities, I could have brought
deadly weapons into said entities, endangering shoppers inside said entities.
* I was shortchanged of 100 pesos by an employee working inside SM Supermarket at
Ayala Center, Makati. I received a letter containing an apology for said short
changing. I forwarded said complaint to what was identified as the SM central
offices. Said letter was received but said offices did not provide
me with any information as to what was done with said complaint.
* Does the Makati government consider security lapses at private entities, in
Makati such as shopping centers, restaurants, etc.of no concern to the city
International advisory vs Dong Puno - the director of the Philippine Department of Interior and Local Government and presidential aspirant. I have evidence that said department received my complaints vs. Alfredo S. Lim - Mayor of Manila, Philippines.
Despite R.A. 6713, which said department is required to obey, said
department did not provide me with prompt, courteous service regarding said complaints. I believe said Puno violated the said law. Based on reports,
said enforced the law against erring government persons. However, he did not
provide me with prompt, courteous and satisfactory service regarding my complaint
vs. said Lim.
Friday, July 17, 2009
public service advisory re all hospitals in the Philippines
It will benefit all prospective customers of all hospitals in the Philippines, including St. Luke's Medical Center, Makati Medical Center, Manila Doctors Hospitals, Medical Center Manila, etc. to obtain, in advance, full details and evidence regarding said hospitals' emergency rooms and the qualifications of the staff in said rooms as well as the other staff in said hospitals and the other equipment in said hospitals. I have evidence vs. St. Luke's Medical Center. Also,
based on information, the Bureau of Trade Relation and Consumer Protection endorsed to St. Luke's Medical Center my request for information about said hospital. I have not received any reply from said hospital. I have also had bad experience with Manila Doctors Hospital, Medical Center Manila, Philippine General Hospital. There were web sites on the Internet on how to choose an emergency room, how to choose a hospital.
open letter to people in Makati City, Metro Manila
Do you know what is the policy of the City Government of Makati regarding security lapses in private entities in Makati, such as shopping malls, restaurants, grocery stores? Does the Makati city government consider security lapses in restaurants, shopping malls, grocery stores, hotels as of no concern to it? If so,
it means that if you or a loved one are in a private entity in Makati and are injured or killed as the result of a security lapse in said entity, it will be of no concern to the city government in Makati.
warning vs. buying at SM department stores, SM supermarkets, SM HyperMart,etc. Based on the information on the registry return for my complaint letter, numbered 0650 and addressed to the SM corporate offices, said letter was received on April 14, 2009 by an agent of said offices. Up to July 17, 2009, no one from said offices has provided me with a reply to said letter.
Open letter to presidential aspirant Makati Mayor Binay
City Hall
Does the City government of Makati consider security lapses in private entities in
Makati as of no concern to said City government?
* I repeatedly experienced lax security at entrances to: Glorietta, Park Square 1,
SM Makati Power Plant, all in Makati. Because of said lax security, I repeatedly
could have brought dangerous weapons into said areas, to the detriment of shoppers
in said areas. I am willing to execute an affidavit regarding said lapses in said
* I was shortchanged of 100 Philippine pesos by an employee working at SM
Supermarket in SM Makati. I received a reply from said store admitting said
shortchanging. I sent a complaint regarding said shortchanging to what was
identified as the central offices of SM in Pasay City. There is proof that said
said letter was received by said offices. A reasonable amount of time has passed
but I have not received from said offices any reply to said letter. If you are
consumer oriented, please soonest help me obtain from either Henry Sy or Tessie
Sy Coson a reply to said complaint. Said reply must be accompanied by s sworn
affidavit that said reply is really their reply.
* I repeatedly sent letters addressed to you regarding security lapses at Ayala
Center Makati. Based on the evidence, said letters were received by your agent.
Over a year has passed since said some of the letters were received by your
agent. Provide soonest to me a a credible explanation why you did not provide me
with replies to said letter.
* Based on evidence, the Bureau of Trade Relation and Consumer Protection sent to
your office my complaint with evidence vs. the Makati Department of Health. What
is your decision regarding said complaint?.
* I have a complaint vs. The Landmark corporation and the KFC fastfood store at the
Landmark building. What, if any, are you going to do about it?
It will benefit all prospective customers of all hospitals in the Philippines, including St. Luke's Medical Center, Makati Medical Center, Manila Doctors Hospitals, Medical Center Manila, etc. to obtain, in advance, full details and evidence regarding said hospitals' emergency rooms and the qualifications of the staff in said rooms as well as the other staff in said hospitals and the other equipment in said hospitals. I have evidence vs. St. Luke's Medical Center. Also,
based on information, the Bureau of Trade Relation and Consumer Protection endorsed to St. Luke's Medical Center my request for information about said hospital. I have not received any reply from said hospital. I have also had bad experience with Manila Doctors Hospital, Medical Center Manila, Philippine General Hospital. There were web sites on the Internet on how to choose an emergency room, how to choose a hospital.
open letter to people in Makati City, Metro Manila
Do you know what is the policy of the City Government of Makati regarding security lapses in private entities in Makati, such as shopping malls, restaurants, grocery stores? Does the Makati city government consider security lapses in restaurants, shopping malls, grocery stores, hotels as of no concern to it? If so,
it means that if you or a loved one are in a private entity in Makati and are injured or killed as the result of a security lapse in said entity, it will be of no concern to the city government in Makati.
warning vs. buying at SM department stores, SM supermarkets, SM HyperMart,etc. Based on the information on the registry return for my complaint letter, numbered 0650 and addressed to the SM corporate offices, said letter was received on April 14, 2009 by an agent of said offices. Up to July 17, 2009, no one from said offices has provided me with a reply to said letter.
Open letter to presidential aspirant Makati Mayor Binay
City Hall
Does the City government of Makati consider security lapses in private entities in
Makati as of no concern to said City government?
* I repeatedly experienced lax security at entrances to: Glorietta, Park Square 1,
SM Makati Power Plant, all in Makati. Because of said lax security, I repeatedly
could have brought dangerous weapons into said areas, to the detriment of shoppers
in said areas. I am willing to execute an affidavit regarding said lapses in said
* I was shortchanged of 100 Philippine pesos by an employee working at SM
Supermarket in SM Makati. I received a reply from said store admitting said
shortchanging. I sent a complaint regarding said shortchanging to what was
identified as the central offices of SM in Pasay City. There is proof that said
said letter was received by said offices. A reasonable amount of time has passed
but I have not received from said offices any reply to said letter. If you are
consumer oriented, please soonest help me obtain from either Henry Sy or Tessie
Sy Coson a reply to said complaint. Said reply must be accompanied by s sworn
affidavit that said reply is really their reply.
* I repeatedly sent letters addressed to you regarding security lapses at Ayala
Center Makati. Based on the evidence, said letters were received by your agent.
Over a year has passed since said some of the letters were received by your
agent. Provide soonest to me a a credible explanation why you did not provide me
with replies to said letter.
* Based on evidence, the Bureau of Trade Relation and Consumer Protection sent to
your office my complaint with evidence vs. the Makati Department of Health. What
is your decision regarding said complaint?.
* I have a complaint vs. The Landmark corporation and the KFC fastfood store at the
Landmark building. What, if any, are you going to do about it?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Worldwide advisory vs.:
Lim - Mayor of Manila, Philippines; Moreno - Vice Mayor of Manila, Philippines;
Binay - Mayor of Makati City, Philippines; Vice-Mayor of Makati, Philippines;
Benhur Abalos - Mayor of Mandaluyong City, Philippines; Vice-Mayor of Mandaluyong City Philippines;
Belmonte - Mayor of Quezon City, Philippines; Herbert Bautista - Vice Mayor of Quezon City,Philippines;
The Commissioner of the Civil Service Commssion - Philippines for not accepting
my complaint vs. Manila Mayor Lim;
The Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local
Government for not accepting my complaint vs. Manila Mayor Lim.
Lim - Mayor of Manila, Philippines; Moreno - Vice Mayor of Manila, Philippines;
Binay - Mayor of Makati City, Philippines; Vice-Mayor of Makati, Philippines;
Benhur Abalos - Mayor of Mandaluyong City, Philippines; Vice-Mayor of Mandaluyong City Philippines;
Belmonte - Mayor of Quezon City, Philippines; Herbert Bautista - Vice Mayor of Quezon City,Philippines;
The Commissioner of the Civil Service Commssion - Philippines for not accepting
my complaint vs. Manila Mayor Lim;
The Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local
Government for not accepting my complaint vs. Manila Mayor Lim.
advisory for persons from any other part of the world who are considering coming to Manila, Philippines
If any people are injured or killed in Manila due to security lapses in any private entity in Manila, such as restaurants, shopping malls, hotels, etc., it
is not the concern of the city government of Manila. The above is based on a statement from "Ricardo E. Guzman Chief of Staff Office of the Mayor City of
Manila" in a letter dated June 19, 2009 and addressed to me.
International open letter to Makati Mayor Binay
City Hall, Makati City, Philippines
For the benefit of people from other parts of world who may be thinking of coming to Makati City, Philippines,
are security lapses in private entities in Makati City, Philippines not the concern of the Makati city government?
International open letter to Mandaluyong City Mayor Abalos.
For the benefit of people from other parts of world who may be thinking of coming to Mandaluyong City, Philippines,
are security lapses in private entities in Mandaluyong City, Philippines not the concern of the Mandaluyong city government?
Energizer Wallplate Nightlights Recalled Due to Fire Hazard
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207
July 14, 2009
Release # 09-272 Firm’s Recall Hotline: (800) 782-2013
CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908
Energizer Wallplate Nightlights Recalled Due to Fire Hazard
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.
Name of Product: Energizer Light On Demand Wallplate Nightlights
Units: About 3,000
Importer: Energizer, of St. Louis, Mo.
Manufacturer: Sonco Product Co., of China
Hazard: The nightlight can overheat, especially if additional devices are plugged into its outlets, posing a fire hazard.
Incidents/Injuries: None reported.
Description: The recalled wall light is white, plugs into the wall, has a plug in base into which additional devices can be plugged, and has a removable/rechargeable light/flashlight. Model LODNLWP is stamped on the back of the unit. The wall light measures about 6 inches high, 5 inches wide, and 3 inches deep. No other Light on Demand products are included in this recall.
Sold at: Mass merchandisers, office supply stores, and various other retailers nationwide and on the Web from August 2008 through July 2009 for about $26.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using this recalled nightlight, unplug it, and contact Energizer for information on returning the light to receive a full refund.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Energizer at (800) 782-2013 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. CT Monday through Friday, or visit the firm’s Web site at www.energizer.com
Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition
Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), 2008-09 Edition
For hundreds of different types of jobs—such as teacher, lawyer, and nurse—the Occupational Outlook Handbook tells you:
* the training and education needed
* earnings
* expected job prospects
* what workers do on the job
* working conditions
In addition, the Handbook gives you job search tips, links to information about the job market in each State, and more.
Ways to use the Occupational Outlook Handbook site:
1. To find out about a specific occupation or topic, use the Search box that is on every page—enter your search term in the box.
2. To find out about many occupations, browse through listings using the Occupations links that are on the left side of each page.
3. For a listing of all occupations in alphabetical order, select a letter:
* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
About the Handbook: The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a nationally recognized source of career information, designed to provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions about their future work lives. The Handbook is revised every two years.
If any people are injured or killed in Manila due to security lapses in any private entity in Manila, such as restaurants, shopping malls, hotels, etc., it
is not the concern of the city government of Manila. The above is based on a statement from "Ricardo E. Guzman Chief of Staff Office of the Mayor City of
Manila" in a letter dated June 19, 2009 and addressed to me.
International open letter to Makati Mayor Binay
City Hall, Makati City, Philippines
For the benefit of people from other parts of world who may be thinking of coming to Makati City, Philippines,
are security lapses in private entities in Makati City, Philippines not the concern of the Makati city government?
International open letter to Mandaluyong City Mayor Abalos.
For the benefit of people from other parts of world who may be thinking of coming to Mandaluyong City, Philippines,
are security lapses in private entities in Mandaluyong City, Philippines not the concern of the Mandaluyong city government?
Energizer Wallplate Nightlights Recalled Due to Fire Hazard
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207
July 14, 2009
Release # 09-272 Firm’s Recall Hotline: (800) 782-2013
CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908
Energizer Wallplate Nightlights Recalled Due to Fire Hazard
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.
Name of Product: Energizer Light On Demand Wallplate Nightlights
Units: About 3,000
Importer: Energizer, of St. Louis, Mo.
Manufacturer: Sonco Product Co., of China
Hazard: The nightlight can overheat, especially if additional devices are plugged into its outlets, posing a fire hazard.
Incidents/Injuries: None reported.
Description: The recalled wall light is white, plugs into the wall, has a plug in base into which additional devices can be plugged, and has a removable/rechargeable light/flashlight. Model LODNLWP is stamped on the back of the unit. The wall light measures about 6 inches high, 5 inches wide, and 3 inches deep. No other Light on Demand products are included in this recall.
Sold at: Mass merchandisers, office supply stores, and various other retailers nationwide and on the Web from August 2008 through July 2009 for about $26.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using this recalled nightlight, unplug it, and contact Energizer for information on returning the light to receive a full refund.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Energizer at (800) 782-2013 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. CT Monday through Friday, or visit the firm’s Web site at www.energizer.com
Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition
Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), 2008-09 Edition
For hundreds of different types of jobs—such as teacher, lawyer, and nurse—the Occupational Outlook Handbook tells you:
* the training and education needed
* earnings
* expected job prospects
* what workers do on the job
* working conditions
In addition, the Handbook gives you job search tips, links to information about the job market in each State, and more.
Ways to use the Occupational Outlook Handbook site:
1. To find out about a specific occupation or topic, use the Search box that is on every page—enter your search term in the box.
2. To find out about many occupations, browse through listings using the Occupations links that are on the left side of each page.
3. For a listing of all occupations in alphabetical order, select a letter:
* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
About the Handbook: The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a nationally recognized source of career information, designed to provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions about their future work lives. The Handbook is revised every two years.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Travel advisory vs. Manila, Philippines
International advisory vs. Intercontinental Manila
which was a hotel and was located in Makati. For the benefit of customers, I sent a letter by registered mail to said hotel and I requested some
information about said hotel. I have evidence that said letter was received by said hotel, but said hotel did not provide me with any reply until after
I complained to the DTI BTRCP. Even after said Department of Trade and Industry Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection endorsed my said letter
to said hotel, said hotel, in a letter dated July 2, 2009, did not provide me with the proofs I requested. For example, my registered letter received by
said hotel contained the following request: "If said hotel has a swimming pool, provide soonest to me, proofs, if any, that said pool is safe for swimming."
Said hotel did not provide me with any proofs that said swimming pool is safe for swimming by humans. The signature which appeared on said letter was
identified was being that of Charles Marshall General Manager.
Travel advisory vs. Manila, Philippines
I have evidence vs. the present Manila Mayor identified as Lim and the present Manila Vice-Mayor identified as Moreno. I believe they violated R.A. 6713. I
have seen security lapses in Manila City Hall, private entities in Manila, including shopping malls, etc.
if any people are injured or killed in Manila due to security lapses in restaurants, shopping malls, hotels, etc., it will not be the concern of the city
government of Manila since the above are private entities. The above statement is based on a statement from a source identified as Ricardo E. De Guzman Chief of Staff Office of the Mayor City of Manila in a letter dated June 19, 2009 and addressed to me. Said letter contained the following statement from said De Guzman:
"Security lapses in shopping malls are not the concern of the city government, being private entites."
Cold and Cough Medicines: Information for Parents
Recent safety concerns have prompted drug manufacturers to change their labels stating that cough and cold medicines should NOT be given to
children younger than age 4. Parents can take some steps now to help keep their children safe.
Each year, thousands of children under age 12 go to emergency rooms after taking over-the-counter cough and cold medicines. Most of these children were unsupervised when they took the medicine.
In response to safety concerns, the leading manufacturers of children's cough and cold medicines are voluntarily changing the labels on these products to state that they should not be used in children younger than 4 years of age.
Previously, the labels stated that these medicines should not be given to children under age 2. Products with the old labels will not be removed immediately from store shelves but are expected to gradually be replaced with products bearing the new labels. Doctors and nurses should be aware of the new labels and alert parents and caregivers about this important change.
Parents can help protect their children by doing the following:
* Throw away old cold and cough medicines labeled for children less than age 4.
* Read the label carefully to see what ingredients are in any medicine you give your child.
* Don't leave any medicines where your child might be able to reach them.
* Don't tell children that medicine is candy.
* Don't take adult medicines in front of your child.
* Don't give children younger than age 4 any medicines intended for older children.
* Don't give your child two medicines that contain the same ingredients.
For tips on safely managing coughs and colds, talk to your child's doctor or your pharmacist.
More Information
* Revised Product Labels for Pediatric Over-the-Counter Cough and Cold Medicines. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. MMWR 2008;57:1180.
* FDA Statement Following CHPA's Announcement on Nonprescription Over-the-Counter Cough and Cold Medicines in Children
* Statement from Consumer Healthcare Products Association on the Voluntary Label Updates to Oral OTC Children's Cough and Cold: Medicines
* Tips to Prevent Poisonings, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
* Schaefer MK, Shehab N, Cohen AL, Budnitz DS. Adverse Events Attributable to Cough and Cold Medications in Children.* Pediatrics. Epub 28 Jan 2008. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2007-3638.
# Page last reviewed: January 14, 2009
# Page last updated: January 14, 2009
# Content source: National Center for Preparedness, Detection, and Control of Infectious Diseases, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion (DHQP)
# Page maintained by: National Center for Health Marketing, Division of eHealth Marketing
# URL for this page: http://www.cdc.gov/Features/PediatricColdMeds/
FDA: New Public Health Regulation to Improve Egg Safety and Reduce Salmonella Illnesses
For Immediate Release: July 7, 2009
FDA: New Public Health Regulation to Improve Egg Safety and Reduce Salmonella Illnesses
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced a regulation expected to prevent each year 79,000 cases of foodborne illness and 30 deaths caused by consumption of eggs contaminated with the bacterium Salmonella Enteritidis.
The final rule requires preventive measures during the production of shell eggs in poultry houses and requires subsequent refrigeration during storage and transportation.
Egg-associated illness caused by Salmonella is a serious public health problem. Infected individuals may suffer mild to severe gastrointestinal illness, short term or chronic arthritis, or even death. Implementing the preventive measures would reduce the number of Salmonella Enteritidis infections from eggs by nearly 60 percent.
“Preventing harm to consumers is our first priority,” said Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D., Commissioner of Food and Drugs. “Today's action will prevent thousands of serious illnesses from Salmonella in eggs.”
Salmonella Enteritidis can be found inside eggs that appear perfectly normal. If the eggs are eaten raw or undercooked, the bacterium can cause illness. Eggs in the shell become contaminated on the farm, primarily because of infection in the laying hens.
The rule requires that measures designed to prevent Salmonella Enteritidis be adopted by virtually all egg producers with 3,000 or more laying hens whose shell eggs are not processed with a treatment, such as pasteurization, to ensure their safety.
Producers with at least 3,000 but fewer than 50,000 laying hens must comply within 36 months after the rule’s publication. Producers with 50,000 or more laying hens must be in compliance with the rule within 12 months after its publication in the Federal Register.
Under the rule, egg producers must:
* Buy chicks and young hens only from suppliers who monitor for Salmonella bacteria
* Establish rodent, pest control, and biosecurity measures to prevent spread of bacteria throughout the farm by people and equipment
* Conduct testing in the poultry house for Salmonella Enteritidis. If the tests find the bacterium, a representative sample of the eggs must be tested over an 8 week time period (4 tests at 2 week intervals); If any of the four egg tests is positive, the producer must further process the eggs to destroy the bacteria, or divert the eggs to a non-food use
* Clean and disinfect poultry houses that have tested positive for Salmonella Enteritidis
* Refrigerate eggs at 45 degrees Fahrenheit temperature during storage and transportation no later than 36 hours after the eggs are laid.
Egg producers whose eggs receive treatments such as pasteurization still must comply with the refrigeration requirements. Similarly, certain persons such as distributors, packers, or truckers holding or transporting shell eggs also must comply with the refrigeration requirements.
To ensure compliance, egg producers must maintain a written Salmonella Enteritidis prevention plan and records documenting their compliance. Producers (except those who have less than 3000 hens or who sell all their eggs directly to consumers) also must register with the FDA. The FDA will develop guidance and enforcement plans to help egg producers comply with the rule.
The FDA estimated that the rule would provide $1.4 billion in annual public health benefits, at an annual cost of $81 million to the regulated industry, or less than 1 cent per dozen eggs produced in the United States.
During the 1990s, the FDA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture implemented a series of post-egg production safety efforts such as refrigeration requirements designed to inhibit the growth of bacteria that may be in an egg. While these steps limited the growth of bacteria, they did not prevent the initial contamination from occurring.
The new rule is part of a coordinated strategy between the FDA and the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The FDA and the FSIS will continue to work closely together to ensure that egg safety measures are consistent, coordinated, and complementary.
In addition to the new safety measures being taken by industry, consumers can reduce their risk of foodborne illness by following safe egg handling practices. The FDA reminds consumers to buy eggs that have been refrigerated, make sure eggs in the carton are clean and not cracked, and cook eggs and foods containing eggs thoroughly.
For more information:
RSS Feed for FDA News Releases [what is RSS?]
Page Last Updated: 07/08/2009
Note: If you need help accessing information in different file formats, see Instructions for Downloading Viewers and Players.
which was a hotel and was located in Makati. For the benefit of customers, I sent a letter by registered mail to said hotel and I requested some
information about said hotel. I have evidence that said letter was received by said hotel, but said hotel did not provide me with any reply until after
I complained to the DTI BTRCP. Even after said Department of Trade and Industry Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection endorsed my said letter
to said hotel, said hotel, in a letter dated July 2, 2009, did not provide me with the proofs I requested. For example, my registered letter received by
said hotel contained the following request: "If said hotel has a swimming pool, provide soonest to me, proofs, if any, that said pool is safe for swimming."
Said hotel did not provide me with any proofs that said swimming pool is safe for swimming by humans. The signature which appeared on said letter was
identified was being that of Charles Marshall General Manager.
Travel advisory vs. Manila, Philippines
I have evidence vs. the present Manila Mayor identified as Lim and the present Manila Vice-Mayor identified as Moreno. I believe they violated R.A. 6713. I
have seen security lapses in Manila City Hall, private entities in Manila, including shopping malls, etc.
if any people are injured or killed in Manila due to security lapses in restaurants, shopping malls, hotels, etc., it will not be the concern of the city
government of Manila since the above are private entities. The above statement is based on a statement from a source identified as Ricardo E. De Guzman Chief of Staff Office of the Mayor City of Manila in a letter dated June 19, 2009 and addressed to me. Said letter contained the following statement from said De Guzman:
"Security lapses in shopping malls are not the concern of the city government, being private entites."
Cold and Cough Medicines: Information for Parents
Recent safety concerns have prompted drug manufacturers to change their labels stating that cough and cold medicines should NOT be given to
children younger than age 4. Parents can take some steps now to help keep their children safe.
Each year, thousands of children under age 12 go to emergency rooms after taking over-the-counter cough and cold medicines. Most of these children were unsupervised when they took the medicine.
In response to safety concerns, the leading manufacturers of children's cough and cold medicines are voluntarily changing the labels on these products to state that they should not be used in children younger than 4 years of age.
Previously, the labels stated that these medicines should not be given to children under age 2. Products with the old labels will not be removed immediately from store shelves but are expected to gradually be replaced with products bearing the new labels. Doctors and nurses should be aware of the new labels and alert parents and caregivers about this important change.
Parents can help protect their children by doing the following:
* Throw away old cold and cough medicines labeled for children less than age 4.
* Read the label carefully to see what ingredients are in any medicine you give your child.
* Don't leave any medicines where your child might be able to reach them.
* Don't tell children that medicine is candy.
* Don't take adult medicines in front of your child.
* Don't give children younger than age 4 any medicines intended for older children.
* Don't give your child two medicines that contain the same ingredients.
For tips on safely managing coughs and colds, talk to your child's doctor or your pharmacist.
More Information
* Revised Product Labels for Pediatric Over-the-Counter Cough and Cold Medicines. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. MMWR 2008;57:1180.
* FDA Statement Following CHPA's Announcement on Nonprescription Over-the-Counter Cough and Cold Medicines in Children
* Statement from Consumer Healthcare Products Association on the Voluntary Label Updates to Oral OTC Children's Cough and Cold: Medicines
* Tips to Prevent Poisonings, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
* Schaefer MK, Shehab N, Cohen AL, Budnitz DS. Adverse Events Attributable to Cough and Cold Medications in Children.* Pediatrics. Epub 28 Jan 2008. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2007-3638.
# Page last reviewed: January 14, 2009
# Page last updated: January 14, 2009
# Content source: National Center for Preparedness, Detection, and Control of Infectious Diseases, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion (DHQP)
# Page maintained by: National Center for Health Marketing, Division of eHealth Marketing
# URL for this page: http://www.cdc.gov/Features/PediatricColdMeds/
FDA: New Public Health Regulation to Improve Egg Safety and Reduce Salmonella Illnesses
For Immediate Release: July 7, 2009
FDA: New Public Health Regulation to Improve Egg Safety and Reduce Salmonella Illnesses
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced a regulation expected to prevent each year 79,000 cases of foodborne illness and 30 deaths caused by consumption of eggs contaminated with the bacterium Salmonella Enteritidis.
The final rule requires preventive measures during the production of shell eggs in poultry houses and requires subsequent refrigeration during storage and transportation.
Egg-associated illness caused by Salmonella is a serious public health problem. Infected individuals may suffer mild to severe gastrointestinal illness, short term or chronic arthritis, or even death. Implementing the preventive measures would reduce the number of Salmonella Enteritidis infections from eggs by nearly 60 percent.
“Preventing harm to consumers is our first priority,” said Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D., Commissioner of Food and Drugs. “Today's action will prevent thousands of serious illnesses from Salmonella in eggs.”
Salmonella Enteritidis can be found inside eggs that appear perfectly normal. If the eggs are eaten raw or undercooked, the bacterium can cause illness. Eggs in the shell become contaminated on the farm, primarily because of infection in the laying hens.
The rule requires that measures designed to prevent Salmonella Enteritidis be adopted by virtually all egg producers with 3,000 or more laying hens whose shell eggs are not processed with a treatment, such as pasteurization, to ensure their safety.
Producers with at least 3,000 but fewer than 50,000 laying hens must comply within 36 months after the rule’s publication. Producers with 50,000 or more laying hens must be in compliance with the rule within 12 months after its publication in the Federal Register.
Under the rule, egg producers must:
* Buy chicks and young hens only from suppliers who monitor for Salmonella bacteria
* Establish rodent, pest control, and biosecurity measures to prevent spread of bacteria throughout the farm by people and equipment
* Conduct testing in the poultry house for Salmonella Enteritidis. If the tests find the bacterium, a representative sample of the eggs must be tested over an 8 week time period (4 tests at 2 week intervals); If any of the four egg tests is positive, the producer must further process the eggs to destroy the bacteria, or divert the eggs to a non-food use
* Clean and disinfect poultry houses that have tested positive for Salmonella Enteritidis
* Refrigerate eggs at 45 degrees Fahrenheit temperature during storage and transportation no later than 36 hours after the eggs are laid.
Egg producers whose eggs receive treatments such as pasteurization still must comply with the refrigeration requirements. Similarly, certain persons such as distributors, packers, or truckers holding or transporting shell eggs also must comply with the refrigeration requirements.
To ensure compliance, egg producers must maintain a written Salmonella Enteritidis prevention plan and records documenting their compliance. Producers (except those who have less than 3000 hens or who sell all their eggs directly to consumers) also must register with the FDA. The FDA will develop guidance and enforcement plans to help egg producers comply with the rule.
The FDA estimated that the rule would provide $1.4 billion in annual public health benefits, at an annual cost of $81 million to the regulated industry, or less than 1 cent per dozen eggs produced in the United States.
During the 1990s, the FDA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture implemented a series of post-egg production safety efforts such as refrigeration requirements designed to inhibit the growth of bacteria that may be in an egg. While these steps limited the growth of bacteria, they did not prevent the initial contamination from occurring.
The new rule is part of a coordinated strategy between the FDA and the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The FDA and the FSIS will continue to work closely together to ensure that egg safety measures are consistent, coordinated, and complementary.
In addition to the new safety measures being taken by industry, consumers can reduce their risk of foodborne illness by following safe egg handling practices. The FDA reminds consumers to buy eggs that have been refrigerated, make sure eggs in the carton are clean and not cracked, and cook eggs and foods containing eggs thoroughly.
For more information:
RSS Feed for FDA News Releases [what is RSS?]
Page Last Updated: 07/08/2009
Note: If you need help accessing information in different file formats, see Instructions for Downloading Viewers and Players.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Evidence vs. Philippine Tourism Secretary
Evidence vs. Tourism Secretary. I believe he violated R.A. 6713;
Warning and evidence vs: Italianni's restaurant, 2/F Entertainment Mall, Mall of Asia, Pasay City; ShopWise Super Center, Harrison Plaza, Manila; Harbor View Restaurant, Building F, San Miguel By the Bay, SM Mall of Asia, Pasay City;
Aveneto Restaurant, G/F Entertainment Mall, Mall of Asia, Pasay City; Eskaya Beach Resort & Spa, Panglao Island, Bohol.
Warning and evidence vs: Italianni's restaurant, 2/F Entertainment Mall, Mall of Asia, Pasay City; ShopWise Super Center, Harrison Plaza, Manila; Harbor View Restaurant, Building F, San Miguel By the Bay, SM Mall of Asia, Pasay City;
Aveneto Restaurant, G/F Entertainment Mall, Mall of Asia, Pasay City; Eskaya Beach Resort & Spa, Panglao Island, Bohol.
Friday, July 10, 2009
international advisory re entering Manila city
customer advisory vs. Ace Hardware
at SM City Manila and vs. Pest Control Shield imported device which said store sold to me.
In the sales invoice No. 028830 dated 7/8/09, the Ace Hardware employee who prepared said invoice, intially did not identify said product as "PEST SHIELD".
It was only after I complained did said employee write in said name. Also, said device did not bear any visible indication as to the name and address of
the importer of said product. And very important is the fact that said device, when it was turned on, adversely affected my head.
customer advisory vs. Intercontinental Manila
which was a hotel and was located in Makati. For the benefit of customers, I sent a letter by registered mail to said hotel and I requested some information about said hotel. I have evidence that said letter was received by said hotel, but said hotel did not provide me with any reply until after I complained to the DTI BTRCP. Even after said Department of Trade and Industry Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection endorsed my said letter to said hotel, said hotel, in a letter dated July 2, 2009, did not provide me with the proofs I requested. For example, my registered letter received by said hotel contained the following request: "If
said hotel has a swimming pool, provide soonest to me, proofs, if any, that said pool is safe for swimming."
Said hotel did not provide me with any proofs that said swimming pool is safe for swimming by humans. The signature which appeared on said letter was identified was being that of Charles Marshall General Manager".
International advisory regarding being in the city of Manila, in the Philippines. The present mayor of Manila is Alfredo S. Lim and the present vice-mayor of Manila is Isko Moreno. I believe they violated R.A. 6713. I have evidence against them.
A source identified as Ricardo E. De Guzman, Chief of Staff, Office of the Mayor City of Manila stated, in a letter dated June 19, 2009 and addressed to me that security lapses in shopping malls in Manila are not the concern of the city government, being private entities. Based on said statement,security lapses in restaurants and hotels in Manila, movie theatres, are also not the concern of the Manila city government.
web site with usefu,free information
OneLook Reverse Dictionary
OneLook's reverse dictionary lets you describe a concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept. Your description can be a few words, a sentence, a question, or even just a single word. Just type it into the box above and hit the "Find words" button. Keep it short to get the best results. In most cases you'll get back a list of related terms with the best matches shown first.
at SM City Manila and vs. Pest Control Shield imported device which said store sold to me.
In the sales invoice No. 028830 dated 7/8/09, the Ace Hardware employee who prepared said invoice, intially did not identify said product as "PEST SHIELD".
It was only after I complained did said employee write in said name. Also, said device did not bear any visible indication as to the name and address of
the importer of said product. And very important is the fact that said device, when it was turned on, adversely affected my head.
customer advisory vs. Intercontinental Manila
which was a hotel and was located in Makati. For the benefit of customers, I sent a letter by registered mail to said hotel and I requested some information about said hotel. I have evidence that said letter was received by said hotel, but said hotel did not provide me with any reply until after I complained to the DTI BTRCP. Even after said Department of Trade and Industry Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection endorsed my said letter to said hotel, said hotel, in a letter dated July 2, 2009, did not provide me with the proofs I requested. For example, my registered letter received by said hotel contained the following request: "If
said hotel has a swimming pool, provide soonest to me, proofs, if any, that said pool is safe for swimming."
Said hotel did not provide me with any proofs that said swimming pool is safe for swimming by humans. The signature which appeared on said letter was identified was being that of Charles Marshall General Manager".
International advisory regarding being in the city of Manila, in the Philippines. The present mayor of Manila is Alfredo S. Lim and the present vice-mayor of Manila is Isko Moreno. I believe they violated R.A. 6713. I have evidence against them.
A source identified as Ricardo E. De Guzman, Chief of Staff, Office of the Mayor City of Manila stated, in a letter dated June 19, 2009 and addressed to me that security lapses in shopping malls in Manila are not the concern of the city government, being private entities. Based on said statement,security lapses in restaurants and hotels in Manila, movie theatres, are also not the concern of the Manila city government.
web site with usefu,free information
OneLook Reverse Dictionary
OneLook's reverse dictionary lets you describe a concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept. Your description can be a few words, a sentence, a question, or even just a single word. Just type it into the box above and hit the "Find words" button. Keep it short to get the best results. In most cases you'll get back a list of related terms with the best matches shown first.
Monday, July 6, 2009
advisory re columnist Millet Mananquil and Johnson and Johnson, Inc.which was identified as the local source of: Johnson' s Pure Essentials, Modess and
Carefree, Band-Aid brand of adhesive bandages, Life-Scan glucose monitoring systems, Neutrogena facial, body and hair care products for adults, Ethicon
sutures. Said Millet Mananquil made public claims regarding a Neutrogena product. There is evidence that said corporation received my request for
information regarding said claims by said Mananquil regarding said product. I received a letter dated May 19, 2009 and bearing the name of said corporation
and the name "Michell F. Frondozo - Customer Service Specialist" as the sender of said letter. Said letter from Johnson and Johnson, Inc. did not support
said claims by said Mananquil regarding Neutrogena product. There is evidence that a representative of the Department of Trade and Industry Bureau of
Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection accepted my complaint vs. said corporation.
evidence vs. Mandaluyong Vice-Mayor
I believe said vice-mayor violated R.A. 6713. There is evidence that sometime between March 20, 2009 and April 13, 2009, said vice-mayor, or his agent, received my registered letter addressed to said vice-mayor and dated March 19, 2009.
Said letter was a customer advisory vs. SM Megamall, Abenson, Power Nut Store and Domini M. Torrevillas. I received back on April 14, 2009, the registry
return receipt for said letter, which was designated as registered letter No. 8833. Up to July 3, 2009, said mayor has not provided me with a reply to said
web sites with useful free information:
CDC Features _ Men's Health
Men can take daily steps to live a safer and healthier life, prevent disease and disability, and protect themselves.
Men can be safer, stronger, and healthier at work, home, and play by taking daily steps and getting care when needed. Improving men's health is not limited to the doctor's office or hospital. Improving men's health starts at home with individuals and families taking steps to live safer and healthier lives.
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Fact Sheets & Brochures
Family History is Important for Health
* English: Link here to download free Adobe Reader Fact Sheet (69KB) | globe icon Web Version | Link here to download free Adobe Reader Brochure (627KB)
* Spanish: pdf icon Fact Sheet (64KB) | globe icon Web Version
Does Diabetes Run in Your Family?
* English: Link here to download free Adobe Reader Brochure (1.81MB)
* Spanish: pdf icon Brochure (1.7MB)
February 1, 2008
Media Inquiries:
Susan Cruzan, 301-827-6242
Rita Chappelle, 301-827-6242
Consumer Inquiries:
FDA Issues Public Health Advisory on Chantix
Agency requests that manufacturer add new safety warnings for smoking cessation drug
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today issued a Public Health Advisory to alert health care providers, patients, and caregivers to new safety warnings concerning Chantix (varenicline), a prescription medication used to help patients stop smoking.
On Nov. 20, 2007, FDA issued an Early Communication to the public and health care providers that the agency was evaluating postmarketing adverse event reports on Chantix related to changes in behavior, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal ideation, and actual suicidal behavior.
As the agency's review of the adverse event reports proceeds, it appears increasingly likely that there may be an association between Chantix and serious neuropsychiatric symptoms. As a result, FDA has requested that Pfizer, the manufacturer of Chantix, elevate the prominence of this safety information to the warnings and precautions section of the Chantix prescribing information, or labeling. In addition, FDA is working with Pfizer to finalize a Medication Guide for patients. This is an example of FDA working with drug manufacturers throughout products' lifecycles to keep health care professionals and patients informed of new and emerging safety data.
"Chantix has proven to be effective in smokers motivated to quit, but patients and health care professionals need the latest safety information to make an informed decision regarding whether or not to use this product," said Bob Rappaport, M.D., director of the FDA's Division of Anesthesia, Analgesia and Rheumatology Products. "While Chantix has demonstrated clear evidence of efficacy, it is important to consider these safety concerns and alert the public about these risks. Patients should talk with their doctors about this new information and whether Chantix is the right drug for them, and health care professionals should closely monitor patients for behavior and mood changes if they are taking this drug."
Chantix was approved by FDA in May 2006 as a smoking cessation drug. Chantix acts at sites in the brain affected by nicotine and may help those who wish to stop smoking by providing some nicotine effects to ease the withdrawal symptoms and by blocking the effects of nicotine from cigarettes if users resume smoking.
In the Public Health Advisory and a Health Care Professional Sheet that was also issued today, FDA emphasized the following safety information for patients, caregivers, and health care professionals:
* Patients should tell their health care provider about any history of psychiatric illness prior to starting Chantix. Chantix may cause worsening of current psychiatric illness even if it is currently under control. It may also cause an old psychiatric illness to reoccur. FDA notes that patients with these illnesses were not included in the studies conducted for the drug's approval.
* Health care professionals, patients, patients' families, and caregivers should be alert to and monitor for changes in mood and behavior in patients treated with Chantix. Symptoms may include anxiety, nervousness, tension, depressed mood, unusual behaviors and thinking about or attempting suicide. In most cases, neuropsychiatric symptoms developed during Chantix treatment, but in others, symptoms developed following withdrawal of varenicline therapy.
* Patients should immediately report changes in mood and behavior to their doctor.
* Vivid, unusual, or strange dreams may occur while taking Chantix.
* Patients taking Chantix may experience impairment of the ability to drive or operate heavy machinery.
FDA will continue to update health care professionals with new information from FDA's continuing review or if new information is received on Chantix and serious neuropsychiatric symptoms. FDA may consider requesting further revisions to the labeling or taking other regulatory action as the agency's continuing reviews and conclusions warrant.
For more information:
Page Last Updated: 06/18/2009
Advisory re Sonca brand flashlights
which have been sold in the Philippines. The following was on the web site of what was identified as the U.S. government web site Consumer Product Safety Commission:
"CPSC & Sonca Products Recall Toy Flashlights
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207
September 22, 1999
Release # 99-172a Company Phone Number: (800) 669-6394
CPSC Consumer Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: Kim Dulic, (301) 504-7058
CPSC & Sonca Products Recall Toy Flashlights
PRODUCT: Toy flashlights - Sonca Products Ltd., of Hong Kong, is voluntarily recalling about 5,500 toy flashlights. The flashlight came with Playmobil's Coastal Search and Rescue Boats toy set (item 3063), which included a rescue boat, rescue raft, diver, and captain among other diving equipment. The toy set is not part of the recall, only the flashlight. The flashlights are made of blue rubber, measure about 6.25 inches long, and have a black cord attached. The flashlight operates with two "AA" batteries. The word "PLAYMOBIL" is on the side of the flashlight. Independent toy stores nationwide sold the toy set containing the recalled flashlight from July 1999 to September 1999 for about $40.
PROBLEM: The spring in the flashlight's battery compartment can dislodge, causing the batteries to overheat or leak. Children can suffer burns from the leaking battery.
INCIDENTS/INJURIES: Sonca has received four reports from Europe of batteries overheating or leaking. There have been two reports of minor property damage and two minor injuries, including eye irritation and skin burns.
WHAT TO DO: Consumers should take the flashlight away from children immediately. Consumers should call Sonca at (800) 669-6394 between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. CT Monday through Friday for instructions on returning the flashlight for a $5 refund. Consumers also can access the company's web site at www.sonca.com."
web site with useful, free information:
recalls org web site
safetyandchildren web site
ice cat web site
kidsindanger org web site
American Podiatric Medical Association
Carefree, Band-Aid brand of adhesive bandages, Life-Scan glucose monitoring systems, Neutrogena facial, body and hair care products for adults, Ethicon
sutures. Said Millet Mananquil made public claims regarding a Neutrogena product. There is evidence that said corporation received my request for
information regarding said claims by said Mananquil regarding said product. I received a letter dated May 19, 2009 and bearing the name of said corporation
and the name "Michell F. Frondozo - Customer Service Specialist" as the sender of said letter. Said letter from Johnson and Johnson, Inc. did not support
said claims by said Mananquil regarding Neutrogena product. There is evidence that a representative of the Department of Trade and Industry Bureau of
Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection accepted my complaint vs. said corporation.
evidence vs. Mandaluyong Vice-Mayor
I believe said vice-mayor violated R.A. 6713. There is evidence that sometime between March 20, 2009 and April 13, 2009, said vice-mayor, or his agent, received my registered letter addressed to said vice-mayor and dated March 19, 2009.
Said letter was a customer advisory vs. SM Megamall, Abenson, Power Nut Store and Domini M. Torrevillas. I received back on April 14, 2009, the registry
return receipt for said letter, which was designated as registered letter No. 8833. Up to July 3, 2009, said mayor has not provided me with a reply to said
web sites with useful free information:
CDC Features _ Men's Health
Men can take daily steps to live a safer and healthier life, prevent disease and disability, and protect themselves.
Men can be safer, stronger, and healthier at work, home, and play by taking daily steps and getting care when needed. Improving men's health is not limited to the doctor's office or hospital. Improving men's health starts at home with individuals and families taking steps to live safer and healthier lives.
Current Features
* Cancer and Men
* Disparities & Youth
* Elder Abuse
* H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)
* Men's Health
* Muscular Dystrophy
* Sickle Cell
* Features Index
* Features by Date
Be Informed About Your Health
Learn your family health history.
Are there any new conditions or diseases that have occurred in your close relatives since your last visit? If so, let your doctor or nurse know. Family history might influence your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, or cancer. Your doctor or nurse will assess your risk of disease based on your family history and other factors. He or she may also recommend things you can do to help prevent disease, such as exercising more, changing your diet, or using screening tests to help detect disease early.
Using Family History to Promote Health
Fact Sheets & Brochures
Family History is Important for Health
* English: Link here to download free Adobe Reader Fact Sheet (69KB) | globe icon Web Version | Link here to download free Adobe Reader Brochure (627KB)
* Spanish: pdf icon Fact Sheet (64KB) | globe icon Web Version
Does Diabetes Run in Your Family?
* English: Link here to download free Adobe Reader Brochure (1.81MB)
* Spanish: pdf icon Brochure (1.7MB)
February 1, 2008
Media Inquiries:
Susan Cruzan, 301-827-6242
Rita Chappelle, 301-827-6242
Consumer Inquiries:
FDA Issues Public Health Advisory on Chantix
Agency requests that manufacturer add new safety warnings for smoking cessation drug
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today issued a Public Health Advisory to alert health care providers, patients, and caregivers to new safety warnings concerning Chantix (varenicline), a prescription medication used to help patients stop smoking.
On Nov. 20, 2007, FDA issued an Early Communication to the public and health care providers that the agency was evaluating postmarketing adverse event reports on Chantix related to changes in behavior, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal ideation, and actual suicidal behavior.
As the agency's review of the adverse event reports proceeds, it appears increasingly likely that there may be an association between Chantix and serious neuropsychiatric symptoms. As a result, FDA has requested that Pfizer, the manufacturer of Chantix, elevate the prominence of this safety information to the warnings and precautions section of the Chantix prescribing information, or labeling. In addition, FDA is working with Pfizer to finalize a Medication Guide for patients. This is an example of FDA working with drug manufacturers throughout products' lifecycles to keep health care professionals and patients informed of new and emerging safety data.
"Chantix has proven to be effective in smokers motivated to quit, but patients and health care professionals need the latest safety information to make an informed decision regarding whether or not to use this product," said Bob Rappaport, M.D., director of the FDA's Division of Anesthesia, Analgesia and Rheumatology Products. "While Chantix has demonstrated clear evidence of efficacy, it is important to consider these safety concerns and alert the public about these risks. Patients should talk with their doctors about this new information and whether Chantix is the right drug for them, and health care professionals should closely monitor patients for behavior and mood changes if they are taking this drug."
Chantix was approved by FDA in May 2006 as a smoking cessation drug. Chantix acts at sites in the brain affected by nicotine and may help those who wish to stop smoking by providing some nicotine effects to ease the withdrawal symptoms and by blocking the effects of nicotine from cigarettes if users resume smoking.
In the Public Health Advisory and a Health Care Professional Sheet that was also issued today, FDA emphasized the following safety information for patients, caregivers, and health care professionals:
* Patients should tell their health care provider about any history of psychiatric illness prior to starting Chantix. Chantix may cause worsening of current psychiatric illness even if it is currently under control. It may also cause an old psychiatric illness to reoccur. FDA notes that patients with these illnesses were not included in the studies conducted for the drug's approval.
* Health care professionals, patients, patients' families, and caregivers should be alert to and monitor for changes in mood and behavior in patients treated with Chantix. Symptoms may include anxiety, nervousness, tension, depressed mood, unusual behaviors and thinking about or attempting suicide. In most cases, neuropsychiatric symptoms developed during Chantix treatment, but in others, symptoms developed following withdrawal of varenicline therapy.
* Patients should immediately report changes in mood and behavior to their doctor.
* Vivid, unusual, or strange dreams may occur while taking Chantix.
* Patients taking Chantix may experience impairment of the ability to drive or operate heavy machinery.
FDA will continue to update health care professionals with new information from FDA's continuing review or if new information is received on Chantix and serious neuropsychiatric symptoms. FDA may consider requesting further revisions to the labeling or taking other regulatory action as the agency's continuing reviews and conclusions warrant.
For more information:
Page Last Updated: 06/18/2009
Advisory re Sonca brand flashlights
which have been sold in the Philippines. The following was on the web site of what was identified as the U.S. government web site Consumer Product Safety Commission:
"CPSC & Sonca Products Recall Toy Flashlights
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207
September 22, 1999
Release # 99-172a Company Phone Number: (800) 669-6394
CPSC Consumer Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: Kim Dulic, (301) 504-7058
CPSC & Sonca Products Recall Toy Flashlights
PRODUCT: Toy flashlights - Sonca Products Ltd., of Hong Kong, is voluntarily recalling about 5,500 toy flashlights. The flashlight came with Playmobil's Coastal Search and Rescue Boats toy set (item 3063), which included a rescue boat, rescue raft, diver, and captain among other diving equipment. The toy set is not part of the recall, only the flashlight. The flashlights are made of blue rubber, measure about 6.25 inches long, and have a black cord attached. The flashlight operates with two "AA" batteries. The word "PLAYMOBIL" is on the side of the flashlight. Independent toy stores nationwide sold the toy set containing the recalled flashlight from July 1999 to September 1999 for about $40.
PROBLEM: The spring in the flashlight's battery compartment can dislodge, causing the batteries to overheat or leak. Children can suffer burns from the leaking battery.
INCIDENTS/INJURIES: Sonca has received four reports from Europe of batteries overheating or leaking. There have been two reports of minor property damage and two minor injuries, including eye irritation and skin burns.
WHAT TO DO: Consumers should take the flashlight away from children immediately. Consumers should call Sonca at (800) 669-6394 between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. CT Monday through Friday for instructions on returning the flashlight for a $5 refund. Consumers also can access the company's web site at www.sonca.com."
web site with useful, free information:
recalls org web site
safetyandchildren web site
ice cat web site
kidsindanger org web site
American Podiatric Medical Association
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image of registry return receipt of letter addressed to Makati councilor J. J. Binay

